Ember: Of course that brings up the other thing you already know - if your doubt tends to come flooding back before you've disengaged from the working, you're probably undermining your own effort.
Yes, it seems that way. Perhaps I am concentrating too much on going into debt and recieved a greater way to do so!
And yet another thing you probably already know - This is a perfect example of why prayer can help in places it's hard to do magic directly - handing it off to a greater power that you actually trust can really help take the weight of your own doubt out of the picture.
Gosh, I hope I didn't seem arrogant with the "I know that..." bit. I may know somethign, but I often need to be reminded, especially when I have a lot on my mind, like now. However, yes Ember, you are right, and thank you for the reminder! I am trying to access help where ever I can. I have been offered help from some lovely people, and I am petitioning deities and other entities (Gek fits here) for help.
Of course, I feel guilty for doing this! Which brings me to Mordant's response:There's a distinct tendancy amongst magicians and pagans to treat money spells as mucky, corrupting "low" magic, something a proper little witch shouldn't dirty hir hands with. Total bollocks, of course. It's all very well for some mouldy Victorian mage sitting in a mansion full of servants, or a ditzy neopagan with a ton of well-to-do rellies to tap for cash, to brand wealth and money spells as "low magic." The rest of us need to support ourselves, our families and our communities. Even after I ditched that attitude on a conscious level I still found it coming up to bite me on the arse whenever I tried to perform a money spell.
Yes, I fully agree. Also, I think part of me is so put off by the whole socio-politico-economic global infrastructure (blah, blah), that I resent getting involved in it. I wish there was a better way, but this is what we have to work with, ATM.
The thing is, if I reject wealth that means I have less to give to others; every penny I don't permit myself to recieve is a penny I cannot use to enrich my tribe.
That is a very good idea. Thanks you. I am getting caught up in so many things that aren't helpful, including forgetting the very reason why I want to make and have money/wealth. Denying myself is denying all those that I would help, and I know that when I have, I am a giver. Without batting an eyelash I will give to "my tribe".
I remember once saying at the begining of a small shower that I wanted money to share with others, or something to that effect. IT immediately began to pour rain down, which I thought was a good sign. Indeed it was, as I recieved shortly thereafter about $4000. So, with the right mindset, it can be accomplished.
In fact, as I was writing this, I just got a phonecall for a job interview! w00t! |