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The Big Spiderman 3 thread


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16:34 / 15.07.04
first person who says Venom will be beaten severely

Me personally I would like to see:

1) Peter coming to MJ with all his superhero problems. Just one scene where he sits down and says something like "Harry has gone nuts. I've tried talking to him. I've tried reason now I have to beat the crap out of him. And I need you to understand that I'm not sure if I'm comin back." Mj freaking out because this is what she feared and pleading Peter to got to the poilcse or somebody so he doesn't have to stop him.

2) Peter getting his *** whooped by Harry. Barely making it back home and passing out in full Spidey gear at him and MJ's place. MJ, unsure, of what's to do, has to change his clothes to street clothes and take him to the hospital. The doctor ask what happen she lies and says he got in the crossfire of a fight with Spider-Man and Green Goblin. On the flipside this news gets out and Jameson uses to put in his paper that Spidey's photographer got beat down by Spider-Man and Green Goblin.

3) Aunt May finally gets to kick back a bit. Nothing uncharacteristic but since she's moving into the city she becomes a bit hipper at her old age. And admits to Peter she knows.

4) Spidey ALMOST kills Harry. In the final battle.

5) MJ openly states that she use to put up an emotional wall until she fell in love with Peter. But then she goes back to that emotional wall when the Spider-Man side gets too rough for her to handle.

6) Harry in a newly designed/kick-*** Goblin costume.

7) Harry begins to create this faux family enviornment with Liz Allen, to please his nut-job father.

8) Under the pressure of Harry making his life a living hell. Peter snaps breifly at Jonah, when Jonah goes on one of his tirades against Spider-Man.

9) Maybe. If there is time. And only if it fits. Make Harry responsible for turning Conners into the Lizard. Not actually introducing the character into the movie, but having Harry snap on Conners and using his serum as an act of aggression. Leaving that concept as a jumping on point for part 4, when this wraps up.

10) No Venom. Not yet.

What do you think? Any other thoughts.
17:38 / 15.07.04
1) Black Cat as a rival for Peter's affections, creating a nice triangle.

2) Harry sort of becoming the Hobgoblin but not really. And failing to the degree he does become the Hobgoblin.

3) More than 2 lines for Robbie Robertson (the character).
17:42 / 15.07.04
oh, and this should probably be under FILM, TV & THEATRE, shouldn't it?
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:52 / 15.07.04
Troy, if you'd like to see all that, why not go and become and scriptwriter?
19:37 / 15.07.04
I know it's too soon for Venom, but still, they have to put him in now, because if they followed the plot from the comics exactly it would be at least another two movies before he got to be the villain, and i don't think they're going to make that many movies - people will just lose interest. And Venom would be SOOO COOOL!!! Besides, if they bring back the Green Goblin, it'll be Spiderman 1 all over again. I refuse to sit through that. I say they use venom in the next one, and if they make another one, they could bring in carnage (or maybe the two are too similar to be back to back?).
21:56 / 15.07.04
Last rumour I heard was that they were considering doing 3+4 back to back to make the Venom storyline possible.

Harry turns Goblin, Peter gets new amped up suit to battle mad-Harry, suit goes ape and Peter dumps it, Parker beats Harry out of costume (in civvies), suit grabs whateverhisnameis in the last ten minutes (nicely referencing the last ten minutes of Spidey 2) to become Venom. Back to the Future-esque "to be continued" at credits.

Film #4 ends up being Spidey vs Venom melee with a few small time villains joining in just because I think the franchise should end at #4 but I still want to see the Lizard at some point.
05:21 / 16.07.04
"Troy, if you'd like to see all that, why not go and become and scriptwriter?"

Actually, I'm more leaning towards directing -- but I hear you.
08:14 / 16.07.04
I rilly hop you get to dirct spidy ur ideas r awesom!

Why aren't we just talking about this in the Spidey 2 thread?
08:22 / 16.07.04
Oh, and

I'm really glad some of you aren't writing/directing/involved in this film.
08:50 / 16.07.04
From the various characters and set-ups in 2, I kinda thought we might be looking at a Lizard/Goblin/both film.
08:55 / 16.07.04
This is a while down the road, but...

Ben Kingsley as the Vulture.
Lord Morgue
10:46 / 16.07.04
Snooty Usher!
13:48 / 16.07.04
I would like to see Jack Black and Spider-Ham.
01:29 / 17.07.04
Suede, we're talking about Spider-man 3 because this is the Spider-man 3 thread. See the title? 3. Not 2. 3.

Now, as for ideas, one of the things I liked about the Mummy Returns is that Rick, Evie and the sprog were a pulpy adventure family who were actually HONESTLY FUCKING HAPPY. No divorces, no 'this is too dangerous! nyaah!'. Just confident, enthusiastic, get-on-with-it-ism. Refreshing.

Now, I'm not about Peter and MJ not having doubts about the Spideys double-life. I mean, if your boyfriend came home with the shit beaten out of him and he'd gone out looking for that kind of trouble, you'd be conflicted.
But with the two only just getting together in the final moments of SM2 (not 3, Suede!) I do NOT want to see the superhero antics sour the relationship so early. Not this soon. Not this sequel.

I've heard at the rumour mill that Raimi doesn't want Venom in the sequels, not before Goblin and Doc Croc at least. TBH, Venom's comic backstory is way too convoluted and doesn't really fit with Movie Spideys motif so far: that of SCIENCE GONE WRONG and that the ones you respect and admire are going fuck you over. Goblin and Ock are all accidents science, their own science infact. They are walking avatars of Science without Conscience, whereas Spidey is their polar opposite. Importantly Osbourne and Octavius have both respected and mentored Peter Parker, creating dual layers of tension, sympathy and conflict.

The guy who fits the bill is Doc Croc at this point. I'm not sure if they could logically get away with Harry not going Goblin til SM4 - where would he be all that time? - but I'd like the above theme to continue for the moment , if only for trilogic consistency.
10:40 / 17.07.04
I'm sorry, I guess I didn't realise that the natural progression of the Spidey 2 topic that meant people were already talking about what they'd like to see for the sequel, and speculating on where the endings will lead us, meant we needed a new topic just for these purposes! But now I realiz and its kool!

I think venom should be in every movie ever, and be played by Brock Lesnar! We need more wrestlers in films.
19:59 / 17.07.04
I agree, that I don't want Mary Jane to ever doubt her loyalty to Peter. We've had that twice already --- now let them be certain of their love. But, their must be obvious things to test that relationship. I really want MJ to get emotionally knocked around and STILL come back for more, cause she knows this is the guy for him.

NOTE: No Brock Lesnar and NO Venom. Not yet. Besides, Brock had the least charisma out of most of the people in the WWE. He can't carry a movie villian role.

Honestly --- for Spider-Man 4, I say they follow the storyline from the cartoon to introduce Venom. Jameson's ship almost crashes into New York. spidey had to save the day, but no one realizes some alien creature has jumped on board: the symbiote. But then again, I wouldn't even make Brock, a be Venom. I'd give the symbiote to Jameson. Or at least give Eddie a better back story than the crap they gave him in the comics. Ultimate Eddie wasn't bad either.
10:06 / 18.07.04
If it's NOT going to be Venom (especially if Raimi isn't enamoured with the idea) then I'd like to see Vulture or The Lizard make an appearance.
But spare us from Kraven. Please.
bio k9
11:07 / 18.07.04
Venom is the best Spiderman villain Ditko ever created. I hope the bad guy for Spiderman 3 is the Sinister Six. It could be Lizard, Venom, Carnage, Scorpion, Tarantula, Sin Eater, Spencer Smythe's Spider Slayers, and Harry Osborn as Jack O' Lantern. And the Lizard. And Venom.

I'm pleasuring myself already.
bio k9
11:09 / 18.07.04
I'm wearing that shirt everyday until Venom is on the silver screen.
bio k9
11:09 / 18.07.04
I made it myself. With bleach.
11:38 / 18.07.04
can i get one i want one too it will look awesone 2 on my wrestler buff body LOL

brock lesnar for venom!!!!1111

i want spidy 3 2 deal w kirby and ditkos best story yes i am takin about CLONS!!!!!!111 WITH VENOM!!!!1
11:39 / 18.07.04
also spidey shud bone black cat AND gwen! in 1 film tat wud make him teh man
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:20 / 18.07.04

He's the only man for me. A significant threat and a deviation from the warmed up Jekyll/Hyde stylings of many Spiderman villains.
14:32 / 18.07.04
Only if they keep his "star mask". OMG star for a brain is Grant Morrison writing this?
16:50 / 18.07.04
Girls, you're trolling. I think you've made the point that you find this thread to a pointless exercise in fanboy speculation. I think we get it.
20:24 / 18.07.04
That and Suede seems to think parodying-AOLspeak is still funny after 1997.
22:56 / 18.07.04
I like to think of it more as a parody of the kind of prevalent thinking going on in this thread.
Lord Morgue
08:16 / 19.07.04
Wet blanket attack!
08:32 / 19.07.04
Calm down, Morque.
Lord Morgue
12:52 / 19.07.04
Mis-spell attack!
13:12 / 19.07.04
"Misspell", Morque. There's no hyphen, Morque. Calm down, Morque.
13:14 / 19.07.04
I like to think of it more as a parody of the kind of prevalent thinking going on in this thread.

Do you ever have any fun?
Soulless and facetious.
The moment we start speaking in AOL language call in the marines, till then don't make out like you're better than everyone.
What would you like to see in Spiderman 3?
Or don't you have a valid opinion?
Spatula Clarke
13:28 / 19.07.04
*finger hovering over "throw in Conversation/bin" button*
13:34 / 19.07.04
Oh, don't do that! It's fun!

Yes. Don't you have a valid opinion?
13:39 / 19.07.04
I like to think of it more as a parody of the kind of prevalent thinking going on in this thread.

Fair enough, but it's not very *good* parody - it doesn't go anywhere, and it doesn't have any satirical function.

It's substantively offtopic, because it isn't really about Spider-Man at all - it's about how much cleverer and better than the people talking about Spider-Man you and Bio K9 are. It's like Runce's "comics are for kids" thread - your contributions are based on a desire not to talk to the other people in the thread, but to remind your chum how clever and great you, and by extension they, are. Which is fine, but after a while it's just kicking a corpse. Who is going to feel any incentive to talk about, say, Electro's suitability as a Spider-Man film villain if you and Bio K9 are rhythmically stroking each other about how much better you are than they through the medium of l33t which, as has been mentioned, is not even *accurate* parody - you should be aiming for overcomplicated, overly earnest and baroque, if anything. The Sinister Six gag was much closer to the mark.

Randy - tricky one. I don't think there's likely to be much more discussion of Spider-Man 3 in here, unless there is a proper slash and burn...

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