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Star Wars - Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith (SPOILERS)


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17:37 / 18.03.05
I would have hoped that, considering the way he preaches to luke on dagobah, he would have been beyond or above fighting with a lightsabre, and would just kind of look at you and you would be dead.

What would have been REALLY cool would have been if he'd realised that his all-or-nothing Sonicking about with Dooku had done sod all to actually prevent the rise of the Empire/Vader and that he wouldn't try it again... I'm guessing he comes to this realisation after his action scene this time round, but still... then we could have had "fun bouncy" Yoda in AOTC and still have been left with "cool enigmatic" Yoda by EpIII...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:54 / 19.03.05
At the risk of opening myself up to ridicule, can I express my disappointment at the shoddy production values on the Clone Wars cartoon? Seeing as a large proportion of the last two films are CGI I'd hoped for that to be continued over into the cartoon, but instead it makes Peanuts look photo-realist, as though a couple of cartoonists were shown pictures of the characters for five minutes and then had to draw them from memory. The animation is smooth but basic and the story seem largely to have been written so that action happens in large empty spaces so time doesn't have to be spent on drawing backgrounds.

Shafted by Lucas, wow, I didn't see that coming...
06:59 / 19.03.05
I take it you aren't a fan of Samurai Jack?
D Terminator XXXIII
12:19 / 19.03.05
Different TV channels are showing the Phantom Menace these days - "wow, the synchronicity boggles my mind".

Instead of enticing me for further lightsaber action, it had quite the opposite effect. Lucas is totally like Claremont, didn't you know?
17:40 / 19.03.05
Wow, Lady, I always pegged you as one of the boards intellectuals.

Clone Wars wasn't created by Lucasfilm, but by Genndy Tartakovsky's (Samurai Jack, Dexter's Laboratory) animation studio. Lucas merely OK'd the scripts to be used.

I, personally, love what Tarta's done with the Clone Wars saga. It's Samurai Jack with plasmaswords and starships.
13:41 / 24.03.05
This should be the best in the series all GL has to do is make sure the Gungans get wiped out.
05:43 / 30.03.05
Lucas wasn't kidding about the PG-13 level of darkness. Some pretty gruesome and heavily spoiler-filled pics to be found here

Anakin looks pretty stoic going the Gollum way.
wicker woman
10:15 / 02.04.05
Clone Wars was excellent. Good enough to make up for the $30, give or take, that I wasted on Eps. I and II. Tartakovsky is excellent at making an action scene flow. CW, I think, is an example of what happens when someone that loves Star Wars gets their hands on the series.

As sure as I am to be dissapointed come May, the preview for Episode III that was before Sin City has raised my hopes considerably. Just that scene with Mace Windu walking into Chancellor Palpatine's office was enough to get my geek-meter bouncing off of the scale.

"Chancellor, you're under arrest."-sez Windu.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"-sez Palapatine, with just about the most evil look I have ever seen on any movie character, ever. And then you hear his lightsaber activate and watch him dash into the crowd of Jedi that have come to arrest him. Woo...
15:19 / 18.04.05
Clone Wars is really great, but I still expect Ep. III to suck overall. I would love to be proven wrong on this.

Anyone know if Lucas hired a co-writer, as he did for Ep. II, for No. 3? (not that it helped with Ep. II...)
18:40 / 18.04.05
I'm really trying not to get excited as I'm fairly sure it's going to be bad, just like the other two, but then I see some trailer, or catch a radio advert and then a big geek grin spreads over my face and I whisper under my breath "oh my god it's going to be so COOL". Is there some kind of support group I can go to? Perhaps a patch?
21:26 / 18.04.05
According to IMDB, it's all Lucas all the time on this one, Finder. Jonathan Hale isn't a part of it. Which utterly undermines any hopes I might have that this will be the saving grace of the prequel trilogy, as Lucas left to his own devices is horrible when it comes to the script and the camera.
01:12 / 19.04.05
the Clone Wars cartoon was fantastic. GT's animation style takes a bit of getting used to for some people, but, as mentioned upthread, previous experience with the utterly brilliant Samurai Jack helps here.

there's a shot in the most recent season where a bunch of ships are flying up into orbit over Coruscant, and as they approach the edge of the atmosphere the vast field of stars above comes into focus and you realize that they are not actually stars at all but, in fact, ships.

a lot of ships. a huge fuckload of ships.

i was watching it with a few other people, not all of whom are huge SW geeks, and everyone just sat there stunned for a second, and then exploded into "holy shit!" and "whoa!" and "oh my GOD that's so fucking cool!"

that's what the prequels are missing, to no small extent. honest, genuine moments of awe. the "that's no moon!" moment, or the first time you see the walkers in ESB.

there's kind of a moment like that in AOTC with the clone army factory, but that's it.

anyway, Episode III looks like it's going to rock, but i managed to convince myself that Episode I looked like it was going to rock, too, so what the hell do i know?
Keith, like a scientist
19:54 / 19.04.05
Lucas in league with Vatican?

Eloi Tsabaoth
20:17 / 19.04.05
21:50 / 19.04.05
I'm sure if pope benedict started hurling lighting about he'd attract a whole new range of apprentices - at least doeble the amount sir alan could muster...
00:06 / 20.04.05
Pope Bededict's original moniker even works in the Sith naming scheme. I mean, c'mon, Rat-Zinger?!?

Episode IV: A New Pope...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:50 / 26.04.05
More spin-offs news.

"Like on The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, we want to write all the stories for the entire first season all at once," he said. Star Wars creator George Lucas said the sixth film would be the last "I'm going to get it started, and hire the show runners and all of that, then I'll probably step away."
11:42 / 26.04.05
The thing about these long threads is you find yourself replying to stuff people said ages ago...


1) Tucked away somewhere at my folks' house, I have a set of the old (i.e. non-Lucas-tweaked) Original Trilogy films on VHS. These are from a re-release in, I think, 1994 - just prior to the first time the 'special edition' films came out in the cinema. Does anyone have any idea what price I could get for those if I put them up on eBay?

2) Just. Tell us. Somebody! What the hell is wrong with George Lucas sexually? What is his 'deformity'? We must know!

3)Not to be picky, but...apparently they dissolve the galactic senate in this film - set at various estimates either eleven or fifteen or sixteen years before Episode IV. Now, in Ep IV, doesn't Grand Moff Tarkin announce to two dudes on the Death Star that they've just dissolved the Senate? What, it took them like fifteen years to do?
12:23 / 26.04.05
It's gotta be twenty years- I seem to remember Lucas's (or whoever's) ANH novel putting Luke's age at twenty.
10:39 / 27.04.05
So it takes them twenty years? What did they do, actually dissolve it? In water?
12:02 / 27.04.05
I've always taken Tarkin's proclamation to mean that what was left of the Senate has been dissolved. The point being that the Senate was de facto neutered as a political body during/a little post the prequel years.

The Senate could well have continued to exist *in some form* as a means of sweetening (read : reinforcing) the imperial power. Of course, after the Death Star you just did what you were told.
13:08 / 27.04.05
Kevin Smith, SW fan extraordinaire, seems to really like the movie. MAJOR SPOILERS if you read the review.
Foust is SO authentic
16:52 / 27.04.05
They want you to pay to register there... how's about a cut and paste job?
17:38 / 27.04.05
I would assume that enough senators escape, including Bail Organa obviously, that they form a senate in exile.
17:41 / 27.04.05
You can get to Smith's review via Ain't it Cool, too.
17:47 / 27.04.05
This is the link FinderWolf was trying to point to.
19:09 / 27.04.05
Bizarre - sorry about that, but I was able to see it just fine without having to pay or register or anything.
Benny the Ball
21:28 / 27.04.05
Stoatie - really? I always had Luke down as 16 - this is from poor memory of a guide to the SWU that I had years ago. With ESB taking place 3 or so years later and ROTJ taking place about a year or two later than that or something.
Benny the Ball
21:29 / 27.04.05
Oh, and before you get excited about Kevin Smith's stuff, remember he really defended PM, saying that it wasn't nearly as bad as he thought it would be and that it had many saving graces (including Jar Jar).
21:49 / 27.04.05
Mr The Ball- that's totally from memory, so I could be way off. I think 20, though.

C'mon, out of all of us geeks, SOMEONE must have the novel handy?
Benny the Ball
22:01 / 27.04.05
Not going by the novel, but by someone who seems geeky enough to know - puts him at 18 by the time ANH occurs;

Star Wars Timeline

I was sure he and Leia was younger, as I remember thinking, urghh, Han is cracking on a minor!
07:48 / 28.04.05
Funnily enough, I did come up with the 'senate in exile' theory myself, but wasn't going to get around to posting it until today. I suppose we could imagine either option - senate in exile or senate as rubber-stamping body for Palpatine which gets wiped out post-Death Star. But I have to say I do think it's a shame we've let those ideas out in the open - it would be nice if we'd all kept quiet and watched Lucas try and explain away the mistake...
08:01 / 28.04.05
So...Harrison Ford cracks onto, and gets into a relationship with, a woman much, much younger than he is, then?

Nah, can't see it happening myself...
08:44 / 28.04.05
it would be nice if we'd all kept quiet and watched Lucas try and explain away the mistake...

Like he explained the force as midichlorians? Or Anakin's bird as the imaculate conception?
12:37 / 28.04.05
>> Oh, and before you get excited about Kevin Smith's stuff, remember he really defended PM, saying that it wasn't nearly as bad as he thought it would be and that it had many saving graces (including Jar Jar).

*sighs* Yeah, you're right.

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