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The Blue Book - wandering notebook part 2


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15:37 / 20.04.04
Following on from the first wandering notebook and it's slow and unwieldy progress around the world, (as well as its rapid growth) it has been decreed that a second book is to be started. The second wandering notebook The Blue Book is going the other way around the world to the first one and is starting, I believe, in Scotland.

Anything to do with the Blue Book should go in this thread, including a list of people who wish to contribute. If you want to be involved in this new project you need to add your name to this list - even if you were already on the Red Book list.

Anyone who didn't get onto the list for the Red Book - now is your chance to join in.

Please put your name, and your location (county/state, followed by country). This makes it easier for us to work out the route of the book.
Jack Vincennes
15:52 / 20.04.04
Just so it's easier to sort out where it should be going next - I've got the blue notebook just now, so it's starting in Glasgow.
Mr Tricks
16:15 / 20.04.04

I'm still in OAKLAND California USA.
Multiple Man
16:20 / 20.04.04
Woooooo! Im in on this methinks.

Sheffield, United Kingdom.
rizla mission
16:27 / 20.04.04
I'll get in quick on this one too;

South Wales, UK
8===>Q: alyn
16:55 / 20.04.04
I'm in. Qalyn, NYC.
Baz Auckland
02:42 / 21.04.04
Baz - Toronto, ON, Canada
Grey Area
10:35 / 21.04.04
Grey Area, Belfast, UK
The Puck
11:19 / 21.04.04
His puckness, birmingham, england
11:37 / 21.04.04
Yo! Raps!

Get me in on this shizzle quizzle!

Suedey, Leics.
Ethan Hawke
11:54 / 21.04.04
tahhdd - new york city.
Bed Head
13:04 / 21.04.04
Bedhead, Nottingham UK. Please.
13:12 / 21.04.04
I want to contribute.

Squirmelia, Southampton, UK.
Tryphena Absent
14:23 / 21.04.04
Me. Anna de Logardiere. London. Yay.
Tryphena Absent
14:24 / 21.04.04
Wouldn't it have been easier to literally send it the other way along the list?
15:00 / 21.04.04
Im with. Adrian, Lunde, Norway.
17:21 / 21.04.04
let me play
im in leicester, uk
8===>Q: alyn
19:03 / 21.04.04
Anna, I think the Blue Book is doing double duty as a chance for new peeps to enter. And it'll depend on where it starts, right?
19:41 / 21.04.04
Qalyn, that's quite right, the Red Book was growing to behemoth size with the new people that wanted to be involved, so the Blue Book is a chance really for them to get in on it, as well as for Europe to get it's hands on it first.

Anna, another reason that is isn't just going back the other way is that some people might only wish to contribute to one book.
19:42 / 21.04.04

Olulabelle: Somerset, England.
22:41 / 21.04.04
diddley dang....
what is time anyway

moonweaver. auckland. new zealand
00:08 / 22.04.04
Actually, you know what would be really Barbenice?

What would be really Barbenice is if all the people who are already Red Booking held off from Blue Booking until we've seen how many other people want to join in. I mean I know the idea was that the Blue Book was an alternative to the slow Red Book but we have so many people interested it would be cool if everyone got a go.

Call me Pollyanna if you wish, by all means, but...
07:38 / 22.04.04
Book 'Lithers of the world, hand it over.

South Coast of the UK.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:57 / 22.04.04
If the 'blue' book is an alternative to the 'red' book which requires people who signed up but are near the end of the 'red' list to wait until anyone else signs up first, then I'm afraid I'll have to start a 'black' book to serve my own nefarious purposes.

Meantime, add me to any list you fancy.
8===>Q: alyn
11:58 / 22.04.04
Er, that's not all that Barbenice, though. The reason you suggested Bluebook was that people were (rightly) upset that Redbook was taking so long. If Redbook people are encouraged to not sign up for Bluebook, what have they gained?
8===>Q: alyn
11:59 / 22.04.04
I will happily give my pages of Bluebook to newcomers, however, should Bluebook get full.
Jack Vincennes
12:57 / 22.04.04
I'm afraid I'll have to start a 'black' book to serve my own nefarious purposes.

Don't tell anyone, but the blue book is actually far more black than blue. The (extremely awesome, btw) notebook which I chose came in 4 colours; black, red, purple and a particularly revolting shade of lilac. I thought that black was closer to blue -or at least further from red -than any of the above, and more importantly was non-revolting...

Incidentally, my part of the notebook is more or less finished, so I'll send that on as soon as we work out who should be getting it next.
Baz Auckland
13:56 / 22.04.04
You should probably send it to Toksik, since he's in the same city and all that...
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:41 / 22.04.04
Er, that's not all that Barbenice, though. The reason you suggested Bluebook was that people were (rightly) upset that Redbook was taking so long. If Redbook people are encouraged to not sign up for Bluebook, what have they gained?

Hang on, that was my point exactly. Maybe I didn't express it well enough. I meant to say: we need a book that people languishing at the end of the red book queue can contribute to some time in the next 6 months. Whether that means the blue book goes backwards following the existing list or we form a new list is up to... Someone else.
Grey Area
14:48 / 22.04.04
A suggested route for the book to take, based on geographical location and a general westward circuit of the globe. Please bear in mind that my geography is crap...if my placement of your name isn't in the right spot, tell me and I'll move it.

Vincennes, Glasgow
(Toksik, who's not listed but seems to be on the list)

Multiple Man, Sheffield
Puck, Birmingham
Suede, Leics.
Tzara, Leicester (is that the same as Leics.?)
Olulabelle, Somerset
Bedhead, Nottingham
Squirmelia, Southampton
Anna de Logardiere, London
Ex, Somewhere on the south coast
(Flyboy is somewhere in the UK, yes?)

Rizla, Wales

Northern Ireland:
Grey Area, Belfast

Adrian, Lunde

Baz, Toronto

Qualyn, New York
Todd, New York
Mr. Tricks, Oakland

New Zealand:
Moonweaver, Auckland
8===>Q: alyn
15:08 / 22.04.04
Eh, Flyboy, we were writing concurrently, making the same point. Sorry.
Whisky Priestess
15:43 / 22.04.04
Flyboy lives with me and Potus (and, unofficially, Anna de L) in London. He is our byatch. We can all do the book but it will have to be quick cos Potus is moving.
Mr Tricks
16:07 / 22.04.04
...but it will have to be quick...

ideally . . .
23:10 / 22.04.04
Sounds like fun.
If it's not too late to join, I'm in North Texas. So I guess I would go between Todd and Mr.Tricks
23:21 / 22.04.04
Fucks sake.

It's unlike Barbelith to make things complicated.

Blue book, Red book, Black book, whatever. I still think it's more productive to let new people join in. But if you really feel the need to contribute immediately, and twice then who am I to argue.

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