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The Blue Book - wandering notebook part 2


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Grey Area
15:00 / 06.04.05
The book has been sent to Rizla. T'would have gone sooner, but I upped and went on a short holiday.
Bed Head
17:51 / 06.04.05
Somewhere sunny, I hope.

Oooh, but I just thought, Grey: are there going to be scans? Of the combined arty goodness of you and olula and mix.
03:30 / 07.04.05
I'd totally dig to someday receive the notebook.
Grey Area
13:29 / 07.04.05
Sca...oh fu(beeeep). I knew I forgot something. I forgot to bloody well scan the pages! Argh! $%#*@&!!!
14:24 / 07.04.05
Okay, well I've got mine and Mix's so I can mail you them for the online record keeping.

Rizla, can you scan Grey Area's when you get the book?
rizla mission
08:32 / 11.04.05
Right then -

Got the book, should finish doing my bit in the next day or two.

Am I right in thinking that Flyboy is still next on the list followed by assorted other London types? Before funnily enough I'll hopefully be in London next Saturday and could possibly find time to pass it over..

Re; scanning. Theoretically, I should be able to scan the pages, put them on CD and send them back to Grey Area. Theoretically. I'll do my best anyway.
Bed Head
09:06 / 11.04.05
The list. Click on the names to send them a pm. ‘Emma Pirate’ (god only knows who she is) and Cloned Christ (has anybody even seen him recently?) and then, yes, 10 or 11 or 12 posters who are all Londoners, I think. The order doesn’t matter so much then.

And there’s now a section at the end of the list, for all the names that have been skipped. So you can skip a poster or two without a great detail of guilt, and know that they’re only really been bumped to the back of the queue, rather than Wiped From History. Is the general idea.

But, dude. London's so calling.
Tryphena Absent
16:47 / 17.04.05
Rizla passed the notebook to me yesterday because he was in town and I've just completed my pages. Flyboy has to do his and then we'll pass it to Kit-Cat.
rizla mission
08:44 / 18.04.05
I should also note that I wasn't actually able to do any scanning because my scanner software appears to be all messed up and I didn't have time to fix it, so the next person the book ends up with who's got a scanner should do from Grey Area's pages onwards.

Regrettable Juvenilia
09:57 / 18.04.05
I'm pretty sure I can sneak it into work and scan some pages at some point.
Grey Area
10:55 / 18.04.05
Nice to see the book's zipping along at a decent pace. *knocks on wood with crossed fingers clenching a four-leafed clover* We might just pull this one off, so we might.

Anyone who's got scans for the archive, PM me and I'll provide you with an e-mail address to send them to.
Tryphena Absent
22:49 / 18.04.05
actually I might be able to scan some pages on Thursday... who's been done?
Grey Area
09:15 / 19.04.05
I believe Puck is the last person I uploaded. I'll gladly accept any and all scans of pages after his...
paranoidwriter waves hello
00:26 / 20.04.05
Can I put my name down? Location: London, UK
03:15 / 20.04.05
I could be really stroppy about this and say that since you're not long on the board, it's not sensible for us to add you to the blue book. This is not anything to do with who you are and much more to do with KwendeCentral's mass disappearing act.

As a result of that, we're all really leery of sending the book anywhere that it might not get forwarded on from. However, if you are desperate to contribute, *PM me or another Creation moderator with an address that we can contact you at and then you can join in.

*Disclaimer: This is entirely me saying this - other people might think differently, especially since I took a bollion years to make my contribution...


GA, I have emailed you the scans for me and Mixmage. If you want to upload them on your site that's ace, but if you can't let me know and I'll do it from mine.
03:17 / 20.04.05
Do I sound horribly shirty?
04:05 / 20.04.05
That depends on what "shirty" means. Sometimes I despair of ever figuring out what's going on around here.

So Flyboy has the book now?
05:20 / 20.04.05
Shirty means meanly cross for no reason other than obstreperousness.
05:30 / 20.04.05
Hm. Sort of like "snarky", then?

I swear I will get all these Britishismwhatsits down.

(Sorry for the threadrot.)
Bed Head
08:05 / 20.04.05
Paranoidwriter - I’ve added your name to the very end of the list, okay? If you’re still an active member of the board by the time it gets down to you, then we can have the fun debate about whether or not you’re to be trusted.*

But in the meantime, I’m sure you’re very welcome to share the sense of endless anticipation. Provide your own cushion.

* Disclaimer: this is me following my previously-stated policy of including everyone who’s ever asked somewhere on the list, and not anything to do with disagreeing with other posters for the sake of having a Big Fuss.
21:06 / 20.04.05
Awww. Come on, let's have a Big Fuss.
22:12 / 25.04.05
Here are the new pages from me and Mixmage. Pages 19, 20 and 21 are Mixmage's. Page 20 is actually in the form of a double-sided pull-out and that's why there are so many sections to it.

Pages 21, 22, and 23 are mine.

page 19

page 20
page 20a
page 20b
page 20c
page 20d
page 20e
page 20f
page 20g
page 20h

page 21

page 22

page 23
Bed Head
22:44 / 25.04.05
Wow. Oh, wow.
13:55 / 28.04.05
Have those flame recipes been tested?

I kind of wish I lived in a colder climate now....
17:28 / 28.04.05
My house is a temple to all things burny.
22:00 / 03.05.05
And onward into the merry month of May.

How you doin'?
Regrettable Juvenilia
00:02 / 07.05.05
Apologies for the recent delay caused by me going on holiday before I'd done my bit - am back now and intend to have it in the bag by Monday.
Alex's Grandma
02:26 / 09.05.05
Guys, sorry, I don't mean to drag this out.

I'll keep it simple.

In my possession is The Wandering Notebook, vol 2.

You can consider it kidnapped

What's it worth, that thing ?

( Appealing to anyone's better nature is, in this case, I guess, going to be a terrible waste of time. )

Unless I get a reasonable offer in terms of cash or drugs in the next 24 hours, all your ideas about the wandering notebook will fly away like small birds, like butterflies, like nothing.

I've made my position clear. Goddamn !
11:02 / 09.05.05
How about a bus tour to Cuba? And a fast car, mustn't forget that.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:15 / 09.05.05
Fortunately I have beaten Alex into a coma with one of the empty bottles of gin that litter his immediate surroundings at all times, and retaken the notebook. I've done my bit and will scan tomorrow if I remember to take it to work...
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:47 / 10.05.05
Right - I have scanned the contributions of myself and Nina Clamourity - just realised I need to scan Rizla's as well but colleagues are back in the office so will need to wait. My three pages (plus an addition to the place-holder thingy) are here and here if anyone's interested - will add Nina's once I've just checked with her she's happy with them being visible online.
Kit-Cat Club
13:24 / 10.05.05
Argh what am I going to do what am I going to do help brane switch on argh
Tryphena Absent
23:36 / 10.05.05
These are my pages: 1 and 2.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:23 / 13.05.05
The book is now with Kit-Cat Club.
Tryphena Absent
16:13 / 15.06.05
Kit-Cat, do you still have the book?

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