Suede, we're talking about Spider-man 3 because this is the Spider-man 3 thread. See the title? 3. Not 2. 3.
Now, as for ideas, one of the things I liked about the Mummy Returns is that Rick, Evie and the sprog were a pulpy adventure family who were actually HONESTLY FUCKING HAPPY. No divorces, no 'this is too dangerous! nyaah!'. Just confident, enthusiastic, get-on-with-it-ism. Refreshing.
Now, I'm not about Peter and MJ not having doubts about the Spideys double-life. I mean, if your boyfriend came home with the shit beaten out of him and he'd gone out looking for that kind of trouble, you'd be conflicted.
But with the two only just getting together in the final moments of SM2 (not 3, Suede!) I do NOT want to see the superhero antics sour the relationship so early. Not this soon. Not this sequel.
I've heard at the rumour mill that Raimi doesn't want Venom in the sequels, not before Goblin and Doc Croc at least. TBH, Venom's comic backstory is way too convoluted and doesn't really fit with Movie Spideys motif so far: that of SCIENCE GONE WRONG and that the ones you respect and admire are going fuck you over. Goblin and Ock are all accidents science, their own science infact. They are walking avatars of Science without Conscience, whereas Spidey is their polar opposite. Importantly Osbourne and Octavius have both respected and mentored Peter Parker, creating dual layers of tension, sympathy and conflict.
The guy who fits the bill is Doc Croc at this point. I'm not sure if they could logically get away with Harry not going Goblin til SM4 - where would he be all that time? - but I'd like the above theme to continue for the moment , if only for trilogic consistency. |