the Clone Wars cartoon was fantastic. GT's animation style takes a bit of getting used to for some people, but, as mentioned upthread, previous experience with the utterly brilliant Samurai Jack helps here.
there's a shot in the most recent season where a bunch of ships are flying up into orbit over Coruscant, and as they approach the edge of the atmosphere the vast field of stars above comes into focus and you realize that they are not actually stars at all but, in fact, ships.
a lot of ships. a huge fuckload of ships.
i was watching it with a few other people, not all of whom are huge SW geeks, and everyone just sat there stunned for a second, and then exploded into "holy shit!" and "whoa!" and "oh my GOD that's so fucking cool!"
that's what the prequels are missing, to no small extent. honest, genuine moments of awe. the "that's no moon!" moment, or the first time you see the walkers in ESB.
there's kind of a moment like that in AOTC with the clone army factory, but that's it.
anyway, Episode III looks like it's going to rock, but i managed to convince myself that Episode I looked like it was going to rock, too, so what the hell do i know? |