The "Merged Hulk" was the result of Doc Sampson using the Ringmaster to jerry-rig some hypnotherapy for Bruce. Turns out Bruce was a three-way split personality: his "afraid self," the brainy Bruce, his "angry child," the Green Hulk, and his "nasty self", the Grey Hulk.
The Ringmaster slapped all three personalities together (and there was some business about a Dark Hulk, but I can't remember how all that worked out) and the Merged Hulk was born: Green Hulk body, Bruce brains, Grey Hulk take-no-shit attitude. Sampson kept insisting that this was a bad fix, all mental duct tape and staples, but Merged Hulk thought he was feelin' fine and ignored the gradual schisming of his personality while he started to crack under the strain of leading the Pantheon.
Eventually, a bunch of freaky stuff started happening, including Savage Banner -- the Merged Hulk getting so angry that he transformed into his inverse, with Banner body, Grey rage and Green brains. The Maestro stuff also played into this era -- a future version of the Hulk where the crafty Grey side had grown increasingly dominant.
Some time after that, the series got nixed and rebooted as the Bruce Jones "back to basics" Hulk. Not sure how all the "Merged" stuff got sorted, or if it just got shuffled out in the reboot. I suspect Onslaught/pocket dimension/Heroes Reborn was the snapping point where Merged Hulk was ditched and when the Hulk came back it was as ol' Green Savage again. |