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The Late Shift III..(Abbot and Costello meet the Late Shift)


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Saint Keggers
06:12 / 22.10.02
Well the last was 9 pages, the one before that 6 pages...
Late nighters leter' rip!

Well my folks have returned from a 3 week trip out to B.C. to visit my brothers family.
After hearing their stories Im really missing my nieces (ages 4 and 1).
The Return Of Rothkoid
07:35 / 22.10.02
I am writing a contents page. And it is proving... interestingly difficult.
10:32 / 22.10.02
Well I know it's daytime here, but I'm so damn sleepy it feels like night. Rothko, why is writing the contents page difficult?
I get to see my family on thursday - hurrah! (I miss them a lot too)
11:40 / 22.10.02
Cold, grey, damp morning here. Only way to tell the sun's up is that my cat is yelling for breakfast. I'm working on plans to get some customers into my new, never been tested massage/craniosacral biz.
23:14 / 22.10.02
Watchin' the Buffy, sitting on the couch, got Ultimate X-Men number 23 waiting to fill the void when the show's over.
the Fool
04:02 / 23.10.02
At work, moving through my backlog. Lots of unfun that has to be done.

Who else is about?
Saint Keggers
04:04 / 23.10.02
I would be about. Just finnished watching Tough Enough and eating a late supper.
the Fool
04:17 / 23.10.02
How are you Mr Kegboy on this fine (well not fine down here, we are having every season week here in Melbourne. Don't like the weather? Wait 5 minutes and get a new season. Rain hail and shine in constant rotation, me dizzy now) thursday?
Saint Keggers
04:22 / 23.10.02
Well we're an hour and 17 minutes into wednesday here in the land of the ice and snow..ok, no Ice (except for Labatts Ice Beer (slogan: If its not ice brewed, its not ice beer)) but we did have a few flakes of snow last night. Its been warmer than usual these pst few warming. Arrrgh! Im doing fine just waiting for my uncle to send me a receipe for pear wine.. Picked a lot of pears off the tree in my yard(and some from the ground) and will be putting them to good use.
the Fool
04:40 / 23.10.02
Y'know I just realised, its actually Wednesday. Me feeling funny today. And I've still got me 3 hour KungFu marathon to go.

Its been a long day already...
Saint Keggers
04:52 / 23.10.02
kung-Fu will do that everytime, grasshopper!
the Fool
05:16 / 23.10.02
pear wine sounds yummy...
Saint Keggers
05:21 / 23.10.02
yeah, my uncle makes all sorts of from scratch wines. His banana wine was amazing last christmas..sweet with just a hint of banana aftertaste. The only from scratch wine i've made was rhubarb wine and that turned out horrid. Its kits been beer and wine kits for me.
the Fool
05:26 / 23.10.02
What's scratch wine?
Saint Keggers
13:58 / 23.10.02
home made wine not made from kits...from scratch.
The Return Of Rothkoid
14:55 / 23.10.02
Well, I just got back from seeing The Conversation. Again. Rock.

I've had a day off today, and though I've done fuck all of the things I intended to do, I got to see two movies. And try Vanilla Coke. All of which was surprisingly good. Hmm.
The Strobe
15:06 / 23.10.02
You can never see The Conversation too many times.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:39 / 23.10.02
And on a call-in show about surveillance films, the dickheaded presenter has just revealed what The Conversation hinges on AND exactly what happens in the last scene.

23:53 / 23.10.02
I'm in Hell. Have just got my scanner working after much tinkering, and have about three feet of papers to OCR and prep for email.,

Orr had better appreciate this, or I am going to spank him until the entire Manchester United first team would seem a blessed relief.
00:14 / 24.10.02
Three feet thick or three feet long?
00:17 / 24.10.02
Thick. I am going to buy everybody I know a scanner for Christmas. Then they too can suffer.
00:20 / 24.10.02
Wait... you're upset? About having a scanner? I'm confused. Scanners are pure dpi joy. They render all images transferable into the hands of others. They make wonderful humming noises and are slightly warm and glowing, like a satisfied lover. How has a scanner put you in hell?
00:23 / 24.10.02
Because, my sweet, this little cuboid of joy has been refusing to work until I de- and re- installed every driver and program it had ever met. And because I must now scan a gigantic document, to be delivered to my office tomorrow. And because I am really too old to be up at 2:25 AM for no better reason than to feed sheet after sheet of paper into a flatbed.

I enjoy having a bedside light, as well. but I don't use it all the time.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:24 / 24.10.02
If it wasn't a flatbed, hell comes at no extra cost.
00:26 / 24.10.02
Hey. Finally getting sleepy. Last post before bed.

Just wanted everyone to know that I've had a really lovely day. I may have a band soon, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up.

Sweet dreams.
Baz Auckland
00:28 / 24.10.02
My brother used his scanner to send me a picture of his face after he fell of his bicycle... which would have been amusing had he not neglected to actually mention in the email why his face was all beat up.... a wierd thing to find in your email..

I feel your pain Haus.
00:31 / 24.10.02
I see. If the scanner is the lover, then truly the drivers are the veneral disease it brings with.

What other hells are people in this evening?
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:32 / 24.10.02
Hey, at least you've never had to open your email to discover photos of your father during an operation in which they had to detach his ear, remove something and then put it back. At 9AM. On a Monday.

00:44 / 24.10.02
All I can say is that I hope that wasn't this Monday and I'm really glad that I haven't given my parents the scanner tutorial.
Baz Auckland
00:45 / 24.10.02
Jesusfuckingchrist Rothkoid... (I apologise for laughing as my other reaction to your post)

I have to write a paper now about differing views that the Fathers of Confederation had when establishing the Dominion of Canada. Did they want a federal union? A legislative union?

Not hell, but not fun. How's youse?
Saint Keggers
00:48 / 24.10.02
Im here, just got back from watching The Knockaround Guys... Not great cinema but suprisingly better than I expected... next flick is The Ring.

My scanner was completly fubared for about 3 months after I had bought it , only one side of the scanned image would be legible..,then it suddenly worked like a charm after I spilled pepsi on it. Torture of the electronics always motivates them.
Baz Auckland
00:50 / 24.10.02
Hey, is it freezing up in our lovely capital this evening? It's damned cold here. Snow is threatening my October.
Saint Keggers
00:57 / 24.10.02
Its 4c here. Had snow a few days ago. Have to plug the moose in tonight or it wont start in the morning and ill have to take the dogsled to work.
Baz Auckland
01:02 / 24.10.02
I have no call waiting, so I'm going to try and get down to this paper now. Good night all.
Saint Keggers
01:22 / 24.10.02
good night!

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