Absolutely, Keith. But really that miasma of self-satisfaction pales in comparison to the overwhelming glee that will be actually sitting down and watching this thing. Repeatedly.
One of the things I love (loved? *sniff*) about the Prequel Trilogy is the detail that Lucas is now able to put into, like, every other shot. As someone who just barely landed into consciousness before ANH came out, I never really shared the religious attatchment people had to the OT. And since I was all of, what, five or six when I saw ESB in the theaters (and fell asleep, mind) it wasn't Han's sophisticated wit that got me, it was the asteroids and ice planets and the At-Ats. (And also, Yoda, of course.) THAT's what I wanted to see more of. I was never as enchanted with ROTJ for that reason, although Jabba was loads of fun, the only thing rife with delicious detail was the space battle at the end. Any wonder why Lando's co-pilot in the Falcon was and always will be my favorite character in the film.
And so when the re-releases came out, I was so feeling it. I loved all the expanded Mos Eisley stuff but what I loved most was the new ending to ROTJ. Sure, I loved Yub Nub as much as anyone else, but when I saw that new ending, I knew that there was a six volume story being told and I wouldn't really appreciate the last one until they were all finished. Also, it was our first glimpse at Coruscant. And that was like someone had just popped open my brain and said, "Oh, I've found EXACTLY what he wants. A planet made up completely of Wipeout tracks." So, you know. That's the kind of Star Wars fan I am.
When TPM came out, I didn't give a shit about the stilted dialogue ("Master Qui Gon, I heard Yoda mention Midichlorians. I have a question. What are Midichlorians?" How is it that you couldn't just fucking say "What are the Midichlorians Yoda spoke of"?!? THREE?? FUCKING??? SENTENCES???), I got to see Coruscant and Podracing and the most kick ass Lightsaber Battle ever. Hell, I was even blown away by Jar Jar, from a technical standpoint. I remember my friend and I looking at each other during that one shot when Boss Nass is promoting Jar Jar to General and they're like walking off and Boss Nass puts his arm around him and we're like "How. The fuck. Are they doing that." Awesome shit.
And then in Attack Of The Clones, we get more Coruscant, more blue tinting, and Yoda kicking the shit out of everything. Thank you. I'll be honest and say I didn't really appreciate AOTC until I watched it on DVD on an HDWSTV and saw that it was flat out the most gorgeous thing ever pressed to DVD.
And now I just saw this TV spot for Sith with a shot of a Clone Trooper Transport flying through Coruscant, which is basically the equivalent of a tank rolling through Times Square. Combine that with the reaction the film is getting, and the incredible soundtrack (Williams' best of the PT, IMHO), oh and that frickin' shot of Obi Wan leaping out of his starfighter, oh and also that shot of Darth Sidious dissolving the Republic Senate IN YODA'S FACE, well...I just cannot fucking wait.
The fact that there might be a handful of people eating crow? Sorry, I can't really hear it over the lightsaber duel. |