ooof...i should have been keeping a closer eye on this topic. missed some good discussion.
first...I sort of like the prequels, AOTC sort of a lot. they aren't the originals, of course, and don't capture the same feeling in the least, but they are pretty swell swashbuckling sci-fi movies. for the longest time, i didn't even own Phantom cause after the first 2 or 3 times I saw it in the theater (gasp! sorry, it was the mob mentality of those days), I really started to hate it. Ugh, Jar Jar.
But, I recently bought it on DVD, and I have to admit, it's much better than I originally thought. I've accepted the fact of it, and now I just enjoy some of the parts to it. and...I like little anakin sometimes. some of his acting is pretty good, given that he is talking to a green screen for most of the movie.
And, I came out of AOTC liking it a lot. I love the Yoda/Dooku battle. I'm one of THOSE that think that seeing Yoda flip around with a lightsaber was perfect for him. Finally, we see why Yoda is the top Jedi.
And Clone Wars is badass. Come on. Gennady makes the best the action sequences ever. it's nothing great in story department, but are they suppose to be? no, they just fill in the action of the war, and it's pretty entertaining action at that.
My feeling on the prequels is that they make the entire saga all the more tragic. Tragic in 2 senses. 1) Look at all the lost grandeur of the Old Republic. The Old Republic had been around for thousands of years, and since it had become stagnant by this time, it was ripe for corruption from the Sith. and 2) The Anakin story... to me, it perfectly illustrates the utter tragedy of Vader's story. I can't explain it, but that's the feeling I get from it.
I wouldn't consider myself a rabid fanboy, either. I was skeptical of both. After living with Ep1 for awhile, I had no hopes for Ep2, but it turned out to be really good (for me). The romance was awkward, but romance for teenagers IS awkward, right? Palpatine's manipulation of both sides, the way the Jedi were manuevered into using the Clones. It was pretty deft.
Anyway, flame away. But I look forward to Revenge. |