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The Blue Book - wandering notebook part 2


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08:28 / 19.05.06
If anyone with a scanner so desires, they can stick my pages up.
Char Aina
09:58 / 19.05.06
i feel i should point out that ariadne's pages are actually mine.

does that mean the whole lot needs shunting up a number?
13:27 / 19.05.06
grant, who is the book going to next, then?
16:49 / 28.05.06
You? I'm done, ready to send to... man, that wiki list has lost all resemblance to reality. I'm PMing Sekhmet because she's the squeaky wheel, and because she was next to me on the list.
Bed Head
19:01 / 29.05.06
Toksik - just to check, you’re saying that pages 4 thru 9 are all your pages, then? Okay, do you want to alter the notes in the wiki or shall I? I know Deva did the Milly page, anyway.

And, yeah, more scans would be a rrrreally good idea. I want to see all the later pages! Perhaps we could use Flickr to host the book, or something? That way it’d be easy for everyone to upload new pages as we go along, and also keep them all in one place. Or something. Wouldn't it?
12:11 / 05.06.06
OK, no response from Sekhmet. I'm confused as to who should go next.

Using my location in the southeastern United States, I think the closest leap would be to... Sally Dammerung?

Screw it, I'm PMing the first U.S. name on the wiki list, which is Nietzsch E. Coyote.
20:44 / 07.06.06
Wandering Notebook seeks new home with any correspondent, pref. American. Must answer private messages posted to
17:17 / 09.06.06
Ack! Dang, sorry, was out of pocket for a little while there. Life went nuts.

I'm here now and prepared to accept deliveries whenever.

Has it already gone elsewhere?
22:56 / 15.06.06
Ahoy. Just an update for those who are not privy to my IM box, which I hope includes the vast majority of you. I believe that the artifact is or soon will be traveling me-ward from grantland. This is cause for much excitement and some consternation on my part as I haven't the foggiest idea what to contribute.

But the Book lives.
01:12 / 21.06.06
... and it has arrived, thanks be to grant!

my god... it's full of stars...
Nietzsch E. Coyote
04:31 / 27.06.06
I'm actually up in Vancouver Canada but I'd be happy to get it next.

Who should I give my address to?
17:48 / 30.06.06
I guess that depends on how many times we want this thing to cross the U.S.-Canadian border...

I've got another page to do and then I'm going to see if my wood-burning scanner can manage any of this thing for wiki-age purposes. Hopefully I'll be ready to send it on by the end of next week-ish.

Parties interested in receiving the book next please PM me and we'll try to figure out a logical route...
18:31 / 30.06.06
I'm up for it, I'll PM you as I'm in New Hampshire.
Mr Tricks
22:35 / 30.06.06
So, is it safe to believe the book is still currently on the east coast of North America?
21:10 / 01.07.06
It's currently in Texas. Yee-haw.
19:17 / 02.07.06
I keep getting an error when searching the wiki for the blue book entry....
22:21 / 02.07.06
Try this linky...
01:27 / 03.07.06
yer da bomb!
01:29 / 03.07.06
should I stick myself in the wiki list?
11:46 / 03.07.06
Yes. You see how it's done? Link to user profile...
Mr Tricks
19:15 / 03.07.06
Holy Cow... that places the book remarkably close to California!!!
13:47 / 04.07.06
Yes. You see how it's done? Link to user profile...

I stuck myself in the 'These guys aren’t yet on the list, not quite...' zone, hopefully that is the correct place for new peoples to the event?
21:12 / 24.07.06
How are we doing with the booky-book now?
15:36 / 28.07.06
18:20 / 29.07.06
Gah. I've got it still.

I'm at a bit of a loss as to where it should go next... a couple of people have PM'd me about it, some with addresses, so unless there's some sort of consensus about the direction of travel I'm just going to pick someone and shuttle it along.

Should people who have been on the list for a long time take priority over those who just joined recently?
02:09 / 31.07.06
Well, I sent it to you mainly because I tried going through the list in order, and then going by geographic proximity (to the best of my knowledge), but didn't get any replies.

It seems like the best thing to do would be to send it to whoever's closest, but if you can't raise them, then whoever you know is there to receive the thing and pass it along.
Mr Tricks
17:18 / 01.08.06
yeah I thought geography was a major factor in this project's passage.
23:48 / 03.08.06
Okay, it's all packaged up and set to head out to N.E. Coyote tomorrow because he won the coin toss. I hope everyone's okay with that - movement is movement, right?

Onward through the fog!
19:27 / 22.08.06
Mr Tricks
18:07 / 25.08.06
so, I'm now wondering how long is this book meant to stay in a given contributer's hands? It was almost mailed to me at the very begining of August... with August coming to a close I'm just curious about the lenght of stay this book has with anyone.

I undertand the book's somewhere on the west coast . . . possibly even the Bay Area.

Can a confermation be provided?
22:44 / 26.08.06
Shall we PM N.E Coyote? I think a month is enough. And it should be onward, onward I say.
22:21 / 27.08.06
Don't blame Coyote... I only got the thing off to him about a week ago...

(*shuffles feet*)

I cut out and redid both my pages before I sent it. Totally my fault.
22:23 / 27.08.06
Or two weeks, maybe. Not sure.

However, it might be worth checking to make sure he received it, because I haven't heard anything...

I'm feeling really awful about this because I just realized I had the book for almost two months.

I don't really have an excuse, either. Life has been a bit weird and crazy, but that's doesn't absolve me for what basically amounts to laziness. I'm very sorry, guys.
04:04 / 30.08.06
I have heard back from N.E.Coyote - it has arrived safely.
23:07 / 30.08.06
Man, this thing's been going about forever.

I've been on Barbelith coming on two years now, and I just missed this on its start-up Scottish leg.


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