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The Blue Book - wandering notebook part 2


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Baz Auckland
03:14 / 23.04.04
How about:

1. I add all the new people to the list.

2. Vincennes mails the BlueBook to Toksik.

3. Toksik contacts the next-to-last person on the list (currently Adam Kadmon of Edinburgh) to see if they want the BlueBook

4. If they want in the blue book, then he sends it to them. If they just want in the RedBook, or if they have gone AWOL, he proceeds to the next-next-to-last person, etc. etc.

Sound like a plan? Umm... give me a day or so to add the new names...
Char Aina
04:12 / 23.04.04
dude, i am down with that plan.
Char Aina
04:14 / 23.04.04
except theres no need to mail it.
that would be a good excuse to meet, or even do a spy style drop and pick up.

in fact, can we play spy even if you are willing to meet?
Baz Auckland
04:55 / 23.04.04

Alles ist gut? Ja?
Jack Vincennes
07:54 / 23.04.04
Seems fair. Are there other Glasgow people? Should there be some form of meet? (not to make this sound like some kind of a solemn ceremony or anything, which would be entirely 'out' with the whole spy aesthetic) If so I'll start a Gathering thread or something next week as I'm going to be away from computers for the weekend.
Char Aina
02:58 / 24.04.04
i think yawn is in town after the weekend, and i know meme is leaving soon for better places with better people...

the rest of them, they hide stuff from me.
19:58 / 24.04.04
Alles ist gut? Ja?

NEIN! Es gibt nicht genug Kekse fuer mich!
Actually, very nice job with that map.
Tryphena Absent
20:44 / 24.04.04
This might sound crazy but how about we have a book for Europe and a book for America (and anyone outside can get the book done first)??
The Tower Always Falls
22:05 / 24.04.04
Not any time to debate merits of book versus book but...

Tower: Chicago, IL
01:44 / 25.04.04
I'd like it too.

fridgemagnet, Philadelphia, PA, USA
wembley can change in 28 days
09:40 / 26.04.04
whoa, get me in there before it leaves norway...

Helsinki, Finland
Jack Vincennes
13:36 / 30.04.04
Thought that we could use this thread to track where the blue book is (although I'll start a separate one if people think it'd be better) -anyway, Toksik now has the notebook!
04:27 / 01.05.04
Add me to the list; NYC.
10:31 / 01.05.04
Ooooooh yes me tooo. Me and the chickens are dead keen.

Hawkes Bay New Zealand
Char Aina
16:31 / 01.05.04
me have book.
working on it...
who wants it next, then?
is it going weegie,
or should i be investing in stamps?

i'll need it for at least another week,
20:06 / 01.05.04
What on earth does going weegie mean?!
Baz Auckland
03:17 / 02.05.04
It means staying within Glasgow... (haven't you read any Irvine Welsh?) Glasgow resident = Glasweegian = Weegie (am I right?)

According to the latest list, next stop is... Adam Kadmon of Edinburgh!
Char Aina
09:51 / 03.05.04
y'all be coh-reck.
weegies are glasgow folk, and weegie is anything from there.

as in the sentence

"that mark millar, if he werent a weegie i'm sure he'd get his head kicked in a whole lot more often."

mr kadmon is yet to reply to a PM i sent, so we shall see. dont get too excited; i'll give him a few to get to me, then i'll lok for a new next.
17:34 / 03.05.04
Can I take a small moment to say Huzzah that this book is at least on the same small island as myself and is working its was ever so slowly to my grubby little hands .
...hmmm better remind myself what I was going to put in it.
Colonel Kadmon
21:36 / 06.05.04
Mr Kadmon here.

I'm in. I was away, and I replied as soon as I could. Don't tar me with the tardy brush, please.

So. Who's next? Are we still in Scotland?
Mr Tricks
22:08 / 13.05.04
So . . . was it ever established what the maximum amount of time a participant can hold onto the book before sending it off?
22:21 / 21.05.04
So where art the book noweth?
16:04 / 22.05.04
Add me to the list please.

Nashua, NH

Thank you.
11:07 / 23.05.04
Can I get on this list now? It's not passed through Southampton already?

If it hasn't, put me down.
12:20 / 24.05.04
Pin, it hasn't got to Southampton yet. Since we're in approximately the middle of both lists, it will definitely be a race to see which notebook gets to us first!
not nervous
21:09 / 24.05.04
can i get in? Dublin, Ireland
00:26 / 25.05.04
Yes, you can join, and so can everyone else that wants to but there's not much point when no-one knows where the BOLLOCKING HELL IT IS.
21:06 / 27.05.04

OK, Mod Hat briefly on.

Toksik still has the book and is waiting for Adam Kadmon to reply to his PM and confirm he is around to receive the book. Adam Kadmon posted in this thread on the 7th, but has since gone AWOL. Since that was 20 days ago, I suggest we assume that he is not wanting to be involved any longer and Toksik sends the book onto Ariadne, who I believe is the next in line. 20 days is really too long for the book to be waiting to move on, so I hearby degree that Ariadne gets the book next.

If Adam Kadmon does turn up, maybe he can be included at a later date.

Please let's just get the darn thing moving.

Someone? Anyone? Talk to me about this...
Jack Vincennes
20:40 / 28.05.04
Obviously it's out of my hands now, but that sounds fair olula... the idea of the notebook was that things were going to be move quite quickly, in the same way as, well, notebook entries do.

Anyone who sees my contribution will be able to see quite how closely I followed this philosophy...
Char Aina
07:22 / 05.06.04
i entirely agree.
mine was the work of about six hours altogether.
(its bin ready for almost a month now...)
currently, i am waiting on a reply from ariadne regarding her new address, as mr kadmon seems to have bowed out.

fear not, 'lithkin, for this tome knows your name and it will seek you out.
22:48 / 09.06.04
I don't shout very often, but I might start...

Can't we just hand the damn thing on to SOMEONE?

OK, The next person who lives either in or near Scotland to post here and say they want it, gets the book.

19:51 / 10.06.04
I'm in Hull, England, can I get in on this?
20:05 / 10.06.04
p.s. ill be in glasgow on saturday for belle & sebastians free gig in the botanical gardens
13:20 / 11.06.04
I got it yesterday, promise to pass it on asap. (Toksik, ignore my PM, I understand now!)
Who gets it next?
Grey Area
21:23 / 11.06.04
As both myself and Cool Guy are on the Emerald Isle, and it's only a short StenaLine from Scotland to here, can I request it next? Or are there any Scotlandian residents who want it first?

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