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The Blue Book - wandering notebook part 2


Page: 123(4)56789... 12

Bed Head
19:14 / 22.08.04
Oooh! Gosh yes, I got it yesterday, thankyew Royal Mail. And probably the only time I'll ever I’ve receive a parcel addressed to ‘Mister Thomas Lovell B. Head.’, thank you Deva, it’s quite a feat to have made me laugh out loud before I’ve had any coffee. ‘Tis laaaverly - I’d avoided clicking to see the scans because I didn’t want to spoil the surprise - and I’ve been doing a drawing today which I intend to glue in. And then it’ll be ready to go again. Watch this space.

My advice to those feeling listless, or whatever, is not to worry, and PM Baz. Otherwise he’ll never know. PMs rock.
23:07 / 22.08.04
It makes me very happy to see this working again, and the pages thus far are beautiful.


Mixmage's computer is indeed FUBARRed, but maybe soon won't be as it's currently in computer hospital. I know he's still up for contributing, so PM me or Puck for his address and we can also let him know when it's his turn.

Brum's up next, right?
12:50 / 23.08.04
I PM'd Baz as advised.

Offhand I noticed The Seldom Killer, myself, and Benny the Ball (where are you located, Benny?) haven't made the Baz version of the list yet. Oh, and one faced janus seems to have been given a miss earlier.

What list is actually being followed now?
Cat Chant
13:44 / 23.08.04
The Baz list is being followed with the exceptions that:

(1) Multiple Man didn't answer a PM or reply to this thread, so ze got missed off; and

(2) mixmage's computer is broken, so in the meantime the book has gone to BedHead before resuming its merry way to mixmage and/or puck in Birmingham.

So I guess the most urgent thing is for people in the North of England/Midlands to get on the list before the book goes south (as it were).
The Puck
20:23 / 15.09.04
Just to let everyone know that Puck has the book and is in the process of adding his horrible scrawl before he passes it on to Mix

i will let everyone know when there are further developments
Char Aina
23:42 / 15.09.04
my contirbution was way longer than two pages... i was unaware of the limit, and my last page is six later than vincennes'.

i guaged a sensible amount based on book size, having forgotten that we had decided a number.

are there scans yet? there should be safety scans taken at every home it stops at(if possible).
flufeemunk effluvia
00:08 / 16.09.04
Can I get in?
Jack Vincennes
07:11 / 16.09.04
toksik -Grey Area posted the scans here!
The Puck
20:56 / 20.09.04
ive just finished my pages and in the process of passing the book onto my freind Mix.

now ive used my limited computer skills to scan mine and Beds pictures into my magic box, am i supposed to post these to someone or just keep them for back up, im afraid i havnt got a scooby how to go about posting these on the interweb hyperslice.

(Beds pictures are ace BTW)
Bed Head
23:53 / 20.09.04
Um, FWIW, I scanned my (sadly, entirely average) pages but held back from emailing them to Grey because I didn’t really want them hoisted up online. Not because I’m coy, but because it seems too much like it’s ***spoilers*** before you get the book. Clicking on a link might chip away at the JOY of opening it for the first time and letting all its myriad wonders wash over you. Or something. Although I totally see the sense in having a backup scanned at regular intervals.
The Puck
00:11 / 21.09.04
So you dont want yours sent to anyone else? and are you sure its not misplaced modesty that preventing you from showing off the work? average my arse.

and is it Grey that is reciving them?
Bed Head
00:14 / 21.09.04
Thinking on it. Howsabout hosting scans on password-protected webpages, with the password scribbled in the front of the notebook? Or is that the kind of stoopid and fiddly idea only a drunken mind would come up with? Because that way, everyone who’s already had the book gets into the club that can keep track of what has happened after it left them, but everyone yet to take their turn gets to keep all the thrills of anticipation. Unless they cheat, which is also, y’know, easily do-able. If they really want to.

I hereby suggest Grey gets passed the book at the very next available opportunity, so he can add a password to the flyleaf as well as contributing his pages. Unless sober minds decide my mad plan is an impossible dream born of wine, or otherwise unachievable in software terms. Or whatever.
The Puck
00:21 / 21.09.04
ohhhh i like the idea of belonging to a secret club, apart from the "stay up late and hang round the lith" club.

do we get to wear cool hats?
Bed Head
00:30 / 21.09.04
Cool hats *and* false beards. And we hunt secret seal cubs.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:10 / 21.09.04
it seems too much like it’s ***spoilers*** before you get the book

Except that more people can read this thread than will ever get the book. There's also the constant worry that it might go walkabout. I for one am happy to be spoiled...
Grey Area
10:00 / 21.09.04
I am happy to continue to host scans of pages. PM me for my e-mail address, send me the files and I'll ftp them onto my webspace and update the thread with the new links.

And regarding spoilers, if a person can't control themselves and not click on the link, surely that's their problem, not ours? I'd tend towards the two arguments that
1. We do need a backup
2. More people will get to see it this way.

Sure, you miss out on the magic of opening an envelope and pulling out a book full of creativity, reeking of ink, glue and inspiration, but then that's the way of rewarding the people who actually contribute. You lucky, lucky people you.
Bed Head
22:28 / 21.09.04
You’re both happy and you’re both absolutely right, of course.

Hoom. So what was I thinking? Something along the lines of how spoilage might actually affect the book, self-control or no. It’s not like it’s a movie or an X-man comic. I thought it’s something you’re supposed to receive and respond to as it is. That the whole point of posting a book from place to place is to build up the pages which contributors are inspired to add, upon receiving it in the mail. That getting that moment, that reaction, one page after another, is what’s worth all the other practical problems we’re encountering. And that it’s a different project if it’s now pages being collated centrally, which all contributors have constant access to throughout. Not big deal, just a thought, is all. An idle thought. Carry on.

And fly, it’s almost reached London. Where it’ll be passed like a hot potato from hand to eager hand, right? So I’m sure your turn will come this month or next.
Bed Head
22:43 / 21.09.04
GA: I’ve already agreed with the importance of having a backup, but if I haven’t already mentioned what a groovy thing it is for you to be hosting the scans, let me do so now. Yes to the backup, yes to the online-ness of it. I was just being funny about being able to preview a postal-based project. For which I apologise. I withdraw my useless objections.
The Puck
23:00 / 21.09.04
i still get to wear a cool hat right?
14:41 / 22.09.04
I'd be up for this, if the list's still open. I'm in London so could pick it up after the flyboy/potus/whisky priestess kru have done their stuff, perhaps?

I may not post regularly but Barbelith is my homepage so I won't disappear!
Grey Area
15:43 / 22.09.04
New pages are up. I believe pages 12 through 15 are Bedhead's, and 16 through 18 are Puck's. Correct me if I'm wrong.

page 12
page 13
page 14
page 15
page 16
page 17
page 18

Re-sizing might be a bit wonky as I was continually distracted by having to go to meetings, deal with students and fill in more paperwork in an effort to trace the paperwork which I filed regarding the paperwork requesting some other paperwork. About paperwork.

About people joining this project: As one of the people who hasn't got the book yet and who is still very, very keen on contributing, can I vent my frustration about people jumping the queue? I mean, fair enough, you want to take part, but every person who jumps in because "I'm in the same place as those other people so it makes sense" means a longer wait for me and everyone else. And as the fate of the other book has proven, just because you're in the same city as the person who currently has the book does not guarantee rapid transfer and/or completion.
flufeemunk effluvia
22:18 / 23.09.04
Fuck the "same area" thing, then. I say we all splurge on the postage out of caring.

Can I at least get in the back of the line?
22:45 / 25.09.04
Oh my.

I worship in the temple of Bed and Puck.

Flufeemunk effluvia, I guess you can go in the back of the line if you want to but it's really not fair to let new Blue Book recruits jump in in front of other old ones who have been waiting ages.

Anyone new goes to the bottom of the list. Thus is it decreed.
09:35 / 28.09.04
Back of the list is fine with me. That was a question rather than a demand, after all.
09:47 / 29.09.04
Bedhead, you can draw hands like a bad mother fucker, and I respect you for that. Actually, I salute you!

Oh, and can I drop out of this? Much as I want to make something awesome and pretty, I don't even have time to think right now. Shit, I'd actually planned something as well...
Bed Head
21:59 / 30.09.04
Suedey, I’ve waited my entire life to be a bit like a bad motherfucker. I blow kisses at your salutes. Even though I cocked up every third hand I drew.

..but, anyway, are you sure you want out? Can we not persuade you to glue in a sheet from your fabled New York sketchbook? Y’know, for posterity and that. Please? Dude, the world so wants to see.
01:31 / 01.10.04
Oh, the world will still see, I have no doubt! I'd just feel a bit guilty comitting to something that I know I'd dread coming through my letterbox, and then forget (avoid) for far too long... even though I would very much like to have something in there. It's all a bit busy busy at the moment!
13:20 / 29.10.04
Where is the book? Does it still wander?
Grey Area
10:29 / 01.11.04
I was just thinking about the book this morning, and came in here with the intent of posting just the kind of message Squirmelia did. You beat me. This is most vexing. I am most terribly vexed.

But yeah, where is the book? Does anyone have any more scans for the online backup? Has it reached London? Or is it launguishing at the bottom of a pile of bills, credit-card junkmail and fast-food joint flyers?
Bed Head
12:39 / 01.11.04
I could be wrong, but I believe Ottoline still has it. After which, well, unless this Tzara dude is secretly lurking the whole time, only waiting for hir turn with the book, and considering Suedey has dropped out, then you’re next, Grey.
02:20 / 02.11.04
i would like to participate.
09:34 / 02.11.04
I do indeed have it but it has been my Grandma's funeral and horrid things like that, so I haven't done anything with it yet. I'll try and get it done this week. Sorry.

I know I've given everyone loads of grief about being slow.

*Looks at the floor, glumly.*
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:45 / 02.11.04
And fly, it’s almost reached London. Where it’ll be passed like a hot potato from hand to eager hand, right? So I’m sure your turn will come this month or next.

i am so glad teh notebook is al;moft here!!!!
20:57 / 04.11.04
Here's my name.

Pittsburgh, PA, though I could be back in New Jersey by the time the book arrives. Or, even, back in Pittsburgh again.
rizla mission
08:21 / 05.11.04
umm.. just occured to me I should mention that I'm not in Wales any more, I've moved back to Leicester. Hope that doesn't mess things up too much geography-wise.

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