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The Late Shift III..(Abbot and Costello meet the Late Shift)


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01:56 / 25.10.02
Good lord. The closest I've ever heard to that is an annotated bibliography, and I always weaseled out of those. Good luck with that though. I hate it when teachers get clever with paper assignments

But even though it's nay so late, I'm off to bed. Hugs and kisses to you all.
Baz Auckland
02:15 / 25.10.02
Good luck with it all KCC. Anyone still up? Procrastination is the theme for the evening!
Saint Keggers
02:27 / 25.10.02
still here...
Kit-Cat Club
02:28 / 25.10.02
Am actually considering going to bed, but I'm worried I won't wake up in time to finish this THING if I don't.

Barry, fellow historian, how are you?
Kit-Cat Club
02:28 / 25.10.02
If I *do* go to bed. I'm worried I won't wake up ever again if I go to bed.
Saint Keggers
02:39 / 25.10.02
but you may wake up only to repeat the day over and over again...
Kit-Cat Club
02:42 / 25.10.02
Oh God, please no.
02:42 / 25.10.02
I'm back. Connection nose-dived there. Bastards.

Right now, I'm writing for work - currently a review of Jackass: The Movie for a local rag. Not exactly a manifesto...
Saint Keggers
02:43 / 25.10.02
but you get to change the bad parts and play with people heads !
Saint Keggers
02:45 / 25.10.02
Thats what I want..a job reviewing movies. Or doing creating all the guns and tech on the new Bab5 series.
02:49 / 25.10.02
I want it, too. This is new, so I'm trying to make it stick. But I do it all the time anyway, so I figure I might as well get paid for it.

And I like the free stuff...
Saint Keggers
02:53 / 25.10.02
so how did you get the job and how can I get one without having to kill of the reviewers that work in the local paper now? (actually the reviewers are morons that deserve a good drive by pineappling)
02:57 / 25.10.02
I was lucky, essentially. Taking my blog seriously helped - for quite a while I've used to to write somewhat seriously about film, even within the informal context of the blog structure. Hooking up with Splendid helped as well -- nothing like a deadline to kick you in the ass. Both of those have kept me working, the current result being that I have a thick set of samples to show people. But mainly I got lucky and met the right contact at the right time.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:14 / 25.10.02
I'm expecting the warming glow of introductory thanks to pop up any time soon... though speaking of reviews, I actually managed to hand some in yesterday, which was nice.

Am currently at work, having eaten lunch and am feeling like not working very much at all. Trying to figure out whether being drunk at the premiere of The Ring is going to be a Wise Move, or whether I should just focus my energies on pub-time anyway. Sigh.

KCC: hugs. Still up?
Baz Auckland
03:19 / 25.10.02
*Barry resurfaces from the mess of Canadian history*

Back now. How're you Rothkoid? What time is it there compared to good ol' Barbelith Time?
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:23 / 25.10.02
It's almost half-past two in the afternoon. It'll be later as of the weekend, I think, when daylight savings kicks in.

Damn its eyes.
Matthew Fluxington
03:25 / 25.10.02
Mazarine, maybe I'm not reading you correctly, but yr in Albany? I'll be in Albany over the weekend. Fun fact.
Baz Auckland
03:27 / 25.10.02
12:20am here. Hey, does this mean that as of Sunday, Barbelith Time will equal GMT again? I liked thinking of Barbelith being situated in some non-space that was London, but ONE HOUR AHEAD.

Okay.. time for sleep. Sir John A Macdonald and the rest can go stuff themselves.

KCC: I'm fine. Sorry to hear of your historical woes. My steepist assignment is 2000 words, the thought of 5000 is enough to scare me back into the (shudder) Real World. At least you're really interested in the whole Anglo-Dutch thing though, right?
Baz Auckland
03:27 / 25.10.02
Are you from the NYC gang Flux?
Matthew Fluxington
03:32 / 25.10.02
I'm from between here and there, better than either here or there.

I'm near NYC, but I don't live there currently. But I was there today. And often.
03:35 / 25.10.02
Oh, yes, Much thanks to you Roth, both for blog inspiration and Splendid facilitation. You're up for the first Special Thanks credit and on the shortlist for the "Dedicated to..." line when the book comes out.
Baz Auckland
03:36 / 25.10.02
I was there once when I was 17 and loved it to no end.. What's Albany like?
03:36 / 25.10.02
And now I'm crossing my fingers that my blog won't be obliterated as I upgrade to the new version of MT with meta-support. yes.
Matthew Fluxington
03:40 / 25.10.02
Albany is a boring state capital city, and doesn't have much to recommend to's a pleasant place, and some of it looks nice, but it's not exactly a cultural hotspot. It has very, very, very poor public transportation.

In my experience with NY State, the further north you get, the less likely I am to like it. Generally, I'd say that once you get north of West Point, it all goes downhill from there on, though Poughkeepsie, Hyde Park and Woodstock all have some degree of charm.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:41 / 25.10.02

I think I need to nix Blogger and move to MT. But first, a new webhost...
03:41 / 25.10.02
To me, NY State has always seemed too much like Pennsylvania. A lot of rural nothingness without much aesthetic redemption. But that's the city kid in me.
Matthew Fluxington
03:42 / 25.10.02
Videodrome: what are you getting out of all of this constant upgrading? Is this just a tinkering thing, or were you really unhappy with how things were for you?

Me, I'm perfectly happy with my bare-bones set blogger set up. I like having the absolute minimum of graphics, I have no complaints about blogger's format, and I don't even really care if they have an advert up top. Feel free to convince me otherwise...
03:44 / 25.10.02
Yeah, you rhost has been wicked slow of late, Roth. Wasn't sure if that was the server or the commenting system. Or both, perhaps?

If it's cheaper at the moment, I have enough space that you could park your domain at mine and host there for a bit.

And I heartily encourage the move to MT. Had meant to push it on you for a while, now. It's much more robust, and moving from Blogger is very, very easy.
03:46 / 25.10.02
Flux, for me it was largely about the modularity of MT. It's very easy to link everything to code that can be changed outside of the posting templates. I also like the fact that, with MT, everything is hosted on my server, so the occasional downtime experienced via Blogger isn't a factor.

But it's obvious to anyone who reads my blog over time that I like to tinker with it, so that's attractive to me. The ad isn't a big deal, even - and I've noticed a couple people using absolute positioning via CSS to even hide the ad, which is kind of a cheat.
Baz Auckland
03:46 / 25.10.02
Afraid all I've ever seen of NY outside of NYC and the Tonawanda Discount Outlet Malls is the I-90, but the Rochester-Toronto ferry service is starting up in the Spring, so who knows...

Off to bed now. Guten Nachts to y'all.
Matthew Fluxington
03:50 / 25.10.02
How do you go about transferring all of the blogger archives to Movable Type?

Do you need to have a domain name site to do that?
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:55 / 25.10.02
G'night, Barry.

Vid: yeah, I am really interested in moving - it's just that I have to be arsed, first. Bearing in mind how long it took me to get the redesign happening - well, you can imagine the rest. I think the slowness is due to the java includes for All Consuming and the referral kit, maybe... not sure. But I've certainly planned to move for a long time...

Flux: I'm more concerned, really, with the idea of pulling my content out of Blogger's servers and onto my own. That's really what it's about - while I feel they wouldn't, there's a possibility for them to go "hey! It's on our server! So we own it!" - and that I'm not keen on.
03:56 / 25.10.02
Yeah. You need server space of your own. That's the beauty of Blogger, but with the fact that they host it for you comes the fact that you're reliant upon them. Things like that I do not like, but that's me. I'd been happy with BLogger, but when I had to look into MT as part of a job I realized that it could do a lot of things I'd been wanting from Blogger.

Once you do have server space, it's a fairly simple matter of exporting a huge blogger text file and uploading a few things to your server.

What I'm very happy about in the new version of MT is the ability to input metadata for each entry, so you can place specific keywords in each post. That's nice.
03:58 / 25.10.02
I've tried to get the self-hosted version of that referral kit working a couple of times, to no avail. It's been frustrating me for a while, because while I don't mind having an ad for their service on my site, I don't like that particular ad.

Exporting from blogger basically entails putting all your posts on one page with no formatting. Since you probably have more than 999 it might be slightly more difficult, but the MT help files are quite good. There's provision for exporting YACCS comments and everything...
The Return Of Rothkoid
04:02 / 25.10.02
Well, Tom moved from Blogger to MT, I think, so it's probably doable: he had more than 999 posts too, IIRC. I do know a couple of people who've done it - I'm just a bit wary until I do things like a) get a new computer or b) can ensure my laptop's not going to go tits-up in the middle of a "hey, let's lost all my data" tapdance.

And YACCS stuff; that just dumps straight into a CSV file, right?

Flux: you wouldn't need a domain name, IIRC; just a hosting site that allows you to use scripting.

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