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The Blue Book - wandering notebook part 2


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Grey Area
09:41 / 05.11.04
*blinks, sighs and moves marker representing Rizla on table-top map of the UK over to Leicester. Doesn't seem at all surprised when large computer tracking unit against far wall bursts into sobs, followed by flames*
rizla mission
11:54 / 05.11.04
oops. sorry.

It's not like things have to move in a totally straight line though is it? I mean, er, postage costs and delivery times are the same around the UK, right?
14:57 / 05.11.04
Many people who want to participate are still not on the List de Baz...

Do we need to start another book? A green one perhaps?
08:48 / 09.11.04
What's happened to this book now?
13:31 / 07.12.04
The book must travel with seasonal greetings, through the fake snow and leafless trees.
pointless and uncalled for
08:51 / 08.12.04
I was going through my own personal notebook, which is green, and was reminded that I am somewhat due for this. Perhaps the current owner may wish to appraise the expectant mothers of the creation as to how well progress is being made.
Grey Area
14:37 / 08.12.04
Olulabelle, do you still have this book?
09:37 / 20.12.04

A thousand sorry's. When I volunteered to join in I wasn't working and I have been appallingly bad at organising my time since I started my job. This is no excuse.

Mixmage has done his, and I am in the process of doing mine. I've got two weeks off work over Christmas, so I'll finish it off and send it on - a new start for the new year.
10:21 / 20.12.04
Could someone take me off the list, please? I'm not around much these days and I don't want to cause a delay as people try and PM me and stuff.
Lilly Nowhere Late
05:53 / 22.12.04
Can I go on the list? I haven't read the whole thread and don't want to lest it spoil my blissful ignorance but I need that book, or the next one. How do I go on the list? Someone pm me for addy details, I presume? hey ho.
Grey Area
08:27 / 06.01.05
If you wish to be added or removed from the list, I guess you should PM Baz Auckland.
22:57 / 20.01.05
*bump* Anyone know where this is at right now?
Tryphena Absent
14:28 / 13.03.05
*sigh* where is this book?
Grey Area
15:24 / 13.03.05
*prods charred remains of large computer tracking unit, gently smoking in the ruins of what used to be an impressive tracking centre with loads of impressive, now burnt, maps*

I have no idea. I think Olulabelle still has it, or Mixmage. Or the tooth fairy came and stole it because, let's face it, she's like that.
Tryphena Absent
17:21 / 13.03.05
If Olulabelle or Mixmage has it I swear I'm sending them psychic abuse via the power of my mind.
18:09 / 13.03.05
Oh, I am so, so sorry. I have got it. Mixmage had it for ages, and then I got it, but I forgot about it.

I'm sticking my pages in right now and I'll send it off tomorrow or Tuesday I absolutely promise. Who is next?
Grey Area
18:30 / 13.03.05
The list drawn up by Baz is still up. Not sure how up-to-date it is...
Bed Head
18:34 / 13.03.05
Dude, you’re next. I’m sure I remember checking.
Grey Area
06:22 / 14.03.05
See, now I'm confused. Are we not using Baz Auckland's list anymore? Because according to it, Olulabelle was after me...have Tzara and Suedehead done their pages already? They are before me on the list. So are we rejigging the list? Dumping it entirely? Deciding on the order by throwing oyster shells on which the names of contributors are inscribed in luminous radium paint into the air and catching one? What?
Bed Head
08:14 / 14.03.05
Okayyy. I was on the list, but then all of a sudden my turn came and it seemed I wasn’t. But I took my place after deva anyway because I’m in the next city along. I’m not sure how active a suit Multiple Man is these days, perhaps someone should do a search. After me it went to brumlith, ie puck and Mix, and then ‘lula got it because she was there at the time. God knows who tzara is, and Suedey’s dropped out. Therefore, you are now next.

It *is* a point, though. If this thing really is moving again, might be a good idea for someone to PM around and put together a micro-list of the next 5-10 posters who are still around and active. Otherwise it’ll get held up still further at every stage.

*strokes beard* verrrry good point...
17:44 / 14.03.05
it seems to me you guys need to re-organize
you should put together a page on this in the wiki, with a copy of the list and cross off everyone who's already gone, make note of who currently has it, who's been skipped, etc.
just my 2-cents
Grey Area
10:04 / 15.03.05
OK, I guess I'm next. Olulabelle, I'm PM-ing you my address.

As for reorganising: Any volunteers? I'm not doing it 'cause I'm already scanning and uploading stuff for both this book and WB#3 and wish to share the joy. So it's up to someone else to figure out who's already contributed, who still wants to contribute and how this book is meant to continue bouncing along.
12:20 / 15.03.05
I'm going to send the book onto Grey Area but I found a post from Multiple man in February this year, so I have PM'd him and asked him if he still wants the book. If he does he can go after you Grey Area. Same for Tzara I guess.
Bed Head
08:51 / 16.03.05
Okay. Right. I’ve just transferred the old Baz-yahoo list onto a page on the wiki. Now it needs to be sorted out, the dead suits taken off, and the order rejigged if necessary.

TeN, you young whippersnapper, you’ve got lots of energy about you. Do you want the job? Only, someone has to send a pm to every suit on the list, and then remember to strike off everyone who hasn’t replied after, say, a month or two. Although, like I say, if you were to just do it in batches of 10, that'll always keep the next few suits on the list current, which is what's needed to keep the book moving. And as it’s a wiki, anyone who now gets missed out or bumped off can always put themselves back on the list later.

That whole wiki page could do with a damn good tweaking, too: what’s the notebook all about, what are you supposed to do to get in, guidelines as to content - all the obvious Qs will need to be A’d at some point. And it’s not a particularly elegant page either. But! All the basic links and stuff are there now.

Anyone can do this stuff. If you don’t fancy it, TeN, then anyone who’s been a-snapping about the whereabouts of the book, here’s your chance to actually do something to help.
17:58 / 16.03.05
Bedhead you rock like the Clangers on helium.

I've added a few rules for the book, including not taking too long when it's your go. *Hangs head in shame.*

GA, the book will go guaranteed delivery tomorrow, so you should receive it on Friday.
Grey Area
21:31 / 18.03.05
Got the book this morning! Olulabelle, your pages are beautiful. Mixmages contribution is damn fine too...well worth the wait. I got bitten by the inspiration bug and spent all afternoon on my's done! I took up three pages though. *hangs head in shame* Will scan the contributions made by Mixmage, Olulabelle and myself in the course of the weekend and will then be able to send this tome onwards (and it is a tome...sturdy and very nice to behold)

I see from the newly re-formatted wiki page (Bedhead: I take my hat off to you!) that Nrvous is in Ireland, although ze's in the list of people who wanted in and are not in the 'official' lineup. Shall I keep the book on this landmass or send it back across the water?
Bed Head
14:41 / 22.03.05
Yeah, I only realised the other day that the Baz list we’ve been referring back to is the list from the original, first notebook thread, with the order reversed. I am a bit dim. So I’ve gone through *this* thread and added in every last name who’s ever asked. We’ve now got, piled up in one place, pretty much everyone who’s ever expressed an interest in doing a page for any notebook. It's, like, a list of potentials.

So.... names coming up next or soon on that list would include nrvous, multiple man, tzara, emma pirate, and cloned christ on a hoverdonkey. Which is kinda my point. AFAIK - and I may very well be completely wrong here, it needs to be checked - none of these are currently regular posters on barbelith. It'd be nice if we could all agree on a simple, quick, polite system for dealing with stuff like this. A way of bumping people who aren't here *now* to the back, or into a separate pile, without striking them from the list forever.

And personally, I’d say: while this stuff is being decided, the book goes to rizla, then to kit-kat club. And probably then to any London posters who want to do a page, so good luck with sticking rigidly to an officially prescribed list then. Just as long as everyone who wants to put something in the book gets a turn and puts the JOY back. I reckon.
Grey Area
16:40 / 22.03.05
I've PM-ed both nrvous and Multiple Man, so am awaiting replies. If I don't hear from them by Friday, I'll PM Rizla and get the book into territory where it can go from hand to hand.
13:18 / 23.03.05
I am glad the book is on it's way again.

Grey Area -I took up three pages though.
This is sod's law; I only wrote my coloured flame recipe out so that we'd be back on double page spreads again!
Grey Area
13:30 / 23.03.05
Yeah...I used up a third page because I was a bit heavy-handed with the markers and I didn't want to confront the next contributor with a splotch.
Waltzing Ganainm
21:38 / 23.03.05
Is it too late for us newcomers to register? I'd love to contribute something.
08:17 / 24.03.05
If any London poster wishes to risk bringing this precious object to a pub (or more wisely,a sedate cafe, art gallery or library, but realistically a pub) I will draw my page on the spot. It wouldn't take more than a couple of hours. That would get me out of the way and fit nicely with the improvisational spirit of the thing, possibly.

Would swear not to get beer on it.
10:00 / 29.03.05
That would be such an excellent thing. Please, someone pass it to Ex in a cafe, it's a lovely idea.
Grey Area
08:42 / 04.04.05
OK, I have not heard from either nrvous or Multiple Man. What do I do? Send it to Rizla? Move it to London so the 'Lithers there can organise a massive BarbeMeet and fill loads of pages all at once? What?
11:50 / 04.04.05
Send it to London I guess.

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