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Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (SPOILERS)


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Ben Danes
09:51 / 20.07.05
Too subtle? They're cigarettes.
10:35 / 20.07.05
Err, I think ze was joking about the subtlety ...
Lord Morgue
11:23 / 20.07.05
Nute Gunray was Newt Gingrich/Ronald Reagan. Lucas was still sore over Reagan's "Star Wars"...
Heh, and did you catch Zett Jukasa (Jet Lucas) getting mowed down by the clones?
Hey, I think I've finally figured out why the O.T. stormtroopers can't shoot straight! Well, you know how they're clones, right? Well, what happens when you make a copy of a copy of a copy...?
12:55 / 20.07.05
when I heard 'death sticks,' I thought of 'cancer sticks' aka cigarettes. but yeah, they're narcotics in the movie.

I kind of like the name Kit Fisto. Sounds like a member of the Legion of Superheroes.
15:24 / 20.07.05
Or a DIY fun night in.
Bastard Tweed
18:35 / 20.07.05
I kind of like the name Kit Fisto. Sounds like a member of the Legion of Superheroes.

Let's just stop for a moment and consider what his power would probably BE with a name like that.
18:55 / 20.07.05
ah well, I wanted to not take it to the obvious innuendo.
Ben Danes
04:21 / 21.07.05
Err, I think ze was joking about the subtlety ...

I know, I was as well and maybe I was being too subtle. In that they're not drugs/narcotics but smokes, and that was missed (unless you classify cigarettes as a drug, which while literally true, tends not to happen), which is funny if you're taking the piss about something not being subtle. I probablly should have written: was he too subtle? They're cigarettes.

Another Lucas subtlety though: Obi-Wan to Anakin, "I have the high ground." Both literally and figuratively. I quite like that one though, Ewan pulled it off well.
Keith, like a scientist
12:30 / 28.09.05
Yum. Deleted scenes.
Lord Morgue
04:22 / 29.09.05
Fuck that shit off, I wanna see the deleted scene from ROTJ where one of the Royal Guards cuts down an Imperial officer with his vibro-stave. BZZZZOW!
Keith, like a scientist
19:54 / 31.10.05
FYI: ROTS DVD is out tomorrow in the US.

deleted scenes and extras galore.

Yo! A Link About The DVD Here
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
21:47 / 31.10.05
The deleted scenes are pretty weaksauce (all hail my local streetbreaker). The Yoda one? All of 18 seconds and thoroughly unenjoyable out of context. Personally, I was quite fond of the Senate/Rebellion stuff, but that's just my silly little way.

The movie itself has certainly not lessened with age. I don't doubt that I'll be watching the Order 66 chapter on repeat for a while. On DVD you can really catch all the detail in the Clone Troopers, which were certainly my favorite part of the film, from a design standpoint (although some of them were hell of lame, the ones tasked to find Yoda in the [remains of the] Senate Chamber, for example). My favorite shot, for some reason, the Clonetrooper boots as they turn on Ki Adi Mundi, looks like eight zillion times better than it did in the theater.

And Obi and Ani's pre-duel confrontation, damn. It really out-dramas all the other skirmishes, including their own lightsaber duel that follows. They both just totally nailed it and they never replicate that intensity, even when things get totally batshit with the lightsabers.

Oh, and I would've been remiss if I didn't run the acid test and throw in A New Hope the second after the credits started to roll. You'll be on shaky ground for the first few seconds or so, the ships are a bit dodgier, the film doesn't have that Episode III sheen. 3PO looks a little off. You'll be thinking, "Damn, this just isn't going to work." Then Vader comes in, and what really sells the entire ball of wax? The second you hear that breathing, it all locks into place. That one reveal in Episode III, where the mask is put on, was expertly done by Lucas. As much as all the fanboys thrilled at hearing that trademark breathing, the way it was done, it sticks in your head and when you heart it again in ANH, well, sense memory baby. Which is to say, what it was really doing was setting up the ANH reveal, but, duh.

Oh, and although you might think they did a pretty weak job in matching up the X-Wings and those triple wings the clones were flying in Episode III, when you see one right after the other, the echoes are obvious, and totally resonate.

Nicely done, Georgie.
Foust is SO authentic
10:31 / 01.11.05
What's the context for that pic of Grevious killing Shaak Ti?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
10:47 / 01.11.05
Zip. Well, I didn't watch intros so maybe they mention it, but basically it's in another area of the ship, at some point, she's his hostage, he kills her.

I'm guessing it's about halfway through their ship adventures as it's just Obi and Ani and they escape from him.
11:05 / 01.11.05
the 'relationship' between grevious and shaak-ti was the main subplot of the third season of clone wars - i was annoyed that she didn't seem to be in the film at all, having shown herself to be the pluckiest and least pompous jedi ever to be seen, so that deleted scene will be most welcome. another good reason to look forward to christmas
Foust is SO authentic
13:36 / 01.11.05
That's it? No context at all? No real resolution to Shaak Ti's awesome performance in Clone Wars?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
13:52 / 01.11.05
She's just sitting there. I think maybe she apologizes for failing them possibly? All the deleted scenes are a blur of Not-Being-The-Order-66-Sequenceness. Sorry I couldn't help you more.
13:55 / 01.11.05
ah well, we knew she was just going to die - palpy and grievous always had her right where they wanted her after all, but, y'know, i just thought she deserved an on-screen death (after the shit grievous gives her i'm sure it'd be a release). glad to (eventually) have one.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
00:45 / 13.02.06
from AICN:

# Celebration 4 is still under consideration for next year to go along with the 30th Anniversary of A New Hope, no official announcement yet though. ( I've got money on Sand Diego Comic Con )
# Live action TV series will be based around the Original Trilogy. Previously we'd been told it would take place between Episode 3 & 4.
# SONY has no plans to release full score CD's from for AOTC or ROTS as the sales for the Phantom Menace were pretty bad.

... and that soundtrack kicks ass. I use it to 'get in the mood' with my lady.
01:37 / 13.02.06
What is Celebration 4?


>> Live action TV series will be based around the Original Trilogy

really? Bizarre.
Keith, like a scientist
02:44 / 13.02.06
'Star Wars Celebration' is the big yearly fan convention.

i don't know what to believe about the live action series anymore. it could be basically anything at this point. probably the Adventures of Lil Boba and Kid Jar-Jar.
Keith, like a scientist
12:40 / 04.05.06
So, like, um, wow.

Original Theatrical Trilogy to be released to DVD

Good idea, bad idea?

Aside from:
-Han, at some point not FIRST.
-The terrible new ending songs to Episode IV
and Episode VI
-that awful Jabba music video

The new versions are on the whole much better, aren't they?

Also, these OT releases won't be restored.
haus of fraser
13:35 / 04.05.06
The new versions are on the whole much better, aren't they?

The new versions were shit- never have i been so disappointed in all my life- surely you're taking the piss?

You missed the Jawa's/ new backgrounds that looked like they were from Roger Rabbit in Mos Eisley horrible.

I may actually buy these!

another schmuk funds the mighty lucas!
15:21 / 04.05.06
Bizarre. I seriously never thought I'd see this happen.

And nevertheless, I am tempted to buy them, despite my not wanting to give Lucas any more money. But the old SW fan in me really wants those un-messed-with versions. I will probably end up getting 'em.
Keith, like a scientist
15:35 / 04.05.06
there are certainly some bad special effects in all of them, but there are so many things that make them better on the whole.

the picture quality alone is amazing. the colors, the cleaniness and sharpness of the images...gorgeous.

i think both versions have their good points, and both definitely have their bad points. but, on the whole, i'd probably choose to watch the version that looks better instead of the version that is only better through my nostalgia tinted glasses.
haus of fraser
18:16 / 04.05.06
or watch the original film that was a hit?


especially when they claim to be oscar winners- like cinema paridiso- YOU FOOL IT WAS HARVEY SCISSORHANDS VERSION THAT GOT YOU AN OSCAR! THE EXTRA STUFF WAS CUT FOR A REASON!

sorry i know there's a thread about this elsewhere but it pisses me off!
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
18:49 / 04.05.06
Or have a DVD that features both...? I think there are only a handful of films that are only available in their Director's Cut forms, but just because a version of a film is popular or a "hit" or even an "Oscar Winner" that doesn't make it the best one. It doesn't even really make it the right one. If it's within the director's means to refine the film into a truer vision of what he or she intended then the Director's Cut is the proper version. Whether or not it is your preferred version is up to you. I love the Yub Nub song ending just as much as anyone, but the revised ending to Jedi is the proper ending to the six part saga. The "OT" is a narrative anomaly that can be enjoyed on its own but does not contribute to the intended effect of the Six Part Star Wars Saga as per its creator. You can agree with him or disagree with him until the Bantha come home but ultimately, it's his story, it's his movies, and you have absolutely nothing to do with it.
19:31 / 04.05.06
If it's within the director's means to refine the film into a truer vision of what he or she intended then the Director's Cut is the proper version.

Sez you. I'm sorry, Ben, but that's one statement that demands a good solid argument.

Not really interested the SW vs Special Edition debate, I just couldn't let that go by unremarked.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
19:53 / 04.05.06
I really don't see how it's "Sez me". The final state of a piece of art is dictated by the artist in question. As I said, one's preference is completely their own. I never said "better" version, I only said "proper".

If I modify the web version of one of my comics for the definitive print version, someone might enjoy the "original" version but the print version is the "proper" one. We live in a time where, for better or worse, works of art can be modified after their initial release. Games can be patched. Movies can be Director's Cutized. Shotguns can be Walkie-Talkied. Some may see it for the better in some cases, some may see it for the worse in others. However, fundamentally, the only person whose perspective really matters is the creator's.

Personally, I don't see what the big deal is. Until the refinement process effectively destroys that which came before it, those original versions will always exist, and today with video archiving reaching truly ridiculous levels all over the web, no creator will ever be able to destroy those preliminary versions of his or her work. Ever.
20:23 / 04.05.06
Ben, I think you're a smart bloke so don't take this the wrong way, but frankly I think you're being a bit silly. You have heard of the poor departed author, haven't you?

What do you mean by proper? Who decides what is proper? Why does the director get to decide? These are pretty basic questions that you're failing to answer adequately, if at all. I'm not saying you couldn't construct an argument around your assertion - I'd imagine it would find its roots in auteur theory - but make no mistake there will be many who don't agree with it and for good reasons.
I'm not trying to start that argument here, I think it deserves its own thread, and I don't want to derail this discussion further - you should also note that I'm not taking sides.
20:25 / 04.05.06
And I most deffo didn't use the word "better", in fact I studiously avoided voicing my opinion on the subject.
some guy
21:20 / 04.05.06
The final state of a piece of art is dictated by the artist in question.

Benny the Ball
21:21 / 04.05.06
The new versions made a hash of some character moments, Han shooting first made perfect sense, and established that he was a rougue that looked out for number one (making his return all the more potent).

Empire - which is the only film that I still like - killed off Vader in one little moment, post chopping Luke and The Reveal, Vader's terse 'Bring my shuttle' in the theatrical said more about his character than any moment - new version had him chatting away down the corridors "alert the ship that I'm on my way back, and that I'll pick up some milk and maybe some bespin cakes or something, does everyone know what they want for dinner yet etc etc yada yada" or something. Ruined the inner termoil of the character at that moment.

Although it smacks of some devil at Lucas' shoulder whispering "I'm sure we can get them to buy one more box set, sire!" it'll be the only box set worth owning when compared to the reduxes.
07:36 / 05.05.06
From the article:

Each release, distributed by 20th Century Fox, will be a two-disc set that also includes the digitally tweaked 2004 edition.

While I'm glad that the original films are finally being released on DVD, the fact that both versions are included in the release is a bit of a kick in the teeth for everyone who bought the revised ones the first time around.
haus of fraser
08:37 / 05.05.06
The more I hear the less I like Lucas- and the less I want it!

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