There can't be special little regions where dissent is not allowed. There has to be critique, there has to be challenge. --me
as far as i can see there are no such regions, though. --Tox
I kind of think there are though. Look at the amount of protest that was generated by the then-GL's initial post challenging the Gek thread. Sure, it was phrased in a fairly abrasive manner but the intent behind it (get people who would otherwise not do much else than drop occasional wishes into the thread to get more proactive with their magic and more invovled with the Temple) was hardly unreasonable. Now the topic comes up again, and again we see people rushing to the defence of the thread--without, as far as I can see, offering much justification. Take the KEG thread--three posts in and the hand-wringing started. We're not even allowed to joke about Gek?
I see a lot of appeals to think of the feelings of the notional Gek regular who might possibly get upset by all this (Hi guys. I'm sure you're following this discussion avidly and will be chiming in with your POV anytime now), but not many people saying "well, I think this is useful because..." The only appeal to utility I've seen is the oft-touted suggestion that things like this can serve as "gateway drugs" to more advanced gear, something I'm not really seeing played out in practice.
I kind of feel that this has become a bit of a sacred cow in the Temple, something you're not allowed to question too closely in case you upset someone. As I've said before, I'm not terribly opposed to the existance of the Gek thread or it's presence in the Temple on principle, but the way it seems to have been ringfenced as being immune to challenge and beyond reproach is... worrying. Nothing in the Temple should be off limits to challenge or critique, and I do feel that some people would really really like to see some things as off-limits. |