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The Big Spiderman 3 thread


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Spatula Clarke
16:37 / 27.02.06
Did anybody mention that you can see Venom reflected in Spidey's eye yet?
18:00 / 27.02.06
Well, all the movie posters have shown the villain for each movie reflected in his eyepiece, but although it sort of looks like Venom or something in his eyepiece in the new pic from Sony, it's so blurry and small that fans aren't really sure if it's Venom or some buildings reflected. I haven't seen any fan successfully blow up his eye image and produce a clear image of Venom. Mostly fans have just come up with blurry shots of blurry shapes. But it should be Venom in there to follow the pattern of the movie posters (or Sandman).
18:12 / 27.02.06

Where can you see a clear image of Venom in the eye? Have you a large image link?
Spatula Clarke
07:17 / 28.02.06
You can see it more clearly in the larger, higher res image on that last AiC link - round head, Venom-style eyes and what looks like a large tongue coming out of a mouth lined with sharp teeth. Save it onto yr machine and blow it up. If you still can't see it, I'll chuck a doctored image up tonight.

Not normally one to go for the OMG teh secret messege! in this sort of thing, but it stood right out when I looked closer.
15:44 / 28.02.06
I rather think that it's a bit of a Rorschach blot, and a lot of people are going to be convinced they are seeing something that isn't necessarily there. I blew that eye up and examined the reflection and couldn't see anything that looked like Venom - but I did see the letters ELR (and I'm sure that's completely unintentional and only what my brain makes of the blur).

Interested to see your later post showing where you think Venom is, but I'm at this point unconvinced it's anything other than an optical illusion.
16:01 / 28.02.06
If anything it looks like the Green Goblin

Image hosting by Photobucket
16:42 / 28.02.06
um, I'm really not seeing much of anything there. Rorschach inkblot it may well least until Sony gives us a better official version of a close-up.
17:13 / 28.02.06
Word. As said, "if anything"
H3ct0r L1m4
14:03 / 01.03.06
it's nothing but Spidey's shiny web from his own arm.
16:32 / 01.03.06
Are you all blind? Can you not see the big white A on the fiend's forehead? It's as plain as day!

Clearly the badguy is none other than CAPTAIN AMERICA!!!
16:33 / 01.03.06
It's Mary Jane with her nipple out!
H3ct0r L1m4
16:58 / 10.03.06
Who would you like to see in Spider-Man 3, Uncle Ben? got it.

so it's nice flashback or an illusion...
16:08 / 14.03.06
There is a high res image here, looks like a couple of houses to me.
The Natural Way
14:09 / 16.03.06
One thing. A chap at work, who has no interest in this kind of thing, asked me "Why, in the new film, is Spidey's costume black?" He'd seen a screen-shot in some Heat-style rag and it set him wondering. It set me wondering, too....
16:58 / 16.03.06
um, read earlier pages of this thread...? (is the only response I can think of, not trying to be snide here, not sure what your friend is not getting)
The Natural Way
10:35 / 20.03.06
Sorry, finder, it wasn't that I didn't want to read the thread, just that, whenever I tried to look at it at work, the screen froze. The problem's alleviated now and I hang my head for my stupidity.
Spatula Clarke
11:00 / 20.03.06
No idea what you've used to zoom the image, Trips, but I can still see it in the original and wish I was able to use Photoshop to make what I mean a bit clearer.

As I can't, though, I shall just have to continue taking the ribbing and wishing pain upon you all.
15:32 / 21.03.06
comics 2 film:


Superhero Hype claims that Sony Pictures is targeting August 4's "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" as the first time you'll see the sequel's teaser trailer on the silver screen.
H3ct0r L1m4
16:23 / 27.03.06
alleged synopsis here [contains spoilers]
Keith, like a scientist
16:47 / 27.03.06
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby

i know i'm not the first person in the world to ask....What the fuck is that?!?!?
17:44 / 27.03.06
It's the new movie coming out starring Will Ferrell. A spoof on the NASCAR scene. Ferrell is hilarious so I expect it to be good.
H3ct0r L1m4
18:32 / 29.03.06
IMDB's now listing Topher Grace as Eddie Brock / Venom and added that sinopsys as official. is the site editable by readers?
Spyder Todd 2008
19:38 / 29.03.06
If they do Venom by Eddie getting the suit in the last 5 minutes of the film, and setting up for number 4, it would be awesome.
14:51 / 31.03.06
Check out his eyes....

Apparently, this is an official shot, according to Harry Knowles and his cohorts.
Keith, like a scientist
15:27 / 31.03.06
i think you should read the entire AICN article, including the beginning of it.
Dead Megatron
16:57 / 31.03.06
It is from AICN. but it's yet another fake. Those guys keep falling for every quack when it comes dow to Spider-Boy 3. Those over-eager fanboys.
Dead Megatron
16:59 / 31.03.06
I mean, if it were the simbyote uniform, whi did it not regenerate? (it could be in mid-regeneration, but notice the small red spot in the left arm, where the guy forgot to photoshop it)

Cool pic, though
02:12 / 01.04.06
Ah yes. It was updated after I added it to my Flickr account (where I linked to the pic).

Apologies, everybody.
Phex: Dorset Doom
07:26 / 04.04.06
The plot summary is up. Everybody look away.

My Spoiler senses are tingling!

Third film in the highly successful "Spider-Man" series sees several new villains and a new woman enter Peter Parker's life. With his secret now revealed to both Mary Jane and Harry, Peter must face the consequences of his actions and his new life together with Mary Jane as they finally form a relationship. Yet their newfound open display of love has yielded some unfortunate results, not the least of which is Peter's upset boss determined to make his life hell for causing his son emotional distress. Not helping is a young investigative reporter named Eddie Brock who Jameson has hired to find out why Mary Jane dumped his son for Peter - what's Parker's secrets? At the same time an escaped prisoner hiding out on a remote beach is caught in a dreadful accident and finds himself turned into a shape-shifting sand creature. Peter's investigations into the past of this 'Sandman' brings him in contact with two very different things that will inevitably alter his life. The first a young woman named Gwen Stacy, daughter of the city's new police chief who is developing a soft spot for Peter. The other, a black substance from an accident scene which 'merges' with Peter's costume and gives him new found abilities. Things come to a head however when Harry Osborn, determined to take revenge against Peter for his father's death and now equipped with what he needs to pull it off, teams with The Sandman in a new variation of his father's Green Goblin guise and causes mayhem. In the ensuing chaos lives are lost, including people very close to Peter, whilst the black substance covering his suit separates from him and merges with a distraught Brock to form something else entirely - a creature unlike anything he's ever faced. A 'Venom' that he may not be able to stop.
H3ct0r L1m4
02:23 / 08.04.06
keeping on the tribute to comics' black costume:

Symbionte Spider-man RAH 12-inch Figure

they got the webshooting hand wrong but the transformation head is kinda creepy-cool.
13:16 / 08.04.06
Just read the plot and it sounds pretty cool. I hope they juggle the all bad guys well, unlike the Batman movies. I wonder if the black substance is a science experiment gone wrong (like everything else in the Spider-verse) or if it comes from space? The plot seems to indicate it's the former.
Spatula Clarke
14:55 / 08.04.06
I can't believe I'm doing this...

16:27 / 08.04.06
Phex, that plot summary appears in a few places but it was first written by the guy who runs Dark Horizons, who adds this tag at the end:

**Note** Sony has NOT released an official synopsis as yet, this one I penned and is an estimation based on a large amount of confirmed script story details that were leaked online in February 2006.

....story details which were refuted by Sony.
H3ct0r L1m4
18:19 / 08.04.06
Alex, it's pretty safe to say now that Topher will play Venom [unless we fall flat in our faces] and the symbionte could either originate from a scientific experiment [as in ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN] or from space, brought by JJ Jameson's astronaut son. wasn't he still married to Mary-Jane by the end of 2?
23:00 / 08.04.06
so E. R, I guess that's Venom's mouth....that's the clearest I've seen a mouth thus far. Nice job, eh?

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