I note also that you are ignoring Mister Disco, Pegs and Flyboy, because this is just me being mean. This is unfortunate, and is itself a Barbannoy - that the tendency to fixate can actively detract from somebody's chances of improving their awareness of how they are behaving and how that behaviour is being seen.
As it happens, dear, I've been talking to Pegs recently, I suspect Misted would rather I don't waste any more of hir time, and while Flyboy's attempts to engage with me consist of insults there's little point in trying to talk to him. Oh, and you were the one to "call" me here.
That you persist in seeing so many things I do as being in some way aimed at putting down the nasty brown people (and praising those heroic whites) is perplexing to me, particularly as I've recently been quite scathing in description of the historical and present behaviour of whites. That I don't believe that the actions of those people can be extended to imply a communal, intrinsic guilt to all whites - which would be a racist approach if ever there was one - is hardly a subtle point.
That you've previously managed to congratulate yourself on your magnanimity in praising me "when I'm not putting down the brownies", and yet continue to trot out your tired "you always put down the brownies!" line, is about as defensible a hypocrisy as your criticising me for "following you around" and then posting insults.
Just to put your mind at ease, though, your sentiments are my sentiments: I'd rather have as little to do with you as possible. Sorry. I don't have a crush on you, I'm afraid, although your earlier fantasy along those lines did make me smile. Fixate on you? No thanks.
You persist in trying to frame this as "me versus you". You suggest I see it that way, hmm? Nah. It's not a matter of "you versus me". It's "you versus all-comers". There's only one person here with a track record like yours - only one person who has attacked dozens if not hundreds of other posters, convinced of their "guilt" - you. Don't try to pretend you're one of a crowd of like-minded aggressors: you're not. Several people often agree with you; yes. You're probably right a lot of the time, even; yes. But only you launch attack after attack after attack, secure in your perfect, infallible righteousness.
On behalf of everybody you've patronised, misrepresented, insulted and/or hounded off this forum: get the plank out of your own eye before you criticise anyone else for "bad behaviour".
Still, though, there seems to be little gain to me in continuing along these lines. There's better to be had from the 'lith than being your sinner de jour. I shall be delighted not to have occasion to run into you in future; as the cultural side of Barbelith is worth considerably more to me than the debating side - especially if that debating side is going to be as tedious as this - I shall hie myself off to there.
Ciao. |