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09:21 / 30.10.06
Ah, Mister D. - but why are you wasting time drawing attention to misogyny on the part of Catholic clerics when Sir Mix-a-Lot remains at large?
All Acting Regiment
09:41 / 30.10.06
We're very much on the leaden echo with the current batch of botulists, aren't we? Let's have some gold, becasue I for one am feeling fagged and fashed by all this.
Kiltartan Cross
09:41 / 30.10.06
Enjoying yourself, Haus? Strange to see you "calling" me - I thought you were trying to avoid me?
Disco is My Class War
09:48 / 30.10.06
I am gonna get Sir Mix-A-Lot. We're gonna joust. On big horses. I swear it. And there'll be some virgin-saving, too. I've planned it for about mid-2007.
09:52 / 30.10.06
Well, Kay, I believe that when I last undertook to avoid you, I also suggested to you that you review your posts, just to check whether you appeared to be saying that we should not be discussing x, where x was the actual topic of the thread, when y, which was something that was not the topic of the threead that SVO brown people were doing, was being done. I'd kind of hoped that that had percolated.

I would love to have the luxury of avoiding you, really, but right now I'm afraid that I don't. Sad but. Perhaps if you renewed your vows to try to avoid the above behaviour and then not wasting time that you might spend developing these skills in another hand of poor-me poker. Could you do that for me, Kay?
09:55 / 30.10.06
I note also that you are ignoring Mister Disco, Pegs and Flyboy, because this is just me being mean. This is unfortunate, and is itself a Barbannoy - that the tendency to fixate can actively detract from somebody's chances of improving their awareness of how they are behaving and how that behaviour is being seen.
12:29 / 30.10.06
Annoy- the Arlen Wilson quote in the Temple stupid questions. Not the quote itself (that's been noted upthread as guh) but the fact that it was a sexist quote, by a woman, prefaced by "in his infinite wisdom".

There it is, right there, that's the attitude that's bringing you grief dude. Look up heteronormative and then perhaps prejudice and then maybe bacteria;
"no, seriously, "i'm into magic" because i think we humans are star's extremities (or in a way similar to intestinal bacteries of the universe).

I am Sol's big toe, the E-coli of the Milky Way. Unles bacteries are something else?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:42 / 30.10.06
Come now, Quants. Don't you realise that adherance to rigid gender roles is the only way in which Humanity can become one with the Divine? How can all those late Victorian occultists be wrong?
Kiltartan Cross
13:27 / 30.10.06
I note also that you are ignoring Mister Disco, Pegs and Flyboy, because this is just me being mean. This is unfortunate, and is itself a Barbannoy - that the tendency to fixate can actively detract from somebody's chances of improving their awareness of how they are behaving and how that behaviour is being seen.

As it happens, dear, I've been talking to Pegs recently, I suspect Misted would rather I don't waste any more of hir time, and while Flyboy's attempts to engage with me consist of insults there's little point in trying to talk to him. Oh, and you were the one to "call" me here.

That you persist in seeing so many things I do as being in some way aimed at putting down the nasty brown people (and praising those heroic whites) is perplexing to me, particularly as I've recently been quite scathing in description of the historical and present behaviour of whites. That I don't believe that the actions of those people can be extended to imply a communal, intrinsic guilt to all whites - which would be a racist approach if ever there was one - is hardly a subtle point.

That you've previously managed to congratulate yourself on your magnanimity in praising me "when I'm not putting down the brownies", and yet continue to trot out your tired "you always put down the brownies!" line, is about as defensible a hypocrisy as your criticising me for "following you around" and then posting insults.

Just to put your mind at ease, though, your sentiments are my sentiments: I'd rather have as little to do with you as possible. Sorry. I don't have a crush on you, I'm afraid, although your earlier fantasy along those lines did make me smile. Fixate on you? No thanks.

You persist in trying to frame this as "me versus you". You suggest I see it that way, hmm? Nah. It's not a matter of "you versus me". It's "you versus all-comers". There's only one person here with a track record like yours - only one person who has attacked dozens if not hundreds of other posters, convinced of their "guilt" - you. Don't try to pretend you're one of a crowd of like-minded aggressors: you're not. Several people often agree with you; yes. You're probably right a lot of the time, even; yes. But only you launch attack after attack after attack, secure in your perfect, infallible righteousness.

On behalf of everybody you've patronised, misrepresented, insulted and/or hounded off this forum: get the plank out of your own eye before you criticise anyone else for "bad behaviour".

Still, though, there seems to be little gain to me in continuing along these lines. There's better to be had from the 'lith than being your sinner de jour. I shall be delighted not to have occasion to run into you in future; as the cultural side of Barbelith is worth considerably more to me than the debating side - especially if that debating side is going to be as tedious as this - I shall hie myself off to there.

13:45 / 30.10.06
Music: Why can't Ice Cube be Nice Cube?

Books: Ralph Ellison thinks he's got problems?

Games and Gameplay: Saints Row - do we really need this sort of nonsense?

Comic Books: Who's your least favourite Green Lantern?

Can't wait!
14:20 / 30.10.06
Kay, for what it's worth, I'm another person who finds your posts to pretty much follow the pattern described above, and I don't really get it. What do your "scathing" descriptions of whites (link please) have to do with anything? Do you imagine that will somehow undo what you've said before? I haven't gotten too into it with you previously because other people got there first and said things pretty clearly.

You know, there seems to always be a call for Haus, Flyboy, and others to just let people alone so that people who make comments that are dodgy about and around race won't feel persecuted. Can't you just say those things someplace else? Does it really strike you as so compelling and profound a truth that you absolutely cannot refrain from saying it to the rest of us here? The places where you can make posts that are racist are many while the places where one can have a rest from reading such posts are few.

I apologize if you feel insulted as a person by anything I've said here. I am not talking about you as a human being. I am talking about the content of your posts.
14:33 / 30.10.06
How can all those late Victorian occultists be wrong?

Thank god for the sixties and the liberation of women, except Mrs Wilson; thee Bob & Arlen show
14:47 / 30.10.06
That I don't believe that the actions of those people can be extended to imply a communal, intrinsic guilt to all whites - which would be a racist approach if ever there was one - is hardly a subtle point.

I think a way out of the current debacle might be to have a discussion about differences between privelege, entitlement and "guilt". Personally, I don't feel equipped to facilitate this discussion - I think there's people on the board who have a much clearer grasp on these matters than I. I have been trying to dig up a few old posts but no cigar, so far. I don't have time to start the thread today but will try and do so tomorrow if someone doesn't beat me to it.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:14 / 30.10.06
That you persist in seeing so many things I do as being in some way aimed at putting down the nasty brown people (and praising those heroic whites) is perplexing to me

Well, people's own prejudices are often invisible to them.

I would apologise for insulting you, only it strikes me as the only morally defensible position to take. Those who express racist positions in an eloquent, sophisticated way deserve even more hostility than those whose racism is less subtle.
19:57 / 30.10.06
Why can't Ice Cube be Nice Cube?

Because the position is taken, sucka.

Would you like your Home Invasion now, sir? I'll dust a little and alphabetise your books.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
12:15 / 31.10.06
Why is it that other people's weird drivel is carefully dissected and unpacked and examined, and my idiocies are just politely ignored and left to sink without comment? I'm entitled to engage in attention-seeking ridiculousness just as much as the next Barbelither, dag nabbit.
12:18 / 31.10.06
Novelty, mainly.
12:21 / 31.10.06
Maybe your dick's not gigantic enough.
12:32 / 31.10.06
Although, as a community, it would appear that we do indeed have a massive nob. He is, incidentally, my current Barbannoy.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
12:44 / 31.10.06
My nonsense needs to impact forcefully with your womb, is what you're saying. I'll get on that.
12:48 / 31.10.06
Sorry, Matt, that was far too coherent, and just not offensive enough. You're just not trying!
12:52 / 31.10.06
More seriously, we've got one of those dilemmas. Not too widespread, not too aggressive to individuals, but advancing incoherent and offensive ideas and not apparently being able to take on board comments or discussion, much less react to them.

How far does it go before we conclude that, malicious or not, this is a terrible, terrible thing to have in our name? And do we just ban the poor tortured man and have done with it?
12:54 / 31.10.06
Well, it appears he's decided to stop propagating this offensive theory of his, so I guess we see if he sticks to that.
12:57 / 31.10.06
I think he actually *is* a psychic vampire after all.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:59 / 31.10.06
I certainly feel like I've had the life sucked out of me.
12:59 / 31.10.06
... not apparently being able to take on board comments or discussion, much less react to them.

Well, he seems to have apologised and is making backing-off noises...
13:03 / 31.10.06
Ze got what ze asked for.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:08 / 31.10.06
I'm kind of disappointed that it took 3 pages, not counting the stuff in the Temple, before we got to the backing off noises. Esp. since we went through something simnilar with the same chap not too long back.
13:09 / 31.10.06
I guess... I was thinking it was kind of nice that it only took 24 hours. I think recent events have lowered my standards through the floor.
13:10 / 31.10.06
True. I daresay he's not alone in clinging doggedly to his pet theories in the face of everything. If he's learned anything at all, hopefully it's the gulf between offensive and "funny".
13:18 / 31.10.06
Tell you what, though. He's totally blown it with Sonja Aurora Madan.
13:19 / 31.10.06
If only Echobelly had actually been called Resonantuterus, it could have all been so different...
Evil Scientist
13:21 / 31.10.06

Mon Oncle Ignatius
15:13 / 31.10.06
You could change it to Resonantuterus Evil.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
15:16 / 31.10.06
Evil Scienresonantuterusist?

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