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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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20:00 / 27.01.06
If Lowri Turner would just stick her head out of a lift door between floors...
20:01 / 27.01.06
I should have told her to fuck off on telly, shouldn't I...

...mind you, I'm more offended by her suggestion that there's anything un-heterosexual about having dogs instead of children...
20:10 / 27.01.06
You weren't on her crappo DIY programme, were you, Stoatie? If there was a nailgun nearby, you really missed a trick.
20:18 / 27.01.06
No, I was on her afternoon show... I was being one of the "experts" who sit at the front, under the (entirely made up by me) premise of being a food-hoarding survivalist.

I was a bit out of my depth, to be honest, cos I didn't realise Id get quite such a long interview and couldn't remember any of the bullshit I'd spouted to the researcher.
Mourne Kransky
20:24 / 27.01.06
I fucking hate people who post just so their post will be the 2000th.
20:44 / 27.01.06
Yeah. 2000?

Fucking fly-by-nights.
20:54 / 27.01.06
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:13 / 27.01.06
Re. the whole gay vs bisexual smug bigoted know-nothing hack fest: Know this.

There is a list. Your name is on it. And I personally guarantee that the survivours WILL ENVY THE FUCKING DEAD.
21:18 / 27.01.06
Mord, you've made me smile. I can't be full of untamed rage and anger and smile at the same time, can I? Oh, it makes the head ache.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
21:24 / 27.01.06
Let your smile become the triumphant rictus of impending WRATH, and the pain before your eyes will melt with every blow.
21:28 / 27.01.06
Mordant- you really ARE getting the Icelandic bug, aren't you? In the Sagas, because it was in a hero's nature to laugh in the face of death, whenever a character is said to smile or grin it's dramatic shorthand for "whoah, someone's gonna get pwned RIGHT NOW!!!"
Tabitha Tickletooth
21:54 / 27.01.06
For the love of... someone just pointed this gem out to me. Thank fuck there's a medical expert to explain it all. When the? Why the? What the? I particularly like the reference to the treacherousness of the male prostitute. Read it at your peril.

Oi. Stuttaford. Fuck off.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:02 / 27.01.06
Stoatie--thanks, I hadn't noticed that. My saga-fu is weaker than yours.
22:06 / 27.01.06
That's me- part pirate, part viking, part barbarian- all ROCK.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
22:06 / 27.01.06
See, this is another reason we need an Armory forum: So we can discuss impending-pwnage cues in Icelandic literature. Sure, you could talk about sagas in Books but somehow it's just not the same.
22:08 / 27.01.06
The colour blue is another- so if someone puts on a blue shirt and grins, check your insurance.
22:21 / 27.01.06
Christ, that Lowri Turner article is awful. Although I'm heartened that she's open minded enough to have gay, dog-owning, friends. I bet she has black friends, and maybe a Muslim too.

The word 'bisexual' has been amazingly absent in the news. Are bisexuals really that invisible and still considered fence-sitting liars?
05:44 / 28.01.06
Headsick and rage with me. Because I'm a fucking arsehole
Char Aina
09:20 / 28.01.06
I should say that not only are some of my best friends gay, but probably most of them are.

strikes me that best friends are rare enough you would know if they were or not. i'd say she's a fucking liar as well.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:46 / 28.01.06
I think she probably means something different by 'best friends' than most people. Probably a bit closer to 'best clothes'.
Char Aina
10:38 / 28.01.06
i hear you.
i wonder how many friends she has that she call 'best'.
i doubly wonder how many of them feel the same way.
15:25 / 28.01.06
Because I'm a fucking arsehole

Don't worry, some of my best friends are fucking arseholes.

Anyway my 2.5p of rage over this issue occurred when I realised not a single person in the media seems to have picked up on the Sun's "Another Limp Democrat". Grr.
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:42 / 28.01.06
Oh, absolutely. Vileness abounds.

Are bisexuals really that invisible and still considered fence-sitting liars?

Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:44 / 28.01.06
Fzztghrnshrk. Yes, dear, I've read that article. Last week, I think. No, dear, I cannot "just ignore" the "politically incorrect" aspects of said article. The article in question refers to the "great strangling system of international finance" (nudge nudge), the hags of Women's lib and the anti-life forces of homosexuality.

In fact, linking to anything from the website where you got that bloody article and telling people to "just ignore" the "politically incorrect" aspects is akin to handing someone a tract written on a page from a scat porn magazine in fucking dog puke and asking them to "just ignore" the dog puke and scat porn.
02:00 / 29.01.06

Are bisexuals really that invisible and still considered fence-sitting liars?


Nothing gives me a healthy dose of a claustrophobic miserableness than when I'm exposed to the world outside of my clearly uber-libertarian friends, which appears to be a place where jokes are made about queers in front of me, and I have no room to even object, and where clueless dolts in the media pontificate on about why I'm untrustworthy because "I can't make up my mind".

Tryphena Absent
02:23 / 29.01.06
I support that statement and would like to further it with a Fuck you you fucking fuck fuck fuck moron fools with great big twattery on your head fucks also you have ugly souls.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:49 / 29.01.06
"I have never seen such a reactionary militia as on this board."

Quoted without comment.
10:09 / 29.01.06
Hey, he's not saying it's a bad thing...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:12 / 29.01.06
I tried.

You all saw me try.
11:38 / 29.01.06
also you have ugly souls.

Ouch. True, but... ouch!
11:50 / 29.01.06
I'm actually starting to wonder whether we are going to have to start banning people from Barbelith on the grounds that they are so incredibly stupid and have so little interest in other people that everything they post is de facto threadrot.
12:24 / 29.01.06
To add kindling to the angry fire I remember having what was basically a civics class in school devoted to bisexuals being selfish evil fence sitting types. They also spread disease and can never be truly happy in relationships apparently.
17:55 / 29.01.06
I'm probably overreacting to this vastly, but still:

Sir: The Liberal Democrats have always been known for their innovative and novel ideas, and the current leadership contest would appear to be no exception - the last candidate to declare his homosexuality gets the job.


Ahh! Malcolm Goyns! You think you'r funny, I see. Will you think you're so funny when you're FILLED WITH ENRAGED BEES AND THEN SHAKEN ABOUT? What's that, Goyns? The swelling is preventing you from making up hilarious sarcasm? Oh no! Quick, jump into this LAKE OF TAR and we'll say no more about it.
Alex's Grandma
18:19 / 29.01.06
They also spread disease and can never be truly happy in relationships apparently.

Like badgers, then?
Goodness Gracious Meme
19:02 / 29.01.06
in less rage-filled head, thought I might plug BCN, Bi Community News here.

They are also involved, if you contact them in a bimedia monitoring/response group, which I unfortunately can't find the link for, but if anyone fancies spewing some of tha anger into letters, they can equip you with contact info etc )

Also, some of us are considering a BCN paramilitary wing. Any takers?

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