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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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Bed Head
17:36 / 13.02.06
MPs will regret doing that.
17:48 / 13.02.06
Not, alas, as much as we will.
lord nuneaton savage
14:20 / 14.02.06
Small fry but; Bollocks, can't go to ATP to see Comets on Fire 'cos I'm not allowed the day off. I'm very miffed.

And it's valentines day and I can't go to the ball.

Where's my booze?
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:40 / 16.02.06
Ask me how I feel about the Brit Awards.
08:55 / 16.02.06
Somehow, I don't think we need to.
08:56 / 16.02.06
"So Mr Fly Peco Shaftoe Sir, how do you feel about those Brit awards?"
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:38 / 16.02.06
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:44 / 16.02.06
Mourne Kransky
09:49 / 16.02.06
This foul and unwelcome piece of news was mitigated by the report that, when asked to duet with Major James Rhyming-Slang, Paul Weller said he would rather eat his own excrement.
09:49 / 16.02.06
So, ah, thank you Mr Shaftoe Sir, hm, and now, yes, the weather forecast!
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:51 / 16.02.06
Ricky Wilson said: "We weren't meant to win this one." Truly, he is the voice of the underdog.

Chris Martin said: "Stop giving James Blunt a hard time. Be proud, he's British." I don't think that one needs any comment, do you?
Tryphena Absent
10:33 / 16.02.06
Apparently none of my work colleagues have a problem with the way the Brits were awarded.
The Natural Way
13:51 / 16.02.06
I can feel your rage from here.

I'll see yr work mates and raise you a 'There's no original music being made nowadays'.

There was a big, break-room based conversation about it. Everyone agreed. Lots of sagely nodding.

15:18 / 16.02.06
I assume original, in that context, was supposed to mean something like novel or interesting or exciting.

Perhaps you should take some music into work and foist in on your fooleagues?
22:16 / 16.02.06
Swans killed by the bird flu were found at the northern island of Rügen. The red tape started flowing, officials didn´t know what to do, all they had to collect the corpses were four people with one car. They collected 160 dead swans.

Yesterday they asked, if people on the dole could help and they found ten "volunteers".

That bird flu craze was in the news for months now, and it was only a matter of time, until it would reach us. Now they act like "Oops, it´s christmas tomorrow. But today´s only the 23th!"

It looks as if bureaucracy is actually on the side of the virus, and not on our side. Murphy´s law, I guess...
22:34 / 16.02.06
I just read about Frank Miller's new Batman adventure in the paper and then read the Barbelith thread.
My rage, suprise and worry is almost completely inarticulate. FFS doesn't cover it, but it does in a minute way describe the sense of I-just-fucking-give-up-ness I'm feeling right now.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:56 / 16.02.06
I am more tempted to genuinely, seriously, hurt someone than I have been in 15 years this weekend just gone.

I can't tell you why, but trust me, I am full of rage
00:20 / 17.02.06
That warrants a response although I don't know what GGM. Good luck dealing with whatever it is and try not to do anything too drastic.
00:21 / 17.02.06
(Until the rage subsides that is).
night train
01:42 / 17.02.06
I'm sick of losing motivation every time I move to a different city and start a different university. I'm well aware of the trite little "wherever I go, there I am" running-away-from-myself nonsense, and that is no doubt a factor.

Within six months of living in one place, I lost motivation to get up in time for class and find myself hitting the snooze button on the alarm for an hour, if I even wake up to hit it. I grow tired of the friends I have in a given place and get the desire to leave town at eleven in the p.m. and go see old friends now far away. But a few months (or is it years now?) ago, was I not tired of them? I don't remember anymore. It's almost ten p.m. now and I find myself wanting to get up and drive two hundred miles north to see a friend I haven't seen since I took ecstasy at a New Year's party and left an hour later because I found everyone at the party rather dull. I find myself wanting to get piss drunk every night wanting to shove shit up my nose every weekend.

I keep telling myself it's part of my immaturity, that as I get older things will just click into place and I'll be a responsible, functioning adult. Funny, I remember saying that a few years ago. I've come to the point where I'd rather just say fuck all to my education, find I job I don't hate too much, keep a few close friends, continue chain smoking until I grow a tumor which I will endearingly name "Spanky" and take on picnics until he turns on me one night and seizes a lung or three.

I don't really know if I hate myself or everyone around me. I refuse to allow myself to be naive enough to believe that there's some brilliant fucking place I'll find some day where I'll have the most wonderful friends, cigarettes will be cheap and able to be smoked anywhere, alcohol will be delicious and get me drunk at a very fine pace, and the narcotics I prefer get me good and high for a decent price. I'll have a job I love, get to fuck with my art and be all intellectual and brilliant and recognized and all that shit.

Somebody send me a pizza and a pack of Nat Shermans. And a case of Heineken Dark.
02:21 / 17.02.06
aaaAARRghh. World turning to shit in front of eyes. Parliamentary process reform looks like rule by decree to me. But of course it would, because I've had a hangover since I woke up at EIGHT THIS MORNING. Either a hangover or my brain has come detached from its moorings and is banging around in my head. And I have to attempt to translate Old English. Also, there is small change stuck to my desk.
05:48 / 17.02.06
This book (the Felictiy James one) is making me so angry my teeth hurt.
Dead Megatron
06:07 / 17.02.06
I hate 36 hour-shifts.

I mean, I love workin as a free-lancing translator/writer/journalist. I just wish my clients remembered to send the work to me before their own deadlines are biting their ankles, y'kow?

And then when, after not sleeping for 2 days, forfeiting any ressemblance of a social life (which may, from time to time, include opportunities for sex with no strings attached), and still managing to deliver the work at the nick of time, they still call me to complain/bitch like it was the end of the world because of one typo lost somewhere in page 162...

oh well, at least the pay sucks too. Consistence is good.
Mourne Kransky
12:31 / 17.02.06
Quiet, gentle day off, to be spent pottering about the house and out Friday night. But the fucking washing machine has just died mid cycle! Frag frag frag! Stress, hassle, expense. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
12:52 / 17.02.06
Stay calm. Check the fuse.
12:52 / 17.02.06
My boss started printing a document (on my printer) last night that got screwed up somehow and is printing pages and pages of gigantic ten-gajillion point font and I CAN'T MAKE IT STOP.

One ream of paper, and counting.

12:55 / 17.02.06
Stay calm. Kill your boss.
14:05 / 17.02.06
14:26 / 17.02.06
14:27 / 17.02.06
14:37 / 17.02.06
There was a big, break-room based conversation about it. Everyone agreed. Lots of sagely nodding.

Fuck I can see it so clearly, my heart is with you WeddundeRunce. In the smoking room round the big table, all agreeing merrily with *insert Courtnidge-style alpha male here*. LOOK A BIT HARDER YOU LAZY FUCKERS!
The Natural Way
16:45 / 17.02.06
Think it was Molly, actually, but, all the same, twas very annoying.

There's a pleasing lack of big apes round here at the mo'.
The Natural Way
16:46 / 17.02.06
Think it was Molly, actually, but, all the same, twas very annoying.

There's a pleasing lack of big apes round here at the mo'.
P. Horus Rhacoid
17:08 / 17.02.06
My sociology 101 discussion session is a maelstrom of poorly-considered opinions, to wit:

"Women are naturally better at caring for children and want to more than men do."

"Current gender roles are a logical evolution from the fact that women bear children and men do not."

And the highlight of today:

"Drag subculture doesn't understand women, I mean, no woman actually dresses like that but they call themselves women anyway and I mean everybody thinks drag is hilarious, I went to a drag show last week and it was soooo funny, but I think it makes gays and transsexuals look bad because it makes them easy to stereotype."

Hand, meet forehead. Forehead, meet wall.

...Idiots in my class: go meet 'logic' and 'evidence' and get to know them, please. Also acquaint yourselves with the concept of 'blaming the victim.'
All Acting Regiment
17:55 / 17.02.06
I concur. Not in my immediate social circle, but ovehreard in a pub:

"Hah (smirk) did you see those gay rights protesters?"
"I know, fucking stupid...should be equal rights for everyone"

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