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The Blue Book - wandering notebook part 2


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Baz Auckland
15:09 / 13.06.04
Deva's next on the list....
18:36 / 13.06.04
Can I still get in on the wandering notebook red or blue?
08:18 / 14.06.04
If anyone that receives the book has a scanner, please could they scan it. Then if the book eventually gets lost, we'll still have some remains of it.
Grey Area
17:07 / 14.06.04
I've got a scanner...and newly acquired web space to host any scans on, once it comes my way. Which will hopefully be sometime this year.
rising and revolving
15:22 / 16.06.04
I'm in Montreal, Canada - should the book ever make it over the seas, count me in.
16:05 / 01.07.04
I'm sorry everyone. The new job's been sapping all energy and the notebook's still here, scowling at me. If I don't do anything this weekend I'll post it on anyway. To Grey Area, I think?
Grey Area
18:15 / 01.07.04
Deva, Multiple Man, mixmage, Puck, Tzara & Suedehead are all before me. In that order. So I guess I'll be getting the notebook sometime in April 2005. That'll be something to look forward to.
Mr Tricks
21:42 / 01.07.04
Weren't these the issues that prompted the creation of a second Notebook to beginwith?

What ever happened to the first one anyway?

So you think it's time for a 3rd GREEN book?
22:08 / 01.07.04
*Collapses on the floor weeping with relief that someone actually has the book and it isn't lost.*

Ariadne, we can wait for you to do your bit, it's not fair that you should have to rush yourself just because it's been AWOL for ages.
the Fool
03:09 / 07.07.04
If ya get the chance, send it my way. Collingwood/Melbourne/Victoria/Australia
06:21 / 16.07.04
Right, sorry everyone - I will post it this weekend. Where to?
09:32 / 16.07.04
Deva is next according to Baz's list.

Hurrah for the book being nearly on route again.
Cat Chant
10:04 / 21.07.04
I have the Blue Book, which is indeed very, very, very dark blue. As dark blue as the so-called 'black' socks of non-priests in that episode of Father Ted where it is revealed that only priests have truly black socks. I am very happy and excited. Now i need to check - I get two pages, right? and it then goes on to Multiple Man? MM, I will PM you for your address when I am done. Which will be soon.

In the meantime, I have access to a scanner and PhotoShop, but not to web space. Is there anyone with web space so I can email jpgs to them (probably on Friday)? If so, could you PM me and let me know... um, anything I need to know (eg what format, how many dpi, how big the pictures should be, etc).
17:05 / 21.07.04
Uhm... can I get in on the blue book once it gets stateside? I'm in Austin, Texas, USA...
pointless and uncalled for
12:49 / 26.07.04
Time to sign up for a slot.

Whenever is suitable on the list, I'm assuming last.
Grey Area
12:05 / 27.07.04
OK, the list of people that still need to receive the book are, in order:

Deva (who has it at the moment)
Multiple Man
Grey Area
Emma Pirate
Stevie DubplateĀ®
Kit-Cat Club
Anna de Logardiere
Joe Flyboy
Nelson Evergreen
Bengali in Platforms
Quantum Brighton
Adrian; corporate zenboy
Jefe de Jefelaces
The Fool
Nietzsch E. Coyote
Mr Tricks
Well Enough Alone
The Tower Always Falls
The Apple Picker
Captain Zoom
Mister Snee
Baz Auckland
May Tricks
Schlacthof Funf
Abigail Blue
Benjamin Birdie
The Seldom Killer

Now, I look at that list and see a bunch of people that have either changed their ficsuit names or are not posting here that much anymore. Anyone know of individuals who are now posting under a changed name? Or have you, dear reader, been listed under a name that is not current? Well then let us know!
Jack Vincennes
13:25 / 27.07.04
There's a link to everyone's profiles on Baz's list, so it's possible to check from there whether people are changing ficsuit names at a rate of knots or just not posting much. I know that harmony, Stevie Dubplate, well enough alone and Schlacthof Funf have all changed names since they first posted about the book, at least.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:00 / 27.07.04
Seeing as how KwendeCentral made off with the 1st book and hasn't been seen since, you might want to take his name off that list and also give some thought as to what measures should be taken to prevent such a thing happening again...
Grey Area
16:18 / 27.07.04
Well, it's been suggested that only individuals who are regular posters should be allowed to contribute to the book. Considering that PM'ing is the accepted method for both asking where to send the book to and to harrangue individuals to send it on, that seems fair. You can't get PM's if you're not checking the board, after all.

As to ensuring the book stays in circulation...that's a risk we have to take. We can't hire a trained thug to accompany the book and ensure that it stays on track.
16:19 / 28.07.04
As an utterly untrained thug, I stand ready to serve.

Scanning pages as often as possible would be a good way to prevent the work in the book being completely lost (although that would mean we are all in the imaginary realm of the digital again and we've lost that weighty, hefty tangible reality...)
Cat Chant
11:20 / 03.08.04
I PM'd Multiple Man (next on the list) about a week ago and he hasn't responded, so I'm guessing that he's not checking the board very often.

I should be finished with the notebook this week and will send it on - but who to? mixmage?

Multiple Man, if you see this post or your PM in the next couple of days, PM me...
Grey Area
11:54 / 03.08.04

A Couple of Suggestions:

We institute a time limit, within which people who have been asked to provide their addresses must respond. Something reasonable, like a week (which would cover people who only visit the board at work and people who only visit the board at weekends). If there is no response, the current holder of the book PM's the next person on the list. No exceptions, no excuses.

Linked to this suggestion is the request that if you receive a PM asking for your address, and you are up to your eyeballs in work or engaged in something that would significantly delay your contribution, you say so, and possibly request that the book be sent to you in a couple of weeks. The book can then go to the next person and you will receive later on, at a time when you can invest the time and creativity. A standard could be that you are moved six places down the list.

If you are not interested in this thing anymore, it would also be polite to just send a PM back saying so.

Individuals who have scanners should make a backup copy if they can. It is accepted that a digital copy of the book wouldn't have, but it's better than nothing if and when the book should vanish. People with websites and high bandwidth could volunteer to host scans if they are feeling public spirited.

Anybody think this is unreasonable?
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:53 / 03.08.04
No, I think these are exactly the kind of guidelines we need to be implementing. Implementing hard.
Cat Chant
09:36 / 06.08.04
Okay, it looks like Multiple Man has gone away. I have ALMOST finished with the book and will scan it today, regardless, less the one page I have yet to finish. It can go in the mail tomorrow or asap, provided that mixmage pm's me - i will pm hir now.
Grey Area
19:27 / 16.08.04
Any movement on this? Deva? Hmm?
Cat Chant
08:51 / 17.08.04
Sorry! No word from mixmage either - I thought I might as well leave it over the weekend. It's up to puck now - will pm hir now.
Cat Chant
08:54 / 17.08.04
Eep! It turns out that Bedhead has fallen off Baz's official list & is keen to get the book - ze's in Nottingham which I have the hazy sense is just as close to me as Brum. I'll send it to hir first (on Wednesday or Thursday) as I already have a PM from hir, and Puck can have it after that. Any objections from anyone?
The Puck
10:46 / 17.08.04
No problem, i will also bell Mix and see if hes still up for it, i think his puters FUBARed at the mo
Cat Chant
13:54 / 19.08.04
Pictures scanned - Grey Area has offered to host them so we'll sort that out between us. Physical real book going in physical real mail to Bed Head now.
Grey Area
10:01 / 20.08.04
Die Barbelithkulturministeriumskommunikationsabteilung gibt bekannt...

Find below links to the completed pages of The Blue Book. Scans have been resized to a width of 1024 pixels and have a size in the region of 100-200k.

Pages 2-3
Pages 4-5
Pages 6-7
Pages 8-9
Pages 10-11

Note: If you're going to post these on other sites, journals, blogs, whatever, please save the image to your own webspace...I don't have commercial bandwidth.

Future contributors: If you have a scanner, send me a scan of your work so we can add it to the online backup
18:41 / 20.08.04
I have a scanner so if/when it ever gets to me, I will do so. Looks great, BTW!

Should the people who have asked to participate be worried if they aren't on Baz's list yet?
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:16 / 20.08.04
So are the credits so far like this?

2-3 Vincennes
4-5 toksik
6-7 Ariadne
8-9 Deva
10-11 ???

Or something else entirely?
Jack Vincennes
10:37 / 21.08.04
I'm 2-3, although I hate admitting to that now that it's online. I remember Ariadne saying that toksik took up a few more than 2 pages, (as indeed I could have done -there's enough pages in that thing for most of the board but I ran out of postcards) so I'm not sure how it breaks down after that.
Benny the Ball
11:29 / 22.08.04
Me me, I'd like to contribute!!!
Cat Chant
18:15 / 22.08.04
Should the people who have asked to participate be worried if they aren't on Baz's list yet?

Yes, probably - I was relying on it and Bed Head nearly got missed off (have you got the book yet, btw, BH?).

I am responsible for the last two pages (10-11), as well as for the pedantic numbering missing off (1) because it would be a right-hand page and thus not part of a double spread (if you see what I mean).

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