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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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18:11 / 20.11.05

How bloody dare you trash something as pure as that?
My favourite place in the forest, a place where deer sleep at night and you decide to trash the bushes flat, leave condom wrappers and cans everyhwerre and kick the fences downso the cattle can get in.

Wjhat gives you the right? fucking chav bastards should be neutered at birth. Argh I have been thinking about this all dasy and I can tell you I'll make sure this doesn't happen again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All Acting Regiment
18:16 / 20.11.05
There used to be a badger colony near me until it got kicked in. I don't know what happened to the badgers after that.

How do you know it was Teh Chavs? It could have been Fucking Students.
Char Aina
18:46 / 20.11.05
fucking chav bastards should be neutered at birth.

i'm with you!
poor people are a fucking WASTE OF OXYGEN, man!
what we need is some kinda solution that wont need repeated! something final!
lets fucking poison the drinking water going into all the housing schemes and shit!

alternatively, you could ditch the shitty atitude and try not assuming a particular crass stereotype perpetrated your enviroterror.
middle class people can be wankers too, y'know.

how rich are you, incidentally?
The Falcon
19:05 / 20.11.05
Yeah, and neutering won't help. If I got neutered, I'd imagine I'd get pretty vandalistic.

Or to reiterate the man who go whee-nuh-nunnle-nuh, blaming the poor won't help.
19:47 / 20.11.05
how rich are you, incidentally?

10 grand a year, very rich I'm sure. I live in a semi-rural town, ten minutes walk from Epping Forest.

I admit was chav was the possibly the wrong word to use, however they tend to use the fields near this part of the forest as a racing track so possibly I was posting in anger but this is what this thread is for?
The Falcon
20:03 / 20.11.05
Yeah, but dude, you can't just use discriminatory terminology in an open forum because you're in a bad mood. Or, if you do, here, people will - at the very least - ask why you're doing it.
20:16 / 20.11.05
At this point I really not sure what you want me to say the title of this thread is 'Urgh! Fuck!:A thread for untamed hate and anger' and I posted in anger, yes I could have phrased things better but I posted while angry which means I probably didn't think things though clearly.

I could move to have my post altered removing the part which people have posted in response but as a mod on another site I hate it then people do that because it wreaks the way a thread reads. I have now clarified my point of view I hope. Open forum? Well that really does depend on your defination of a open forum, open forum to me means a forum where anyone can view and post without being a member. Yes anyone can view the forums here on Barbelith but you do have to be a member to post. This is not a attack on the site but a general comment on what is a open forum.

But I would re-say; I posted in anger which I assumed this thread was for, open forum or not. If this is not the case then please inform me.
20:30 / 20.11.05
In light of my possible sorry phrasing of the post way above this one, I would like to try again.

Today during my walk in the forest near me, I visited an area which deer frequently sleep in, at this time of day there are usually a few deer there so I walk past, today i could see any so I went in (something I do normally if they sren't around, they don't seem bothered and usually come back within an hour) to see if there were any dropped antlers. Instead of the usual crushed grass sleepy places there was trashed bushs, trashed meaning kicked to pieces. Cans and the plastic from the fencing thrown around, in the trees etc. Condom wrappers and cans everywhere.

I am asuuming it was the usual suspects, which are a bunch of teenagers/young adults who live near me (we all live on the estate near the forest). It's not an unusual thing for them to do, they have trashed the wooded areas closer to the estate, seen by myself and others, it appears they have moved to unspoilt lands now. They already use the fileds as racing tracks for their bikes around here, meaning alot of people don't even like to walk their dogs after 5pm.
20:54 / 20.11.05
Terminology aside, I do indeed fucking hate it when people do that. Epping Forest's lovely, too.
All Acting Regiment
21:17 / 20.11.05
Why of why is Horlicks so foul, I am ILL and it tastes like WARM SEMEN and the taste clings to your throat oh my. I tried getting rid of it with vodka but to no avail.
21:31 / 20.11.05
I quite like Horlicks, but it's no good for illness.

Whisky. That's what you want. Whisky.
Char Aina
21:36 / 20.11.05
I was posting in anger but this is what this thread is for?

as was i, bro.
as was i.

sorry makes the world go round.
fancy giving it a spin?
22:33 / 20.11.05
Body is packing up completely now, and there are NO PAINKILLERS AND I HAVE SPENT THE _ENTIRE_WEEKEND_ CLEANING AFTER FRIENDS. The sort you really really like, but are FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE TO DEAL WITH if you're not in the mood. And my accommodation is TRASHED and I have done my best to fix it by I am crippled with pains of various sorts (my list of ailments sounds like a pedant's Hokey Cokey chorus - "You do your whole back in/you put your shoulder out/your corneas catch fire/and then you get the gout...") and I have been looking after people who I really like, but are SELFISH HUNGOVER CUNTS SOMETIMES. And going out in the cold, with a fever, in subzero temperatures, to find what the bastards had thrown out the window was the last straw. And this has resulted in my essay on colonial fiction, which I really *wanted* to be good, to be _insultingly_bad_. Which fills me with guilt and self-loathing, as it no doubt should. Excuse me. I am typing student wangst into a place I love. Again. Very, very sorry.
07:49 / 21.11.05
sorry makes the world go round.
fancy giving it a spin?

I apologise for my post up there and I will think though my posts a lot more. I admit I shouldn’t have posted with that choice of word and I will make sure I don’t do it again.

Cat Chant
08:39 / 21.11.05
We had a couple of essays a week, but three in a week seems egregious.

Haus - I don't think Matt has three essays in a week, I think he has three in a term, set at the beginning and due at the end of term. Some places/departments stagger essay deadlines and don't have all work due in at the end of term, but then the students are liable to complain that they have a smaller choice of essay questions (I can't do this question on Joyce b/c the seminar on Joyce is after the deadline! etc.) There's no ideal solution, I don't think. Not that this thread is for solutions! No! It is for headsick! And rage!


Two days of stress and panic and working flat out to get a lecture on French feminism written. Skip lunch in order to spend five solid hours on the day of the lecture perfecting the four-page annotated bibliography and the Powerpoint presentation. Show up to lecture room to find that the PC cabinet is locked. Eventually track down AV person, who explains that there is only one key to the cabinet in existence, and it's usually in the lock, and she thought this was probably going to happen eventually. Begin lecture 10 minutes late and without any quotes, since they were all on the Powerpoint. Do lecture from memory, on stonking fear/adrenaline/lack-of-food high. Discover that all French second-year undergraduates find the words phallus, penis, and vagina almost intolerably funny. Lecture on phallogocentrism for fifty minutes over the sound of sniggering teenagers. Finish brilliant explication of the textual basis of French feminism and its difference from Anglophone feminisms centred on the politics of representation, with particular reference to the term ecriture feminine. Immediately get confronted by three posh, entitled, hostile students saying We have to do our presentations on Monday on Marguerite Duras and I just don't see the relevance of your lecture. Point out gently that if they GO TO THE LIBRARY, to the shelf where the FIFTY books on Marguerite Duras are, they will find one ENTITLED Ecriture feminine: une etude de Marguerite Duras, and perhaps this will be relevant. Point to the bit on the annotated bibliography where the books entitled Feminist Literary Criticism and labelled Good introductory books are. Students dig heels in and continue to blame me for not actually spelling out which pages of the set text they should relate to which passages of French feminism, including asking the question "Was Marguerite Duras a feminist writer then?" Because of course you wouldn't bother finding out anything about the topic of your presentation before demanding the lecturer WRITE IT FOR YOU.


Also, the heating has been off all weekend here and it's incredibly cold. I'm going to the library.
09:29 / 21.11.05
My girlfriend works in a university library. Everyday I hear stories about selfish, lazy, rude, immature, ungrateful students. I don't know how you put up with 'em.
Cat Chant
09:42 / 21.11.05
I'm just amazed to hear she ever SEES any students. What with working in a LIBRARY. (Do you see?)
All Acting Regiment
09:57 / 21.11.05
Totally agree with both of you, just from a student point of view. With me it's more of a "Grr fuck yeah why not just disrupt the seminar with pointless questions you should know the answer to oh peer of mine oh oh oh" thing.
10:04 / 21.11.05
I do indeed see!

Actually I think it's worse than you suppose. They do actually go to the library, and they do actually get books out, and then they don't actually read them, but they do hang on to them for years, and get their parents to write letters of complaint to the university when the library dares ask for its books back, stating that their good child would never withhold books from a library and that the librarians must have lost them.
The Falcon
14:51 / 22.11.05
I've had four essays this last week, honest. At a sum of 7-8,000 words. I haven't done one. I'm going to do it now (soon.)

And I handed a library book back late. Short loan. £10 fine.

Not really angry.
20:44 / 22.11.05
No, Deva, I have three in a week. In one term, I have two essays for each course, bringing up my total paper count at 6 for a term, which starts in Sept and ends Dec 1. Next term, I have two papers in two course, and one massive research paper in the other course. Yeah.
20:53 / 22.11.05
Truly this is cruel and unusual punishment, Matt. Have you tried Amnesty International?
22:34 / 22.11.05
Withiel- totally get where you're coming from with the "selfish friends" thing.

Me? This may seem minor- in fact it is- but my mum's ill- not majorly, just flu or something. That kind of shit always makes me angry at her God. You'd really think the fucker'd give her a break every once in a while. (And she still wonders why I don't worship the guy).

Sorry- I know this is hugely inconsequential, but it's my mum, and I fucking HATE it when bad shit happens to her.
22:44 / 22.11.05
So, Matt, the questions is, do you have three in one week because you've left 'em all to the last minute?
23:08 / 22.11.05
Honestly, they are all due in the same week, next week. I have already started all three of them. I'm not always the stereotypical procrastinating student. This time I'm leaving myself lots of time to revise.
It's funny that students complain so much about papers and exams, when we paid for the privilege in the first place. Everybody always has the option of dropping the course, or just not doing the work.
23:14 / 22.11.05
To my eternal shame, I *was* the procrastinating student.

I believe that you have three due next week, it's whether you've left them all to the last minute that's in question (starting them ain't the same as having made real headway - I should know).
23:15 / 22.11.05
Boboss - everyday I hear stories about lazy rude immature librarians at our school. I have also had firsthand experience with the rude librarians. They are scowling and spiteful. That's not to say we students didn't cause it, but come on - turn the other cheek, librarians. I am generally polite to anybody working at my university. What's the sense of being rude to them unless they're rude to me first? So I try to be nice and thoughtful for my librarians, including taking out my library card BEFORE I get to the checkout (I fucking can't stand people who spend all their time in line on their fucking cellphones in a fucking library, and then dig through their gigantic overpriced purse/backpack for a card they should have had ready when they got in line). But when I get to the head of the line, and I ask rather quietly, "I'd like to get x from Professor Y's booklist..." and this is what I get: "What's the title? What's the author? Publication year? What house was in published from?" and other such interrogation tactics. Just give me the book, man!
ibis the being
23:24 / 22.11.05
No, Deva, I have three in a week. In one term, I have two essays for each course, bringing up my total paper count at 6 for a term, which starts in Sept and ends Dec 1. Next term, I have two papers in two course, and one massive research paper in the other course. Yeah.

Oh, my. You would have up and died at my school. You wouldn't know it from reading my Barbelith posts, but clear writing was the number one focus there. You couldn't even continue past freshman year without passing a really difficult essay exam. We wrote an average of 25 pages per quarter (counting only first drafts) and graduated with thesis papers of at least 100 pages but usually quite a bit more. You'll get no sympathy from me, boy!
23:30 / 22.11.05
Thesis papers? Was this for an undergraduate degree or some equivalent?

By the way, this is the least amount of work I've had all my university career. My first year, freshman, I had to write a 25 page research paper on the American Revolution. And that was one out of four papers for one course. Now that's an instance of "Urgh! Fuck!" (I ended up with an A-. No big whoop)
23:35 / 22.11.05
Matt, I'm really not sure what point you were making with your last post, although I am glad that you communicate with the faculty in a thoughtful and considerate manner (I'm being serious).

For the record, I live with a very, VERY polite librarian who has to put up with an absurd amount of ghastly/ridiculous behaviour from students (and their parents).
23:37 / 22.11.05
You say that now, Matt, but keep the essays, or at least the last page on which the mark has been written. You never know when you might have the urge to have them framed and placed over your desk in your place of work.
23:44 / 22.11.05
In fact, I'm getting all Argghhh Fuuuuck about this so I'm going to give you an example.

Today Bobosso had to put up with a student threatening to complain about the library after she couldn't get her transparency to show up in colour during the seminar she was giving. She had got it into her head that they had sold her black and white transparency paper. When Bobosso pointed out (in the nicest possible way) that the transparency she was presented with - the paper in question - was in fact in colour, and that the tutor who had blamed the library was almost certainly at fault in that he almost certainly wasn't using the projector properly, she was told that the tutor *couldn't* be at fault and that she didn't want to hear excuses.

Clearly the student didn't understand basic physics.
00:17 / 23.11.05
Oh. I guess the point of my rant about rude librarians wasn't clear. Here it is: URGH FUCK - I hate rude students who make the librarians rude to everybody including the polite students (me)
00:22 / 23.11.05
Sounds reasonable enough to me.
08:41 / 23.11.05
Is it me, or does it not seem unreasonable to ask somebody trying to take out a book the title and author of that book? In fact, given how many professors there are and how many classes each professor teaches, and therefore how many booklists there are out there, might it be quicker to organise by title and author than by booklist? And might the librarians have worked this out?

Put another way - matt, you've drawn a line there between acceptable and unacceptable library use, and put the things you don't do in the unacceptable section and the things that you do do in the acceptable section. Therefore, to you it seems that if the librarians do not pony up a book on the strength of the information you have given them, you feel that they are being difficult. Perhaps, however, they are merely seeking to tease out the information that will enable you to receive the book of your dreams, and thence to get the liberal arts degree certificate that will hang in an oak frame with gold-veneer cornering in your place of work or "den".

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