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Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (SPOILERS)


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Mister Six, whom all the girls
15:01 / 31.05.05
Pray, a moment of silence for forehead guy.

Since my goal is not to change your opinion of the film I'm not going to argue just elaborate on my point. My point is that yes, aside from the assination of the jedi order whom we really should have been given some reason to care about all those big fight scenes were just flash and bang with Obi-Wan and Anakin flying unharmed through it all, even to the John Woo-like fight where neither can land a fucking hit on the other through the final fight for what felt like forever.

The cgi-ness really took from the real-ness of it all for me is what I'm getting at.

Also, can someone tell me what the hell the volcano planet was all about?? Is there any reason aside from George says so to even go to a volcano planet??
Keith, like a scientist
16:00 / 31.05.05
that's a good point about the CGI-ness of it. I agree somewhat.

I dunno about the volcanic planet thing, but basically, he's said for a long time (before the prequels even moved forward) that anakin got to be the way he is in the vader suit cause he fell into a volcano and was burned up.

Plus, the Hell/fallen angel imagery and stuff.

Beats me why hiding the separatists on the planet was a good idea...i guess cause no one would think of looking there, since it's all dangerous and toxic. Kind of flimsy, but...
Mister Six, whom all the girls
16:30 / 31.05.05
And what were the droids doing with the lava??

Lava mining?

And those two dudes on a skiff who are like "What the--?" as Anakin and Obi-Wan fly by... what was that all about? Will there be more cgi-ed characters added in the super special edition in 2300?
16:48 / 31.05.05
Yeah, he's going to try and shoehorn in characters he's planning to introduced in the Yoda preprequel. So the 2300 delux version is going to be a lot like Where's Waldo... we're all going to have tons of fun picking the main characters out of crowds.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
20:52 / 31.05.05
Isn't Lucas in it?

Isn't he actually... a CGI character? The old muppet had to be resigned, apparently, in favor of the new flashing computer sprite.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:50 / 01.06.05
Well, I've got little to add to what everyone else has already said, so I wont C&P it, if you want to see it it's here. In short = Christ that was painful.
Evil Scientist
13:36 / 02.06.05
Well, presumably the volcano planet was relatively mineral heavy and the Separatists were mining it to produce more raw material for their clanky, rubbish armies. Though there have to be more practical ways of doing it than having droids scoop up lava.
Yay Paul
13:31 / 06.06.05
<--------- See Nick
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:51 / 07.06.05
Well, Lady, although the review is itself quite impressive, I really loved your link to the lightsabre dildo's all that much more...

Cue plenty of 'Hmm, the force is strong in this one' and 'If you strike me now, I will (be)come more powerful(ly) than you can imagine' and other crap SW puns.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
13:56 / 07.06.05
Yoda prequels... AGGH!!!

I'm all ready to do my own 're-do' dubs in the classic Star Wars films. You know the behind the head slow-mo of Vader and the Emperor, oddly zommed in and slightly pixelated as we hear new dubbed-in lines:

Palp: "Isn't this the anniversary of your wife's death?"
Vader: "I never speak of Padme."

... followed by awkward zoom out and resume speed.

Does anyone else think that Knights of the Old Republic would make a far better film series?
nedrichards is confused
14:36 / 07.06.05
Yes, especially The Sith Lords.
14:31 / 08.06.05
Oh dear...

Quoted from AICN

This isn't a scoop by any means, but it turned my mind to gravy. I had to share it with someone who'd love it just as much.

I was scoping The Art of Star Wars, Episode Three this evening at the bookstore - gorgeous book, by the by - and stumbled on a snippet from one of the Sith concept artists, where he states that Lucas mentioned to them during the design phase that - though this will not be referenced in Ep. III - during the period of the Separatist invasion, Han Solo was living on Kashyyk, being raised by Wookies!

A buddy of mine who works at Fox mentioned a few weeks ago that he heard Peter Mayhew signed a multi-year contract with Lucasfilm before Sith. Could Chewie and young Han be featured on the T.V. show?

This shit fired my imagination. I had to pass it on.

-Baron Zemo
14:36 / 08.06.05
If they have Han Solo saying "Yippee!" even once, I'm going postal.
Pan Paniscus
14:40 / 08.06.05


A 'L'il Han & Chewie' TV series would be just awful. On ther other hand, if Chewbacca turns out to be Han's adopted child or something, it retcons their relationship in the OT into something much closer to that between Steptoe & Son. Which would work for me.
14:41 / 08.06.05
Jesus Christ. I was thinking about this the other day and how incredibly lame it is that having come up with this entire universe as a setting Lucas seems to have given up on it in favour of returning to the same tired locations and characters. Why wasn't Tatooine left out of the prequels? He had an entire galaxy of worlds to choose from, so why use one we've already seen? It's emblematic of the fanboyish lazy thinking that permeates all the prequels.
15:02 / 08.06.05
ould Chewie and young Han be featured on the T.V. show

That would suck so fucking much!
15:57 / 08.06.05
It's not the young Han and Chewie thing that bothers me so much as the parochial little universe Lucas is conjuring. It's completely at odds with why I fell in love with Star Wars.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
16:25 / 08.06.05
Pardon me for being a super geek but isn't it vaguely established fact (whatever that means) that Han rescued Chewie, that Chewbacca owes Han a life debt, that Han was an Imperial soldier who tore up his certification (or whatever) after being order to murder a bunch of Wookie slaves??

Has anyone else heard this?

I swear it feels like a race memory.
17:42 / 08.06.05
I swear it feels like a race memory

I get this with lots of Star Wars stuff. I feel like I've known since I was about six (ehen the first Star Wars came out) that Obi-Wan chucked Vader down a volcano (okay, that's not QUITE what happened, but it wasn't far off). I have no idea where I got this from; probably the SW novelisation, or a comic or something, but it feels like I've always JUST KNOWN IT.
That's part of the magic of Star Wars... and I can kind of see where Boboss is coming from with his "Lucas's parochialism is ruining it for everyone" thing. It was always this living, breathing universe... now it's just a bunch of planets. It doesn't ruin it for me in the same way as it obviously does for Boboss, but it kind of takes some of the shine off it.
03:05 / 09.06.05
Maybe somebody mentioned this already and if so feel free to ignore me, but if Darth Sidious is, in a manner of speaking, Anakin's father (and that's a big if) it lends a huge level of irony to the end of Return of the Jedi. Luke refuses to kill his father, thus indirectly causing Vader to kill his. Spooky.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:39 / 09.06.05
Phyrephox:Before the Browser I was thinking about this the other day and how incredibly lame it is that having come up with this entire universe as a setting Lucas seems to have given up on it in favour of returning to the same tired locations and characters.

Oh come on, in the prequels we have Naboo, where a large chunk of episode one is set, we have Coruscant which is possibly mentioned in the second trilogy but never seen (until George did the tinkering), we have the planet where the clone army is built, we have the planet where the Seperatists are based in episode two and in episode three we have places like the Wookie planet, the planet where General Cough-Syrup is based, Volcano planet... so I'm not sure where you're coming from with 'same tired locations' which seems based purely on the fact that episode one and two have some time on Tatoine. And similarly with characters, the only returning character really is Yoda, as even Anakin, Obi-Wan and the Emperor are different in the first three to how they are in the last.
07:56 / 09.06.05
Fair enough, I may have overstated my case somewhat but I still think there are too many nods back to the original trilogy, i.e the Fetts in AoC, C3PO & R2D2, Wookies in RotS. Boboss said it best when he used the word parochial. It just feels as though it lost the grand sweep that was one of the best things about Star Wars.
08:27 / 09.06.05
3PO built by Anakin
Sidious as Vader's Father (possibly)
The Fett family in AOTC - and that all Stormtroopers are basically Boba Fett.
Chewie fighting alongside Yoda (the whole Kashyyk jaunt was entirely redundant)
R2 being around from day one

I'm sure there are more examples, but I can't think of 'em right now.

It's not revisiting planets that bothers me, it's the relationships between the characters.
All Acting Regiment
08:51 / 09.06.05
I too am pretty darn sure Han Solo used to be an Imperial, though as I remember he was a pilot, rather than a soldier. Hence, his amazing piloting skillz. I suppose now he couldn't be a soldier because that would have meant he'd be a stormtrooper but he can't be because he's not a Fett Clone.

We've already had the Ewoks film with those kids growing up among Ewoks, which was sort of okay as a kid's film, when I was a kid. But we don't need to have Han Solo put through that lifestyle. He's far too cynical and urbane to have grown up on a peaceful woodland planet, no?
15:50 / 09.06.05
Han as a former Imperial soldier...? Cool idea.

>> ...and stumbled on a snippet from one of the Sith concept artists, where he states that Lucas mentioned to them during the design phase that - though this will not be referenced in Ep. III - during the period of the Separatist invasion, Han Solo was living on Kashyyk, being raised by Wookies!

Um...Han as Tarzan?

I like the scenario Mister Six proposed above about Han & Chewie. Race memory indeed.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
16:01 / 09.06.05
Should I charge Lucas for it?

I mean, I'm 99% sure he already came up with it, but what does he know?
Mr Tricks
16:54 / 09.06.05
From what I rememebr of the novelizations... by the time of A New Hope the Clones where phased out and replaced with a conscription. This is why Luke wants to Leave and Join the academy... it's the Imperial Academy. Persumably he would've graduated to become a TIE fighter pilot.

In the 20 years between RotS & ANH the many wookies where sold into slavery. This is where HAN (who I believe was part of the Imperial space force or whatever) saved him and they became friends.

Of course any of that could be rewritten as in the RotJ novel it was stated that the Madalorians (from which Boba Fett got his armor) where those responsible for the hunting and killing of the Jedi & the clone wars. I suppose that could still be considered the case as the clone troopers where all cloned from the Mandalorian Jango Fett.
18:47 / 09.06.05
verrry interesting, Mr. Tricks - thanks for the info. It's especially cool that Luke wants to join up and work for The Man (clearly stated in the first SW movie, where Luke says he's dying to get out of Tatooine and join "the academy").
A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
10:52 / 10.06.05
In the original cut of ANH, Luke's enthusiasm for the Academy is dimmed when Biggs, whom he meets in the desert prior to Biggs' transferral to the Academy, tells him that he's jumping ship to join the Rebellion.
Brigade du jour
13:17 / 10.06.05
Jesus. That's 28 years I've assumed that the Rebellion had its own academy. Well aren't I a fucking dipshit? Thanks for clearing that up, folks!
Foust is SO authentic
15:29 / 10.06.05
Did you picture people earning BAs in Rebellion?
Mr Tricks
17:12 / 10.06.05
In that same "scene" where Luke reunites with friends He talked about how he Saw the conflict between a Rebel ship and the star destroyer out in the space beyond the planet but no-one believes him.
Mr Tricks
17:12 / 10.06.05
In that same "scene" where Luke reunites with friends He talked about how he Saw the conflict between a Rebel ship and the star destroyer out in the space beyond the planet but no-one believes him.
17:19 / 10.06.05
*(walk down SW nostalgia lane)* I remember seeing that scene when I first saw the film; then wondered if I dreamed it, then saw it depicted in The Star Wars Storybook circa 1978 and realized I didn't dream it, discussed it with SW friends at the time.
Mr Tricks
17:52 / 10.06.05
Apparently those "scenes" were "never filmed" there was principle photography done for it and those photos appeared in the novelization of the time, so it's possible people filled in the gaps and "remembered" it themselves while it never really happened.

it's almost an urban legend.

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