...presumably suggesting that Tony "Dangerously Unstable" Stark's Superhero Registration Thingumajig is going to turn out to be his brain-wave about how to track down which ones are, indeed, Skrull super-spies?
You'd think after the whole "Johnny marrying a Skrull Imposter" debacle that Reed would have noticed something. Hell, you'd think after the Infinity War doppleganger-absorbing imposter thing that they'd have more sophisticated means of detection...which, theoretically, they do; Reed invented a duplicate-detecting machine back before the Infinity War, to watch out for FF insurrection by (ahem) Skrulls and the like, as well as unusual brain activity generated by mind control (particularly by the Puppet Master).
And yes, I've just displayed a distressing memory for mid-90s Marvel event comics that I only read a couple tie-ins for but somehow absorbed en masse via, I assure you, osmosis. And no doubt they'll just ignore the Duplicate-Detecting Device. |