Well I just got back from watching it, and....I liked it!
Reading so many negative reviews and comments helped me I think, because I went into it with absolutely no expectations, and just went in with an open mind. After seeing it and looking back, I'm more or less content with what I saw. Yeah it wasn't as dark and serious as I wanted it to be, and yeah Venom didn't have as much screen time as I'd have liked, and the fight between Peter and the black suit seemed very brief, but it was a good comic book based film for me. When I remember all I've read about this and think back to the film, I try to imagine what a lot of the kids would have thought about this, and I'm sure many will have liked it, and at the end of the day, it is largely aimed at the kids isn't it? So I can drop the things I wanted from this and look at it like I'd think of what I'd want from a comic, and a lot of that was there. It's fast paced, there's a lot going on at the same time, and it doesn't get bogged down with deep narrative parts that leave flat areas in the film. The action was good, Sandman was well done, Venom looked good, the fight scenes were fun to watch and exciting a lot of the time....it was to me a classic comic book ride. (and I didn't notice the disjointed problems that a lot talked of or alluded to either.)
Yes, I'd have liked it darker, I'd have liked Peter to have gone through more than he did on screen, and for it to have been more grown up. Venom would've been brilliant to see more of, and the dialogue between Mary and Peter would've been better if it was more realistic and Peter had a bit more sense about him and saw more of what type of pain she was going through, but in the end, it was a film largely aimed at kids, and it appeared to do what it set out to do, so I can't really complain. I went to watch it, was entertained, I don't feel like I wasted my time, and would happily watch it again because I don't remember feeling bored at any point in the film. Maybe some of us older people get too bogged down looking for an immaculate story and miss who the film is being aimed at, just a personal opinion though.
Oh and Peter being such a nerd : that to me was often funny instead of the total annoyance I thought it'd be, and I was laughing at him being such a goof when he was dancing in the street. |