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Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (SPOILERS)


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17:35 / 25.05.05

Who uses his Force Powers to turn into a TIE fighter.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
17:47 / 25.05.05
So, to express my objections more fully:

Whenever the Jedi did a big ninja flip or whatever (or Sidious did that weird combat roll in mid air) it looked wank. Really bad CGI, totally ruining the coolness factor of the rucks. Actually, a lot of the cgi was abysmal, with especial regard to the Jedi pilots.

The acting. Yea gods, the acting. Portman had one good line ("so this is how democracy yadda yadda") but was otherwise hamstrung by an awful script and a semi-autistic director. Guh. Anakin? Anakin was crap, written as an idiot and emo to the fucking extreme. That final "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" ruins Darth Vader as a figure of menace.

Grevious was never the threat he was built up to be. He should have been.

Actually there's another shit NOOOOOOO! in the film: where the emperor yells it at Mace Windu, getting more fucking stupid each time.

The acting's what brought it low, though: you can't have a tragedy if you don't give a shit.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
18:17 / 25.05.05
"I care."
18:35 / 25.05.05
Yeah I don't give a sith about this either. (arf)
18:53 / 25.05.05
I care.

Oh, you. *punches you in the shoulder and wipes a tear*

Meanwhile, I've heard that the Millenium Falcon makes an extremely brief cameo in RotS (y'know, "for the fans"), but I didn't see it - anyone catch that? Or is it just Internet hooey?
21:58 / 25.05.05
The Darth system used to be quite simple and clear - you have something that requires only the prefix "in" to become a bad word.

So, Darth Vader (invader). Darth Sidious (insidous). This before Maul (loose head) and Tyrannus (Oedipus) started messing things up with their modern ways.

Other popular sith names: Darth Eluctable (you'll never get away from him), Darth Audible (you never know what he's planning), Darth Significant (not so worrying, this one).
Keith, like a scientist
22:26 / 25.05.05
i was unable to find the Falcon on my second viewing, and i knew what scene to look in. when they are flying to the senate with Palp in tow after rescuing him...there is that big multi-tiered dock area...and it's apparently somewhere on there...i didn't see it.

from another forum:
"The Millenium Falcon/YT1300 Stock Light Frieghter: As Obi Wan, Anakin and Palpatine arrive at the senate building on the airbus, after the rescue, just as the airbus comes into land, at the bottom of the screen, right side about 2/3rds across the screen a certain 'peice of junk' that's 'got it where it counts' appears coming for a landing. A second YT1300 can be seen taking off."
22:30 / 25.05.05
I'm not sure. I've only seen it once so there's no way I can properly decide, but.......I thought it wasn't as epic as I thought it would have been.

One of the main problems I has was when the new Darth walked into the Jedi temple with all of those driods(?), that scene was just so amazing, like it could have been something totally amazing, a legendary moment or scene(s) from that point on, (yeah well, I have a pretty strong geek gene in me) but then he just ended up taking out younglings, and I don't think that really worked. I'd have liked to have seem him fighting other council members before he faced Obi-Wan. Maybe an epic battle with one or more of them before he escaped and then the film progressed towards it's conclusion, but I let my imagination run too far I guess.

The first scene I loved, the way the story went I mostly enjoyed too, but the biggest thing was that yeah, we knew how it was going to end, and when the element of surprise isn't really there I find it hard to connect and get into something as much.

FinderWolf said :

Another nice moment was the quiet moment where Anakin is looking at the building far away where Padme is and vice versa. A rare silent bit in the SW movies.

I thought that was one of the most moving parts of the film. The point where everything changed as soon as Anakin made his decision to go. I really liked that part and even though I was a little pissed when I first saw it, I'm sure I'll get the shivers when I see that bit again.

The special effects, I thought they looked awesome. The cities and buildings I loved. In Episode 1 I didn't like the way so much was done by computer effects, but in this one it looked like they'd gone a lot further. I stared at the buildings quite a lot wondering just how they'd made them look that good.

One of the funniest parts that I liked was when Yoda walks in to confront Palpatine and just waves his hand as the guards flew back against the wall and got knocked out. That got a good few laughs in the cinema aswell. It's funny to see the "Noooooooo!!!" part mentioned here too, because I think that failed quite a bit, but I'm not going to hold that against the Lucas after seeing how well he did with the rest of the film, no way.

I'll have to see it again to make up my mind on how I rate it alongside the others, but ROTJ will remain my fave.
Foust is SO authentic
01:22 / 26.05.05
I saw the Falcon - or generic version, whatever - coming in for a landing. Tried to point it out to my friends, but it was too quick.
wicker woman
06:06 / 26.05.05
Is that, in fact, a tiny photgraph of your real face? Is this... a personal ad?

Yeah, it was. For you, baby. I WILL HAVE YOU!

Seriously, the 3d Muppets thing at DW is disgustingly awesome. First 3d display I'd seen up to that point that was actually good. It managed to make the characters seem as though they actually were seperate from the screen instead of vaguely kind of floating over it. Seeing Fonzie towering over you is the stuff that nightmares are made of.

I still liked the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular better, though.

I don't have a link, but the 3D has been scrapped. They liked a test reel made by the 3D people, but IMAX wouldn't play ball. I guess it would've required some modifications on their part.

Yeah, modifications involving a projector that costs somewhere in the neighborhood of $12,000 if I remember correctly.

Seconded on the Falcon sighting thing. I saw it pretty clearly, although with blue racing stripes instead of the paintless version that shows up by IV.

On an almost complete side note, there were times during the play of the Eps. III video game where, while playing as Anakin, I would die and then wonder if I should feel bad or not. I mean, on one hand, Darth Vader (future scourge of the galaxy and all around bad guy) is dead, but I've created a fractured timeline by which a future that already exists is denied... aaaahhhhhh... *pop*
12:52 / 26.05.05
>> Darth (in)vader

Interesting, I never thought of "invader" before...because I'd heard somewhere that "Vader" is Dutch for "father" and that was George's inspiration for his name (if this is true, it's a right sneaky bit, hiding his true ID in plain sight from the first film).
12:58 / 26.05.05
On the “younglings” bit – I noted that the characters say “younglings” 2 or 3 times. The first time it doesn’t get a laugh because it sticks out as slightly odd (the SW world isn’t like, say, Firefly or West Side Story where there’s a “lingo” a la “cracko jacko!” or “shiny,” etc.) but we just saw a bunch of kids get slaughtered so we’re still taking it seriously.

Then it happens again and giggles started to erupt from the
audience. By the third time (when Padme says it) people in the audience were thinking “Why couldn’t Lucas just have said ‘children’? Is it THAT important to have some pseudo-fantasy/SF term for kids??”

Couple this with the fact that in the SW universe we’ve almost never (can’t think of an example now, but there may be one) seen weird words substituted for their ‘real’ counterparts.
Keith, like a scientist
13:22 / 26.05.05
Lucas: another prequel?

Keith, like a scientist
13:23 / 26.05.05
i'm pretty sure Youngling is a term for young Jedi trainees, not his term for "Children."

Youngling > Padawan > Knight > Master
13:41 / 26.05.05
Interesting....although I read this bit about a pre-prequel also and I imagine it might be something like the Star Wars TV show he's planning to produce but not directly write? Then again, he said somewhere that the TV show might take place between the prequels and the OT?

Also on the page of links Keith provided, Hayden is considering quitting acting. He slams Orlando Bloom as giving up his principles to the Hollywood machine or something like that. He wants to become an architect. OK. I thought his acting was pretty poor in both prequels (though he has a few decent moments in Ep. III) so no great loss I guess...though I hear he's good in Boiler Room and My Life As A House. Maybe he's just only good at contemporary style stuff and not at larger-than-life space opera.

ANother headline from those links: FBI Shuts Down Elite BitTorrent Site [because they leaked the whole film - Ep. III - onto the net in the past week]. Yowza!
16:38 / 26.05.05
This is a real headline. Brace yourselves.

Sith" Fans Maimed in Lightsaber Mishap

By Charlie Amter
1 hour, 46 minutes ago
Yahoo News

The Force--let alone common sense--was definitely not with them.

Two British Star Wars fans sustained critical injuries after constructing their own lightsabers from fluorescent light tubes filled with liquid fuel.

According to British media reports, a 20-year-old man and his 17-year-old female friend were filming a mock duel in homage to Star Wars: Episode III--Revenge of the Sith, the latest chapter of George Lucas' record-breaking franchise.

The duo were reportedly emulating one of Sith's key battles, a lightsaber clash between Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kenobi and Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker.

The two Brits suffered severe burns when their homemade sabers exploded. The two had been videotaping their clash. They have been hospitalized at Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire since the accident Sunday.

Aside from fiery accidents, the Sith craze is being blamed on a string of robberies. In separate incidents in Illinois and Florida, dark side-inspired crooks wearing Darth Vader helmets are being sought by police on assault and robbery charges.
16:59 / 26.05.05
Finder, Hayden Christensen is a decent enough actor, just not so good in the prequels (although I didn't mind his performance in Sith).
Check out Shattered Glass, his performance in that is quite mesmerising.

Orlando Bloom, on the other hand, he not act well.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
17:01 / 26.05.05
OK, so what's wrong with this sentence :

"Hayden Christensen is quitting acting."

Mr Tricks
17:03 / 26.05.05
Here's some tidbits on Sith and the DARTH naming thing.

Seems like most DAth names don't conform to that "in" prefix.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
17:03 / 26.05.05

"Hollywood demands too much of actors".

Really inconvenient shit, like talent, and the ability to, y'know, act an' stuff.
18:51 / 26.05.05
re: "Hayden Christensen is quitting acting"

Do you mean what's wrong with it gramatically or irony-wise?
19:12 / 26.05.05
Check out Shattered Glass, his performance in that is quite mesmerising.

That was him?

20:05 / 26.05.05
I seem to recall Liam Neeson making a similar pronouncement about quitting movies, shortly after the Phantom Menace.

I can't imagine the experience of shooting these greenscreen nightmares is much fun or fulfilling for an actor.

Neeson's still at it though.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
13:30 / 27.05.05
Do you mean what's wrong with it gramatically or irony-wise?

Whatever floats your boat.
05:50 / 28.05.05
Hahaha as if the Bush-as-Palpatine-rhetoric isn't silly enough... Orson Scott Card weighs in, distilling religious nonsense from this movie and somehow confusing George Lucas with L. Ron Hubbard:

As a religion, the Force is just the sort of thing you’d expect a liberal-minded teenage kid to invent. There’s no God and there are no rules other than a vague insistence on unselfishness and oath-keeping. Power comes from the sum of all life in the universe, and it is manichaean, not Christian — evil is simply another way of using the Force. Only not as nice.

The new movie itself asserts a kind of equivalence. When the evil Palpatine says, “Good is a point of view--the Sith and the Jedi are almost the same,” we can dismiss this moral relativism as part of the deception of the dark side.

But in a pivotal scene, Obi-Wan says what amounts to the same thing: “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”

Isn’t that odd? The only thing both sides agree on is that people who believe in absolute good and evil are bad!

I suspect that Lucas realized, after writing "Good is a point of view," that all his friends actually believed that. So he had to make it clear that moral relativism was the right way after all—so he had Obi-Wan say that absolutism was a Sith thing, even though in the actual story, the best of the Jedis show an unbending commitment to absolute Good.

It’s a terrible thing, I suppose, for a writer to invent a religion and then discover that he and all his friends are on the wrong side of it.

The overt religion of Revenge of the Sith is a kind of democratic pantheism, but the real religion is for the privileged few, who get to decide what’s best for everybody else and then enforce their own rules, all in the name of “the Force.”

How did a nice Protestant boy like George Lucas come up with an official religion more rigidly hierarchical and doctrinally uniform than Catholicism?
15:58 / 28.05.05
well, regarding the philosophical beliefs of the sith, I can pull one pretty clear quote from the movie:


carry on.
Foust is SO authentic
15:59 / 28.05.05
Not surprising, Card dropped off the deep end a long time ago.
00:26 / 29.05.05
official religion more rigidly hierarchical and doctrinally uniform than Catholicism

So totally unlike Mormonism, then, Orson?
This Sunday
18:30 / 30.05.05
I don't know that the greenscreen is the problem, necessarily. Off-hand, I can recall several actors from 'Sin City' bigging up that aspect, and how it felt like a return to theatre. Just actors and props and having to fake it, rather than some immersive thing. Hitchcock's actor-cattle method might get some great performances, but I'd like to pretend some actors can just, y'know, act.
Working with certain directors, using certain scripts, with certain terrible dialogue, under certain uncomfortable regulations and premises... may have more of a strenuous effect than the lack of a background.
Or, forcing actors to act, might be too stressful. Explains why some brilliant actors are willing to sleepwalk a role here or there.
The Strobe
20:51 / 30.05.05
Hmn. Oh well. I saw it. It was OK; better than the past two, that's for sure.

I think the problem with the retconning that people have (or don't have in some unusual cases) is that it's so inconsistent. I mean, when Obi-Wan does the deed to Anakin (in effect), my first reaction was "woah, he totally hacked his legs off, neat".

But then, later, I realised that the only reason Obi-Wan killed him like that wasn't because it was the intentions of Obi-Wan (the character); it was necessary so that George Lucas could have a reason to explain why the hell Darth Vader is a full foot taller than Anakin Skywalker.

And that stinks, frankly. Unfortunately, it's necessary, because Lucas has to join up so many dots. I quite liked the final stage in the evolution of production design - the new Jedi Starfighters look more like TIEs (especially the TIE Advanced, and Vader's Prototype) than ever; the cruisers are practically Star Destroyers, and it almost suggested that the reason for bizarrely stilted design in IV/V/VI (compared to I/II/III) is that when you become an empire, your tastes go all Bauhaus or something.

It's not quite a bad film. But it is a boring one. Lucas makes all these excellent concepts - lightsaber fights, for goodness' sake! - and makes them dull. General Grievous: yes, he has four lightsabers, but he loses two of them almost immediately and then gets into his tie-in-toy-mobile. And then, in the middle of this fight, we cut. To a conversation. Which isn't really taking place at the same time. And then later we cut back to the same point in the previous sequence Da fug?

That annoyed me, because in the twilight sequence, and indeed the birth of Luke & Leia/birth of Vader sequence, we saw a director who really understood editing.

I quite liked the opening space battle, though those stupid droids in it. Lots of waste, though: Wookies were an almost pointless flashback, and Jimmy Smits was painful. Also, how the hell does Leia become a princess when her Dad's only a senator? The lack of explanation for some stuff is made more obvious by the desperate retconning.

One thing I enjoyed quite a lot: just how nasty they made the "demise" of Anakin. Melty flesh. And then subesquent pain - the scream he emits on the operating table suggests he doesn't want to be fixed. That's better than the James Earl Jones "NO" that everyone hated so much.

Still, glad it's all over.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
01:34 / 31.05.05
What an exhausting experience.

The plot (what there was of it) was forced and much like a family trip, full of stops that were necessary just cuz Dad said so (Wookies, Boss Nass, Antlilies getting named).

It's sad because I quite enjoyed certain parts, but the battles being all cgi distracted. There were no consequences, you know? No deaths, no lost characters, just 'buzz droids' and some nameless droid getting killed off Obi-Wan's wing. Ugh. At least the fat guy in New Hope had a line or two before he died. This damned film just gave me characters who only had names because of action figures and fanfic/comic tie-ins.

But I really feel like I need a sauna after that ordeal.

"At least it's over" indeed.

Years from now I'll wander the streets of a bombed out LA muttering infront of a Target or Best Buy turned into a church then a fall out shelter, then a live action role-playing shelter, "I was there. I saw Revenge of the Sith, man. I saw it all... shit, man... that was some fucked up self-indulgent shit."
14:00 / 31.05.05
>> Jimmy Smits was painful.

Whooo boy, he sure was! Which is odd, since he's a good actor, solid on TV and he was terrific when I saw him on stage doing Shakespeare in the Park, making the normally boring role of Orsino in Twelfth Night something really interesting.
14:17 / 31.05.05
But then again, the same thing could be said about Portman… this was not the same actress that delighted in Garden State.
This Sunday
14:30 / 31.05.05
Let's take a moment to consider every single thing both Obi-Wan actors have done outside of StarWars.
Hell, SW's even got to be the worst Frank Oz performance(s) I can think of. From 'Little Shop of Horrors' to 'The Score' to backflip floaty Jedi pinball who can't even force-pause some rocks. I love Oz as Yoda, but nobody's ever apparently up to snuff in these things.
Except Billy Dee, 'cause he's, y'know, Billy Dee Williams. Which means class all the way, all the time. He even would have made a better Two-Face than whatsisface Jones, yes he would.
Keith, like a scientist
14:56 / 31.05.05
Mister Six, did you see the same Episode III I did?

A lot of people died, there were a lot of consequences. Putting aside the fact that the Republic fell, Anakin caused the deaths of Padme, Mace, and a whole host of Jedi Masters, including at least one (forehead guy) that has had several lines in all three prequels.

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