I guess I really just want to ask that you be careful before you start moderating for content.
I think we've always moderated for content in the Temple, haven't we? Admittedly things have got a bit tighter over the years; if you look back in the annals of the forum you'll find such gems as the chap who claimed that his waitress gf had served a café full of Cenobites, and recieved little but earnest exhortations to OMG BURN SAGE!1!!, not to mention the dreadful tosh that Modzy used to dole out, but I doubt anyone is really yearning for a return to those halcyon days (except possibly the handful of jerks who flounced off in a flurry of gematria when we banned The Fetch). We've moved, locked and sometimes deleted threads that for one reason or another didn't come up to scratch, not because they were racist or otherwise bigoted; there's also the unofficial moderation action available to any commited poster of tearing the more idiotic topics a new hole or several, which has worked quite well in the past.
At the moment, the only moderation action applied to the Gek thread has been to modify the topic summary, to include an invitation--not an instruction, an invitation--to the casual wisher of wishes to get more involved and generally raise their game. That's it. Personally, I'm not even arguing for more than that--I'll probably go in and alter one or two of my own earlier posts to reflect my changed position, but that's all I'm prepared to do until there's a general consensus that something else needs to be done.
Like I say, I don't hate the Gek thread or anything, but it's started to bug me more and more that people feel okay about swinging by and asking for stuff with no acknowledgement that the rest of the thread exists, let alone the board.
What bothers me about the thread is that it's kind of a dead thread that acts as if it's alive. It's like the Ghost of 2001. All the assumptions behind it--servitor creation, servitor function, how servitors work, if they work, what they do, what they are, how magic works, what magic is, what we need and what we deserve and what's a reasonable offer in exchange--are treated in this one thread as if they are holy writ and not open to question, formulae inscribed in imperishable stone. It's stagnant, and I can't help thinking that the practices of the people who post there and nowhere else must be at least as stagnant. Magic as QVC + someone else's credit card. Is that really what we want to encourage, even in a small way? Is that really what we're about? |