I'll bet both of those scenes are in there, but as to which will be the iris out, I'm betting the imperial one. This is the Revenge Of The Sith.
My friends and I always used to speculate that, a la Empire, it would end with two star ships headed in two different directions, one to Alderaan, one to Tatooine. They blink into hyperspace, iris out.
I like those other two better though. Until I read it, the possibility had somehow never dawned on me that Ben had dropped off Luke and immediately said "Fuck this," and gone straight to the desert. Huge.
Along with those two, guaranteed to be found in this Godfather of an ending (and also, this is speculation) is Yoda, slumping onto a log on Degobah, looking up into the mist, also hell of resigned.
I think he's got enough Kurosawa-Sense left in him to deliver on all these moments. Think what Seven Samurai would have been like, beefed up and spread out over three movies. You'd have to sit through that young Samurai's love story, and lots of side diversions, but you'd still get that killer coda at the end of the last movie, and no matter what happens in the first two hours of the film (and, really anything can) that last reel is almost guaranteed to be a stunner. Out of all the complaints that people have had about the first two, nearly everyone can at least grudgingly admit that the last reel of them were friggin' awesomely constructed (even if you didn't think SuperYoda was particularly well executed).
Same goes for the OT. The cultural fate of the entire Prequel Trilogy rests on that final reel of, er, high definition digital video. And no matter what has come before it, I really believe that Lucas has enough juice in him to deliver on its promise. |