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Buffy Season 7- spoilers


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Saint Keggers
21:16 / 09.12.02
speaking of Angel...,1,10945,00.html
23:04 / 09.12.02
Fuck! I loved Doyle!
09:37 / 13.12.02
Okay now what the fuck? Read this carefully as it has some spoilers for Tuesdays episode but it's not like you couldn't see them on UPN anyway. Now last we saw of Giles he was about to get the closest haircut ever. Well in the promos for this weeks episode it just shows him showing up in Sunnydale. Thanks a lot UPN for ruining the anticipation of whether he was actually dead or not. Yeah I know they wouldn't kill him off this early in the season but still. that was still kind of lame to do that.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:59 / 13.12.02
That's assuming that it really is Giles. Remember: the First Evil can shapeshift, and interestingly so far it has only appeared as people who have died at some point. Of course, we could be being set up to think that it's the First Evil when it really *is* Giles...
13:33 / 13.12.02
sorry if i seem stupid having not seen any of this [like the feller above i now at least give a shit], but isn't it heavily hinted, by the first slayer and in the fact that the slayer 'gift' is actually a curse [all the recipients go kill crazy and die young. buffy is the only one who hasn't, and faith thanks to her help] that the force that animates the slayer's powers is itself some kind of Ultimate Evil thing? that sentence is too long but hey

is daddy coming home to roost, and will his 3 daughters fuck him up royally? his absence during The Death Of Joyce [say a prayer for joyce you heartless bastards] was pretty ultimate evil in my book.
16:04 / 13.12.02
This weeks episode was new? I hope not I thought it was a repeat and didn't bother watching? Is next weeks going to be new then?
17:41 / 13.12.02
yes, this past Tues was a rerun, next tues is a new one

i thought that too about Giles, as the First, to me the whole idea tosses and twists logic, we hear that an acor gonna be back for so many episodes in this season, we automatically think it's as the character they play, but damn if they don't die and the first evil shape shifts into them... anyway, that's what i was thinkin' about johnathan...
lolita nation
22:47 / 13.12.02
[say a prayer for joyce you heartless bastards]

wow. giles's absence? he was there, though. right?
16:16 / 16.12.02
not giles, dawn and buffy's dad.
16:46 / 16.12.02
there was a rumor last year, that Buffy's dad was going to show up with new wife Melissa Gilbert in tow (the three of them all worked together on Little House on the Prairie) to take custody of Dawn.
lolita nation
17:26 / 17.12.02
not giles, dawn and buffy's dad.

oh yeah!! i forgot he existed. sorry
18:25 / 17.12.02

Giles shows up tonight with three lovely young apprentice slayers, one of whom just might be a love interest for Willow....
20:47 / 18.12.02

When will they learn that using magic to find a formless evil beyond human comprehension is a bad idea? Sheese.

I do still think this all will involve the first slayer again somehow. I'm sticking to that theory.
23:16 / 18.12.02
I'm sure if Buffy could have gotten into the first-slayer zone she would've been able to kill that cave vamp.

I have a feeling that's not really Giles... they didn't show how he got out of the decapitation situation and he's rounded out the remaining pseudo slayers over the hellmouth like ducks in a barrel.

Buffy phasing in and out of these dream scenes with her Mom acting all normal... This reminds me of that crazy-Buffy-in-the-asylum episode. This may very well all be in her head and the "formless evil" may be her condition worsening.
01:31 / 19.12.02
If I observed correctly, I don't think Giles touched anyone that entire episode.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
05:46 / 19.12.02
Similarily did possibly-drusilla ever touch anyone?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
12:27 / 19.12.02
Actually, I think it's almost a little too obvious for Giles to be the First and they'll hint at it for a long time and not really say one way or another and then Buffy will confront him about it and he'll sort of chuckle and say "The First? Buffy, I'm just not a very touch-oriented person." Then they show the flashback where he dodges the guy's axe and escapes. That would be totally Buffy. For instance, the episode where Buffy "hears" someone thinking about killing the whole school: red herrings abound and it turns out to be someone totally unexpected.

But then again I said much the same thing when everyone thought Charles was Cassandra in E is for Extinction. My girlfriend and I have a pizza riding on the outcome.
16:22 / 19.12.02
What's the status of the BBC's "Ripper" series? If that's kaput, I think Giles is the First Evil.
Saint Keggers
21:18 / 19.12.02
After seeing this weeks episode all I could think of was "Why arnt they releasing my Faith from jail?" and "stop refering to Faith if you're not going to get her out of jail" and "I wonder if Faith is going to be wearing black leather even though she's been in jail"...then I thought about Angel and how I have to set the vcr.
22:38 / 19.12.02
they are gonna get faith out of jail (just not on this show)
12:27 / 20.12.02
I'm quite certain that when Faith walks out of the prison, eyes squinting from the sunlight, she will be wearing some black leather....
Saint Keggers
04:43 / 22.12.02
Anyone know if this tuesday's episode is going to be a repeat?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
12:00 / 08.01.03
Okay. What exactly happened in last night's episode? Did a) Buffy fight the uberVamp at the cave while Willow made an entirely fake fight up in the construction site or b) Willow's so powerful that she both fooled the uberVamp and then killed it with a magically created Buffy.

I missed the crucial exposition flashback because of a phone call. Please help.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
12:05 / 08.01.03
Never mind. Just read a detailed synopsis and it looks like everything actually happened. Neat.
14:53 / 08.01.03
Welcome to the Thunderdome!

You know, I loved that fight at the end but I was kinda hoping Andrew would've helped in some way. Like maybe have built a heat ray or something (but I would have settled for help with the planning). I'm starting to feel really bad for him and he's a potential asset they're letting go to waste.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
15:02 / 08.01.03
I think they've definitely got a big redemptive plan for him. I loved his intro at the beginning. I was like, "Oh shit! That's right, he IS in the house!" And then his Episode 1 line...the JLA: Year One reference. Classic.
some guy
15:44 / 08.01.03
Great stuff - but why did it take them so long to figure out how to kill the ubervamp? I was yelling for her to cut off his head back when they first brawled.

Why does every British character apart from Giles talk like Dick van Dyke?

"I'm what monsters have nightmares about." Totally stolen from Doctor Who.
The Monkey
14:00 / 11.01.03
In the spirit of the LoTR "Very Secret Journals," the First Evil has a blog up here:
03:12 / 22.01.03
Alright, I think i have a slight problem with the show. Okay all night tonight they kept talking about how if Buffy died that one of them could be activated and such. Well if that were true and Buffy dies and that would activate a new slayer then how come there has been no mention what so ever of a slayer getting activated when she died two seasons ago? I mean I thought that maybe Faith just over ruled that since she is a slayer too and that another wasn't activated because of Faith being a slayer but all night I just heard how a new one would be activated if Buffy dies. Where is the other one then? Could that be a future plot twist or is that just one of those things we are supposed to overlook?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
04:50 / 22.01.03
I'm thinking back and Buffy was never told that since she had already died there wouldn't be another maybe she just has the info wrong. I'm going to trust the writers on this one, since they thought far enough ahead that they planned for Dawn in the 3rd season and all.

Was that info on the Show or was it on an interview with Joss?
06:59 / 22.01.03
oh freakwolf yr silly!
yeah i do belive Rose is right, they writers don't tend to let stuff be forgotten, so we'll see... remember when they added Dawn and you complained about how there was no explination of that, and i made fun of you for watching Buffy in the first place?.. man we were all so much younger then... goodtimes goodtimes...
12:29 / 22.01.03
I'm sure it's that everyone (Scoobies and fans) still think of Buffy as the slayer and they've sorta forgotten about Faith. Wait til Faith gets back. It's all going to be settled and then we'll find out what Buffy really is. (Remember she doesn't even register as human anymore, molecular sunburn my ass!)
19:20 / 22.01.03
They have actually mentioned Faith a lot in the past few episodes. Buffy made a reference to her in that the Bringers would kill all the potentials until they their way to Faith and then Buffy. Then the potentials were talking a few episodes ago that there were actually two slayers and that one of them was gone. And yes Rad Jose I do remember those days. I was just complaining because they hadn't yet revealed that she was The Key. Not to be confused with The Bee. That was an inside joke. Sorry all. I know that the writers are good at doing stuff like foreshadowing and everything but it just seems weird that none of the characters have thought about the fact that Buffy is spouting off all this 'You could be the next slayer if I die.' stuff and no one has even thought of the chance of there being another slayer since she died a few seasons ago. Come on with the consistancy. Oh and I thought the speech that Xander gave Dawn was very cool. Makes me think of my favorite Buffy episode. 'The Zeppo' in which Xander has a solo adventure while everyone else saves the world and we have no clue what they are even fighting. I thought that was genius.
19:57 / 22.01.03
I loved Xander's speech. And I didn't mean forget FORGET about Faith. I meant that they seem to have forgotten that Buffy technically isn't a slayer (or the Slayer) anymore.

Was anybody convinced by the "Dawn isn't a potential it was all that other girl at the door" thing? Cause I saw the episode again and the glowing ball was fluctuating between Dawn and the door and it only moved when it could hit both of them at once. Also the "seer" was thrown by the potential already living in Sunnydale and couldn't get specific (maybe cause Dawn was throwing hir off.) I think Dawn held her own beautifully against the vamp and the Bringers.
Foust is SO authentic
21:17 / 22.01.03
I haven't been following Buffy this season; once WB dropped it, the affilate that airs Buffy at a time convenient for me dropped it too.

But I managed to catch this week's episode. I've got to say that Dawn is still an annoying little shit. The story flies along wonderfully... and then Dawn starts angsting all over the place. Whine, whine, whine.

Yes, Xander's speech to Dawn was great. I'm hoping that shuts her up for a while.

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