The deleted scenes are pretty weaksauce (all hail my local streetbreaker). The Yoda one? All of 18 seconds and thoroughly unenjoyable out of context. Personally, I was quite fond of the Senate/Rebellion stuff, but that's just my silly little way.
The movie itself has certainly not lessened with age. I don't doubt that I'll be watching the Order 66 chapter on repeat for a while. On DVD you can really catch all the detail in the Clone Troopers, which were certainly my favorite part of the film, from a design standpoint (although some of them were hell of lame, the ones tasked to find Yoda in the [remains of the] Senate Chamber, for example). My favorite shot, for some reason, the Clonetrooper boots as they turn on Ki Adi Mundi, looks like eight zillion times better than it did in the theater.
And Obi and Ani's pre-duel confrontation, damn. It really out-dramas all the other skirmishes, including their own lightsaber duel that follows. They both just totally nailed it and they never replicate that intensity, even when things get totally batshit with the lightsabers.
Oh, and I would've been remiss if I didn't run the acid test and throw in A New Hope the second after the credits started to roll. You'll be on shaky ground for the first few seconds or so, the ships are a bit dodgier, the film doesn't have that Episode III sheen. 3PO looks a little off. You'll be thinking, "Damn, this just isn't going to work." Then Vader comes in, and what really sells the entire ball of wax? The second you hear that breathing, it all locks into place. That one reveal in Episode III, where the mask is put on, was expertly done by Lucas. As much as all the fanboys thrilled at hearing that trademark breathing, the way it was done, it sticks in your head and when you heart it again in ANH, well, sense memory baby. Which is to say, what it was really doing was setting up the ANH reveal, but, duh.
Oh, and although you might think they did a pretty weak job in matching up the X-Wings and those triple wings the clones were flying in Episode III, when you see one right after the other, the echoes are obvious, and totally resonate.
Nicely done, Georgie. |