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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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20:37 / 29.01.06
Is this the bi media group you mean?
Goodness Gracious Meme
20:50 / 29.01.06
Yup. Hurrah. Thankyou.

Are you on it already?
21:06 / 29.01.06
I'm awaiting moderator approval.
Goodness Gracious Meme
21:30 / 29.01.06
Oh, coolio.

How about the paramilitary wing?
22:49 / 29.01.06
Not anger exactly but my flatmate's views sadden me once again. I mentioned this article to him today which resulted in a spiel [his] about how The West imposes it's ideals on other countries and really shouldn't. Being shocked by what he has to say is becoming a bit too commonplace unfortunately and his willingness to adapt any theory to suit his own small blinkered worldview without really examining what he has to say is astounding. Roll on June so I don't have to see the silly arse ever again, eh?
22:57 / 29.01.06
how The West imposes it's ideals on other countries and really shouldn't.

He divulged to me in a sagacious, knowing tone that this meant, of course, that the murder of people for their sexual preference while not okay in our society should be a respected cultural difference in others. I mean really? What?
01:11 / 30.01.06
They also spread disease and can never be truly happy in relationships apparently.

Like badgers, then?

Evil fence-sitting scum?
12:56 / 30.01.06
Being shocked by what he has to say is becoming a bit too commonplace unfortunately and his willingness to adapt any theory to suit his own small blinkered worldview without really examining what he has to say is astounding.

GAH! I've had great flatmates, but I've also had complete tossbags.

I was telling one prime candidate for tossbaggery about how great Glastonbury was, and he said he'd probably enjoy it, but was 'worried about the queers hanging around the toilets'.

How about the paramilitary wing?

That's getting tempting.
20:57 / 30.01.06
GAH! I've had great flatmates, but I've also had complete tossbags.

Me too Argentum, unfortunately me too. What makes it strange in this particular scenario is that he's also gay!
All Acting Regiment
22:51 / 30.01.06
his own small blinkered worldview without really examining what he has to say is astounding.

At least he's got a foot on the ladder if he's a) aware that the west's view is not the only one and that it in fact pushes this view on others an awful lot, and b) thinks this is a bad thing. He needs to do some serious thinking if he thinks the mistreatment of gay people is safe from criticism because it is happening in another country, but he's still a damn sight more aware than some people I've known.
23:17 / 30.01.06
Whether he would apply the suggestion of The West's cultural imperialism to much else is in question however. I feel that he would not. Basically he is harshly against what he sees as any kind of politicisation of the gay community, we should be happy with our lot try to blend in, as far as he is concerned decriminalisation is as much as he wants. They're his views and I'm perfectly willing to accept that but to appropriate the above theory, out of what I am presuming is some fear of the gay community making any political dent, as some sort of justification for murder is UNACCEPTABLE.
He has previously made what I saw to be pretty upsetting and dodgy racial commentary, which I've urghed about a few pages back, and the sparse patience I have is waning.
00:41 / 31.01.06
I hate shaving. I wish I could grow a beard without looking like a strange rural ascetic. Fuck shaving: it's for girls and their frightening girlbits.
02:04 / 31.01.06
Also, to avoid controversy, my "girlbits" joke was a joke referencing somebody else on the board. No malice intended.
Bed Head
14:45 / 31.01.06
Gah. It seems like I keep hearing comments by people from “left-leaning think tank, Demos” on my radio.

Since when is Demos ‘left-leaning’? And what exactly does that mean anyway, where are they supposed to be leaning from? And why has my radio suddenly started telling me that’s what Demos is, every single time they’re being introduced or thanked for their contributon to a news report? Besides which, what place has the opinion of a ‘think tank’ got on radio news in the first place? Don’t they have elected politicians they can speak to about newsy political stuff? So why the fuck are they talking to these jokers instead? etc etc argghhh
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:16 / 02.02.06

Just because I appear to you to be manifesting certain mannerisms which you subjectively interpret as signs of a hightened emotional state does not mean that I am necessarily experiencing feelings of rage, bitterness and frustration or a desire to WIPE THE HIDEOUS SMIRK OFF ANYONE'S SHIT-FILLED HEAD WITH A FUCKING LUMP-HAMMER.
15:23 / 02.02.06
Urgh Fuck pedagogical fuckups.

I'm running workshops for a course on 'identity', first year undergraduates. 'Identity' is rather thorny turf - so much relevant life experience, but so much room for offence and assumption. I must establish firm groundrules, I thought to myself on the train. Then we can have really good sessions.

Anyway. Turned up to the seminar and thought I was teaching it, but the course convenor was there, and said she was teaching it. I asked if I could sit in, to see what she was aiming at.

She started off with a little excercise to break the ice, the rules of ethical classroom discussion and MY HEAD. She got everyone to write down a few sentences about their identities - an honest summation of how they see themselves. Then she collected them in, and without telling anyone she was going to do it, she read them out, and tried to get people to guess who each statement applied to.

So. We're sitting around and she's saying: 'Come, on, look around! Who's multi-ethnic here?'
And: 'This one likes chocolate, so it's probably a girl - who's *girly*? Who's a girly girl?'

And everyone was silent.

There was this awful moment when she'd read a statement about being Jewish, and when the student in question put her hand up to claim it, she said: 'Reeealllly?' And I thought, if your next statement is 'You don't *look*...' I will WALK OUT.
I'd done a statement, too; I thought it was only fair. She read out 'bisexual' and then said 'Oh, you've put your age! A lady never tells her AGE!' I knew I should have put 'genderqueer'...
On to a few rounds of 'spot the Christian' and 'who looks a bit Ugandan'. Although thank fuck no 'I'm a lesbian but I'm not out' or 'I'm a recovering heroin addict but obviously that's private'.

Later on I found that she was in the wrong seminar group, hers was upstairs waiting for her all the time. If I teach that group, I may have to start the next session with an apology.

And then I returned home to the Shire and Bag End, and found (courtesy of a couple of Barbeloids - ta) that the University where I teach has handed a foundation course over the group that owns the Daily Mail.
15:28 / 02.02.06
And I should have done more! I should have fucking done something, but I kept expecting her to add complexity, or nuance, or fucking anything, and I didn't have the guts to interrupt a seminar by the convenor who hired me, before I'd even started teaching at the institution, to point out in front of 20 students that she was a terrible example.

Scrubb is on a downward spiral
15:37 / 02.02.06
ExDude - Jesus cocking Christ, how fucking awful. Please don't beat yourself up about not doing anything at the time -one of the horrible things about being in a place when teh crap is going down is having that brain melty paralysis of "Is this actually happening? Is it going to get better?"

Re doing something though - can you
a) apologise to the group next time you teach them for having to deal with such a shitty invasive session and letting them know that the rest of the course won't be like that
b) track down the lecturer (or better, her senior) and having a quiet work (with/without faceknife)?

15:45 / 02.02.06
I'll drop her a line. I think her specialism is national identities, where as mine is sexual and gender identities, so she's probably not as used to thinking in terms of closets, outing, passing, and being poked with a twig.

Which will suprise her all the more when I poke her with a twig.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:46 / 02.02.06
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:52 / 02.02.06
Oh Ex, that's awful. So sorry to hear about that. And seconding scrubb's point about the difficulty of responding to mad offensive bullshit while it is happening. One's main responses are usually paralysing disbelief of the 'this isn't really happening is it?' sort. Don't beat on yourself for that.

Sounds like you've already got some strategies to repond/follow up, and that's really positive.

Alternatively, we round up a posse for stomping/poking
15:56 / 02.02.06
And: 'This one likes chocolate, so it's probably a girl - who's *girly*? Who's a girly girl?'

Was she dropped on the head, when she was a baby? What´s so *girly* about chocolate? Were the Aztecs all giggling, when they were having their human sacrifices or building their empire?

*munches furiously on 99% cacao lindt chocolate*
Char Aina
16:02 / 02.02.06
it seems so... unreal that that teacher wouldnt realise how hideously out of line she was being. even with the excuse you give for her regarding the differences between your fields, it seems pretty ridiculous for her to have no idea.

if talking to her has no benefit, i'd suggest talking to her boss. if nothing else, her lack of attention to class schedules needs looking at.
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:04 / 02.02.06
Oh and MC/Flowers. Indeed.

I think my switch is stuck on ANGRY for now. MC, can you teach me some of that Norse pwning?

Smile. check.
Blue shirt. check.
What next?
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:18 / 02.02.06
Me - I'm not doing enough to counter the shitness of the world
The world - it is shit.


I have been constantly angry for days now. It is tiring.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
16:57 / 02.02.06
Smile. check.
Blue shirt. check.
What next?

Axe, sharpened.
Big shouty bloodcurdling yell.
Sponsorship of Odin helps too.
Oh, and a beard could come in handy, but is optional.
17:02 / 02.02.06
Me - I'm not doing enough to counter the shitness of the world

GGM, you're doing more than I am. Give yourself a break and be angry at me for a while, instead.
Jack Fear
17:13 / 02.02.06
GGM: You don't need Viking majgykk—you need GIANT VIKING DEATH ROBOTS.

And look—it transforms into a boat...

Someone needs to Photoshop some kittens in there. Cute cuddly kittens with big fucking axes.
All Acting Regiment
17:19 / 02.02.06
That's fucking amazing, I want more, where's it from?
Mon Oncle Ignatius
17:45 / 02.02.06
Cute cuddly kittens with big fucking axes.

Will these do?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:34 / 02.02.06
Smile. check.
Blue shirt. check.
What next?

I don't know but I'm currently re-thinking my previously firm stance against man-blot.
02:30 / 03.02.06
02:37 / 03.02.06
Sorry, I don't know what just came over me there.
Goodness Gracious Meme
07:58 / 03.02.06
Hello INSOMNIA, nice to see you again, NOW FUCK OFF.
08:09 / 03.02.06
She started off with a little excercise to break the ice, the rules of ethical classroom discussion and MY HEAD. She got everyone to write down a few sentences about their identities - an honest summation of how they see themselves. Then she collected them in, and without telling anyone she was going to do it, she read them out, and tried to get people to guess who each statement applied to.

Holy. Crap. That really is clueless behaviour. It's almost something from a cringe-worthy sitcom.

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