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The Late Shift III..(Abbot and Costello meet the Late Shift)


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Linus Dunce
23:10 / 30.10.02
I don't mind so much waking to buffer-full bleeping with QWERTYUI written backwards on my left cheek. It's just today I woke just as the morning turned into afternoon.
23:12 / 30.10.02
They really need to come out with a book Math for People Who Can't Remember Math . This is just pathetic. My memory retention of this stuff is completely nil.

A nocturnal lifestyle isn't all that bad. Oh sure, you won't see any people except for the weirdoes who only come out at night, but that's not all bad. Who wants to hang out with normal folk anyway?
Linus Dunce
23:17 / 30.10.02
Books. I have a ton of books to read, well, six, maybe. They're boxed up down in the cellar while I'm decorating my room. Except by the time I get up, I only have time to do the job-hunting thing, so not a lot of paint is hitting the walls ... :-)
Linus Dunce
23:19 / 30.10.02
Winge, winge, winge. Sorry :-)
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:20 / 30.10.02
Oh, I'd wake with my face in a book if only I had the werewithal TO read when I get home. It's funny - internet, no problem, actual books, I get a little fuzzy when I'm tired and just can't do it. Maybe I just like the textual equivalent of hearing myself talk? Hmm.

Besides, you can't crease the cover of a laptop.

And with NaNoWriMo coming on, it's going to get a lot uglier...
Linus Dunce
23:24 / 30.10.02
'Winge' of course, is normally spelt with an 'H'. I must have been drinking of the bottle of Fitou in the kitchen. I mean thinking.

What is NaNoWriMo?
23:27 / 30.10.02
Check out the website Nanowrimo . It should answer all your questions.

I played with the idea of joining up, but I've got enough writing to do for school and I just don't think I could write a couple thousand words a day. Maybe next year.
Linus Dunce
23:40 / 30.10.02
Site is down at the moment, but I will check it out.

Two thousand words a day? Hard. Always relied on quality over quantity as a student. Except for the beer. :-) But not the sex. And the quality of that wasn't great, either :-(
23:43 / 30.10.02
I wish some of my professors preferred quality over quantity. Most of them are fairly unbending on quantity. "You will write 1500 words. No more and no less". Now, it's not so bad if you're writing an essay or something, but when you're asked to write an explication on a 25 line poem, well, you run into a few problems.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:45 / 30.10.02
Well, it starts on November 1... so if you're keen, git a move on. Otherwise you'll miss out on that haven't-got-it-done-by-the-end-of-the-month feel that some of us have...
Linus Dunce
23:50 / 30.10.02
I'm guessing, from your use of the words 'professor' and 'math', that you're in the U.S.? I studied there for a year, so I see your problem. Luckily, very nearly all my profs gave required length in pages. First thing I used to do when starting an essay was bump up the font size to 13 pt. But it's hard, isn't it, when the grading's done by just one person and no academic board to second it?
Linus Dunce
23:54 / 30.10.02
Rothkoid, I'm clicking, I'm clicking, but nothing comes.

Is it yours? The error id is: "bad_httpd_conf"
23:55 / 30.10.02
It wouldn't be so bad if the paper's were required to be a certain number of pages; I could do that, but when I'm held to a certain number of words...well, I start to ramble on and repeat myself, which isn't good for one's grade.

Right now, I have a feeling really close to that haven't-got-it-done-by-the-end-of-the-month feel. It's called "Oh crap! I can't register for another five days and I just know all the classes I need will be filled and I'll be so screwed!"
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:56 / 30.10.02
It's crashing here, too. You're not even getting the first page? I can get the main one, but then it won't drag in any php pages; looks like the guy's space provider is cactus. Maybe send an email to the address on the bottom of the page?
Linus Dunce
00:05 / 31.10.02
Please do that Rothkoid 'cos I'm getting nada except the error message.

Trijhaos, I've seen the stress that can cause, though I was lucky enough to get payment deferrals because I was English, poor and patently clueless.
00:11 / 31.10.02
Try the site again. An announcement was just put up saying there's problems with the web host and that steps have been taken to minimize the problems.

I might sign up after all. After doing some quick calculations, it's only 1666.66666667 words to write per day. That'll only be about an hour of typing as long as I just type without trying to fix all my errors.
Linus Dunce
00:27 / 31.10.02
OK, I've got it here now.

I'm going to chicken out but I think you should go for it, and both of you leave a link to your work in progress.
00:36 / 31.10.02
There! It's done. I've signed up. Thankfully, I already have an idea of what I'm going to write so I'm not totally screwed. This is going to be fun!
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:48 / 31.10.02
You're one up on me, then - I've got NO CLUE what I'm gonna write about...
00:48 / 31.10.02
Ha ha ha. You're all being suckered into the NaNoWriMo plot! It's just like one of those "Your Poem May Be A PRIZE WINNER!" spam thingies that comes along.

ah, not really. I signed up, too.

Just got home from 8 Mile. Easy review to write, almost done already...

then just two more discs to review for the night and I'm done.
The Apple-Picker
00:56 / 31.10.02
Yes! Fresh meat. Awesome.

I'm really excited about NaNoWriMo. I would say that it really threatens to elbow in on my homework, but, well, I look for things to elbow in on my homework. I plan to write 64 pages this weekend.

And I have Barbelith to aid me in my procrastination for the night. I have a paper to write. Luckily, it's a pretty short one. The minimum? Three pages. Woo! Rock on. Thing is, I know this professor doesn't really want 3 pages. He's tricky. The maximum he wrote down on the assignment handout is 4 pages, but I think he wants 5. He's implied as much.

I'm excited about my schedule for next quarter--I think I'm going to finally graduate! I'm a tad nervous, though, because I'm going to be carrying one more class than a regular full class load and three of them are going to be 500-level.

Trij, I know this seems pretty basic, but you might want to stop thinking about how you *can't* remember this math. Positive affirmations (that's redundant, isn't it? But I believe that's what they say), my dear man. They go a long way.
Ethan Hawke
01:03 / 31.10.02
Weird thing happened to me today. I received an e-mail from an AP reporter doing a story on, who someone how read a comment I had written about that web site on my livejournal. I thought no one except for terminal losers read my journal (hi Blog Monkey!)

Anyway, what I said that was somehow interesting to her was that now that this meme had spread, someone should start a site called "we love" and have quotes like "I can laugh at this because I know I'm not a racist" and "I forwarded this link to all my white friends" and "I'm afraid to talk about race at all." I'm wondering if I should call her and talk to her about it. I mean,I'm obviously no one special in the Internet world.

The other thing that's bothering me is that I popped my spacebar off to clean it, and I couldn't get it back on right and it's incredibly annoying. And I was going to cheat at start my NaNoWriMo effort tonight,too.
01:04 / 31.10.02
I actually remember the stuff from this semester so that's ok..well mostly. I know how to do everything but keeping the formulas straight is a bit difficult. The main problem I'm having is remembering stuff from last semester since the semesters were split up by summer break.
It'll be ok though. I've studied, I know the material, and I can pass the test. See? I can be positive. While I'm being positive, I'm absolutely certain I got the job I interviewed for yesterday. I just have to wait for confirmation. Yep. That's the way to go. Positivity all the way!
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:13 / 31.10.02
Vid - what was 8 Mile like? I can imagine, but would like to hear rough impressions firsthand, I guess.

I'm still writing the Manitoba review. Damn, but it's a nice album.
01:27 / 31.10.02
8 Mile is essentially Breakin' with Eminem in the lead. The extent to which they've sanitized his life story is dramatic, perhaps with the intent of 'legitimizing' him within the establishment. It's pedestrian more than anyhting else, with flashes of good stuff. Eminem is pretty good, but he's really just playing himself, or at least his public persona. You wait the whole film for him to really cut loose with the rhymes, and once he does it's great. The last big scene, an extended MC battle sequence, is great, but it takes the film almost two hours to get there.
The Apple-Picker
01:31 / 31.10.02
I thought no one except for terminal losers read my journal (hi Blog Monkey!)

*claps hands merrily and dances*

God was aware of your evil scheme, Todd. Apparently He doesn't abide by cheaters.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:31 / 31.10.02
Review done. Phew. George will be happy.

Me, I'm just thinking about book openings. And most of them sound kinda crap. Hmmm. Bah.
The Apple-Picker
01:40 / 31.10.02
What is this called?

What is this called when you have read the books, know what to write about, have an outline, have picked out your quotes... what is this called when you are totally prepared to write your dinky little paper but just. cannot. for the life of you. write it?

This happens to me all the time. Last winter, I totally ditched a paper that was worth 25% of my grade. We were supposed to hand it in after having taken the midterm, but I just handed in my midterm and walked out. I still got a B. There must have been a somewhat decent curve in that class.

But what is this called?!
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:44 / 31.10.02
Procrastination and/or laziness. I should know; I suffer from it all the time.
The Apple-Picker
01:56 / 31.10.02
Oh I procrastinate. Oh yes. But I'm beginning to think it's not only that. My paper is not due until Friday, I just wanted to get it written tonight. And I'm sooooo close. I've at least started writing it, so I think the worst part is over, but I have this weird, um, fear about starting the actual writing process on each new paper.

I do procrastinate. I'll admit that, but I am not a lazy person, despite feeling like I am sometimes. No way, José. I'm just not. May I call you José?
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:02 / 31.10.02
Sure, Ricardo. Just remember; don't use the money from the heist until we get outta the...

...ahem. Sorry.
02:12 / 31.10.02
No! Never use the cash from the heist!

Live with it. Dream it. Taste it.

But never, ever use it. You got that?
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:37 / 31.10.02

If only I could use that kinda cash to acquire a new 'puter. Or, even, the one-bedroom place that a friend of mine keeps tantalising me with the promise of. Well, the promise of a lease. Grr. Living at home is getting far too old.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:48 / 31.10.02
I'm sorry, but this is too good not to share:

From this somewhat rocking Photoshop Phriday.
The Apple-Picker
02:57 / 31.10.02
Is that what I think it is? I don't really have much personal experience with what I think it is, is why I ask....

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