Well this makes me pretty goddamned steamed. It's from the blog of a guy I know back in London, who's asked not to be named.
i need to sew a yellow crescent on all my clothes....
A few days ago, 300 police officers showed up on my doorstep.
They sealed off all of Finsbury Park. They raided every shop on the street.
They rounded up all the muslims. All the white folk were searched and allowed to leave.
They detained folk till 5am next day (raid went down in the afternoon).
They found nothing.
They came back next day to apologise to the mosque, who informed them that the persons to apologise to were the folks whom they had cuffed, faceplanted, interrogated and let go.
My friends had bootprints on their backs.
(did anyone hear it on the news? it did happen! [Name of another friend] saw it all, and he's white so it MUST be true!!)
now the irony is, is that if ever there were any folk who were more useful to "our side" as it were (Us being the people calling the isles home), its the folk they just beat up. a lot are ex-military, some are like me, and most have a religious duty to protect the land they call home. thats right. Muslims are obliged by law to engage with the terrorists (or counter-islamics, as they should also be refered to) for so MANY reasons, its crazy, but most are to disenchanted by 50 years of abuse by folks here in general, that they just stay at home and keep quiet..
Fuck. |