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Buffy Season 7- spoilers


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08:01 / 31.05.02
Xander and Willow finally hook up. Think about it. You know they've got feelings for each other, but they can't get beyond that whole, "let's just be friends" bullcrap.

Yes! He cured her of being evil, *surely* he can cure her of being gay!
09:15 / 31.05.02
Yup. I would have to stop watching it entirely if Xander and Willow got together. A Xander-Willow pairing would simply be to placate the homophobic element, and/or keep even happier the blokes who want to get into Willow's knickers. But frankly, the Willow-Tara thing was fluffy-cute to the degree that Whedon and co. certainly don't need to make any more concessions to the narrow-minded sectors of the audience...

I've missed a lot of this series... the Buffy-deals-with-jobs-and- real-life thing is pretty annoying. I think that she should start getting paid for Slayerhood, so that she doesn't have to keep boring the shit out of us with the whole job thing. Buffy has also got waaaay too depressing - NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY FOR MORE THAN 5 MINUTES, EVER. Has anyone noticed that? I know they're adults and all, now, but this is Buffy, man, not Eastenders, and the whole misery thing is too heavy handed. Tara and Willow, and Anya and Xander should have lived happily ever after, at least.

Willow as Watcher would be very cool. Spike is/was basically in a two-way abusive relationship with Buffy, and they're both better off out of it. Spike especially needs counselling. Poor fucker.
10:46 / 31.05.02
Yes! He cured her of being evil, *surely* he can cure her of being gay!

Let's not turn this into the buffy newsgroup and start arguing over 10 or 11 pages about the sexuality of Willow. If you ask me, her sexuality really can't be defined. She's had a total of two relationships; Oz and Tara. She could be bisexual, a lesbian, or just a very confused heterosexual. It really doesn't matter.

The only way these people are going to live happily ever after is when they're all in the grave.

Of course Spike needs counseling. Wasn't his first real relationship with Drusilla? That wasn't exactly what one could call a normal relationship.
The Natural Way
11:05 / 31.05.02
Cholister: No one happy. Theme of series. Big bad of series. Sorted now.

Willow and Xander have been in love since day one. That can be resolved. Or not. Nothing homophobic - "aren't the powerful men amazing!" - about it. I find that idea irritating, actually. If the next series is indeed a yr 1 series (and I believe we have every reason to believe it may be so), then coming full circle and pairing up the original Sunnydale couple makes perfect sense..... Hey, I'm almost convinced.....

Trij, maybe I wasn't clear: I'm still 100% into the Willow as Watcher thing.

Agree about the endless Buffy/Dawn cuddle moments - it did start to grate. But Dawn was in suspended, "teen-cock", animation this season, and....well, compared to what was going on w/ the rest of them her "Notice me! Notice me!" business was pretty dull and left very little scope for real, playful interaction w/ Buffy or anyone else.

She's just been reactivated.
11:34 / 31.05.02
Full circle? I wonder if that includes the return of the Master in some shape or another. Maybe some other big bad vampire type. Get back to the basics.

But, if Willow and Xander actually got together where does that leave Anya? Oh sure, she's a vengeance demon now, but she probably still has feelings for Xander. At least once you dig a bit deeper than that overriding hatred for Xander and his actions.
The Natural Way
12:02 / 31.05.02
Well, I have been saying they should bring the Master back based on the "full circle" thing.
12:46 / 31.05.02
You guys have done pretty well at not spoiling, so I ask the guy I work with what he wants to happen and he bloody well tells me the whole Willow/Tara thing.....

12:53 / 31.05.02
Call me crazy, but I think those kids Xander and Anya really are made for each other and they're going to make it work, damn it!

Plus Tara's coming back as a ghost (I think) and that means Willow and Tara can have GHOST SEX!!!!

ooooh.... spooky.....
12:55 / 31.05.02
Oh well thats it spoilt on here too so it wouldn't have mattered )
The Natural Way
15:23 / 31.05.02
Gridley: spoilerwise that was completely uncool, but otherwise - YES! FAB!

Just don't do it again. Some people....I dunno......

Xander and Anya, Willow and Tara....whatever. I'm happy.
15:59 / 31.05.02
yikes. sorry, folks. didn't realize the you guys were still behind us....
16:33 / 31.05.02
I've heard this rumor of a Buffy Year 1 thing. Um, did anyone notice that the actors are all 6 years older now, and will look a bit out of place in high school?

In other rumors, I heard something of a Buffy cartoon series. I'm not sure if I should be happy, terrified, or outraged. Then again, it could turn out to be pretty cool...
kid coagulant
16:45 / 31.05.02
The cartoon series is supposed to take place back when they were in high school. It should be fun.
17:24 / 31.05.02
I think the most recent issue of Wizard said that the Buffy cartoon is dead in the water. And then they went on to talk about the Avengers or JLA or something. Shame. I'd planned to watch it religiously.
17:46 / 31.05.02
according to the production company's website:

"Buffy The Animated Series premiered on Fox Kids in February 2001. Based on the original live-action drama, this animated version is being developed and executive produced by original creator Joss Whedon. Buffy continues to struggle through adolescence as "the chosen one," tackling the monsters who invade her school and home."

did anyone catch that:?
18:48 / 31.05.02
Premiered on Fox Kids?

Yeah right. I would've seen it.

Even if they got their dates wrong and meant 2002, it still wasn't on.

Now they could have messed up that entire first sentence and meant, Buffy premieres in February 2003 on Fox Kids.
19:46 / 31.05.02
it's certainly a puzzler.
23:33 / 31.05.02
I heard a bad thing about Season 7. Britney's gonna be in it. Britney! For the love of god, no!
04:06 / 01.06.02
I really don't mind this as long as she's the villain. Did anyone see crossroads? (God, I hope not!) Can she act?

gridley- Where did you hear the ghost tera bit? I don't know if I'm too happy about this. I mean, I'll cheapen her death and what it did to Willow. Not to mention, it brings up messy questions like can Buffy's mom or Kendra come back as a ghost and chat with the Scoobies?
uncle retrospective
06:26 / 01.06.02

Josh talks about S7 stuff aint it cool
Where he mentions people should have faith in him for the next season.
There are one or 2 minor spoilers on it and a shit load if you haven't seen S6.
A Bigger Boat
08:56 / 01.06.02
Who wants to watch a series to come full cirlce? That would be as boring as watching series 6 of Buffy the Vampire slayer.

They need to get proactive. As fighters of evil are concerned, you'd think that after six fucking years they'd start to take an active stance against the powers of darkness.

Series seven: close the hellmouth.
Final shot: the scoobys (and Giles) bundle into the back of a Mystery Machine type camper van and floor it out of Sunnydale. Their mission? Close every fucking hellmouth on the planet. Cue affiliated movies not bogged down in a town that must be populated by the most ignorant, blinkered, fingers-in-ears "I can't hear you, there are no demons here!" morons on the planet.

Sorry, my bile spilled over for a second.

In other news - the Buffyverse has a problem. Namely Angel. Not only is it a MUCH MUCH better series - tighter characterisation; dialogue that makes sense, etc - but the natural arc of the series as stated will make Angel instrumental in the Apoclypse. THE Apocalypse, not some hammy kind of pseudo-apocalypse that can be averted. The culmination of this series has already promised something far greater than Buffy has ever managed to deliver. And she won't even be allowed to join in with the end of the world. (At least, i hope not. The best thing Angel (the series) did was sever all ties with its sister show)
Our Lady of The Two Towers
09:16 / 01.06.02
The thing for me is that series 6 was, as I understand it, the first series without Joss at the helm. Which means a lot of my problems seem to be with what Marti Noxon has done with the show, which I think has been largely juvenile and flawed on a number of levels.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:13 / 01.06.02
From the freakin' link that uncle retrospective posted, this is Joss Whedon talking:

"I read occasionally that people haven't been as happy with this year (actually, I hear that every year), show's not the same... not from eveeryone, but it comes up, and I just wanna say this: Dis not th' Nox. Say not that I'm not into it, Marti's not getting it done, anything of that sort... Fact is, I'm in this show up to my neck always. Same With Angel and yup, Firefly too. And I've read that I've blown off one for the other -- He's over Buffy, Firefly is just a contractual obligation, he didn't even CREATE the Rockford Files, why's he taking credit for it... I've heard it all. And it ain't necessarily so. Marti (She of the great brain and great beauty) and I shaped this year very carefully, and while we made mistakes (as we do every year), we made our show. We explored what we wanted to, said what we meant. You don't have to like it, but don't think it comes from neglect. That would give me hurty feelings."

Please read the links people. It makes me cry when you don't...

Loved this bit too:

"only Dennis Franz has suffered more than my characters"

He should read the new issue of X-Force...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:30 / 01.06.02
When Chris Carter started work on Millenium he was still involved on X-Files. But it went downhill.

OK, so, Joss starts work on Angel the same year as season 4 of Buffy, generally considered crap. He starts work on Firefly the same year as season 6. And the Nox is responsible for the day to day stuff. Whedon may still be involved but not as much as he was say in season 2...
A Bigger Boat
15:22 / 01.06.02
Besides, given the content of most of what Whedon says in that link, I don't think that it should be used to bolster any argument about Buffy...

Or should it?

Do you see what he did there?

Or did you?

It could be cited if one wanted to illustrate how up himself Whedon has become. He's like the new Lucas. Someone should remind him that he wrote Alien Resurrection.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
17:36 / 01.06.02
you gotta be fucking with me, he wrote that??
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
17:42 / 01.06.02
If it is the final season, I think it should start about 3 to 4 months after the events of the last episode, much the same way season 6 did...except everyone is working as a well-oiled team. Regular vampires mean nothing to them, and most of them have cleared out.

Because they've walked through the fire and all, you know.

And the Big Bad is the Hellmouth itself.

Buffy and crew are looking for a way to shut the Hellmouth down. Makes it more of a quest for the rest fo the season, and all the loose ends can be neatly tied up to lead into Fray.
The Natural Way
17:42 / 01.06.02
Yeah, but Lada, yr speculating..... Joss said he was totally into it, so, I dunno...I kinda believe him. Anyway, I'm sure everything peeps're grouching about re S6 was all Joss. Some people just hated the general, miserable tone...they felt the humour had gone out of it. That the Buffy gang were just "going through the motions"....

And they were. That was the point. But I don't think that extends to the team behind it - least of all Joss.

The 'year one' thing is classic, last series/final chapter stuff. An ancient convention that still works. Returning "home" only to redefine it - to reshape it - in the light of new experience. Y'know, reclaiming the vibrant, beating heart of the thing...the thing that so many people felt was missing from S6. And it was. And, again, I say: good. Buffy, she wasn't there - she wasn't supposed to be there, and everything went to shit w/out her.
20:12 / 01.06.02
impulsive lad, the ghost thing is just my theory and not backed up by anything other than old rumors that Amber Benson is stil contracted to be in somehting like seven episodes next season. That rumor may be as out there as my theory.
The Natural Way
10:51 / 02.06.02

Could've made it a bit clearer.

But it's not such a bad idea...Joss did drop some kind of hint about her returning in that interview Fly quotes. Can't work out if he was being sarcastic, however. Difficult to figure where the guy's coming from, sometimes. Anyway....if she is still contracted, then it's quite a good toy to play w/.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
10:57 / 02.06.02
they should do it like felicity where she is back in time to year one but with some knowledge of things to come!

that was so cool...oh god, im going to shoot myself now
22:10 / 17.07.02
Originally posted by gridley at 22:54 16.07.2002:

Spoilers spoil
Trouble and toil
you know the drill
look down for a thrill




Joss Whedon, creator of UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer, told SCI FI Wire to expect some familiar faces and a return to an old haunt as the show kicks off its seventh season. In a series of possible spoilers for the upcoming season, Whedon said in an interview to expect the return of Glory, the god played by Claire Kramer who was apparently killed at the end of season five; Warren (Adam Busch), the evil geek killed by Willow in last season's finale; and possibly Faith (Eliza Dushku), the bad-girl Slayer last seen a few season back on Angel. The season will also begin with Dawn (Michelle Trachtenberg) beginning classes in a newly rebuilt Sunnydale High School, Whedon said.

Glory "will make a guest appearance, maybe more than one," Whedon said during UPN's fall preview party on the Buffy set in Santa Monica, Calif. "We're going to see a lot of old faces. A lot of them. And it's going to be ... for a very particular reason that I will not explain to you. But it's going to be a lot of fun."

Whedon also revealed that he has been in talks with Dushku about returning as Faith to both Buffy and its spinoff series, Angel—if Dushku's schedule allows. "Well, hopefully she's going to be integral" to both shows, Whedon said. "But ... nothing has been set. ... We know we'd love to have her back, and we've been talking to her. We're sort holding off. ... [But] I really feel she has a place on both [shows], and it's different in each. She brings something to anywhere she graces the screen. She's an extraordinary actress. And we just want to work with her again. But until things are, you know, definite, we're keeping all that loose, in case, you know, she's suddenly making more movies, that inconsiderate girl."

Whedon confirmed that he and his staff will lighten Buffy up after the previous season, which many felt was very dark. Part of that will include a return to Sunnydale High, which was destroyed at the end of season three, and following Dawn as she treads in her older sister's footsteps. "It's nice," Whedon said. "Dawn is now the age Buffy was when the show began. And what's nice about that is that it gives us the opportunity to tell more high-school stories, which were the centerpiece of the show, and which we only got to do for two and a half years. I mean, they graduated at the end of year three, and the first season was a half season. And the only time I've ever truly felt sad and like I'd lost something was when they graduated, because I was like, 'Wait, wait, I went through more bad things! There's more pain I haven't talked about yet! I haven't complained enough!' And now I have that opportunity to complain to America again, and I'm looking forward to taking it." Buffy returns Sept. 24 in its regular Tuesday 8 p.m. timeslot.
22:12 / 17.07.02
Originally posted by Prunce at 10:36 17.07.2002:

I was wondering if they'd rebuild Sunnydale high for s7. Makes sense - the full circle business and all. No mention of Master....shame. But I was also wondering if Glory'd show again, so I don't really mind. Good = Faith. Oh, hold on...Glory's only making guest appearances......he's keeping the big bad under his hat. The Master's still in the running. Nice.

Bit crap that Warren has to live so Will gets all absolved, but aaaah, there you go.

It seems Whedon's now on record re the s7 being the final series thing. The only reason the show'll continue, he says, is if there's intense pressure from Fox: he's not gonna leave his baby if it looks like there're moves towards an 8th series. Luckily, Noxon and co. insist they haven't run out of ideas yet, but, TBH, I'll be gutted if the show's forced to continue until it loses all its charm (a la Friends). Hopefully it won't, and I trust the team behind the show, so... Don't have a link to the the aforementioned info, but I got it from a very reliable source (she's ALWAYS on the money w/ her Buffy facts).

Bastard Americans getting s7 before me! Rargh.
22:12 / 17.07.02
Originally posted by Jack The Bodiless at 14:14 17.07.2002:

I'll be gutted if the show's forced to continue until it loses all its charm...

Yes. That would be terrible.
22:13 / 17.07.02
Originally posted by Flyboy featuring Ashanti at 19:32 17.07.2002:

Warren won't necessarily live again, Prunce. Nor will Glory - remember how often we've seen characters in dreams, visions, flashbacks, alternate universes.

Can I just say "Faith! Faith! Faith!" for a bit? Cheers.

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