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The Big Spiderman 3 thread


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14:03 / 10.11.06
So the new trailer is up.


Am I the only one slightly bothered by the fact that Uncle Ben's REAL killer isn't the thug that robbed the wrestling stadium? It's a bit cheap to insert Marko now.
14:32 / 10.11.06
I doubt that all is at it seems.

Trailer's got me excited, though, which I wasn't before. Of course, it also left out a third of the plot, at least. This movie's gotta be, like, three hours long.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
15:34 / 10.11.06
Train + Particle effect face = awesome.
15:36 / 10.11.06
yeah, I loved the trailer; the only thing that seems weird to me is Marko being the killer of Ben. Or is it a plot point maybe that the police turn out to be incorrect in their thinking it was Cain Marko and not 'random crook played by entirely other actor in the first movie' who killed Uncle Ben, perhaps...?

There is a worry that they're trying to cram in too much plot stuff (Harry as Goblin 2/Hobgoblin, Gwen Stacy, Capt. Stacy, love triangle with Eddie Brock & Gwen, Venom, Sandman, Sandman as Uncle Ben's killer idea) but more than anything, I TRUST SAM RAIMI to balance it all beautifullly.
17:32 / 10.11.06
yeah, I loved the trailer; the only thing that seems weird to me is Marko BLAH BLAH BLAH STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT
17:32 / 10.11.06
You aven even seen the fookin film!
17:44 / 10.11.06
I think the Sandman-as-Uncle-Killer thing is probably a misdirection or set-up. It wouldn't make a lick of sense otherwise.
18:05 / 10.11.06
Right...and since this is a speculation thread, and all we have to go on right now is a few trailers, I don't think I'm being a whining fanboy for simply sharing my thoughts on it. I know we haven't seen the film, I am not condemning anything. I am giving my thoughts on a message board about something as we learn about it. So please allow the fun speculation thread to be a fun speculation thread, thanks. And I don't think having a simple observation means I'm draining all the 'fun' out of it, Ms. Triplets. Maybe you missed the part where I said 'I think this will be great regardless because I trust Sam Raimi.'

Anyway, back to the thread itself, shall we?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:09 / 10.11.06
Isn't Cain Marko the Juggernaut?

Am I just really confused?
18:17 / 10.11.06
FLINT Marko is the Sandman.
18:19 / 10.11.06
D'oh! That is correct, I was confusing 'em. Flinty Flint Flint is the man of sand indeed. Comics fan freudian slip there.
00:40 / 11.11.06
I really enjoy the first post of this thread. Considering that Raimi once told us that we'd never see Venom on film.
Spyder Todd 2008
00:06 / 13.11.06
New trailer is up.

Thoughts? Comments? I kind of feel like they should have labeled the trailer as a spoiler, honestly. So, ah, be warned? Maybe? Maybe I'm just being stupid.
01:12 / 13.11.06
Just one step ahead of ya, Spyder.

*cough*top of page*cough*cough
02:19 / 13.11.06
Ah, but I'll up the ante with an even SPOILERIER one.

Click here if you want to see Venom (wait until the very end)...
14:42 / 13.11.06
Yeah, it looks pretty great (the Venom stuff).

There are a few psyche-out fake YouTube videos that claim to have the Venom bit at the end, and then it turns out it's a kid in his garage or on the sidewalk wearing a hilariously bad Venom costume, interspliced with the actual new trailer, or a clip of a CGI Venom dancing around from some Marvel video game to the tune of "I Like To Move It Move It" - both of which were pretty funny. As I went through these, I was almost looking forward to seeing what silly ludicrious fakeout version of Venom I would get as opposed to anticipating the actual Venom footage.
15:38 / 13.11.06
It should be pointed out for people who haven't clicked on that link that it's a real Venom clip, not one of the fake ones.
Spyder Todd 2008
17:05 / 13.11.06
Hieronymus, dude, I swear that was not there. Did you time travel it in there or something? Crazy! Because that wasn’t there!

I’m going to go mutter quietly in the corner now…
10:06 / 14.11.06
Will Venom actauly be in it? Or is it just a build up to him being in the next one (spidey 4)? You get the feeling spideys got a lot to do and venom will show up at the end like 5 min before the credits.
10:24 / 14.11.06
My thoughts exactly. I guess it's possibly that he'll show up in time for the big fight at the end, but there are already enough villains for Spiderman to deal with without Venom.

A fourth spiderman movie though? Isn't that taking things a bit too far?
12:57 / 14.11.06
If you pay careful attention to the trailer there are several shots of a battle-damaged Spidey in his classic red-blue outfit, tangled in thick gooey black webbing (Venom's web). Sony are keeping their cards pretty close to their chest but the climax of the film will almost certainly be a battle with Venom.


Based on the trailer - which actually does give away a lot, unfortunately - the way it all fits together as I can figure it out is that Peter somehow bonds with the symbiote and the first fight will be with Sandman, which will occur early in the film. After defeating Sandman he fights Harry, and with the symbiote making Peter more aggressive and violent, Peter probably goes too far and seriously injures Harry. Shocked at himself and what he's becoming, he rejects the symbiote, which then finds its way to Eddie Brock, bonding with him and becoming Venom. The climax of the film is a fight with Venom.
H3ct0r L1m4
16:33 / 14.11.06
you're probably on the money, Cameron. I suppose the 'Sandman being Uncle Ben's killer' thing - revealed early on in the trailer itself - is what will make Peter go dark emo vigilante mode and trigger the simbionte's blood thirst.

and I wonder how will ######## fit in all this. hopefuly 3 will continue directly in 4? or at least the groundwork for that may be layed in 3...
H3ct0r L1m4
16:46 / 14.11.06
let me just add that Venon SOUNDS creepy as fuck in this clip... jeez.
The Falcon
22:11 / 14.11.06
Is anyone, like me, who grew up on the DeFalco/Frenz era of Spidey really, really hopeful that Harry's a.e. will be Hobgoblin? It's pathetic, I know, but for years he was basically the alpha and omega of Spidey villains.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
23:28 / 14.11.06
I'm hoping no. Just from the trailer there's no confusion about it being Harry (he's not wearing a mask while fighting Peter, for one thing), so having him don a bright orange hoodie and make up a silly name for himself would be kind of goofy, all things considered.

Harry in his dad's gear trying to kill Peter dead would be a lot more interesting to me than "I am... Hooobbbgoobliiinnn!!! Ah ha ha ha ha!" when everyone involved knows it's Harry and will just call him Harry anyway.
02:09 / 15.11.06
When was Harry Osborn ever Hobgoblin?

As far as I'm aware, the answer is never.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
09:40 / 15.11.06
You're right -- he was Green Goblin III, if I recall correctly. But shoehorning the Hobgoblin saga into the Spider-Man movies would be ludicrous (Ned Leeds? Rod Kingsley?) and the obvious shortcut for the most major Spidey villain of the '80s* would be to make Harry the Hobgoblin.

But I'd rather they just skip it altogether.

*not counting Silvermane and Humbug and... jeez the '80s were lame.
H3ct0r L1m4
10:46 / 15.11.06
I'd much rather see Kraven, Scorpio or Mysteryo [specially the last one] than Hobgo-bling, but at least it's coherent with Harry's "character arc".
12:53 / 15.11.06
Yeah, bollocks to setting up Green Goblin & Son in Spider-man 2, let's see a totally unrelated - thus far - villain. Get to Hollywood!

I want to see Electryo, Calypsyo and Rhinyo. And Jack Yo Lantern.

Playing Subuteyo.
The Falcon
16:35 / 15.11.06
I'm well aware no Osborn was the Hobgoblin, matt. Well done, though!
20:46 / 15.11.06
%Well, that was very clear from your post.%
miss wonderstarr
21:24 / 15.11.06
Why is that final "trailer" above so rough and made up of animatics (? I think that's the term). How come it's been released at all, if the CGI is clearly unfinished?
04:09 / 16.11.06
it hasnt been released officially, it was an unfinished rough edit that has been accidentally (deliberately?) leaked from some production house somewhere. Sony's been running around in a mad dash to yank it from YouTube, Google, and all other places it popped up, and I'm sure that some people have lost their jobs somewhere. There's no way they'd ever properly release an unfinished workprint like that.
04:12 / 16.11.06
Ahahaah I love that, as you'll see if you click the link I posted above again, the person who uploaded it to YouTube has cleverly changed the title and description to evade Sony's search patrol...
H3ct0r L1m4
09:02 / 16.11.06
Ms Tripletsy, you're so kind, how come you're not a forum mod???

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