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The Big Spiderman 3 thread


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13:39 / 04.02.05
That Mysterio panel is hilarious. Thanks for posting that.
16:53 / 13.02.05
I want Steven Segal playing Steven Segal as the new badie. Special moves would include: 1)Having a hard walk, 2)Saying hard things, 3)Being hard to kill, 4)Looking hard, 5)Never letting anyone else be harder than him, and 6)Making it look like hes not hard by saying girly spiritual tantric shit just to create a false sense of security masking the fact that he is in fact hard, maybe. Mary Jane would leave Peter for him and Peter would be taken on as his pupil, then near the end of the film after a huge sex scene with Black-Cat and Spider-Man, Peter would realise that he still loved Mary Jane even though she is a selfish conceited evil genious, and reveal to Steven Segal that he is in fact Spider-Man, and Steven Segal would be like 'Oh shit', 'I was just gonna step on you, and crush you like the spider you are, but I just remembered that I'm a buddhist, and dont take life', then spidey would kill him. And Venom would show up and fight Spider-Man during the end credits, whilst peaple are leaving the theater.
Brigade du jour
21:19 / 13.02.05
akira, thank you for your honesty.
13:37 / 18.03.05
Black Cat is a go, sounds like...

from comics2film:

>> Actress Chloe Sevigny talked to the New York Daily News about trying to land a role in the new sequel, possibly revealing more than she should. "I'd love to be in 'Spider-Man 3!'" Sevigny said. "There's a villain in it who's a blond, buxom girl, and I'm trying to get it! That [may] surprise people, since actors are always thought of as their last film or who they were. I think I'll always be drawn to films more difficult to watch, but I don't want to be a snobby cinephile." Looking at the established list of blonde, buxom villains in the Spider-Man canon, who would that description fit except Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat?
Brigade du jour
17:50 / 18.03.05
I'm drooling (from more than one orifice).
Benny the Ball
18:13 / 18.03.05
Might be Madamme Web...
18:42 / 18.03.05
No, it can't be Mme. Web, gotta be the Black Cat. She's been rumored to be in the 3rd film for a while - I personally would laugh my ass off if they pulled out Mme. Web. Plus, she's normally old and decrepit (of course they could 'reimagine' her, I just think it's highly unlikely).

Is it too much fanboy to want the Black Cat to be a platinum blonde/white haired woman, though? It probably is...
13:52 / 22.03.05


According to the Hollywood Reporter, "Thomas Haden Church, who was nominated for an Academy Award for best supporting actor in 'Sideways,' has been cast as Spidey's new archenemy in the next chapter of the 'Spider-Man' franchise. The filmmakers are not revealing the identity of the new villain."

...Venom? Mysterio?? Guesses welcome.
18:30 / 22.03.05
Aint It Cool News says rumors weigh towards the Sandman -- I could see Church as Venom, the Sandman or Mysterio... favoring Mysterio now because of Raimi's earlier comments about the villain having great visual effects.
21:08 / 22.03.05
I'd much rather see him play Mysterio than pretty much anyone else in the Spidey villain stable. Sandman is borrrrring and Venom is just too 90s steroid nemesis for me. Mysterio needs to be changed up a little and the illusion thing would make a nice setup.

I always thought Church was great in Wings. He plays an asshole like no other.
21:08 / 22.03.05
Yeah, with that face he better have it behind a bubble at all time.
21:10 / 22.03.05
The thing is though, Mysterio isn't a good cinematic villain simply because he's not a physical threat. You can only do the "aha! you punched one of my holoclones!" so many times in a movie. Unless they give him super-strength or something that'll let him punch - and be punched by - Spidey in the face he'll be pretty boring.
21:18 / 22.03.05
True. Though I would love for somebody to revamp ol' fishbowlhead. He was always one of my favorites.

There's all sorts of speculation that Church will be playing Sandman or Eddie Brock on the superherohype boards. Sandman was just never a compelling villain to me. A guy who turns into sand? :-\ That's the adversary of the grand finale?
21:35 / 22.03.05
He could trap Spidey in a gigantic hourglass and sloowwwwly fill the bottom half with himself. Then fill up Spider-man. Ooh er.
Brigade du jour
22:04 / 22.03.05
Scorpion, Scorpion, Scorpion, Scorpion, Scorpion, Scorpion, Scorpion.
22:05 / 22.03.05
some are theorizing that he could be Electro too.
22:58 / 22.03.05
There is also speculation that he is playing Black Cat.
07:58 / 23.03.05
13:32 / 23.03.05
Nice one
13:35 / 23.03.05
Sandman was just never a compelling villain to me. A guy who turns into sand? :-\ That's the adversary of the grand finale?

Are you kidding? When Spiderman punches this guy, he can be hard as stone or as insubstantial as smoke. Spiderman's webs can do nothing to him. He can blind Spiderman, choke him, sandblast him, hit him with stone fists, or trap him in a column of stone. He can attack Spiderman from any and all directions at once. He's strong, fast, and he can escape from almost any situation.

There's really nothing Spiderman can do to him except trick him into a situation that exploits his physical nature (like mixing him with wet cement or turning him to glass or sucking him into a really powerful vacuum).
14:56 / 23.03.05
i hope they don't do sandman, that's got 'bad FX overkill' written all over it ask me, bad flashbacks of the absorbong man in that hulk movie.
17:26 / 23.03.05
To get even crazier, there's an article on aintitcoolnews today saying a 'reliable sources' says it will be Church playing Man-Wolf, of all things. I bet that's a false leak by Raimi.
17:53 / 23.03.05
Poor Man Wolf then. Played by a 29 year old in Spiderman 2, and then by a 44 year old in Spiderman 3. That moonstone really ages you....
13:10 / 29.03.05
Gridley just might win the prize...

from comics2film:

>> Harry Knowles over at Ain't It Cool News has a huge scoop on the new "Spider-Man" film. "Multiple spies at Sony have confirmed that Thomas Hayden Church will indeed be playing SANDMAN."
14:24 / 29.03.05
06:57 / 02.04.05
What I'm beginning to believe is that SPIDEY 3 will have Harry Osborn assembling some rendition of the Sinister Six to take down Spidey once and for all. This would then leave Venom as the big draw for whomever takes over the franchise after Raimi, if indeed he jumps ship after this coming one. So the question is, what lineup of the S6 do you think this will be? Let's say Church is a given for Sandman. My guess for the rest, if we're not including Harry Goblin, is:

Electro (or, alternatively, Shocker)

...and... I dunno... Tombstone? Tarantula? I'm guessing Hydro-Man and Chameleon are too low-key for a movie, and Mysterio seems like he could support at least half a movie's menace all on his own, perhaps contrasted against Kraven. At this rate, we may not see Venom 'til SPIDEY 5 or 6 at the earliest.

If Black Cat's in this flick she'll probably get busted as a thief by Spidey early on, try redeeming herself, fail because of her hots for Spidey (and in so doing jeopardize his relationship with MJ), and in the third act pull his fat out of the fire from the S6 as her successful redemption (tho you know she'll steal something off of him before disappearing into the sunset just to show she's not a complete goody-goody). If Chloe Sevigny wants to fill that black vinyl outfit, I have no complaints there.

Phex: Dorset Doom
09:07 / 02.04.05
I doubt that Black Cat's going to be in SM3. The Spiderman 2 videogame (which had all the cast doing voiceovers, and even Bruce Campbell for the tutorial) featured Black Cat, the Rhino and Mysterio. And possibly some others, I'm not a great webslinger. It was made in pretty close cooperation with Sam Raimi so the way I figure it he's cleaning out the backlog of spidey characters.
I've got a sneaking suspiscion it'll be Venom.
bio k9
23:35 / 02.04.05
I think we already covered the Sinister 6 in the first page of this thread...
05:13 / 03.04.05
Point being? I'm saying the casting rumors are beginning to support that supposition. And whether or not the second string Spidey rogues show up in the videogame, closely made with Raimi and the cast or not, doesn't preclude their inclusion in the films, especially any further ones made without Raimi's involvement; the games are hardly canon.

A possibility I thought of today would be if Black Cat were recruited into the S6 as their sixth member, she could initially be their insider, feeding them damning info on Spidey/Peter and playing the ultimate Judas, and later redeeming herself by turning on them.

I wonder if they might go the route of the '90's cartoon by connecting her origin with that of Morbius. He might make for a good threat, though they may wish to save that one for a latter film, possibly bringing in a Blade crossover with the Midnight Sons. Guess that'll depend on how the GHOST RIDER flick pans out.

bio k9
17:44 / 03.04.05
Wow! A Spider-Man film that involves Morbius, Blade, and the Midnight Sons (whoever the fuck they are) sounds like a great idea!
Alex's Grandma
21:06 / 03.04.05

Is that still going ahead, do you know ? With Nicolas Cage in the lead ? It seems like such a demented project as to be almost too good this world.
Alex's Grandma
21:07 / 03.04.05
The above with regard to the mooted Ghost Rider movie.
21:28 / 03.04.05
Yep. They're well into production on it.
14:10 / 03.05.05
Two villains in one movie, says Superhero Hype...


Superhero Hype has a scoop, involving director Sam Raimi talking to a Brazilian newspaper. In an interview, Raimi allegedly said, "We are working ahead of time in the digital post-production because this movie will have even more visual effects than the other two ... I want to create a completely new look for the VILLAINS [emphasis added]. The costumes they will wear will be sensational. You can quote me on that." Peter Parker will have more to deal with than the guy from "Ned & Stacey."
01:35 / 14.05.05
I think Gary Busey needs to be in it as Electro.

Think about it.

Bask in the almighty Busey.

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