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The Late Shift III..(Abbot and Costello meet the Late Shift)


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Matthew Fluxington
23:48 / 07.11.02
So hey, this is my 3000th post since starting this new suit back in December of 2001. That's a LOT of posts. I'm actually kind of glad that my old suit imploded back when, cos it'd be more like 4500 or so at this point if it hadn't. Christ, I post a lot. I hope y'all get something out of my posts, cos I'd hate for this all to be in vain.

Anyway, how's it going, everybody? I'm just killing time tonight, waiting for ER to come on.
Tryphena Absent
00:11 / 08.11.02
Hello my puddleducks. I am bored Janina and I am bored of my suit... any suggestions I need a new pre/suffix. God I should turn this computer off or do something constructive!
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:12 / 08.11.02

I should've gotten those PJ Harvey tickets earlier today. Now there's no standing tix - and I doubt I want to watch from way up the back.

Once more I miss out. Once more. Arsebiscuits.

And she did give me the eye, damn you all.
Baz Auckland
04:17 / 08.11.02
Vivaciously Marzipaned Janina = VMJ = MarzipanVJ = Viva Janina

(I just realised I've been reading your name as 'vicious' not 'vivacious'. oops. No 'attack marzipan' then i guess...)

I always wanted to change my suit name, but could never think of antoher. I almost became "Barry Freed" after watching the Abbie Hoffman story as that was what he changed his name to when he went into hiding.

When did PJ Harvey give you they eye? There's something to be said for the upper seats. When she opened for U2 in 2001, I was at a fortunate enough side angle to see her breasts for the whole show... um... I shouldn't have really said that aloud should I?
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:08 / 08.11.02
At a 16 Horsepower gig at Dingwalls last year. Supports were Howe Gelb and John Parish's big band, so I should've known there was a chance of her being there. Anyhoo, Gelb starts playing a terrible cover of "Plants & Rags", and I think "Fuck, I hope Peej never hears that - only to scan around the room and find that she's two feet away from me. Which was rather exciting. Anyway, after Parish's set, she's up near the bar talking to Adrian Uley and someone else. I walk up to the bar to get some drinks and she stops talking, looks me up and down and gives me a "well, hello" look.

Which nobody ever believes, but you take yr faith from small things. At least when you're me. And it DID happen, dammit.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:58 / 08.11.02
allo? anyone about?

have been hibernating - which for me seems to involve getting up at 3pm and spaffing on the net.
Murray Hamhandler
23:06 / 08.11.02
I'm here but on my way out. It's friday, it's time to go drinking. I've been here in the campus computer lab for hours now, scanning in goofy doodles and half-assed sketches to give impulsivelad (who I'm going to be collaborating w/on a Shifter story) a taste of my art style (as it were). I'm considerably less embarrassed by the overall result than I thought I'd be, which is nice. But I'm tired now and must leave. Good night to all, and to all a good night.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:06 / 08.11.02
Yes, I'm about. I hate my life even moreso today than I ever have before. Which isn't exactly charming lateshift talk, but things are more hopeless and sad and fucked than I can remember them being for a long time. Y'know what I'm talking about, I think.
autopilot disengaged
23:36 / 08.11.02

hey - plums - was gonna call you - fancy tomzza nite, down at the hanbury ballroom? - 'we love bastard pop' - should be cool, suds SHOULD be there, too...

have just finished our new promo ceedee. am proud, tired.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:50 / 08.11.02
hey you! believe it when I see it, but yes, very up for the bastard pop night, will give you a call tomorrow...

what's on the latest ceedee then, pilot? and will i get a copy?

when the next chicks with decks?
autopilot disengaged
00:05 / 09.11.02
as soon as it's tweaked, a copy is yrs. i think chicks on decks will be - this thursday - um, maybe a week thursday, actually - yeah - last one oct.31...

i'm writing a short play called 'MAKE IT STOP' about a cam girl called cammy who attains enlightenment etc. except, not tonite, cause i'm frcked.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:10 / 09.11.02
so what sort of stuff is on the new mix, or is that *finger to lips* secret?

hey, people occasionally call me cammy - can you make it a Morrison-spell type thing, I could do with a bit of enlightenment right now.

what else you been upto, boychick?
autopilot disengaged
00:25 / 09.11.02
oh, y'know... framed for a crime i didn't commit... all that stuff.

went to big firworks display, watched effigy of george w blown to smithereens... her enlightenment mostly involves masturbation and mirrors - this is after the hits to her page start to increase exponentially and she realises a decent portion of the human race is tuning in...

as for the ceedee - i'll leave it for yr ears to flutter with surprise. but yes to the scissor sisters, parry farrell spoken word, the neptines and etc.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:47 / 09.11.02
"her enlightenment mostly involves masturbation and mirrors - this is after the hits to her page start to increase exponentially and she realises a decent portion of the human race is tuning in... "

Now *that's* enlightenment, bring it ON! (And don't want to interfere with yer CBU, like, but any chance of Judith Butler being the surprise guest?)

Knew I shoulda rung you, did the Lewis thing as well... I love living round here at times

Have unforgivably only just starting tuning into the Billy Corgan blog...

We are all Corgan's children...
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:51 / 09.11.02
oh, and Mingus the Merciless, Pilot?

Not planning on doing any MC'ing at your night, I hope...
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:04 / 09.11.02
Presumably Mingus The Merciless released "Arborean Fight Song"...
As opposed to "Arboreo Fight Song", I guess.
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:06 / 09.11.02
Ouch. Not letting *you* do any MC'ing either, I'm afraid
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:07 / 09.11.02
although given that it's Auto's clubnight, some might say I was being a mite presumptious...


Oh, and Auto, I'm just astonished that *anyone's* reading my blog at all... why?
Tryphena Absent
01:19 / 09.11.02
I am totally fucking freaked people. I just went to see 28 Days Later. Very possibly the UK's worst nightmare... I am never ever watching that film ever again.
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:24 / 09.11.02
bad in a good way, or just bad?
Tryphena Absent
01:28 / 09.11.02
Good and very scary in that chilling post-apocalyptic way. If you go and see it make sure it's with a lot of people in possession of their sanity and at a normal time. Late showings not recommended!!!
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:28 / 09.11.02
and have you considered (re your new name thing) being viciously termazepaned janina for a bit...
Tryphena Absent
01:37 / 09.11.02
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:52 / 09.11.02
oops, sorry, that should be termazepammed... anyway, realised how ludicrously late it is, so nnight...
Tryphena Absent
01:59 / 09.11.02
I'm not sure I should appreciate that considering the side effects of that drug... although it could be accurate!
22:30 / 09.11.02
Well, my plans for the evening are shot. Anyone else around?
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:07 / 09.11.02
I am. Am going out to try and make myself DO SOMETHING today other than lie in my room (it's midday and the curtains are clsoed and I have a strange lump on my head) but I just dunno what to do. Other than get sunburnt, there's not a lot happeing here that interests me. I mean "here" as in Sydney, not online.
23:13 / 09.11.02
Understandable, sugar. As I said in the other thread, I got that supersculpy, which means I'm like five ingredients away from a (hopefully) bitchin' financial aid amulet for you.

I'm wicked bored, and thinking of doing really stupid things as a result, like seeing exactly how much egg nog I can drink before getting sick or before the nutmeg causes halucinations, or trying to use iodine tincture as paint.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:15 / 09.11.02
I’m here, listening to the rain, drinking budvar, smoking marlies (in the dark). I’m one of the people who like the rain. If I had a pair of wellies I’d go out and splosh in the puddles singing the Clockwork Orange version of “singing in the rain”.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:08 / 10.11.02
I,m(kick) happy again(kick) just singing, just singing in the rain. Da de da da de da,de da de da de da....
Tryphena Absent
00:14 / 10.11.02
I just got back from a party I thought would be really bad and was actually super-fantastic. Of course my brother's completely zoned out after some guy gave him mushrooms and I found him lying on his bed fully clothed watching pretty pictures on the TV (thankfully it was on)!
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:27 / 10.11.02
Aw shit I,ve just tried to make a bitter shandy and it erupted like fukin vesuveius. Anyway.... them mushsrooms are mental ey? My mate had a condensed mushroom pill and saw big arms coming out of the wall, then puked up. Crazy innit?
Tryphena Absent
00:32 / 10.11.02
Ah, I remember my first mushroom pill, half an hour staring at a blank wall and completely unable to move. Someone had to pick me up and lie me down on the sofa. I've never been so interested in nothing in my whole entire life.
Linus Dunce
00:38 / 10.11.02
Panarchy -- lemonade first, then pour the bitter down the side of the glass. If it's a can with a widget, leave it to settle first.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:42 / 10.11.02
For some strange reason I put my first mushroom pill in a pan with some wine and orange and heated it up. I then jumped on a night bus with the rest of the vino. It was like an E but without the sickly feeling I usually get from E’s. Very nice it was.

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