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The Late Shift III..(Abbot and Costello meet the Late Shift)


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Tryphena Absent
00:46 / 10.11.02
Sounds tasty.
Linus Dunce
00:50 / 10.11.02
The Electric Mulled Wine Acid Test?

You either on the night bus ...
Saint Keggers
01:21 / 10.11.02
that mulled wine sounds nice...must make some later tonight (minus the pills). hello all.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:25 / 10.11.02
I’d just like to state for the record that I don’t normally drink shandy, I’m a real man, honest.
I just wanted something that would go down a bit easier at this time of day. And I’m trying to stretch out my bear reserves. Please forgive me o’beer god. I’m back on the straight and narrow with a proper pint of ale. The lemonade was just a cheap and meaningless fling. I repent I repent.
Saint Keggers
01:57 / 10.11.02
There are worst things than being a girly-drink drunk...honest.
You could have a fondness for all things Micheal Bolton.
Linus Dunce
13:53 / 10.11.02
Or you could have been drinking lager and lime.
The Return Of Rothkoid
20:39 / 10.11.02
Soon someone will bring out cider armadilloes and it'll all be over.

The Strobe
23:05 / 10.11.02
I'm here and surprisingly cheery. Oh, and we just watched Chain Reaction on TV which might be the most fucking appalling film I've ever seen. Though Rachel Weisz, who cannot act at ALL, is lovely beyond belief.

And then: The Sky at Night. Which had me and a friend in near-hysterics (OK: he laughed a lot, I giggled hysterically like a girl) because the main font it uses for all its captions and the fucking title sequence is Chicago.

Well, I found it funny. And before you ask: sober as a rock.
Linus Dunce
23:17 / 10.11.02
Well, could've been Arial.

Actually, if they did a feature on radio telescopes ...
The Strobe
23:36 / 10.11.02
Erk! Synchronicity!

The whole program was on radio telescopes. Latest news from Jodrell Bank, etc.

But it was definitlely Chicago...
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:41 / 10.11.02
Sober - yes. But are you on crack, man?
01:12 / 11.11.02
Well, I'm back on the nog, and thus, back on the 'meg.

The back of the nutmeg container says it's good on spinach and asparagus. Can anyone corroborate that?
01:29 / 11.11.02
Ah hell. You're all asleep or having lives or some nonsense like that aren't you? Just you and me, nutmeg. Just you and me.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:33 / 11.11.02
No, can't say I've had vege experiences with it. But I did have a roast the other week that was covered in garlic and nutmeg, and it was fine.
The Return Of Rothkoid
01:34 / 11.11.02
You think I have a life?

Yeesh. Thar's assumptions in them thar threads!
02:34 / 11.11.02
I generally presume that nearly everyone has more of a life than I do, mostly because it's nigh impossible not to.
Matthew Fluxington
02:40 / 11.11.02
Hey everybody. I'm hanging around. I'm still in a state of shock from watching the most recent episode of the Sopranos, which ended nearly two hours ago. That's how amazing and disturbing it was, that I'm still kinda freaked out from it. I'm worrying that I may get some bad nightmares tonight, in fact.

You hanging in there, Rothkoid?
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:53 / 11.11.02
Vaguely. Still lots of emailing happening, discussion, dissection. Sigh. The new GY!BE disc isn't helping much, largely as I think it's a bit mediocre, alas.

Other than that? Not a grrreat deal happening... sigh.
The Return Of Rothkoid
02:54 / 11.11.02
Maz: I'll take yer lack and raise you. You betcher.
Matthew Fluxington
03:01 / 11.11.02
Even if the Godspeed record was great, I have my doubts on whether or not it'd help yr mood too much.

I'm a bit behind on this, and this might sound kinda ridiculous, but have you tried to do/listen/eat/see things that are just kinda cheery and happy and might take yr mind off of things? You know, see a funny goofy movie, listen to some cheery giddy music, etc. It could backfire, but it might be helpful. Wallowing is only a good thing to do for so long, after all.
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:10 / 11.11.02
Oh, I'm not wallowing. Just being normal. I tried the ABBA best-of and it worked for a little while. Hm. Work just tends to take away most opportunities for the fun side of things, unfortunately.

I did find that playing guitar, badly, very loudly did help a fair bit, though. Hmm.
03:18 / 11.11.02
I recommend a nigh-diabetes inducing sugar binge. But I recommend that for a lot of things.
03:19 / 11.11.02
Dammit, I gotta go to bed. I'll talk to y'all tomorrow.
The Strobe
07:46 / 11.11.02
Not on crack, either. Just was actually feeling good - about 9pm, kicked up a gear and it was most pleasant. Making a change.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:24 / 11.11.02
Matthew Fluxington
22:17 / 11.11.02
Murray Hamhandler
22:31 / 11.11.02
I love it. "Mandatory art-school blaséness" = "fucking stupidity in the name of ill-defined and vapid coolness". Remind me again why I can't relate to most of my peers?
The Return Of Rothkoid
22:37 / 11.11.02
Oooh. I'm feeling a bit better now.

Because there's a second PJ Harvey show on in January. And because even though it cost me $75, I just got a ticket.

Standing. Up the front. RIGHT up close.

Oho, I am a happy boy... well, not really, but a momentarily-lightened one...
22:44 / 11.11.02
So by partaking of this crack, I'll be "somehow, down with the streets" and "classy"? Interesting. I've always wanted to be classy and down with the streets. Of course I'll have to develop some of this mandatory art-school blaséness. You know, I don't want to seem square.
Linus Dunce
23:30 / 11.11.02
"Native Williamsburgers can handle it," he says. "But then you have rich kids who dive right in. They are going to ruin their lives."

Er, would they be the same rich kids that can afford lawyers and time off school/work?

And "asymmetrical haircuts"? Kids, just say no!
23:45 / 11.11.02
Aww, but but but Flock of Seagulls!
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:50 / 11.11.02
Oh, and I ran.

I ran.



Linus Dunce
23:57 / 11.11.02
Wish I had/A photograph of you/Or something to remind me

... of your egregious offences to the tonsorial arts.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:58 / 11.11.02
Believe me; Officer Follicle should've booked me a long time ago.

Although if I'd just kept that bowl-cut, I'd be so fucking indie it's untrue...
03:04 / 12.11.02
You should see my beard. I can sweep the floor. Animal control vans slow down when they pass...

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