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Buffy Season 7- spoilers


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13:47 / 25.02.03
yeah, I feel like some overzealous editor clipped the phrase "by traveling back in time and"
14:18 / 25.02.03
I thought everyone knew there wasn't going to be a Faith spinoff.
(spoiler I guess)

I read somewhere that she won't survive the Buffy finale thus passing her powers on to one of the potentials. She's dumb... doesn't see know that fucking Fox tends to cancel shows half way through their first season? She should have stuck to a Faith show on UPN. They'll stand by anything.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:57 / 25.02.03
Faith dying in the finale is pure speculation. Eliza Dushku has definitely been 'in negotiations' about a Faith spin-off, and there have been positive rumours, but nothing concrete as yet. This other pilot doesn't rule out the possibility of Faith the series, but then again it doesn't make it more likely, put it that way.
16:27 / 25.02.03
There's always a permanent gig on Angel. If that survives this season...
Foust is SO authentic
00:04 / 26.02.03
Is it just me, or are we all being set up for a massive disapointment?

Buffy keeps talking about how not everyone's going to survive. During the climax of tonight's episode, she talked about how this wasn't a story where the good guys win just because they are good.

Except... the good guys will win, because it's tv. And nobody important is going to die, with the so-obvious-as-to-lack-all-drama possible exception of Buffy.

If this is the last season, and they want to end it with a bang, unexpected things have to happen. Major supporting characters - Spike, Xander, Willow, etc. will have to die.

Is it just me, or is Kennedy the hottest girl that's ever been on the series? This includes Cordelia, who wasn't anything special during her Buffy tenure.

The final battle is being giving so much build up that it can't help but dissapoint. Or do I lack faith in Mr. Whedon?
00:55 / 26.02.03
I dunno. Most things that I think are going to be really stupid on Buffy turn out to be pretty damned spiffy, and vice versa. So I've kind of stopped expecting anything.

Kennedy does absolutely nothing for me. The whole thing between her and Willow feels so forced.
01:26 / 26.02.03
"I dunno. Most things that I think are going to be really stupid on Buffy turn out to be pretty damned spiffy, and vice versa. So I've kind of stopped expecting anything.

Kennedy does absolutely nothing for me. The whole thing between her and Willow feels so forced."

I completely agree.... and at this point, to me it feels as though the season has lost much of its edge since after the 8th episode or so.... I had great expectations, and I suppose I still do. But as to WHAT I expect... well, I won't even bother attempting to rationize my way through that. Should this actually be the final season (I'm sure it is), then let's hope Whedon maintains his level of quality with regards to the superb drama this program has so progressively grown into.

And yeah, Kennedy's a hottie... but the relationships got nothing on Tara. And is it just me, or did the outcome of Xander and Anya seems so incredibly anti-climactic? Bagh.... I can only hope for Spike and the Slayer now.....
16:15 / 10.03.03
Is there a new episode tomorrow?
20:15 / 10.03.03
Nope. Went to the Cross and Stake and found this:

"Him" airs on March 11, 2003 on UPN. (Repeat).
"Conversations with Dead People" airs on March 18, 2003 on UPN. (Repeat).
22:36 / 10.03.03
Damn... at least I have new episodes of Angel to keep me happy.
01:24 / 11.03.03
So, we havce two new Faith episodes on Angel, while Buffy's in reruns... then five new episodes of each? And Faith jumps to Buffy? And here's a q: What's the episode number on Faith's final showing on Buffy? Is Faith gonna die? NOOOOOOOO. No. No. well, alright, maybe.Of all the damn potentials, I like Kennedy the most, and we're supposed to. I don't want Faith to kick off. She's the among the only reasons I'm watching right now.
01:46 / 11.03.03
I'm not sure I like Kennedy. I mean, I don't hate her but she's too... obvious. She's already too fantastic a slayer (and that's without being chosen.) Theres no room for growth, and so, boring. Her bravado is annoying and I only take pleasure in watching her repeatedly get knocked down (by Amy, the demon from the past, Willow). I like the Mathalete the best. She's a dork, awkward, lanky, not particularly brave... she's going to grow into a spectatular hero.
03:18 / 11.03.03
"And here's a q: What's the episode number on Faith's final showing on Buffy?"

I heard that after the next two reruns, "Him" and "Converstations with Dead People" there will be a new episode, a week after that there will be the Faith episode. I believe it's called, "Dirty Girls" or something like that.
04:59 / 11.03.03
MissMaryJane, you got a source on that? Just wondering... I'm always the last to hear about this stuff.....
05:37 / 17.03.03
Next ep is March 25th. Then another hiatus til April 22nd, when the series resumes regular broadcast til the season ender on May 20th. Check and scroll down. I think the hiatus is so ME can match up the chronology with Angel. There are only 5 Buffy eps left, but Angel's got 7 more to go.
20:23 / 17.03.03
I wonder whether it will be Angel who shows his face on the last ep. or Angelus....

I'm quite sure that he'll be turned back with Willow's appearance on Angel this week, but if you will harken back to Amends, in Season 3 of Buffy.... it seemed as tho The First hinted Angelus had a part to play in the apocalypse... I could be wrong... pls correct me if am!
20:23 / 17.03.03
And thank you Joe Crow.... I will put that link to use.
21:26 / 17.03.03
Has anyone said anything about our gathered suppositions that Buffy is versus the ultimate Evil(The First) of Buffyverse, and Angel is up against the ultimate Good(The Powers That Be)?

Are both shows ending with a Reverse Big Bang?
23:34 / 17.03.03
I mentioned something like that in the last post of the Angel season 4 thread. Check it out.
11:24 / 25.03.03
Talk about issues with your mother eh?!

Good episode though, great fight between Spike and Wood and I liked the whole history of Spike bit too pretty similar to what was just happening in Angel.

And ending with the door being shut on Giles damn right, moaning English git

Still think Angel is better at the moment though - although I'm hoping Buffy will come out on top once Faith gets her ass to Sunnydale.
02:35 / 26.03.03
Wood got fucked up! Spike schooled his ass hard, and Buff ain't about to hand Wood a tissue either. Serves him right, even though Spike did kill his mum. I mean, I'd probably try and kill Spike too, were I in Robin's position, but he could have at least had the honor to do it outright, not play behind Buffy's back. Either way, I still love Wood's character, don't get me wrong. I just happen to have a non-sexual crush on Spike which kind of overrules the former, so..... :P

Very nice ep, and now we are down to the final five. It should be very interesting, what with Giles, Wood, Spike and Buff kind of polarized now. But time will tell as to whether they put it together and make it happen as a team.
13:02 / 26.03.03
I love Dru's expression when Spike mentions bringing his dear old mum along while they terrorize Europe. That just goes to show that even as a soulless vamp he's still capable of love (of course is a twisted sorta way). Also, I like the connection between Spike and Angel's episode. Still, Spike was handled much better. While Angel continues to be a curse, a mask Angelus is forced to wear (to quote Connor) Spike is truly the genuine article.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
13:05 / 26.03.03
Anyone else notice that William's family doctor was Dr. Gull?

I thought that was verra cool, knowing Joss's love for Alan Moore's writing.
17:49 / 26.03.03
I totally noticed that -- does that mean William's family was important and high-level enough to warrant the services of the Royal Physician to the Queen?
18:26 / 26.03.03
Spike is truly the genuine article.

Tis why I think Spike is the Vampire With A Soul Who Will Be Important In the Apocolypse, and not Angel.
18:43 / 26.03.03
Cusm, I hear that. But I'm sure they will both have a role to play, no doubt. I just think that it's likely Spike will lay down his life in the final ep. He's a much better character, at any rate, b/c the urge to kill isn't something only a man without a soul struggles with, especially one in his position. Someone tries to kill you, what do you do? You want revenge, you feel violated... and when you possess power as great as William? It makes the struggle that much harder. And I think Buffy gets that, which results in her warning to Robin at the episode's end.

I know many of you probably think Robin was right for wanting to kill the man who took his mother's life. I can understand his angle too. But I think to understand what makes Spike worthy of living lies in why Buffy has forgiven him for his "attempted rape" last season. The simple answer is it wasn't him. It was the demon within that made such moves, and in the end his true essence still poked through to drive him to regain his soul b/c of it. Spike is an honorable man... but he is a troubled man by the same token. When he first regains his soul, all he wants is to die for his crimes. But he's come to accept that he was violated, that a monster wore his face and killed in his name. And so ask yourself what the truly honorable thing would be for him to do: to let himself die and let the actions of a moster speak for him through history, or to find some kind of redemption no matter the cost? To find who he really is again... or maybe for the first time?
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:57 / 26.03.03
i liked the episode as a whole, but until the very end of the flashbacks i felt as though i was watching watered down Lestat
23:07 / 26.03.03
Yeah, that bit with his mother was pretty much the same thing Lestat did but I didn't see it as a rip-off it came across as a nod. Besides, this is so Spike? Ask yourself how long did he care for mentally ill and disabled Dru before she got better left him for Angelus? He maybe the "big bad" but he's pretty loyal to the women he loves.

And I totally understand why Wood tried to kill Spike but I'm so glad Spike kicked his ass and hot better. Very invisibles theme... your enemy inadvertently making you stronger/healthier/wiser.
13:41 / 10.12.03

Why, how thoughtful of you to only talk of this season up until the point I am at now - BBC2 season 7, where Wood just got beaten up.

Only five left?! And the radio times, and everyone else in the world who assumes everyone knows what happens in this season, spoils everything for me?! Pfff! Well, pretty much. But still (seriously, printing the last remark Giles says about another hellmouth? Bad form, no?) I look foward to seeing it. Anyway, can we try not to spoil too much? if anyone still cares, that is. I'm still looking foward to seeing what happens...

And I've been enjoying this quite a lot. I think it might have something to do with the scehduling - 3 nights a week = no time to think. Buffy still a cock, deserving of a big slap in the face. (Faith tonight! Yeee!) I for one thought Giles was probably right last ep. Or at least he had reasonable doubts... I mean, I don't want to see Spike go, as he's one of the best characters. I hope it doesn't end on a "buffy was right all along, how could we have ever doubted her... " because she does need a big punch to the noggin. Self righteous cock. S'funny, that she always been one of my least favourites, those Summers eh? Both as whiny as each other. Still, all serves a purpose, I guess. I hope.

Anyway, I'm looking foward to seeing Faith come back, and I hope she can knock some sense in to Buffy. Doubtful.

Willow and Kennedy? Seems odd really, tacked on for story purposes. But to be honest it's there so little it hardly matters. I just think of it as her moving on to something kind of less "meaningful", I mean, everyone needs someone to cuddle while they wait for the impending apocalypse, don't they? So that's kind of had no impact whatsoever. Good!

And I'm glad that Angel will be back, as reading through this I wasn't certain. I always imagined he'd be back, but I didn't know all the fine details. However - as he will back - hooray!

This series flew by. I really don't think I would have been so enthused by this series had it just been on once a week - but three a week, well there's enough goodness there for everyone I think. Well done BBC2, for once (wrt buffy, anyway. Although how censored it's been I cannot claim to know.)

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