Oh, well, i'v said it: i'm a fascist, well, "another person who wants to blurt their ill-formed opinions all over the net rather than actually DO any magic". Yes, that's me.
When i was saying The Godness of the Gods without rational thinking in between" i was referring to soem comments both two made in the postmodern magick thread.
About what i consider a "shamanic path". YEs, i know, shaman is a term who has not sense in modern world and all these things. I suppose i'm refering to a most entheogenic approach (with plants).
I said "far-fecthed" not in depective sense. "far fecthed" from consensuos reality, of course.
Well, the thing it mades me think that a "shamanic" approach is more immersive, is that when you look into chaos magick literature, it's full of explanations. But when you go on psychedelic literature, is full of experiences. Experiences made empirism, and empirism mades science. That's what i'm telling.
Abou yoga/Qigong all thes things. Since i have practiced kungfu and qigong is when i'm having that kind of experiencies. I have a pal who does kungfu too and for three times he saw a dead millitar following me. He did never practiced magic(k) conciously, butm the thing is that, when she draws a women repetdly, few months later he finds that woman (he's a comic book artist). That's why i think all of these thing of magic(k) has to be more with intention that with ritual (or the physiology of the ritual, as well: now we have, by example, all that new ciencies of sonocytology and things like that)
Sorry of saying i don't want to do so many rituals and so many books. Yes. I'm working hard. I do my excercices on qigong and all that shit. The thing is that, and that's apersonal oppinion, if we want to understand magic in our present days, i think we would look into a lot of different disciplines, and try to syntetize that with magic(k)/shamanism/transpersonal/wathever. So i was saying that i want to read the good books on magic, the no redudant. That's what i wanted to say. I think Pinchbeck is doing fine things.
The thing is that i'm not interested in calling a deity. I'm more interested in see what deities are over there, or what deitier approaches to me, or wathever,i don't know.
One day after going kungfu i saw an entitie on my bed who was telling me: it is going to be an invasion. Some of us want the earth to evolve. Others did'n want to. I'm crazy?
Sorry guys, yes, i'm full of prejudices, i know. |