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The Late Shift III..(Abbot and Costello meet the Late Shift)


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Saint Keggers
20:54 / 05.11.02
Im reading barbelith...
(and this is far too early for this to be my lateshift...)
21:05 / 05.11.02
I've just reconfigured my laptop to connect to the new server; I feel warm and techno-ish.

Still, exhausted - nothing like hanging around in an office with no furniture or computer equipment to sap one's essence. Still, tomorrow and then I think we are all done. No more office. Bye bye office.

Bit sad, really. Mind you, it lives on in the form of an absolute shitload of half-inched box files and the realisation that I am going to have to spend about £100 on surge protectors to make my insanely ambitious new SOHO set-up credible...
Kit-Cat Club
21:08 / 05.11.02
Filling out hardship funding forms... erk...
21:10 / 05.11.02
Yeah, I've just gotten cable internet. It makes me feel fast. Doing a little decorating, trying to avoid the dishes or the laundry (yeah, there's still more.) Turns out the pilot light on our heater was off, so tonight's the first night I haven't been shivering my ass off.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:49 / 05.11.02
I'm still reeling at the money I need to pay my lawyers. And I'm considering moving out of my place, to somewhere in Balmain that's $160 per week. Which is less than half what I was paying a week in London for a shoebox. I just hope I can swing it - I need to get my own space, as my head is about to explode. It's about the cheapest I can find for somewhere nice. Bah.

I'm listening to The Rollins Band in an attempt to make myself feel more Big and Tough, and Jolly but it's ust not working. I feel like shit on a stick.

Poor shit on a stick.

22:43 / 05.11.02
Big manly bear hugs across time and space, 'Koid. Much love to the man down under with the unbelievable record collection. Chin up, stand straight, and take pride in the awesome mutherfucker that is yourself.

Talking of record collections, I've laid my hands on some Ruins, Steve Reich, and Otomo Yoshihide, as well as Bang on a Can's version of Music for Airports. I've also got some Arvo Part that you may not have heard. See what you've started? See?
22:55 / 05.11.02
Roth gets a big old Pork Store version of the Uncomfortable Male Hug, seen at American sporting events all the time. Feel for you, baby.

What I want to know is: why do you have to pay so much, when they did fuck all for you? Huh? Bastards.
The Strobe
23:00 / 05.11.02
Bastards indeed. I am turning in now. I've been up since half fucking six because of necessity of trips-to-London for movies and press conferences. And milling around Charing X, which is something I can never seem to do enough of. Fun. And I want to be there some day. But for now? I need sleep. And to pass my fricking degree. Hugs to anyone who's asking, really.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:18 / 05.11.02
Aw, shucks. Thanks so much, guys. That means a lot. Damn, I seem to be pimping my inability to adapt quite hard in this thread; apologies to barblurkers for the disgust quotient.


Vid: I don't know, either. Bastards. The more I think about it, the more I think I could've gotten achieved with a sign that said Fuck you, former employer bastards! And at least then I could've told them what I thought. Hmm. I'm going to have to pay piecemeal, and hope there's no drama about it. Well, I AM on te other side of the world, I guess, so there's not that much, but... on top of everything, it's just a bit of a strain.

Exp: ooooh. Which Part? Orient & Occident? Would indeed be interested in hearing some more of that. I'm glad I can turn you onto the pathways of musical righteousness, you know...
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:23 / 05.11.02
I just discovered Dennis Hopper's in town, making that Sinatra movie.

Must. Find. And. Worship.
Linus Dunce
23:25 / 05.11.02
I bet he can smell you. Can you get Pabst Blue Ribbon over there?
23:40 / 05.11.02
Watch out Roth. He will, after all, fuck anything that moves.

Stand. Very. Still.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:56 / 05.11.02
I'll prepare the Orbison tape and the facepaint.

I don't think you can get Blue Ribbon over here. But then, given that most reviews seem to regard it with the same elevated status that I award Foster's (ho ho), I'm not missing much...
00:04 / 06.11.02
Dennis Hopper. Eep. Let us bring him Roth's lawyers, and have them do a wee dance.

Someone got Pokemon all over my cartoon network. A small trauma, but a disturbing one.
The Return Of Rothkoid
00:08 / 06.11.02
Does it obscure the Johnny Bravo? I sincerely hope not.

I think I'm approaching my posting limit, so if I drop off, that's why.

That, or Hopper has me.
00:24 / 06.11.02
Pokemon? On Cartoon Network? What is the world coming to? If they wanted a cartoon with cute little animals, why not pick up Digimon?
00:24 / 06.11.02
Just zooming in...


...either that, or I'm Dennis Hopper.
00:48 / 06.11.02
And it aired at nine p.m. for the love of god. Christ, I'd much rather have Top Cat back. I'm not sure what used to air in that slot... I'm getting rusty.

And hugs for Roth, thus creating a Perseph/Roth/Maz/and maybe Hopper sandwich.
01:30 / 06.11.02
Well, I gotta eat and then sleep. Bon soir my lovelies.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:26 / 06.11.02
Rockin'. I'm in barbelith hug heaven. Which is akin to hog heaven, but more... exciting! NOW with added Hopper!

An hour outside with musical entertainment laid on for the Gay Games has made me feel a bit better. Though I've just heard that the house I was going to move into won't be happening because they just got an eviction notice.


So it looks like I'm at home until January... pout.

Night night, all. Sleepies well. And speak up, whoever's here!
Baz Auckland
05:06 / 06.11.02
Think it's a bit late...or early now. Depressed by the election results, cheered by finishing my American history paper, and wondering about the Hopper/Sinatra connection... he playing Sinatra in a movie? Odd...

Hugs too of course.

okay. 206am, time for bed.
The Return Of Rothkoid
09:26 / 06.11.02

Hopper's playing Sinatra in the new David Caesar film (I think it's him, anyway), The Night We Called It A Day, which is about when Sinatra was trapped in Australia for a week or so because he was such an arsehole - took union boss (and future PM) Bob Hawke stepping in to get people to fill up his plane and let the guy fly out. Lots of charming asshole-Frank stories about - like how he called all women in the Australian press "fucking prostitutes" or something like that...

Anyway. I can't wait to see Frank on nitrous.

The Return Of Rothkoid
23:19 / 06.11.02
Oh, and I think it all gets exponentially more depressing from here. The signs on the wall read BAD PLACE.


Great. Now, not only have I hijacked a thread for my own personal gain, I'm making it sound like a copy of The Instead Thread.

Point is; just when I thought lower wasn't an option... I feel like I'm goin' down.


I hope you are all having productive evenings, and not up at half past four (still) like I was this morning...
Linus Dunce
23:27 / 06.11.02
Stay cool, Rothkoid, and you will reach the surface again.
Murray Hamhandler
23:33 / 06.11.02
Seems I've missed something about the particulars of your doings, Rothkoid, but you don't sound "happy camper"-ish, and so thusly...sympathies extended to you in your time of feeling like poo.

I am on page three (of eight) of a Russian lit. paper which I've known about for two weeks, which I've only just started tonight, and which is due tomorrow. The 11th hour is where I'm a king.

PBR, incidentally, is simply the finest beer available. Heineken, on the other hand, is for those...more delicate. Although any beer, when unchilled, is most displeasing. Unchilled beer makes me quite ill.

I say, mother, I could go for a shagging just the now...
Murray Hamhandler
23:35 / 06.11.02
Merchant and Ivory should really consider remaking Blue Velvet.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:42 / 06.11.02
Thanks, Deric and Ignatius. I appreciate your fine thoughts.

Which Russian works you having to write on? I remember writing some of my then-girlfriend's Russian lit papers, years ago... Mayakoyski and all sorts of others...
Linus Dunce
23:45 / 06.11.02
"Fuck ... me"
"Perhaps at a later hour, my dearest, but now I simply must depart.

"I say old chap, I'm catching a whiff of you from here. Be a good fellow and fetch me a bottle of light ale, would you?"
Murray Hamhandler
00:04 / 07.11.02
Comparing characters/situations from Karamzin's "Poor Liza" and Turgenev's "Meeting". Lit. papers are like mother's milk to me. Brain goes into autopilot, pretty words come out. If only acoustics would follow suit...

"I say, good man. It appears that I've discovered an ear."
"An ear, you say?"
"That's right, guv'ner. Quite apart from its owner, it seems, and lying in a field."
"Let's have a look... Oh, yes. Most definitely an ear. Frightful business, that..."
Linus Dunce
00:19 / 07.11.02
You know, it could work ... no, what am I thinking.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:02 / 07.11.02
Tag-team. Back again. Mopey as ever. Who up?
The Strobe
21:19 / 07.11.02
Me. Trying to finish an essay - 1800 words, not necessarily in the right order written... just need to conclude.

Unfortunately, it's not going so well. Work's getting me down a lot - it just doesn't appear to be flowing, and fucking around is flowing far too well. And it's late, and I'm tired. Ah well. And then I need to read Timon, Godot, finish Mark of the Warrior, and maybe some of Aristotle's Poetics.

By 2pm tomorrow. Bollocks.
Eloi Tsabaoth
22:47 / 07.11.02
Am up. Desperately tired, semi-wired on espresso, trying to get some writing done because while being 2000 words behind feels like a minor setback, 4000 words behind is like a kick in the teeth. Plus, have to do paying gig as well.
Murray Hamhandler
23:12 / 07.11.02
Up and fucking off like mad, so I think I will, for a change, call it an early night. Purchase a late birthday present for a friend (DVD of Transformers: The Movie, which I believe is among his favorites), peruse the shelves at Borders, read me some Treasure Island...basically be as thrilling and exciting a personage as I usually am...but in a whole new way!
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:18 / 07.11.02
Well, I'm currently 15,688 words behind schedule with my novel. Which means that I'll probably bury it, again, just like I did last year. Fucking hell. Amount to anything? Bah.

And yes. Feeling all sad again, more reason to. Saw the Necks last night, which was good, though I feel I actually was hypnotised by the music for a while - I started feeling like I was rising out of my head. Though that may have been rank exhaustion.

Amon Tobin is failing to kickstart me, as well. Sigh.

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