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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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P. Horus Rhacoid
10:19 / 23.11.05
New and exciting offensiveness from this wonderful classmate of mine. I ended up sitting next to her at a play last night. I was having a relatively innocuous conversation with her (during intermission), and just thinking that maybe I'd be able to get through the evening without hearing some mind-numbing bigotry when she started talking to another girl about one of her professors; specifically, the type of jeans he wears. I wasn't paying much attention- apparently he wears the same pants every day or something, I don't know- until this gem appeared, which I quote as close to verbatim as possible:

'We told him Americans don't wear Levis. They're very... working class.'

That sound you hear is me banging my head against a wall. Honestly, woman, do you listen to yourself when you talk?

Where's this dude when you need him?
Cat Chant
10:48 / 23.11.05
No, Deva, I have three in a week. In one term, I have two essays for each course...

Okay, I see where the confusion is here. I totally appreciate that you have three essays due in a single week - but I was responding to Haus saying we had two essays a week, but three in a week seems egregious, because I happen to know that Haus as an undergraduate had to write two essays every week throughout the term (as did I, in fact). So I was trying to clarify that although all three papers are due in a single week, you don't have to write all three in the course of a single week.

Either way it's a legitimate subject for headsick and rage. I've only got sucked in to going on about it because I have a lecture to write.
Goodness Gracious Meme
11:52 / 23.11.05
I can see the rage.

And point out the confusion here:

It's the difference between:

an undergraduate had to write two essays every week throughout the term

ie. college requirement/not yr own doing.


didn't hand in until I had to. Left me near the end of the 2nd year having to write 11 essays in two weeks, just before exams.

I had to wrte 11 essays in 2 weeks. Fucking horrible. Entirely my own fault for not writing them during the year.

As someone tends to say.... Do You See?
pointless & uncalled for
11:55 / 23.11.05
What has happened to the good folk of London? Has the drop in temperature caused your sensibility lobes to freeze out of service?

I only ask because it would appear that exiting the the air-conditioned comfort of your homes and offices brings on behaviour that can best be described erratic, unpredictable and very much mortally stupid.

Please, I beg of you, consider your actions when approaching those parts of the city occupied by those things known as vehicles. Vehicles include, but are not limited to, cars, buses, trucks, lorries, vans and bicycles. That's right, bicycles are vehicles too and like all the other vehicles, if we hit you we're going to hurt you. And if your reckless and dangerous idiocy inexplicably forces you to run out in front of a moving cyclist, who has the good grace to risk personal safety to avoid hitting you by braking heavily, the correct course of action is not to stand still slack-jawed and gormless waiting for a gap between the big metaly items in which to resume running. You should apologise profusely and return to the safety of the sidewalk and let them proceed unhindered. IF you fail to do this I will be forced to beat you to death with a chainring for your own good.

Perhaps for the remainder of this wintery season you might consider use of a guide dog.
12:12 / 23.11.05
Is there such a beast as a "sidewalk" in Old London Town?
13:13 / 23.11.05
Burn the Americanisers! Toasty and worthwhile.
13:19 / 23.11.05
Whoops, sorry Deva.

fear of muesli - I wouldn't be surprised if this bigot girl will go on to make half a million dollars a year, pop out two babies, neglect them (or alternatively, over-parent them) and then divorce her rich husband for most of his money. In short, she will one of the few with all the capital to control us poor ever-students. URGH FUCK. I echo your sentiment from before: SMITE THE BIGOT.
pointless & uncalled for
13:35 / 23.11.05
Ganesh, Haus, a curse on both your houses. The terminology was not an Americanisation but a Canadianisation. Besides a pavement by any other name can still be walked upon at the side of the road as sweetly.
P. Horus Rhacoid
14:59 / 24.11.05
STOP BEING SO SUFFOCATINGLY PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE! If you want me to do something then for god's sake ask me directly! Don't dither about with a bunch of fake amiability, don't talk in your goddamn syrupy voice, stop beating around the bush and just ask me the cocking question! YES I AM PLANNING TO DO THE DISHES I ALREADY TOLD YOU MULTIPLE TIMES WHEN YOU ASKED ME BEFORE, YES I AM AWARE WHAT TIME IT IS, YES THEY WILL BE DONE BY TOMORROW, DO YOU PERHAPS HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR SHORT-TERM MEMORY AND ARE UNABLE TO REMEMBER THAT I SAID I WOULD? And another thing, I'm not your buddy, I have a name, use it, and stop talking to me like I'm twelve. Also, I can hear you when you storm around the house swearing loudly and yelling that something that I'm planning to do, and, indeed, was planning to do later, at a specific time when people like you had gone to bed so I wouldn't have to deal with you, isn't done yet.

My flat is a boiling powderkeg on the verge of dropping the other shoe. GAAAAH!
17:09 / 24.11.05
I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I listened to The Moral Maze on the subject of Civil Partnerships last night. It featured Melanie Phillips from the Daily Mail. What was I thinking?

I'm all raged out now having hurled all the swear words and threats I know and very nearly my half-cooked tea at the woman on the radio last night, but I just felt the need to share.

The only moment of lightness in a sea of "normative sexuality", spurious bollocks about childrearing, obsessive repetition of the word "buggery" and a particularly paranoid plot of 30 years standing to undermine the institution of marriage by stealth (I blame David Icke's lizards).... Sorry, the only moment of lightness was Ben Summerskill's suggestion that Melanie was mining a rich seam of false dichotomy. Yes, I know it's not actually funny, witty or light, but that's how depressing the whole thing was.

Much as society has liberalised in its attitudes to homosexuality even in the last decade, I find myself increasingly feeling mired in mainstream "normative" (thanks Melanie) homophobia, not to mention sexism. Don't even get me started on racism (it doesn't affect me directly, but don't get me started). It's everywhere and it feels as if it's getting more and more acceptable. Perhaps I had decided to hold my upstart female gay head high too soon. Or perhaps we were too triumphant in the spoils of our victory, walking down the street without ringing the bell in front of us and all and so these cretins feel justified in starting the fightback. Perhaps they've been genetically engineered by blue lizards to behave like miserable cretins. I don't know....

I apologise if the word cretin has an origin which offends someone, I'm so annoyed the insult word bank is severely depleted.....

Listen here if you want. Radio 4 website link

Even better, make me happy, send Melanie Phillips down a mine with a faulty canary, some anal porn and a box of matches.
Mourne Kransky
17:40 / 24.11.05
I listened to it too. Then I had got so angry that I had a stroke and died, cursing Melanie Phillips as I fell, lifeless, to the ground. But such was my hatred for La Phillips that, later that same night, I returned from the dead, fuelled by my fury, to stalk the London streets until I found the swish pad where Phillips resides. Then I smote her, righteously, and ate her brain. Gosh, it felt good.
17:58 / 24.11.05
Xoc, bravo. But lay in the Beechams powders.

I only listened to the trailer of Moral Maze and I was unsettled for hours. Michael Buerk was handling the words 'homosexual' and 'gay marriage' as though they had eightythree sets of inverted commas around them and poo all over them. I've heard him reporting on genocide and sounding less pissed off. Not saying that he's at all homophobic, but it didn't give me much hope for the debate.

It's mainly that I've been arguing for years about civil partnership - does the civil rights benefits outweigh the concessions to coupled culture - and suddenly, Radio 4 was popping up with a splendidly retro 'WILL THIS DESTROY THE FAMILY AS WE KNOW IT?'. In a bad way.
19:05 / 24.11.05
Oh God. I just clicked on the link. Usually I don't have to cope with Melanie Phillips on my week off. When Claire Fox (like Burchill, a Stalinist-turned Libertarian) and I appear to be on the same side, something is horribly wrong.

I have to say, though, I am grateful for the existence of Ms Phillips. In today's shifting world, it's really handy to have someone who I know is ALWAYS going to be fundamentally opposed to me. It's quite grounding.
Goodness Gracious Meme
09:42 / 25.11.05

Fucking Little Britain on, at ear-splitting volume, in the pub last night.


See also LB thread for the added annoyingness of this.
09:51 / 25.11.05
What pub?
Goodness Gracious Meme
09:54 / 25.11.05
I also do not go to the pub to listen to middle class gay men pissing themselves at the one-note fat/class jokes.

Heard the first half of that MM, and turned off in disgust.
10:08 / 25.11.05
Xoc. Thank you for the smiting. It makes me feel so much better. In fact, I may just have to dust off Sweet's Anglo Saxon Reader and reacquaint myself with Beowulf's many, many words for smiting just to refill the bank of violent threats to be hurled at The Daily Mail.

Ex. I thought that about Michael Buerk's doom-laden intonation of the word "homosexual" too. It was cranking up my anger, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and put it down to his usual imitation of gravitas. I was wrong.

Didn't watch Little Britain. Correction, I saw approximately 45 seconds, saw the pensioner pissing on the floor sketch, swore and switched over.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:25 / 25.11.05
Arrgh, Moral Maze. Horrible horrible fucking HORRIBLE. Melanie Phillips and her "Marriage is the foundation of the Family and the Family is the One True Way for the transmission of human identity to occur!" thing, what the fuck? I paraphrase but really, not enough.

Time for sharp objects.
13:29 / 25.11.05
Melanie Phillips is evil. If there were a reason lacking to despise the Guardian, the fact that they have put money in her pocket should be enough.

Speaking of poisonous newspaper evil, the headline of the Evening Standard in response to a judge apparently taking the law into his own hands by throwing out of court a case in which a man allegedly had sex with a woman while she was either unconscious or unable to offer informed consent?


Faceknives, la la la la la la la faceknives...
13:34 / 25.11.05
She really is a venomous little toad of a person, isn't she. She used to ruin my sundays when she used to write for the Times - try checking out her website if you want to drastically increase your rage level.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:40 / 25.11.05
Bleak, man. Really really bleak.
14:16 / 25.11.05
Time for sharp objects.

Anyone know if the Lesbian Avengers are still going? And if they have an armed wing?

Nnnng, if I'd known a decade ago how angry I'd still be now I'd have spontaneously combusted. Not wholly related to Melanie Phillips and her spawn (but actually really totally related) I've just had a run-in with your bog standard recidivist smug middle-aged sexist middle manager and his oh-so-funny remarks and I'm tempted to go fetch Ms Phillips, drive her up the M1 and shove her up his arse.

Does anyone know if she does anal? She talks about it enough...
Char Aina
19:57 / 25.11.05
what depresses me more is that it seems like a sizeable chunk (the article i read said a third of all polled) of my fellow subjects think that a woman is partly if not entirely... entirely? yes, entirely to blame if she is drunk or flirtatious.

what the fuck?
who the hell did they poll?
do they ever get together in an easily bombed location?

its pretty damn hard to think of something intelligent and useful to say hen you are confronted by such overwhelming idiocy.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:29 / 27.11.05
But we don't know what questions they were asked, I don't think. I doubt they were quite as bald as that.

But yes, Melanie Phillips annoys me on every level. One of the many ways she does this is by regularly accusing the BBC of being Anti-Semitic Arab-lovers, but then takes their shilling to appear on things like the Moral Maze.

When she deploys facts in her arguments she is quite often wrong, not as a matter of interpretation but she simply says things which are untrue yet she cannot be made to see that she has just lied about something and that is wrong, it's reality that is wrong if skies aren't green and fields aren't blue, not her. I did listen to the Moral Maze once upon a time but when they replaced Queen Starkey, who was at least entertainingly barmy, with her I had to give up.

She's morally bankrupt on a scale rarely seen outside a Parliament.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
10:32 / 28.11.05
The Independent. Julie Bindel. Gay marriage. Yes, in a week when that Amnesty report has been published, Julie Bindel talks about how gay marriage is ruining everything.

I'm starting to suspect this woman has some deep need to be part of victim cultures. She seems to object strongly to anything that looks like any flavour of queertopia being allowed to take some of the rights afforded to the straights.

Hell would be a lift ride with her and Melanie Phillips. For all eternity.
17:34 / 28.11.05
Euw, bad trapped lift nightmares now, thanks a lot Lady.

today i am mostly hedsik wiv rage becoz of...

COUNCIL...FUCKING...TAX.... It's that time of year again when they automatically mail out threatening letters by mistake and then make it impossible to contact them and when you FINALLY get through some incompetent git responds 'Oh well it's too late now even though we fucked up' in that computer says no voice, Council Fucking Tax has increased 57% here in five years and it turns out that each year about £100 goes to the Police (fine) about the same to Firemen (fine) and the other £800 goes to the council's beauracracy- what do they do with it? PISS IT AWAY ON INEFFICIENCY THAT'S WHAT!
Motherfuckers, no wonder there were Poll Tax riots, why aren't there council fucking tax riots?

Goodness Gracious Meme
08:49 / 29.11.05
ARGGGH. See above. £$£$%£$%$£% Council Tax.
09:32 / 29.11.05
The Argus ran a headline the other day claiming that Council Tax is going up another 10% next year. Now, if that's true, I will personally go down to their offices and beat the culprits to death.

Mon Oncle Ignatius
09:59 / 29.11.05

Don't you know? Brighton is a commuter dormitory town for people to work in London, of course! You get the London weighting, then spend all that extra salary... on Council Tax. And train fares too, of course.
lord nuneaton savage
10:03 / 29.11.05
Let's organize a Brighton based sit-in to protest. Maybe we could sit-in a...oh, I don't about a pub?

Brighton political action at its most hardcore.
10:25 / 29.11.05
Spooky - we, too, got a letter from the council yesterday saying they were about to take a whopping great amount out of my council tax. Despite my paying all the instalments to date.

Luckily I actually got through to a human - and a very nice man, in fact. Who has sorted it all out. Everyone move to Edinburgh, quick! Though our poll tax is about to go up, too.
10:29 / 29.11.05
Sorry - they were taking the whopping amount out of my bank account, not my council tax. Dozy me.
Goodness Gracious Meme
10:34 / 29.11.05
You get the London weighting

Er... NO. WE DON'T. Salaries for identical mid-range office jobs for example pay on average around 2k less in Brighton. SO we earn less and get the London-style property prices/council tax rates.

Hence the RAGE.
10:35 / 29.11.05
I bet it hasn't gone up 57% in the last five years (and is set to rise further).

Interesting your point about Brighton being a commuter dormitory, Tango. I was just talking to a friend about this the other day and we came to the conclusion that it simply isn't true. Sure, we have our fair share of commuters, but on the whole people work in or around the town, and get paid bugger all.

All those flats which are being built for Londoners who want to escape the rat race simply aren't being filled.
10:36 / 29.11.05
GGM, you do get "the london weighting" if you work in London.

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