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Buffy Season 7- spoilers


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22:14 / 17.07.02
Originally posted by gridley at 22:18 17.07.2002:

That would be pretty interesting if they did another "mirror, mirror" episode. And with Anya as a vengence demon again it seems highly possible. They go back to the world where buffy never came to Sunnydale, and the world's run by the Master, Glory, and Warren. In fact that could be the whole reason they go there, to get another warren to replace the one that willow killed. yeah, only it backfires cause the Master follows them back into the real world with his legion of vampire followers and.... and...

oh, wait, did the Master get killed in that universe? hmmm....
The Natural Way
08:33 / 18.07.02
I'm pretty sure, if he's appearing, that Warren'll be ressurected in order to absolve Willow of her evilself's crimes.

And Glory's a God. She can't die. And her natural habitat's another dimension. So, we've got Master rumours....Glory rumours....they've both killed Buffy: the big bads're gonna be real bad this year.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:53 / 18.07.02
I know you're sure, Prunce. You're always sure. It's endearing.

21:23 / 18.07.02
I read that Spike's gonna lose his dye job and live under Sunnydale High this season. There may actually be a season eight, even without Buffy. Almost everybody has signed on for an eigth season. The only two who haven't are Caufield (sp?) and Geller. Caufield's done after this season, even if it goes on.

Have they just run out of new ideas? I mean, I can kind of see Glory coming back since there is a little unfinished business between her and Dawn, but why bring back Warren?
Saint Keggers
00:19 / 19.07.02
In sort of an after-the-fact intervention, Willow is told by the council to attone for all she's done so she cast a spell to communicate with the spirit of Warren. Warren's spirit returns and unfortunatly so does Glory in all her..uh..glory.

Spyke gets his soul back and still no one likes his poetry. In fact they hate it. They attack him. He's forced to kill in selfdefence and guess what? He likes it..he REALLY likes it. He goes after Giles because EVERYONE loves HIS singing.
The Natural Way
08:30 / 19.07.02
Fly: I'm simply responding to the spoiler (that did not originate w/ me) that Warren's back for s7. all I'm saying is, unless Warren comes back as ANOTHER WARREN, then simply by virtue of his still being alive, Willow'll be absolved of murder. I'm not talking about plot, I'm talking about emotional subtext. Whedon and co. probably don't feel that comfortable w/ that loose end dangling from Willow's otherwise oh-so-nice coat-tails. Which is kinda disappointing.
Jack The Bodiless
10:10 / 19.07.02
Well, that'd be very unlike them. Buffy, even as bad as last season was, hasn't used the reset button very often, if at all (I can't think of an example right now, if they have).
The Natural Way
11:50 / 19.07.02
Well, I hope yr right (and I'm not saying yr not), 'cause I'd definitley prefer it.

Actually, though, come to think of it, I don't care that much either way.

Up and down: that's a yunrunce!
16:15 / 19.07.02
This has nothing to do with Buffy season 7 but I'm not going to start a new thread for this and the season hasn't even started so it's too early to rot the thread

According to a report on Superhero Hype SuperHero
Hype, "Buffy" star Nicholas Brendon (he plays Xander
Harris), is a frontrunner for the role of THE GREEN
Brendon spoke at a scifi conventon and told some fans
that he has been in talks for a movie of the green
lantern. he told them not to get too excited - but he
sounds interested.
16:24 / 19.07.02
Which Green Lantern? Rayner or Jordan? I'm figuring Rayner since Brenden seems a bit young, but you never know. A little bleach on his temples and he might make a good Hal Jordan.

I read Dawn gets her own set of Scoobies this season. Is this yet another way of gauging fan interest in a Buffy show without Buffy or is it just a way of shifting the focus a bit away from the old crew so they can do "adult" stuff instead of acting like a bunch of angsty teenagers?
22:34 / 19.07.02
Nick would be perfect as Kyle!

Before she gets her own scoobies she needs to get a bit more likable. I don't think people would watch for too long if Dawn's carrying the show... Sorta like Saved By The Bell: The New Class chills
Saint Keggers
02:24 / 20.07.02
ArrrH! I just got a horrific vision of Skreetch as a Watcher.
12:52 / 20.07.02
Michelle Trachtenberg used to be on Pete and Pete on Nickelodeon when she was very wee. I think I might watch her being the slayer if her Scoobies were from that cast.
12:53 / 20.07.02
Especially if Artie was the Watcher. I'll hush now.
13:35 / 21.07.02
Yeah, but why would the the strongest man in the universe waste his time as a watcher. He's far more powerful than any slayer. Artie can lift up a house and do mental battle when a killer bee. I think Pete Wrigley (the elder) would be a better watcher. Pete Wrigley (the younger) could train under willow as a warlock....
14:57 / 21.07.02
Nah, the ninja girlscout should train under Willow. Pete the younger should get the werewolf bitey.
Regrettable Juvenilia
23:22 / 01.08.02
Psst. You didn't get these from me, okay, but listen...




- Ep: 1. Airdate: September 24, 2002. Written by Joss Whedon. Directed by David Solomon (and Joss Whedon).

- According to Joss Whedon, Sunnydale High School will be reborn in season 7. Dawn begins school at the newly built high school in the first episode.

- Willow and Giles will be in England for a couple of scenes to deal with Willow's use of magic and prepare her for a return to Sunnydale.

- Buffy teaches Dawn about fighting evil in Sunnydale.



- Spike is already back in Sunnydale and struggling with his new soul. Gone is the crypt and supposedly his all-bleached locks, Spike finds brooding/living space under the new high school.

- Dawn gets trapped under the new high school. But it's the Scooby Gang to the rescue. Oh yeah...and Spike helps too.

- The resurrection of Sunnydale High brings the past back to life and Buffy faces those she didn't save.

- A new possible big bad makes an appearance in Sunnydale, but just wait until you see what it looks like. To vaguely confirm some suspicions, this particular villain makes it possible for *any* character good or bad, new or old to appear...and a large majority of past characters will be returning.

- Something big begins to develop on the Hellmouth, something so big that Willow can sense it from across the world.

- Anya struggles with her life and her lack of interest in being a vengeance demon.

NEW - Buffy is offered a job to counsel the students of Sunnydale High.

"Beneath You" (Episode 2)

- Willow reluctantly leaves England behind so she can return to Sunnydale. Giles doesn't go with her.

NEW - The combination of a soul, the chip, and Spike's continuing interest in Buffy weighs heavily on his sanity.

NEW - After making some serious cash by rebuilding the high school, Xander gains some style and cool and the fun, witty Xander of earlier seasons is revived.

NEW - The title is in reference to the villain of the episode.

Hmmm - a big bad who can appear as anyone? Please don't tell me they're bringing back the First Evil...

"Hi, I'm the First Evil - the firstest and worstest evil that there ever was! I brought Angel back from hell. Or maybe I didn't! Let's never mention it again. *POOF!*"
Saint Keggers
02:41 / 02.08.02
Nah, its the guy from the dreams with the cheese on his head.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
21:23 / 02.08.02
that would, by far, be the coolest thing ever
Tryphena Absent
23:09 / 02.08.02
I've always wanted the guy with the cheese to reappear. Very scary manthing
Margin Walker
03:36 / 03.08.02
This may have been mentioned, but just in case it wasn't...

THE BREEDERS' KIM and KELLEY DEAL are set to make cameo appearances in cult TV show 'BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER'.

"The pair were invited to star after the show's producer heard their version of the 'Buffy Theme', which has become a mainstay of their live sets this year.

The band's version of the theme tune will feature as one of the bonus tracks on their forthcoming single, a re-recorded version of 'Son Of Three', a track taken from the band's recent 'Title TK' album.

A spokesperson for The Breeders told NME.COM: "The band have always acknowledged they watch too much TV, and the upshot of covering the 'Buffy' theme is that the producer, a long-time Breeders fan, is working on getting Kim and Kelley into an episode in the next series."

The single, released on September 2 on 4AD, is also backed by a live version of the 1992 single 'Safari', recorded in Amsterdam earlier this year.

The Breeders return to Europe in August to play the Pukkelpop festival in Belguim on the 22nd, followed by appearances at the Carling Weekend, calling in at Reading on the 23rd and Leeds on the 24th."
21:33 / 18.09.02
Okay, the new season of Buffy is coming up, quite soon, so I thought I'd throw down a wee post about the protocol for Buffy on this site. I realize the lifers have been over it a thousand times, but since we do have new members, I'd like to just put out the memo as a pre-emptive strike against the having of hissy-fits.

Spoilers, cross-Atlantic fans, and general manners.

Point the first:

If you are posting something about a season seven episode, please put a spoiler warning at the begining of your post with either the air date or the name of the ep at the top. This may prove unneccessary in threads which specifically say "Spoilers" in the title, but if you're in any doubt, just go ahead and put one.

Point the second:

This may seem terribly obvious, but humor me. If a thread title says, NO SPOILERS, don't post spoilers there. At all. These threads are largely for people who are a season behind, and who would like to enjoy the surprises as they come. They really, truly, don't want to know. So don't tell them.

Point the third:

Another one which might seem obvious, but again. If you aren't up to date on the episodes, and you don't want to have episodes spoiled for you, don't read the posts/threads that say "spoilers" at the top.

Starting Buffy threads

There's a metric ton of Buffy threads floating about in this forum. No, seriously, go type 'Buffy' into the search box if you don't believe me. So before you go starting a new Buffy thread, please, check around the pre-existing ones to see if your new thread idea has already been covered, and if it has, please post in this pre-existing thread.

That's pretty much it, but please, especially on the spoiler thing, don't spoil, don't read spoilers if you don't want to, and everything will be super. Unless season seven sucks. Here's hoping.
00:48 / 19.09.02
Haus said: But, if Willow and Xander actually got together where does that leave Anya?

Tom Coates
08:51 / 19.09.02
Quick addition to Mazarine's post - in my opinion there's no need to put spacer material on a page if you're posting a spoiler. People have to scroll past it to read the next post anyway, so it doesn't really help. I would suggest keeping all Buffy spoilers in threads specifically labelled for that purpose.
The Natural Way
09:11 / 19.09.02
I so completely refuse to have anything to do with this thread. Aren't you guys ruining it fr yrselves? I want to know nothing...although I gather my Master thing's been confirmed now.
09:31 / 19.09.02
I agree - I can't really understand the whole spoiler thing, I like to hear rumours before the season starts though or whether or not the season is actually any good but I don't want to know the specifics, although its hard to avoid sometimes...
11:03 / 19.09.02

Knowing specifics isn't all that bad. I knew Tara was going to die, but not how, so I was still surprised when she died because of a stray bullet. It seemed so normal.
11:22 / 19.09.02
Yeah but surely it would have been more of a suprise if you didn't know she was going to die at all? I found out from someone in the pub nd it would have made much more of an impact if I hadn't known, but to each their own I guess but I'll be trying to avoid all the info that'll start flooding in (next week ?)
Tryphena Absent
15:29 / 19.09.02
I was glad I knew, it made the whole thing a lot less traumatic.
14:03 / 20.09.02
yeah, I don't find the Buffy writers are all that interested in being surprising anyway (what with all the foreshadowing they love to do), so I don't mind having a general idea of what's going to happen next, especially when it helps me know which episodes I need to watch and which I can ignore in favor of Gilmour Girls.

Now, Farscape, there's a show that knows (knew) how to pull off a surprise...
17:02 / 20.09.02
In this case, the spoilers aren't that spoilsome overall yet. Summation of spoilers: everyone who was ever cool on the show will be coming back, regardless of how dead, banished, or disintegrated they may be. I can live with that, as they haven't leaked anything about how people will be returning.

Though really, doesn't this look just a bit ilke a desperate grab for ratings? I mean, the tactic in the first place of bringing back anything they can think of that was cool. Whatever. I guess I'll find out in 4 days, eh? *waggles tongue at brits who have to wait for it*
00:26 / 26.09.02
I don't know how many of you have seen it so I'll try and be cryptic.

What was the point of Willow in England if all they were gonna show was grass? Couldn't they have just filmed that in Kansas or wherever? It would've been cheaper! I wanted to see Willow in London, damnit.

And question: This is probably stupid but... isn't the principal of the High School Buffy's therapist at the mental institution (over in the real world)?
Harold Washington died for you
00:37 / 26.09.02
I think the mental hospital doctor was an older man. Speaking of crazy people, poor Spike. That whole soul thing has made him completely bonkers. I wonder, if I sold my soul could I be sane?

Any wild speculation as to what that thing was torturing the well-coifed vampire? Since this is a spoiler thread I'll make my guess. The big morphing bad is, 1. either the Hellmouth personfied or 2. an anti-slayer. Maybe some combination of the two.

Anywho, was a great show. Dawn is certainly coming into her own but if SMG quits after this season I hope the series will end gracefully.
01:32 / 26.09.02
-Spoilers. Duh.-

Spike is cute all crazy-like. As he himself once said "I like him. He's got... vulnerability." And his hair looks better screwed up.

For the first episode ever, I don't hate Dawn, although I think she's really more Buffy-Lite than a character of her own, but hell, I missed happy-go-lucky-High School Buffy.

Was it just me, or was there something kinda kinky in the way Willow and Giles were talking? The way she twitched her eyebrow when she said "with the torture," and I picked up a little double entendre in the way he said "Do you want to be punished?" Maybe what's his name, naughty chaos magick British man... what the hell is his name. Gimme a sec. Ethan! Maybe Ethan could come back and in a really contrived plot device turn Giles into a lesbian woman so that (s)he and Willow could finally get it on. Of course, then no more Tony Head. Though he did play Frank N Furter, maybe they could do something hot with drag. That man can hold his own in a pair of stiletto heeled boots.

Oh, and if Willow says "it's all connected" one more time, I'm gonna have a small fit. Cause it's annoying.
14:12 / 26.09.02
You know, I'm starting to think a Buffy without Buffy could work. IF they focused the show on Dawn, it could be kind of like Big Wolf on Campus .

I liked Dawn. In the 5th season, she was just "Oh, I'm just a big ball of energy. boo-hoo! Pity me!" and last season she was just there

I really got tired of everybody referring to Buffy as a "mom". She doesn't look at all like a mom. Are these people just blind?

I bet the principal is the big bad of the season. He's just way too nice. Bit suspicious if you ask me.

The morphing thing? Hmm..I think it may have something to do with Buffy's slayer powers, especially since it morphed into her at the end.

I'm thinking that the closure of the HellMouth is going to involve the Slayer powers going poof . Buffy will once again have saved the world and she will finally get her wish to live a normal life.

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