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Buffy Season 7- spoilers


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23:15 / 06.11.02
I don't know, I liked the bazooka thing in the window (which had me laughing for a while actually) but everything else seemed... crap. I liked that Dawn was making a fool of herself but then it just went bad when she pushed that other kid down the stairs and damn nearly killed him and started bitching and moaning like back in season 5 and 6 (::sigh:: and they were making such progress with her this season.) I guess after the rerun last week I wanted something better and I want them to give her a steady group of friends already so they can start with the development... all these throw away kids seem so... Smallville-ish.
Saint Keggers
03:14 / 07.11.02
Im pretty sure that the music was the theme song to some classic romance movie from the 50's...which makes sense, I guess. Not one of the best episodes but had a few good laughs. Anya giving Willow the idea for her spell...I consider it a good episode ruined by a bad magic item.
07:02 / 07.11.02
yeah i got a good a few chuckles out of it myself... i consider that i good thing...
02:15 / 08.11.02
The music was some classic 50's slow dance tune, Bing Crosby or some such in the like of Smoke Gets In Your Eyes. I don't know who it was exactly, but its a standard cliche high school romantic slowdance tune from that era. Which come to think of it, pretty much answers the mystery of when the jacket was enchanted, doesn't it?
Saint Keggers
14:27 / 08.11.02
well lets hope the next few shows should be better,the return of Joyce and the return of the Duo (trio minus the willow victim)
00:18 / 13.11.02
If tonight's episode was any indicator, I accept this as the final season.
01:16 / 13.11.02
I haven't seen the latest episode, so I can't comment on that.

Earlier on the board there was some talk about who the girls were that were being chased and killed during the opening sequences when the season first started. The solicitation for a new episode seems to specify that they are.

Because the episode isn't set to air until Nov. 26th, I'll give you a SPOILER WARNING:

The Tuesday, Nov. 26 episode of UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be "Never Leave Me."

Here's how the network describes the episode:

"While the gang tries getting to the bottom of Spike's recent bad behavior, they intercept and interrogate an up-to-no-good Andrew, which leads to an intense showdown between the gang and The First along with the international entity responsible for the slayer killings all over the world.

"After giving Spike a brutal third degree about his recent malevolent deeds, Buffy and the gang then kidnap and grill Andrew in a desperate effort to learn more about the growing evil forces that surround them all."

Actor Harris Yulin returns as Quentin Travers of the Watcher's Council.

David Solomon directed the episode from a script by Drew Goddard.

04:13 / 13.11.02
That was brilliant! Why o why didn't they air this on the week of Halloween? It was just accomplished so beautifully! Can't wait to see the next episode.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:04 / 13.11.02
I can't believe they killed ********. That's interesting given that the zombie ghosts from 'Lessons' kept reminding Buffy that she failed to protect them, and it was the now-dead short geek that gave her the 'class protector' award. I see a pattern...

So, not having seen these episodes but keeping up with the recaps, it looks like we have Giles explaining to Willow that magic isn't like drugs, and then the First Evil (if that's who it is, and I think it is) trying to convince her that it *is*, for some nefarious reason. Does this mean that the First Evil is Marti Noxon?
07:31 / 13.11.02
How are you watching these, Flyboy?
14:53 / 13.11.02
Actually, I think the big E was trying to convince Willow that doing any magick was bad so that she would go cold turkey, get magickal blue balls, and then turn evil again! So, you know, it would have her on its side. But failing that he wanted her dead.

Where was Xander? I hind it very insulting that they didn't even thing him important enough to fuck with him!!!
16:32 / 13.11.02
Last episode was actually pretty creepy. You just can't maintain creepy with Zander cracking jokes, so I didn't miss him. I did love the psychologist vampire, though. Now that is evil.
20:56 / 13.11.02
Now why did they not air this episode on Halloween instead of re-running the first episode? I found the parts with Dawn especially creepy. That and seeing Warren just standing there when the geeks were swinging their flashlights around was a freaky image.
00:55 / 14.11.02
The whole thing with Warren in the basement had kind of a Blair Witch vibe to me. But I guess that's what flashlights and flannel trigger in my brain.

Oh, and I will be seven different kinds of grateful if someone, anyone can tell me the name of the song played at the beginning of the show. I didn't tape the credits, and all my usual searches (Google, Buffy/Angel Music pages, UPN website, TV have come up empty.

In the episode before, Him, it kinda looked like they were trying to give Buffy back her first season hairstyle- cute bangs and curls. It was gone in the next ep, but it was kinda freaky, seeing them in the Bronze, Buffy with her bangs... deja vu.
10:23 / 14.11.02
Kegboy wrote:
Im pretty sure that the music was the theme song to some classic romance movie from the 50's...which makes sense, I guess.

The music was "Theme from A_Summer_Place," some 1959 movie starring Sandra Dee and Troy Donahue. The theme is pretty well known and is often used as a sappy love song theme whenever a show wants to poke fun at the genre.
17:05 / 15.11.02
Ok, this might have been suggested before, but I'm just going to put my bit in now in case I'm right and put my vote in for the Big Bad of this season being the First Slayer. What with it being called "The First" and all.
17:26 / 15.11.02
actually, the fact that they called it "the first" just confirmed for me what we theorized on page three of this very thread. The First is the First Evil.

Here's what the First Evil said the last time Buffy fought it...

"You think you can fight me? I'm not a demon, little girl. I am something that you can’t even conceive. The First Evil. Beyond sin. Beyond death. I am the thing the darkness fears. You'll never see me, but I am everywhere. Every being, every thought, every drop of hate…"
17:40 / 15.11.02
checking out dialogue from that same episode (Amends, Season Three), there's also evidence that two shows will tie together. Apparently, the First Evil (in the shape of Jenny Calendar) claimed that it was the force that brough Angel back from hell.

here's two bits of dialouge that I found interesting....

FIRST EVIL (in form of JENNY): You want her?
ANGEL: (panting) No.

FIRST EVIL (in form of JENNY): (insistently) Take her. Take what you want. Pour all that frustration and all that guilt into *her*, and you'll be free.


FIRST EVIL (in form of JENNY): You can't live for eternity with *all that pain*. This is what you are. This is why we brought you back. Take her! And then you'll be ready... kill her.


BUFFY: I don't have time to explain this. You just have to trust me. That thing that was haunting you...

ANGEL: It wasn't haunting me. It was showing me.

BUFFY: Showing you?

ANGEL: What I am.

BUFFY: Were.

ANGEL: And ever shall be. I wanted to know why I was back. Now I do.

BUFFY: You *don't* know. Some great evil takes credit for bringing you back and you buy it? You just give up?

ANGEL: I can't do it again, Buffy. I can't become a killer.

BUFFY: Then fight it.

ANGEL: It's too hard.

BUFFY: Angel, please, you *have* to get inside.

ANGEL: It told me to kill you. You were in the dream. You know. It told me to lose my soul in you and become a monster again.

BUFFY: I know what it told you. What does it matter?

ANGEL: Because I wanted to! Because I want you so badly! I want to take comfort in you, and I know it'll cost me my soul, and a part of me doesn't care. Look, I'm weak. I've never been anything else. It's not the demon in me that needs killing, Buffy. It's the man.

BUFFY: You're weak. Everybody is. Everybody fails. Maybe this evil did bring you back, but if it did, it's because it needs you. And that means that you can hurt it. Angel, you have the power to do real good, to make amends. But if you die now, then all that you ever were was a monster. Angel, please, the sun is coming up!

ANGEL: Just go.

BUFFY: I won't!

ANGEL: What, do you think this is simple? You think there's an easy answer? You can never understand what I've done! Now go!

BUFFY: You are not staying here. I won't let you!


He jerks his arm free of her grasp. In her anger and desperation Buffy punches him. He reacts by shoving her away from him roughly, making her fall face forward, hard to the ground.

ANGEL: (quietly to himself) Oh, my God...

BUFFY: No! No!

ANGEL: Am I a thing worth saving, huh? Am I a righteous man? The world wants me gone!

BUFFY: (tearfully) What about me? I love you so much... And I tried to make you go away... I killed you and it didn't help. (crying) And I hate it! I hate that it's *so* hard... and that you can hurt me *so* much. I know everything that you did, because you did it to me. Oh, God! I wish that I wished you dead. I don't. (whispers) I can't.

ANGEL: Buffy, please. Just this once... let me be strong.

BUFFY: Strong is fighting! It's hard, and it's painful, and it's every day. It's what we have to do. And we can do it together. But if you're too much of a coward for that, then burn. If I can't convince you that you belong in this world, then I don't know what can. But do *not* expect me to watch. And *don't* expect me to mourn for you, because...

(snow falls...)
20:34 / 15.11.02
It would be cool to have the shows connected. Especially since Angelus (see the Angel season 4 thread) is coming back, which would put him right where the First Evil want's him. But I don't think there's going to be a crossover (aside from Faith) cause with something that big it'd be all over the internet and we would all be giggling and peeing our pants in anticipation. So, basically, the connection is going to have very little steam, if at all, since Angelus is going to be too far away (in another network) to try and kill Buffy.

But it would be nice to see everyone together again (isn't it cool that they haven't killed off any of the core characters? In show like this, that's amazing.)
21:33 / 15.11.02
Going back a few posts to this weeks episode, did anyone else get the feeling that they'd maybe originally hoped to have Amber Benson around so that Tara could have sat down opposite Willow? In view of the actress not being there, who else thinks that it would have been much better if the 'evil' had manifested itself as Warren for Willow? That would have thrown the cat amongst the pidgeons...Willow has to come to terms with her guilt before trusting him in order to speak to Tara.

Also, is it just me or does this season seem to be just a bunch of filler episodes with a quick 5 minutes of 'arc' thrown in here and there just to make us think it's all really important? Or am I being cynical?
21:42 / 15.11.02
Business angle- Actually, it was originally scripted for Amber Benson but there was disputes about her paycheck and her agent is now in talks with the producers to see if she'll show up this season.

Story angle- It would have been cool but I think seeing Tara would really fuck Willow up and if the First Evil is any kind of smart he'd save that particular card for when he needs Buffy's heavy hitter to be vulnerable.
00:46 / 16.11.02
Just rewatched the episode. Joyce or something that looks like her tells Dawn that Buffy'll be against her when things get bad. Buffy says she's beneath them. From beneath you it devours. Is it possible that Buffy is this season's big bad?
00:48 / 16.11.02
The suicide angle seems to be a big hit with the First- when it was trying to get Angel to kill Buffy, and he runs off to go take that big sun-nap, it says "It's not supposed to happen this way... but it'll do." or something to that effect.
Jack The Bodiless
06:53 / 16.11.02
Sweet Jesus, you lot are good. You've actually got me excited about the new series... didn't think I was capable of it after Season 6.

Didn't the First Evil seem a little dodgy in 'Amends'? As in, mostly noncorporeal and pretty much all talk for a Biggest Bastard?

I'm hoping they provide some Glory-style amnesia for the gang this season to make up for the massive continuity gap in the fact that no one's ever mentioned the First since 'Amends'... It's not often that Buffy... dropped the ball like that back in those days.
16:36 / 26.11.02
So who thinks Gilles is dead?
17:54 / 26.11.02
I don't, though that knife was pretty damn close to his neck
20:20 / 26.11.02
Giles isn't dead. He ducked out of the way at the last second and this weeks' episode will have him wrestling with his attacker. I mean, Head is signed up for around 10 episodes or something, they're not going to make him appear as a ghost, are they?
15:58 / 27.11.02
Did they blow up the watchers' building? And no Giles this ep.... that muther fucker's dead! (Nah, I know he can't die but it's fun to mess with my own head.) This episode was great! looks like it's gonna be down to Buffy and Faith to kill that shit that came out of the hole! Woo!
16:17 / 27.11.02
I have confusion about the last episode. Since I haven't been an avid watcher until recently maybe someone can help. First of all, what's going on with the new principal? They're setting us up to believe he's working for the First Evil but I'd guess he'll help Buffy when it comes to the finale. And the CGI explosion of the Watcher bulding was horrible. So what's the nasty vampire that climbed out of the ground? Nosferatu?
17:24 / 27.11.02
Giles: You know the rules. Until you see a body, they're not dead.

First Evil: I'm a bit hazy on this one myself. I might have to dig up the old episode. It was somewhere in Season 3, right?

Nosferatu: heh. Yea. Well, its a real oldie, that's for sure. Vampires in the Buffyverse seem to degenerate into the ugly-suit after a thousand years or so, as witnessed by The Master. This guy is even uglier than The Master, so he must be really freakin old.
17:28 / 27.11.02
Oh, nearly forgot

The Principle: Its possible he's just used to finding dead kids in Sunnydale, and having to bury them. A bit far fetched, but I wouldn't be 100% about him being evil just yet. Though I give him a good 80% at least.
18:24 / 27.11.02
first off i don't think i've yelled "what the fuck! SHIT!" at the television more since Tara got shot... on Pricipal Wood, not sure on this guy, but to me it'd be too easy to make him evil, i don't know it doesn't seem right, he knows about the hell mouth, that the bodys of kids'll sometimes show up, and seems to know almost too much about Buffy and Dawn... are there Watchers that aren't British? if the series goes on w/o SMG and Dawn becomes the Slayer would he be her Watcher? could he be? would it matter anymore? am i over thinking this too much? i think i can answer that last one w/ a "yes"
23:01 / 27.11.02
yeah I don't think he's evil... he did look a bit hypnotized when he went to the hell mouth. I think he's just under it's spell... He's seems like a cool guy.

The explosion looked horrible but who cares... it was only a few frames anyway. What's important is that Buffy is, well, alone.

What I don't understand is what exactly is the big bad here... the First Evil or The First Vampire? Or is this guy just to soften up the gang like that thing over in Angel?

I love Andrew!
Captain Zoom
11:52 / 28.11.02
According to the lore of the show, the last demon to leave this reality fed off a human and created the vampire race, right? So perhaps this is the creature that started it all.

I know this has been done to death, and it's all the fault of the networks, but it seems to me that two apocalyptic events happening in the same state couldn't be completely separate from one another. Do you think there's a rule that says they can't even mention one another in the each other's show? Ah, nevermind me. I'm just being all wishy-washy about the good old days.

15:37 / 28.11.02
Well, Faith is presumably going to pop up in Angel and help out with their Apocalypse and then head over to Sunnydale just in time for this other Apocalypse. There may be a connection yet and I'm pretty sure it will be mentioned when she jumps networks. What I want is the two teams to combine to fight this massive evil...(but that's early 90s x-men mentality.)

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