How *was* that accomplished?
Here be listing from the FAQ page:
West Coast:
Nietzsch E. Coyote (
straylight (
Damon (
Mr Tricks (
izabelle (
nightclub dwight/durban cowboy (
at the scarwash (
...Middle America...
The Tower Always Falls (
RadJose (
The Apple-Picker (
Sekhmet (
Charrelz (
Sally Dammerung (
...up into Canada...
Captain Zoom (
Mister Snee (
moriarty (
strix (
Keggers (
rising and revolving (
aaaand finally, East Coast-ish. Roughly speaking. I think.
Krug (
tbedlam (
Abigail Blue (
Benjamin Birdie (
Manny Being Manny (
Qalyn (
bitchiekittie (
These guys aren’t yet on the list, not quite...
Well, as it stands, all these names are now kinda officially at the end. Sort of thing. Argue about it in the thread (, by all means.
NYC - stepinrazor (
NZ - barberellababy (
Hull - trebor (
? - quinine 92001 (
? - flameape (
Pittsburgh - xenosss (
Northumberland, UK - Ganainm (
London - paranoidwriter (
New Hampshire - xk
I think it makes more sense to keep it in Canada, so... Captain Zoom? Is he still around?
If sending this on quickly is a priority, then definitely to Mr. Tricks, because he is the one who is the squeaky wheel. |