Why, how thoughtful of you to only talk of this season up until the point I am at now - BBC2 season 7, where Wood just got beaten up.
Only five left?! And the radio times, and everyone else in the world who assumes everyone knows what happens in this season, spoils everything for me?! Pfff! Well, pretty much. But still (seriously, printing the last remark Giles says about another hellmouth? Bad form, no?) I look foward to seeing it. Anyway, can we try not to spoil too much? if anyone still cares, that is. I'm still looking foward to seeing what happens...
And I've been enjoying this quite a lot. I think it might have something to do with the scehduling - 3 nights a week = no time to think. Buffy still a cock, deserving of a big slap in the face. (Faith tonight! Yeee!) I for one thought Giles was probably right last ep. Or at least he had reasonable doubts... I mean, I don't want to see Spike go, as he's one of the best characters. I hope it doesn't end on a "buffy was right all along, how could we have ever doubted her... " because she does need a big punch to the noggin. Self righteous cock. S'funny, that she always been one of my least favourites, those Summers eh? Both as whiny as each other. Still, all serves a purpose, I guess. I hope.
Anyway, I'm looking foward to seeing Faith come back, and I hope she can knock some sense in to Buffy. Doubtful.
Willow and Kennedy? Seems odd really, tacked on for story purposes. But to be honest it's there so little it hardly matters. I just think of it as her moving on to something kind of less "meaningful", I mean, everyone needs someone to cuddle while they wait for the impending apocalypse, don't they? So that's kind of had no impact whatsoever. Good!
And I'm glad that Angel will be back, as reading through this I wasn't certain. I always imagined he'd be back, but I didn't know all the fine details. However - as he will back - hooray!
This series flew by. I really don't think I would have been so enthused by this series had it just been on once a week - but three a week, well there's enough goodness there for everyone I think. Well done BBC2, for once (wrt buffy, anyway. Although how censored it's been I cannot claim to know.) |