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The Late Shift III..(Abbot and Costello meet the Late Shift)


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—| x |—
06:38 / 02.11.02
Hmm..."all in good time," maybe? The cards I've seen of yours are excellent, but I think I mentioned this to you before.

So, any thoughts about WTF you're going to do with life...nah you don't really have to answer that if you don't want to...I've been feeling a little like that lately too. Kinda' disconnected from my present endeavours, and looking for something else perhaps...
Saint Keggers
06:38 / 02.11.02
its 3:36 here so Im of to watch this evenings episode of John Doe and then try to get some sleep before the weekend calls to me..
take care!
—| x |—
06:42 / 02.11.02
Cheers. Thanks for the little chat.
Saint Keggers
06:46 / 02.11.02
just saw your post as mine went up..
thanks for your opinion on the cards. its nice to see other people notice. As for the WtF I want to do with my far my childhood plans of being the worlds greatest secret agent have come to naught.
I realy haven't a clue to what I want to do job wise. Id like something creative but lately my art stuff has left me feeling empty. Im working on a few different things, computer games (remeber Pirates vs Ninja?) and right now I feel like Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction where I just want to "Walk de darth, you know, like the guy in Kung-Fu"...anyway goodnight from Quebeck (still part of canada!!!)
—| x |—
07:01 / 02.11.02
I know you're off now, but I will say, that you might see this later, I can kinda' jive with what you're sayin' about yer art with respect to how I've been feelin' as of late, that is, a certain sense of emptiness (and not a tranquil Buddhist sort of emptiness). Perhaps it is merely the settling in of the Canadian Winter, or perhaps something more sinister (like America blasting Canada with HAARP--or is that HARRP?--because our PM dared to say that perhaps we need to look at the things that the Western world does they might actually be responsible for terrorist attacks...of course I'm really only kidding here...). Shrug. I hope both you and I and anyone else feeling this way can shake it rather sooner than later. Peace.
Saint Keggers
02:15 / 03.11.02
11:13 pm. Sat.

Anyone about?
02:31 / 03.11.02
Hey Kegboy - 11:25 - what's going on this evening? I too am facing the WTF/life question - trying to ignore it by drinking Guinness and playing the guitar. How are things up North? Things here outside NYC are so crazy these days that I long to move to another country where I can easily bring my cats. That would bbe Canada, I guess. Any thoughts?
Saint Keggers
02:46 / 03.11.02
Well gergsnickle (and I like that name)...canada is most definitly not crazy...actually its as crazy as you want it to be. We're a nice lil country (ok biggest in the world). We're like the best of the old world meets the best of the new...with beavers and beer. I believe you can bring your cats here, I know mine loves it here. Montreal would be the place to move to as its supposed to be the most N.Y like city in canada (and is also supposed to be the most european city in North America)
02:54 / 03.11.02
Well, I'm not sure I need NYC wherever I go next - what I reallly want to leave behind is the obsession with money and speed. If I get going on this I will sound like the grumpiest bastard alive, so instead maybe you should tell me about your cats. I have two: Edwyn and Telstar, tabby and silver respectively, who really are the best things going for me... Laughs. A cat loving curmudgeon staying in on Sat. nights? Nah, it only sounds that way.
Saint Keggers
03:02 / 03.11.02
Well I'll start by saying that I am not a cat person. I've had dogs all my life and was stuck with this one when my brother left for college about 10 years ago. My cat (Sam, aka Samuel J Pussycat, aka shithead) is one of the few cats i've seen that impressed me. You see he's part dog. Im sure of it. He does almost every dog thing except for bark at the moon and fetch my slippers. He fetches ball and comes when whistled for. He attacks dogs..(a big rottweiler) and won!! He guards the door and hisses whenever a stranger comes to the door. He once attacked the mailman and left his legs looking like they were attacked by a chainsaw. I like this cat.
03:11 / 03.11.02
Well, I definitely AM a cat person, and am definitely impressed by any cat that can shred mailmen and attack dogs.

If you put your (real) name in search engines, does anything come up for you? I'm thrilled that there are enough people with my real name that nobody can just type my name in and get what I'm up to... instead there's like a dozen other people with the same name doing a variety of things from scientist to rock star. I was just doing this (obviously) and just discovered and old girlfriend from a decade ago who I stopped speaking with who had a VERY common name and no middle initial or anything... I had given up ever finding out what she ended up doing with her life. If this is her (as the picture SEEMS to suggest) she is wildly successful as a lawyer. Surprisingly (given the way things ended) I am pleased for her.
Saint Keggers
03:14 / 03.11.02
Seems like my real name belongs to two diffrent musicians, a drummer and a lead singer.
03:19 / 03.11.02
Well, I'm shutting down for the night - thanks for the chat - take care as you go through the night.
Saint Keggers
03:33 / 03.11.02
you too.

Who's around?
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:01 / 03.11.02
Well, I'm around...
the Fool
21:26 / 03.11.02
me too... me tired... Shared my bed with the most beautiful man ever, but didn't get to touch him once. Me going mad now...
The Strobe
22:03 / 03.11.02
Checking in, but heading for sleep. Chances of working after bar: nil.
22:50 / 03.11.02
I'm here. And I'll be here for a while, since I inadvertently locked my laundry card in the laundry room (need it to get in the room) with four loads of laundry in washers. This is what I get for thinking I could keep track of detergent, laundry card and fabric softener. I should've just coped with the static.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:06 / 03.11.02
Ouch. Condolences on loss of laundrifyin' abilities. I'm at work on a Monday, listening to HangedUp and counting 'til lunchtime and tonight. Haven't done much on the novel, and feel slack about it, but am in 38 degree ennui - yesterday's heat made sure that last night's sleep was sh'touse at best...
Linus Dunce
23:19 / 03.11.02
RGM, oh no! Are you a student? If so, I'm sure there'll be another Sunday evening launderer along soon. What time do you think the machines will finish their jobs?
The Return Of Rothkoid
12:30 / 04.11.02
Well, I'm back. And I just discovered that the lawyers want their £1200.

Bang goes any fucking Christmas plans for me. Anyone want to work up a BIG MONEY SIGIL? I had to senf £430 to the UK today, and that ended up costing over A$1200. Which I can't afford.

So much for the trips and deposit.

The Return Of Rothkoid
23:22 / 04.11.02
I guess that means no. Sigh.

Today's Melbourne Cup day. Which means that the Fool has the day off work, I spose - arncha down there?

Just placed my bet and am prepared to be underwhelmed by the results. Again.
23:27 / 04.11.02
Tick tock. Tick Tock.

Why is it time goes by slowly when you want it to fly by?
23:28 / 04.11.02
Actually, I'm working something up for you- not a sigil but a talisman. As soon as I get some supersculpy I'll actually make the damn thing. I'm sorry about the lawyers.

And thanks for all the laundry sympathy- got it back eventually.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:42 / 04.11.02
Aw, shucks. Thanks, Maz.

It's all a bit overwhelming, really.

Hopefully, like your laundry, though, I shall be redeemed. Or returned. Or at least, not left in the washer to gather that icky musty smell.

Trij: tell me about it. Today's slow as fuck. And the race is in another two hours or so...
23:51 / 04.11.02
I have five hours or so before I can let Sleep enfold me in her loving arms. Stupid preregistration.

Is supersculpy easy to work with? I've got an idea for a talisman/sigil/rune thing, but not much to work with other than sculpy.

You know, this novel writing thing isn't quite as easy as I thought it'd be. I only have 134 words. Not too bad for 3 minutes of work, I suppose.
Murray Hamhandler
23:54 / 04.11.02
Up. Trying to get my head sorted before I go out drinking later tonight for my friends' birthdays (yes, two friends w/simultaneous birthdays). Listening to Moon Pix on repeat. Very, very bad idea at the best of times. Feeling not at all good about the prospect of drinking/being around people tonight but not wanting to crap out on friends. Realizing how disturbingly closely I relate to Adam Sandler's character in Punch-Drunk Love. I want social anxiety to stop. Full stop!
23:59 / 04.11.02
Roth, honey, you deserve nothing less.

Is supersculpy easy to work with? I've got an idea for a talisman/sigil/rune thing, but not much to work with other than sculpy.

Supersculpy's the bomb, as the young people say. I've made all kinds of things from it- a tiny bee, a miniature old-style phonograph, statues, it's great. Sand it a little and you've got a nice surface on which to paint, you can imbed things in it before you bake it- provided those things are more or less bake-proof. All you have to do is soften it up with the heat of your hands to shape it or carve it, and then just bake it in a conventional over. It's best to bake in something disposable though, since it's far, far from natural.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:04 / 05.11.02

Far from natural: it's spam? Or from the same family as that spray-on hair stuff?
00:30 / 05.11.02
In it's unbaked state, it feels how I would imagine plasticine would feel (having never felt plasticine). Baked, it hardens into something which isn't quite clay and isn't quite plastic. It's weird stuff.
02:50 / 05.11.02
ola. Just in from the Flaming Lips - fucking great show. Now have to novel-write (still at 1400) and review-write and all manner of other things...

who's on?
02:58 / 05.11.02
I'm still popping in and out periodically, taking breaks from working on my dreadful fanfiction. When I should be writing scripts for my webcomic. Or arranging to actually put said comic, you know, on the web.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:01 / 05.11.02
I'm still here, kids. Didn't win shit in the race, in either the office sweeps or the actual betting. Maybe I should've stayed away from Thong Classic.

Have had two beers at work and it's only 4PM, though, so that's not bad, I spose.



Assorted whingey noises.
Saint Keggers
03:20 / 05.11.02
Im her, drenched in pear wine from my attempts at tranfering it to carbuoy and trying to filter out the pearchunck... no rest for the wicked...
20:15 / 05.11.02
Buh buh buh bored. What's everyone doing?

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