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The Blue Book - wandering notebook part 2


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15:22 / 14.01.08
Oh, that is a little outdated, Haloquin. I am no longer in Montréal, nor or a few others where it says they should be.
18:34 / 13.02.08
I don't know how to find someone in Vacouver when I'm on the other side of the Atlantic. Do we have any Vancouvan's here on the board? If sonmeone can point me towards someone I don't mind asking them for help. I might make a thread in Conversation.
19:21 / 13.02.08
Try Papers, perhaps? If he is busy or you can't find anyone else, I have friends there and a great long distance plan.'s an internet phone.
Mr Tricks
16:23 / 27.07.10
Has anyone noticed this?
    Thousands of sketchbooks will be exhibited at galleries and museums as they make their way on tour across the country.

    After the tour, all sketchbooks will enter into the permanent collection of The Brooklyn Art Library, where they will be barcoded and available for the public to view.

    Anyone - from anywhere in the world - can be a part of the project. To participate and have us send you a sketchbook that will go on tour, start by choosing a theme to the right.
Evil Scientist
09:35 / 28.07.10
I wonder if the book is still out there, trekking around the world.
20:18 / 03.08.10
Does Nietzsch E. Coyote still have the book, after all this time?
17:32 / 31.08.10
(* dusts off ficsuit *)

Unless anyone else knows different - yes. At some point in a fit of despair I mailed him some Canadian currency I happened to have lying around and asked if he could please put it towards postage. Black hole. At this point I rather doubt if the mailing address is even good anymore.
18:24 / 27.03.14
Too bad the Blue Book appears to be lost on its journey. What a great community project, it seems to me! Anyhow too bad this one got lost, but that part of the experience; that it might get lost being something that is possible. But, one can't help but wonder if it might ever show up again.

I'm reminded of my own ole blue book, which contains all my original early poetry; which at one point I did lose but managed to get back and have in storage.

I'm also reminded of a bead chain created by the Reclaiming (neo pagan witchcraft) community of which I was the caretaker for a period of time on behalf of my local group in Olympia, Wa; which came to me through a BC Witchcamp, and went on to another community afterward.

Once I created a travel bug over at the Geocaching site, "Mr. Obsequious Egghead", which I sent off via a local cache with the mission to travel to centers of government as a shill for corporate interests. I haven't checked in on the little guy in years! I wonder what he's up to these days? Probably retired sipping Foster's in the shade with Warren Zevon's "Mr. Bad Example" no doubt.
18:33 / 27.03.14
Just a quick tangential follow up to my own post, but I just checked in with Mr. F. O. Egghead, and it looks like he did travel pretty far, including UK, France and Germany!
18:05 / 02.05.14
Is it too late to get in on this? I'm in Maryland USA
21:32 / 02.05.14
chris_judge: "Is it too late to get in on this?"

It does appear to be too late for whatever the last incarnation of this was, as can be found a few messages up from here, back in 2010:

Squirmelia: "Does Nietzsch E. Coyote still have the book, after all this time?"
Sekhmet: "Unless anyone else knows different - yes. […] Black hole."

On the other hand, we could send out a new Blue Book, though there are few people to get involved currently. Tell you what: send me a private message with your mailing address and I'll send you something and, if so, we can see where it goes from there, if anywhere!

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