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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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17:15 / 19.12.05
I've just been listening to an awful, equivocating, disingenuous bastard explain that the people who've been criticising George Bush over the last few days are merely "a bunch of lawyers", and that they fail to uderstand that there is historical precedent for this kind of thing.

18:14 / 19.12.05
"My personal opinion is, it was a shameful act for someone to disclose this very important program in a time of war," Mr. Bush said. "The fact that we're discussing this program is helping the enemy."

Yep, silence is the way to victory children, shut up and let George deal with these commies. I mean terrorists.

Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales also spoke out today as the Bush administration mounted an all-out offensive to rebut the criticisms of Democrats. "Our position is that the authorization to use military force, which was passed by the Congress after Sept. 11, constitutes that authority,"

Goodness Gracious Meme
15:00 / 22.12.05
ARGHHHHH. Knock together a passable flyer for BiFest. Hie me to copy shop to discover I can't open the bloody thing to print. Glad I worked on that when I have million other things to do.

FUCK. Exhaustion finally takes over as I manage to miss TWO gatherings I really wanted to go to by dint of falling asleep at 4pm and being dead to the world until 10pm. Massive apologies Gumbitch and Quantum. Bump into fraely who tells me I missed a good one. GAH

End now please. I really can't be fucked any more.
16:36 / 22.12.05
In the past four days:
1) My CD player and CDs were stolen from work by an employee.
2) An employee also stole from work, thus making work hard for me, long story.
3) My car died
4) I have the flu.

And a merry Christmas to you, too, 2005.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:27 / 31.12.05
My hot water isn't working. My landlord has told me to get a plumber who is shortly to turn up but on the phone the plumber said he thinks it's not a water problem but a boiler one, which means I might be about to pay a call out charge only to be told I need to get someone else in to look at the boiler. On New Years Eve evening. I hate everything.

And my email isn't working.
All Acting Regiment
14:46 / 31.12.05

Whilst fully aware that in the grand scheme of things my impending work deadlines and cockish pals fucking about on New Year's eve and not telling me what's fucking happening are not really in the slightest bit important, I would perhaps just like to sidestep into a bubble ego-reality, where they are very much the most important thing, and be all like COCKS COCKS COCKS.


Seriously. I'm not happy about spending NYE alone again because of shoddy arrangements. Because I want to go out, and be merry and cause merriness, nay, infect the streets with jolly, sociable merriness. It's not just me that I'm thinking about. If I'm being fucking miserable I'm like a downed node in the merry grid, see?


Oh, I see. You're having a house party. Oh and it's full, is it? Oh riiiight. I see. Your parent's fucking massive bourgeois barn conversion, squatting like a temple of middle class budget risk-taking in the unspoilt countryside of Bromley Cross, is full to it's fucking Ikea rafters with jolly, young, merry types, and there isn't any room for little me to squeeze in? Oh, well, yes, I see, obviously it's not that you don't like me or any of that shit. No no no.

Here's a tip! Why don't you just be honest. Just be fucking honest. Just say "No, we don't like you that much, you're a bit too reserved and we like people with dreadlocks, er, so long as they're not black, LOL!".

Just say it. Don't fucking come out with this "There isn't much room" bollocks. Am I riding a donkey with my husband to the fucking Pontius Pilot Clam Bake & Census Extravaganza of 0 BC? No I am fucking not.

And another thing. Shave your fucking mohican thing. It looks shit. It is shit. Stop cacking on about fucking stupid authentic punk bands form America that you import the vinyl of. You dick. It would take Petey Shaftoe to explain everything that's wrong with your music, your clothes, your whole fucking outlook.

Oh wow! Oh dear sweet fuckery! Someone's brought some "weed" to the party and now, my my, they're...smoking it? Fucking hell! Proper off the fookin rails! Wow, if you're so fucking hardcore why is it you laugh at fucking homeless heroin addicts as if it's all their fault? That's you if you'd been born poor. You fucking middle class young tossers with your fundamental attribution errors.

16:25 / 31.12.05
Pontius Pilot

17:01 / 31.12.05
I always feel safer when it's Pontius who's piloting us. But be ware when he asks to go use the "wash room." Not a good sign.
17:06 / 31.12.05
You're better off flying Barabas. Barabas never crashed.
17:10 / 31.12.05
That explains all that chanting--I didn't realize that all they wanted was to fly economy on Barabas Air.

Jesus, Savior, Pilate me
Hattie's Kitchen
19:22 / 31.12.05
Well, this Xmas and NYE is officially the worst yet. I've had flu for the past week, i've gone deaf in my left ear thanks to fucked sinuses and my stomach feels like there's an eel swimming around in there. Come midnight I will be fast asleep having OD'd on Lemsip. Bah. Apart from getting a new job, this year has sucked donkey balls.
Mourne Kransky
02:09 / 01.01.06
Burn down the barn, Legba. It's the only way to be sure...
02:12 / 01.01.06
Don't forget to hang the blessed DJ.
Mourne Kransky
02:47 / 01.01.06
Twice, to be sure.
P. Horus Rhacoid
16:13 / 01.01.06
I thought nuking from orbit was the only way to make sure around here?
16:50 / 01.01.06

You can't go to the barn unless you've been through the change
08:57 / 05.01.06
Must. Stop. Looking. At. The. Idler. Forum.

"One could be forgiven for wondering, if the homosexual identity is a genuine sexual orientation towards men, then why do so many gay men dress up as women? If lesbianism is a real orientation towards women, then why the preponderance of dildos shaped like cocks?

Boring, boring, boring. Show us something new, something original and we'll pay attention. If you push your gender preference as the most important part of your identity don't be surprised when people focus on it, and until you come up with a genuinely new idea don't be surprised when people laugh at your exsiting one."
10:10 / 05.01.06
Are you a member? Why not invite 'em over here for a good kicking?
10:54 / 05.01.06
Hmm, I did think about that, but I reckon it would be like inviting the old Greenland crew in. A lot of aggro and irritation for little reward.

(I've engaged with the above poster myself on another subject, btw, and it turned into the sort of pointless, will-to-live-sapping campaign that I don't have the wits or the energy to wage any more.)
11:03 / 05.01.06
That's why they're called morons. There's always more.
11:41 / 06.01.06
Fucking arsehole sadists masquerading as holy men who use accusations of possession as an excuse to torture children (I'm listening to a feature on Congolese witchhunts on Radio 4).
10:15 / 07.01.06
I may not be the most qualified or experienced person when it comes to businesses and how to run them but ignoring a red letter from the revenue & customs? Even I know not to do that!

ARGH! Give UP!
10:59 / 07.01.06
Those bastard comedy songs on Radio 4's The Now Show.

Those. Bastard. Comedy. Songs.

Laugh? I nearly punched my radio through the wall.
19:46 / 08.01.06
Flat hunting..


So far I have seen:

-2 flats that actually made me feel physically ill while I was being shown round. These are the worst. You know the second you walk in that you want to walk right back out again, but you have to check the place out and pretend you might want it anyway. "Any questions?" "Uh, no. No."

-1 Gorgeous flat in a relatively good location... but sharing with *six* other people. Six freshly out of college people who looked like they stepped out of a soap ad they look so cheerful and fresh-faced. Nice but not for me. (and no offense to those who just out of college and bright of eye and fresh of face)

-1 Flat that was OK and in a good location and I liked it but because I was running late I had to see it with another guy, from Germany, who when we were in the kitchen turned the letter's attention to the fact that "Americans tend to be superficial" (the letter agreed). "Look at you! You've been to Disney World hundreds of time, but do you come to Europe for your holiday? NO!" (Uh, I live in abroad, but hey).

-1 Flat that had a vague sense of failure emanating from it. That and a mountainous walk from the train station, which is in zone 4. Eeh, no, not for meeee..

-1 Flat that I really really like, and the person seems to like MEEEE too. Gorgeous. GORGEOUS!!! HUGE! Beautiful! I could have people over! WEEE! But... it's in zone 3. Not a huge problem I suppose but after 3 years of high living in zone 1 that may take some getting used to. And when I factor in bills, council tax and transport costs, it's about £150 more a month. I've checked my budget and I *think* I can afford it... but I'm still nervous about it.

AAARGH!! Why can't someone just GIVE me a gorgeous flat in zone 1 for next to no money?? BarbeBillionaires I'm talking to YOU.
modern maenad
11:53 / 09.01.06
Fucking bank twats. OK, so have finally destroyed credit card and resolved to pay back balance, so phone up to talk through options etc. Basically get told to fuck off - they're only interested if you can't/haven't meet monthly payments for a while and are up shit creek. I explain that I'm trying to prevent this happening by sorting out payment plans etc. now. No, absolutely not interested. Because they're the kind of bank that only want to help people when they're totally fucking desperate, and I'm obviously just not quite there yet. Soon as its paid of that's one account I'll be closing, for ever.
electric monk
13:32 / 09.01.06
Alright. Now. You listen to me, you...dicknose.

I came to your place of business on the understanding that the position was temp-to-full time. I put in two weeks of goddamn hard work and grueling hours on your magazine, repeatedly pulling your ass out of the fire when no one else in your office could. I stuck my neck out on editorial mistakes I found in your cover story, and held my ground against your chief editor when she thought the changes I was suggesting were unnecessary. I was proved right, and saved you a fuckload of embarrassment. I redesigned, reworked, fixed and finessed countless ads from your freelancers when they weren't up to snuff. You handed me the feature section and said, "Come up with a design. Whatever you want," and after much hemming and hawing on your part, my design went to print INTACT. Because it was beautiful. You handed me the cover and said "Come up with a design. Whatever you want," and I did, and it was called "Beautiful" and "Excellent work". I came in early and left late. Because you were on deadline. Because the files for the magazine had to be at the printer by Thursday midnight. Because I was under the impression that I had a shot at a full time gig on your magazine.

But what did you do? You handed me two ads at the 11th hour and said, "Do whatever you want." And what were those ads for? 2 graphic designer positions at your magazine. And what did you say about those ads? "They're stunning, monk. Thank you so much! Great work!" And when the mag was done, you said, "Go home and sleep, and don't come in till noon tomorrow. We'll just have a little clean-up to do."

And what happenend that Friday? I come in to find the desk I'm working at arranged very neatly and the specs I had taped to the wall for easy reference taken down. I find, where you'd been all about how lovely my work was the day before, that there is now a subtle undercurrent of "We can't use you anymore," in your words and deeds. So I gather up the miniscule bit of my things, turn to go and, since there seems to be no offer forthcoming from you, I make my own:

"Say, I noticed you have a couple ads in your latest issue for graphic designer positions. I might know someone who's interested." (sly grin from me)

"Oh, were you interested?"


(monk, in shock, says -) "Um...yeah. Lemme send you a resume."

"Tell you what, bring one with you Wednesday when you come to pick up your copies of the magazine. We'll add it to the pool"


I cannot WAIT for Wednesday.
01:17 / 10.01.06
Well. It happened again. I went to Wal-Mart because they have cheap movies. I saw Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker(Uncut) for less than 11 bucks Canadian (or 5.25274 GBP) (Previously, the only time I'd seen this DVD in stores was at a Best Buy and the disc was loose inside the cheap Warner snapcase)
And I got home, and guess what, the disc is missing. This happened previously when I bought a two disc set and was missing one disc. At Wal-Mart.

So, to sum up,
-Best Buy (for making me shop at Wal-Mart)
-Wal-Mart (for making me buy another DVD)
-Warner (for making crap cases)
-the factory that made my DVD
-my oven (cause it's not working and I wanted pizza with my Batman)
08:04 / 11.01.06
my boyfriend is an asshole, and I am not a sugar daddy, nor am I a chauffer. Tonight he demanded I drive him to the grocery store at 1 am. We live a block away from a grocery store, and he could have walked there, but it closes at 10 pm. And I complained a lot about the fact that he thinks he can demand that I take him anywhere at 1 am, but I still took him, because I know he needs food.

Last night he didn't take the last bus home, and didn't send an email saying he'd gotten a ride, so I drove into town to get him so he wouldn't be stuck there all night. I should have just left him there. He didn't miss the bus. He decides not to take the last bus because he wants to stay out late and he assumes I'll come get him if he does.

Then, last night at 2:30 am, he demanded I take him to the grocery store so that he could buy antacids. He needs to get that before the grocery store that's by the house closes. It's not as if he hadn't realized he would need them. He takes about 10 of them every fucking day (which I don't understand, because I never take them myself, but I can't tell him what he does or doesn't need). I told him I'd take him later (he tries to demand I take him places immediately and I tell him to fuck off), and he fell asleep before I got around to it.

The night before that he demanded that I either take him to the grocery store late at night (don't remember the time) so that he could buy cigarettes, because he was out, or that I let him smoke my cigarettes. I always make sure I have enough cigarettes to get me through the night before the market closes so that I don't have to drive to another town in the middle of the night. I don't make sure that I have enough cigarettes for him to smoke. I refused to take him to the store, and he smoked my cigarettes, as did I, until I ran out, and then I told him he was SOL because I wasn't driving to the store, even though I was out of cigarettes, too. He then "found" more of his own cigarettes in the house. He probably really didn't know that they were there, but I'm not actually mad about the fact that he smoked enough of my cigarettes that I ran out, and then had cigarettes for himself when I didn't have any for myself. I'm mad that he treats me like it's my fucking responsibility to drive him places.

Today he tried to get me to drive him into town, and I told him I'd loan him bus fare instead so that he could get there himself (I'm pretty sure he already had bus fare, but I don't know) and he got mad and said he didn't want to take the bus because it takes longer. Um....fuck you, boyfriend. You think I should waste an hour total driving to and from town so that you don't have to spend a few extra minutes to travel by bus? Fuck you.

Yes, I've told him this. I keep telling him this, quite clearly, and he keeps acting like I'm his fucking chauffer. I'm not, and I sure as hell don't want to be. The next time he decides not to take the last bus home, I don't think I'm going to go get him. If he decides not to come home when he has the oppertunity, it's not my fault if he dies of hypothermia. I'll make sure he knows that I'm definitely not going to come get him so that it really is not my fault when he dies of hypothermia.
Tryphena Absent
09:52 / 11.01.06
Guess what. Hanging around with someone who thinks you're an object is a bad idea. Instead of whining about your boyfriend on barbelith, why don't you dump him for treating you like his mother?
10:08 / 11.01.06
yeh - i mean, if your relationship isn't relaxed enough that you can just share ciggies and not keep count of whose is whose, how could you expect the rest of it to work out dandy-nice? i mean, they're just ciggies.

girlfriend, next time you take him to the bottle-shop at three in the morning, you need to open that door and kick him to the mother fucking kerb.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:23 / 11.01.06
Also, you have a photo of his John Thomas you can post on the internet whenever you like. That's leverage.
Tryphena Absent
10:32 / 11.01.06
girlfriend, next time you take him to the bottle-shop at three in the morning, you need to open that door and kick him to the mother fucking kerb.

12:16 / 11.01.06
yeah, you guys are right. He has his good qualities, but he's a bit of an asshole. And I do need to keep track of the cigarettes, because I don't smoke his cigarettes, and he smokes a lot of mine. He also owes me $130. I haven't asked him to pay for the cigarettes he smokes, and I'm not going to, but I always make sure I have enough cigarettes for myself for the night before the market in this town closes, and he thinks that if he runs out at 3 am that I should drive him to another town to get more, when it's something I don't do for myself.

I'm sort of confused about what to do on the breaking-up issue. He's now my roommate as well as my boyfriend, and I wouldn't mind living with him if he weren't such a mooch. If I broke up with him, but he continued living here, I don't think he'd be less of a mooch, and would probably be more of an asshole. I know that's not a good reason to not break up with someone, but I'd like to keep dating him if I didn't think he were using me, and if he continues living here, he's not going to stop using me unless I can find a way to change this situation.

I'm also not convinced that he actually is using me. He does have money problems. I tend to be bad with money also, but for different reasons. He doesn't really seem to understand how to budget and the like, at all. He has said that he can't understand fractions, and I've noticed that he uses a calculator to divide a small number by 2. I'm not convinced that he can add or subtract. He gets a rather small check each month, and suppliments it by selling homemade jewelery. If he makes $50 from selling jewelry, he'll think that it's a lot and spend money on dvd's or games, because he thinks he'll have enough left over to last until he gets more, but then he'll run out before he sells more jewelery. Before he moved in, he convinced someone to loan him a hell of a lot of money so that he could buy an expensive laptop and an ipod, and he's paying it off monthly. He didn't anticipate moving in here, and thus didn't consiter his share of the rent when he bought the computer and ipod (he didn't even know me then). He sometimes talks about all the expensive stuff he thinks he's going to buy once he's gotten me and the other person he owes money to paid off, but I know he's not being realistic about how much more money he'll have once he's out of debt. I've been trying to convince him that spending money before you have it is a bad idea. He said that he wants to get a bank account (he doesn't curently have a bank account) that has a $500 overdraft limit, and overdraft it by exactly that ammount immediatly, then pay it off later. I think that is a very, very bad idea, but he thinks it's a great idea, and I can't really understand how anyone could think that it's a good idea.

I know that sometimes he wants to go to the store at 3 am because he was out of money, then sold jewelry at 11pm, and needs to get food. I have been loaning him money when he doesn't have enough for food or smokes or bus money, because I don't want him to be unable to eat, and if he can't get into town, he can't sell jewelery, which would mean that he can't get any more money until the end of the month. I think that part of the reason that he wants me to drive him into town and pick him up so much is because he can't afford to pay for the bus, but I'm paying for this in car costs. (One of the things that he thinks he'll somehow be able to afford once he gets me and that other dude paid off is a motorcycle. While I'd love for him to have his own transportation, I know damn well that he can't afford the maintinence of a motorcycle, but I don't think he understands the costs invovled beyond the intial cost of the actual motorcycle itself, and I also don't think he'd be a very good driver. He can't see very well. Numerous times when I've stopped for pedestrians crossing the street he's asked me why we're stopped, and I've responded "there are people walking in front of the car." I would think that would be obvious, and if it's not, he shouldn't be driving.)

I really need to stop typing right now. Sorry if this is boring you all, and if it just seems obvious that I need to break up with him. I do like him and care about him. He also appologized for being such a mooch right after I posted on Barbelith, so hopefully he actually realizes that he needs to treat me better. I'm far from perfect myself, and I'd like to try to work things out.
Tryphena Absent
12:42 / 11.01.06
It's like this okay: either someone is your flatmate or your partner when they're living with you. You can't have a bit of both. If he's your partner than you can sit down and talk seriously about money and make him listen to you. It seems to me that you very much need to do this. At the moment he doesn't understand the costs of things, possibly because people have always leant him money- that's the impression I'm getting from you. Maybe it's not true and he does get it but doesn't know how to make any money and be happy.

There are ways you don't mother people who you're going out with and ways you do, you need to know your boundaries and what's really serious to you and only be mother when it's important.

As for this thing about food: I know that sometimes he wants to go to the store at 3 am because he was out of money, then sold jewelry at 11pm, and needs to get food

Who is he selling jewellery to at 11pm, why does it take 4 hours to sell, why don't you buy the food earlier?
If he's this shit then buy things, hide them and when he says I want to buy something, produce it from its hiding place and ask for the money!

In summary: talk to boyfriend about money. It is your business because he's expecting it from you and most people don't talk about it because they're scared when there's so little of it. Not thinking doesn't help.
13:01 / 11.01.06
fuckbaked me old china, is this the same boyfriend who gave you a switchblade (or iirc, NOT a switchblade) the first time you met him?

those ringing noises you can hear whenever you're in the apartment together? sirens. the song they are singing?: 'Go! GO! Get teh fuck out of there! Leave his useless arse! Go!'

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