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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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Hattie's Kitchen
07:00 / 06.12.05
Aw Stoatie, that sucks there any way you can get BT or whoever to trace the calls or something? Sorry about Mono getting burgled too...the universe is full of fuckers at the moment.
09:23 / 06.12.05
That's horrid, poor Mono and your Mum.

You can ask BT to check their records but I think it has to happen a few times before they do. I think the police advise reporting it to them, then keeping a list of every time it happens and any other details about the call.
12:59 / 06.12.05
God almighty, The Idler Forum. A more miserable, whinging bunch of misanthropic tossers you could not imagine. It's like a dozen episodes of Grumpy Old Men / Women rolled into one, with added chav / sheeple rants, natch. Oh for a robot army of Flyboys, Hauses and Fears...
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:52 / 06.12.05
The Idler = touched by the hand of Hirst, James and Allen = UNCLEAN.
17:51 / 06.12.05
Condoleeza Fucking Rice doesn't notice the irony-

"This is a war in which intelligence is the absolute key to success"

It's not a war, there's no intelligence involved and rendition (=CIA kidnappings) and US foreign policy in general will ensure failure, GAH! RAGE!
10:32 / 07.12.05
Shame about the Idler forum, because I think there's some good to be said for the thinking behind the magazine.
10:51 / 07.12.05
I should add a disclaimer to my complaint above - obviously not all of the posters to the Idler forum fit that description, and not all of the discussions are about moaning. I might simply have been unlucky in my choice of threads to look at and probably over-reacted. Again. But really, this sort of thing is enough to send anyone into a tizzy:

An Idler Forum Member:

"This is the nadir of human civilisation. There are two groups being true to themselves: those who live the lives that the media push as desirable, and those who have no interest in them. In between, trapped in a hellish pyschological netherworld of self-hatred and desire are the vast mass of grunto dumbo multiplex cattle who aspire and aspire and aspire but never achieve, who long to truly relax but are too obssessed with a life they are too fat and lazy to achieve to manage it.

They make me want to vomit."
10:54 / 07.12.05
Not cattle. Sheeple.
11:03 / 07.12.05
Saveloy, I'd appreciate it if you didn't misquote me. What I actually said was: "I am trapped in a hellish pyschological netherworld of self-desire." Something wrong with that?
Hattie's Kitchen
11:09 / 07.12.05
Disclaimer: I love kids. I hope to have one myself.


Parents who take their kids to ADULT restaurants and then let the little fuckers run around, screaming their heads off, making a nuisance of themselves, throwing stuff on the floor as if it was a creche annoy the tits off me. Especially parents who sit there with that smug "ah, my darling little precious ones, how cute" etc, making no attempt to restrain them.

If I had carried on like that in a restaurant as a child, I would have been dragged outside and told off big-time.

The world does not revolve around your spawn. If you cannot control your kids, if you cannot raise them to behave in public, then kindly leave them at home so the rest of us can enjoy our meals without having to endure ear-splitting screeching.
13:41 / 07.12.05

"Saveloy, I'd appreciate it if you didn't misquote me. What I actually said was: "I am trapped in a hellish pyschological netherworld of self-desire." Something wrong with that?"

Yes, what you *actually* said was: "I have trapped my helmet in the sliding doors at Bicycle World - I am on fire."
19:30 / 08.12.05
Some cunt on the radio- not sure who he was; I only caught the tail-end- when asked what he thought about people's concerns that the Lea Valley is gonna be totally fucked over by the fucking Olympics, tried to make out this was a good thing for the Valley, because "there'll be better access- nobody uses it at the moment because it's inaccessible". Inaccessible my fucking ass. Nobody uses it my fucking ass. And who the fuck's gonna WANT to use it when you motherfuckers have built stadia all over the fucker? Not the wildlife, I'm guessing. Probably not me either. Fuck you and fuck your Olympics. You bunch of motherfuckers.

I really don't want to still be here when all that fucking shit happens. I really don't.
P. Horus Rhacoid
20:19 / 08.12.05
Okay, this is my own fault because I really should ignore people who I know will piss me off, not go to their websites and read their political views, self aggrandizement etc but- Bill O'Reilly is a deeply, deeply worthless human being.

Oops. I just added Barbelith to the ranks of LOOPY LEFT-WING INTERNET SMEAR SITES dedicated to destroying Bill O'Reilly, defender of the common man. GAAH! The man's ego is appalling. Thank Christ he's retiring in two years. Unfortunately, means he will have more time to write crappy novels.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:57 / 09.12.05
Well this makes me pretty goddamned steamed. It's from the blog of a guy I know back in London, who's asked not to be named.

i need to sew a yellow crescent on all my clothes....
A few days ago, 300 police officers showed up on my doorstep.
They sealed off all of Finsbury Park. They raided every shop on the street.
They rounded up all the muslims. All the white folk were searched and allowed to leave.
They detained folk till 5am next day (raid went down in the afternoon).

They found nothing.
They came back next day to apologise to the mosque, who informed them that the persons to apologise to were the folks whom they had cuffed, faceplanted, interrogated and let go.
My friends had bootprints on their backs.

(did anyone hear it on the news? it did happen! [Name of another friend] saw it all, and he's white so it MUST be true!!)


now the irony is, is that if ever there were any folk who were more useful to "our side" as it were (Us being the people calling the isles home), its the folk they just beat up. a lot are ex-military, some are like me, and most have a religious duty to protect the land they call home. thats right. Muslims are obliged by law to engage with the terrorists (or counter-islamics, as they should also be refered to) for so MANY reasons, its crazy, but most are to disenchanted by 50 years of abuse by folks here in general, that they just stay at home and keep quiet..

Mon Oncle Ignatius
10:07 / 09.12.05
I wondered what that was - my bus home was diverted away from Blackstock Road, and I saw police tape and vanloads of police in riot geat everywhere going into shops (there's a large Arabic, mostly Algerian, population around Finsbury Park). Not a peep on the news either.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:12 / 09.12.05
Maybe we nedd a Switchboard thread?
10:13 / 09.12.05
Jesus. (BTW, just did a quick Google news search on "Finsbury Park mosque", and there's nothing more recent than a week ago). It's amazing (though not particularly surprising) that shit like that DOESN'T get reported.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:23 / 09.12.05
I can't find anything either. WTF?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:57 / 12.12.05
Without knowing in detail the complaint I'd like to jump to a conclusion and say SHUT UP AARONOVITCH! although also SHUT UP IAN MAYES too. He spends more time bitching about 'an organised email campaign' which therefore he's not going to read. I seem to remember, though I may be wrong, that he did exactly the same thing in the face of letters of complaint about the Julie Bindel piece that was transphobic a year or so ago, nothing was done because it was obviously an 'organised email campaign' and therefore not as valid as if two people had taken offense and wrote letters. So that gets a double SHUT UP IAN MAYES for that kind of attitude.
07:07 / 12.12.05
Fuck off Jack Straw, you torture apologist twat. On the Today show this morning he kept repeating the weaselly lines: "We have check as far as we possibly can" and "There have been no requests from the US for such flights to land."
Jack, are you really so arrogant that you think we can't read between the lines on this an come to the conclusion that this means a) You don't have access to the information so "as far as you possibly can" means you've done Jack shit; b) They don't need to ask, or refuse to ask, which is why there have been "no requests". Neither of your statements is in any way reassuring and makes you look like more of a schmuck. Twat.
lord nuneaton savage
10:11 / 12.12.05
Dear 2005

I've sussed your game, sunshine. I finally realised a few months ago that you had decided to be the most shitting, rat bastard year of all time. I'm not sure what hideous event it was that finally made me realise this. Was it the Cancer scare? (Oh yes, my mistake, there's been two of those this year hasn't there?), Was it my girlfriend running off with one of my best friends? Was it having to move house three times in three months? Was it my friend's Mum being murdered (MURDERED)? Or was it the final straw, finding out about another friend's brother dying of cancer yesterday morning? It doesn't really matter, does it? Everything stays the same, nothing can be changed. You won.

But I want you to know, that on the evening of the 31st of December, at 12.00pm, I will be drunk and I will be with my friends and I will be ROARING LIKE A FUCKING VIKING as your disgusting, miserable reign ends. And I will turn your memory into ashes and cry my last tears and face the new year. And it will be fucking golden. Because I will make it so. And Southampton will get promoted and my band will storm the world and my nearest and dearest will achieve all their dreams and I will laugh at your shrivelling memory as it cries into blackness.

You are a base fucker and I CANNOT WAIT for you to die.

Rot in Hell
Lord Nuneaton Savage
lord nuneaton savage
12:52 / 12.12.05
PS And it seems your sense of humour knows no bounds. Do I feel the beginnings of some flu-like fever? You fucking bastard...
The Natural Way
17:41 / 12.12.05
Fuck yeah, I don't know what's going on, but the entire fundraising centre's complaining about some nausea inducing bug. Feel quite weird and bad. Better go out to a poetry slam and get steaming pissed then. And, no, before you say it, I won't be intellidating, you pricks.
23:36 / 12.12.05
That does sound like a shit year nuneaton. Sorry to hear it.
What say we pay a little visit to Mr 2005? Explain a few things to him?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:48 / 12.12.05
Maybe we could show him what happened to Mr 2004.
lord nuneaton savage
10:10 / 13.12.05
"So, Mr 2005. Do you realise what you are going to be remembered for? Hmmm?

That's right you TURD, Strictly Come Dancing, Margaret Thatcher SURVIVING, and everyone realising that blokey out of the Libertines was shit all along.

Would you like a hanky?

Haus of Mystery
12:23 / 13.12.05
Barclays fucking Bank. Thanks for fucking my girlfriend over so thoroughly and treating her like a piece of shit, while you use her money to make yourself richer. You've ACTUALLY ruined our Christmas, and capped off a very difficult year for us.

Cheers Wankers!
13:35 / 13.12.05
Fucking Australia. How the fuck can you continually vote in a fuck like John Howard, who has managed Bush's trick of appealing to rich and poor by following economic policies to make the rich richer and screw the poor, who nonetheless vote for him because he's "tough on immigration". No, of course those race riots have nothing to do with your "terrorists under your bed" propaganda. You know what was a great idea of yours? Posting fridge magnets to the entire country that say "be alert, not alarmed." Well done John! We'd better all keep an eye on those darkies that aren't fair dinkum aussies like us, eh?

Howard just passed a law abolishing compulsory union fees for uni students, so not only are facilities for sport and activities going to be starved of funds, but student activism will be crippled so there'll be less criticism as your govt continues to destroy higher education. one of his fucking ministers even let this slip: "Now they will have to perform on merit to win the voluntary support of students instead of automatically receiving large sums of money for their own political purposes." We wouldn't want students having political purposes now would we?

Another great thing you did John. Taking away the automatic right to 4 weeks paid holiday. That was fabulous! Giving the workers the "choice" to work two of those weeks to earn more money. That was thoughtful of you. And what will happen when workers want their four weeks but the company wants them to take only two? How will anybody prove that they were fired because of that? What's that? They won't be able to will they? Well done John!

You are a racist shit, you try to ignore the existence of the country's indigenous population, you have divided the country and set people against each other, you have set worker's rights back decades, you have silenced opposition and stirred up fear of immigrants. You have profited from ex Pauline Hanson voters who now vote for you even as you screw them out of their own job security. You are taking Australia to a dangerous place and now the world is beginning to see what has been brewing there. Distrust, fear and ignorance.

You promised you would "never ever" institute a GST, then you went and did it. You refuse to say sorry to indigenous Australians. You are a corporate toady and a perpetuator of nasty stereotypes of what it means to be Australian. No John, those race riots won't tarnish Sydney's image as a multicultural paradise. What are you smoking you self-deceiving fuck?

And the bastard keeps getting voted in, which means I shouldn't be angry at Howard so much as at amy fellow Australians who voted for him. I fucking despair.
The Falcon
14:05 / 14.12.05
...Dunno quite how to follow that.

That Penny Arcade is rubbish though, isn't it? the thing I find most objectionable - well, second most, after the hair on the characters - is the suspicion that I am squarely the demographic, I get all the jokes (I've read anyway) and not. a. single. one. is funny.

It makes me empty inside to think of it.
14:49 / 15.12.05
Times Headline today, "Half of all town halls are wasting council tax"
"Annual league tables show that 46% of councils provide either the bare minimum or below minimum standards of cost-effectiveness."

Please re-read my ranting about CouncilfuckingTax upthread and imagine I'm shouting about it again, I simply haven't the energy.

And on the front page of the Argus EXODUS! 10,000 families will move away from Brighton due to overpriced housing, hitting key services especially hard"
So, uh, none of the nurses firemen or teachers can afford to get accomodation here, the council tax is rocketing and being wasted, it costs more than Kensington to live in and the wages are equivalent to Scunthorpe. *Insert Rage here*
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:06 / 15.12.05
God, absolutely. Wandering round Manchester at the weekend, comparing rents, wages, cost of living etc did leave me wondering if when I'm finally subject to all this stuff again I should just move there.
13:28 / 16.12.05
I won't bow to Gordon Brown! No! I don't want to move to the North, and why should I have to? Fucker! I like the sea and the south, the North is cold and I'm prejudiced!

Anyway, I came here to protest the Badger Cull the Govt. might perform to help bovine TB. MISTAKENLY! DON'T SLAY THE BADGERS! What did Meles meles do to deserve this reputation as a cow killer?

"Latest findings show that killing badgers causes more cattle tuberculosis than it prevents" so don't do it!
13:33 / 16.12.05
And of course, they're not worried about the bovine TB because they're concerned about the welfare of the cows. They just want to eat 'em.
Eloi Tsabaoth
13:48 / 16.12.05

(That was directed at, not Wonder Woman)
13:55 / 16.12.05
Yeah shitty Amazon, order something 2 days ago which wont get here before Christmas - plus it was £10 than play (which had sold out) plus they charge P&P...

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