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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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23:36 / 20.01.06
He actually manages five minutes earlier in the thread, so in a sense we all lose.
23:40 / 20.01.06

Outsmarted by a fool. Again! Obviously a conspiracy by members of an inbred and very old satanic cult.

Yeah, I'm confused, but who gives a fuck?
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:51 / 22.01.06
I had to tear up a copy of today's Observer Music Monthly.

It was full of filth and lies.
18:24 / 22.01.06
I have yet to read it. What should I look out for?
18:29 / 22.01.06
Filth and lies! Cool... I didn't bother reading mine because it looked dull, but I might now.
Goodness Gracious Meme
18:31 / 22.01.06
No, no no. Petey.

You tear up the OMM before you read it.

It's better than way.
18:32 / 22.01.06
Actually, having just read Throbbing Gristle described as "more freakshow than musical entertainment", I may join you in the ripping-up.
Mon Oncle Ignatius
18:54 / 22.01.06
...Throbbing Gristle described as "more freakshow than musical entertainment"...

To be fair, that could almost be a quote from GPO.

Then again, I've not read the magazine in question. I'm sure I'd tear it up - no, use it as a firelighter - given the opportunity though.
All Acting Regiment
19:10 / 22.01.06
I really, really want to hear why Petey didn't like the OMM now, either on this thread, by private message, or semaphore.

Regrettable Juvenilia
19:45 / 22.01.06
Chris Moyles. Kaiser Chiefs. Artic Monkeys. James Blunt.

I would like to drown this nation in blood.
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:01 / 22.01.06
I think the Moyles piece was the lowlight, though - the interviewer vaguely objects to his rampant, distinctively hateful sexism, but reasons that's probably because of her age and that "Moyles is undeniably very good at what he does" - she also thinks that him calling Faria Alam 'Fire Alarm' "shouldn't be funny but somehow it is". It's a nice summation of Guardian/Observer politics, really - be 'liberal', but never be willing to back that up in any meaningful way whatsoever.

The thing is, there's this article about Nazi rock in there as well, and I was going to say, how is Moyles any better, why don't they condemn him as well? - and then I realised there's very little condemnation in the piece about Nazi rock. It's the kind of Vice-magazine-esque 'interest' piece that really just serves to promote this music - well done Observer!

But y'know, once you've given the Kaiser Chiefs the time of day, and hailed their Daily Mail politics as ground-breaking social comment, it's a slippery slope, innit.
20:04 / 22.01.06
Ah, yes. Have read it now.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:05 / 22.01.06
For fuck's sake, Flybers, don't tell me this shit.
20:54 / 22.01.06
I realised there's very little condemnation in the piece about Nazi rock

Since when was good journalism about condemnation? It's about telling people what's going on. It hammers home the fact that the BNP are funded by these evil fucks at every opportunity. Yes, there is an argument that they shouldn't have the oxygen of publicity (and, personally, I'd rather they didn't even have oxygen), but it looks to me as if this has given them plenty of rope with which to hang themselves. Which they did. Additional comment would surely be redundant?
20:58 / 22.01.06
However, I cannot forgive the fact that there is no mention of the fact that Moyles isn't any good as a DJ. Pretty basic, that.
All Acting Regiment
21:05 / 22.01.06
Petey, do you think that The Arctic Monkeys is a stupid name for a band? Because I do, enough for me to put it on this thread.

I mean it's a really stupid name, isn't it? It's like they're saying "Look at us. We're different and original because we have a name that's like, silly, or, to coin a really fucking stupid, banal and basically untrue phrase, random, as opposed to like, some nasty rapper who'll have a name to make him sound cool, because that's what dirty mainstream types do."

That about hit the mark?
All Acting Regiment
21:11 / 22.01.06
Which is overshadowed now by that fucking Nazi rockers article. Not much more I can say than "cocks", really. What sad, sad lives some fuckers lead...
21:37 / 22.01.06
However, I cannot forgive the fact that there is no mention of the fact that Moyles isn't any good as a DJ. Pretty basic, that.

They sort of skate around it - they mention that he doesn't go to gigs, and that he doesn't listen to new music, but do not at any point say "thus making him that rare thing, a music DJ at the highest level with little interest in music". I suppose that if you just play the stuff on the playlist and talk about poo, you don't really need to be, but it does seem a bit perverse.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:44 / 22.01.06
I really don't think it's a rare thing on daytime radio - quite the contrary.
21:46 / 22.01.06
They talk about poo on daytime radio?

Man, I'm missing out with this nocturnal lifestyle.
21:53 / 22.01.06
You're right. Rare is not the word. Undesirable, perhaps.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
00:19 / 23.01.06
There. Is. No. Reason. For. Insomnia.
01:36 / 23.01.06
I. Never. Sleep. Oh. My. Nighttime. Is. Awful.
(If I wasn't so tired I'd be angry too)
09:58 / 23.01.06
BT Cunting Broadband. Eight days with no Internet access. Mastered the bastard automated 'phone tree by day two, and the now-overfamiliar human helpline litany ("three computers down at the same time, two separate routers both failing to connect, yes ADSL light lit, yes filter box tested, no cable TV is separate, no no extension cable, yes fucked off, yes ready to kill, yes please sort it the fuck out") by day three.

Still nothing. Have to 'phone them again tonight. Headsick and rage at the thought alone.
Tryphena Absent
12:09 / 23.01.06
This belongs here as well.
14:43 / 23.01.06
Edinburgh's postal service. I have more chance of finding my post in the local landfill site than I do in my letter box. I've just received a nasty Summary Notice letter (yes, ironic that that one arrived) because I had ignored a council tax bill* and the subsequent pay-up-or-we'll-take-action letter. Easy to do when you didn't get them in the first place.

Surely a private postal service couldn't be worse than this? In no other country I've lived have I given a second thought as to whether the posted item will get there.

*Which is bollocks because I pay by standing order. Meaning that the council knob-heads have put my money in someone else's account. Fuckers. Now I have to waste my time and dig out old bills and old bank statements... and work out where they made the error.
Tryphena Absent
12:58 / 24.01.06
I can't stand Bishop Harries because he is he is an arrogant, arrogant man.
13:43 / 26.01.06
I've failed my driving test for the second time, and I feel really shit about it. I was given a major for indicating right when entering a roundabout to go straight on, rather than not indicate until I needed to come off.

This was such a petty fucking thing, and I only did it because I was nervous about failing again. And no-one in Cardiff ever uses their sodding indicators, anyway.

I hate being unable to drive, especially since I have an old car of my dad's that he's very kindly giving to me rather than selling for a few bob. It's just sat there, waiting for me.

So it's back to the buses for another month, where I waste hours a day waiting for ones that *always* late, if they turn up at all.

There's loads of things I want to do but need a car for, and I'm stuck being a fucking pedestrian.
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:11 / 27.01.06

1. Simon Hughes' vacilliating, hypocritical dodgy behaviour.

thanks for re-presenting a common bi stereotype and being a hypocritical queer!

2. The Guardian's appalling response and total ignoring of the fact that he has defined himeself as bisexual in order to vilify him for not being out as a gay mp. HE ISN'T A GAY MP, FUCKO.

Thanks for your gay commentator's biphobic response!

3. Various media taking the whole issue as open season to write 'don't trust teh Gays' articles, including this:

'some of my best friends are gay, but I wouldn't want one running the country'

Thanks for letting your rampant homophobia, although some of your best friends are, that way, run rampant!

Goodness Gracious Meme
17:00 / 27.01.06
Some of my posts on here are angry, some are niggly, but the above really does make me sick with anger.
17:27 / 27.01.06
It's been GRRRAAAAHHRRRing me off too, GGM, but of all of it, I'm finding Hughes' behaviour the easiest to forgive. Most annoying, for me, is the tendency of all concerned - including the gay press - to take the 'he lied by saying he wasn't gay' line when the poor fucker isn't simply, straightforwardly 'gay'.
17:57 / 27.01.06
Speaking as someone who's actually appeared on telly with the writer of the linked piece, GGM, can I just say that Ms Turner has ALWAYS been full of shit.
All Acting Regiment
19:43 / 27.01.06
Personally, I have to say that I don't think gay men make good party leaders or Prime Ministers. This has nothing to do with what they do in bed but everything to do with their lives in general.


Before I am accused of prejudice, I should say that not only are some of my best friends gay, but probably most of them are. I work in the media, for goodness sake. It is precisely because I know such a lot of gay men that I can say that I don't think many of them are capable of representing the interests of the vast majority of people.


Their lifestyles are too divorced from the norm. They are not better or worse, but they are different.


Gay men face challenges of their own, but they do not face those associated with having children which is the way most of us live. I have gay friends whose biggest headache is whether to have a black sofa or a cream one. If they have a child it is a dog.


Mourne Kransky
19:55 / 27.01.06
If the bummers would just stick to needlepoint and forget about running things...
19:57 / 27.01.06
%But bisexual men don't exist. It was proven! It was in the NY Times!%

Yes. Yes I am also seething.

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