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Buffy Season 7- spoilers


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14:22 / 26.09.02
Spoilerish ahead...(coming from the guy who probably wont see the season until 2034)

I was watching an interview with Marti Noxon who stated that this seasons going to end in a way that could be the end or it could be a begining, so I'd tend to agree with the Trijhaos theory...

I wish I had Kazaa, I've been looking all afternoon to see if there's a way of downloading the espisodes at work but all I got was a trailer for the first episode - is anyone burning them onto CD, soul for sale for a copy
14:45 / 26.09.02

I'm wondering if the new principal isn't a watcher. think about it, the hellmouth needs a permanent watcher, even if there is a slayer in town. something about his meeting with buffy definitely recalled giles and buffy in the first episode.

and I think Dawn is made far less annoying by the presence of her own group of friends (scoobies?).
some guy
15:11 / 26.09.02
It almost felt like a pilot episode for Dawn, The Vampire Slayer. Think about it - if Buffy leaves at the end of the season, Dawn would start Season 8 in basically the same place Buffy began the show (sophomore in high school).

Isn't the morphing thing the First Evil we saw before?
16:44 / 26.09.02
Yeah, spoilers...

I'm guessing that the morphing thing has something to do with the slayer powers. I really like the idea of an anti-slayer although I think they'll probably just go down the road of "pure evil given form". Whilst the show is always (usually anyway) well written, very witty and prepared to take risks not normally seen on this kind of show it's not often they come up with something as cool as an anti-slayer. Unless you want to bracket Faith into this role... I'd be very glad to be proved wrong though.

The way they're going with Dawn has got to be the writers covering SMG's inevitable departure. Come the end of the season, Buffy makes a(nother) great sacrifice and somehow Dawn is imbued with the slayers powers. SMG goes and we're sorted, SMG stays and she gets the powers back at the start of season 8. Easy. As long as they give Dawn something to do this season, I don't really care. Michelle Trachtenberg is a great actress and was criminally underused last season.

Finally, Bear : alt.binaries.multimedia.buffy-v-slayer can be your friend.
18:32 / 26.09.02
anyone given anythought to those guys chasin' that girl down in Istanbul was all about yet?

is it me or does Dawn's friend Carlos seem like he's disposable? i mean Kit seems like she'll stick arround, but i think poor Carlos is doomed... then again there's only been one episode so far...

oh and i think that the principal as a watcher over the hellmouth is a neat idea, and i actually hope he won't end up a big bad, or even a henchman of said big bad... sigh... it'd be cool if he was just a nice guy... kinda like a Xander only w/ no real idea of all the crazy stuff that goes on... i don't know...
some guy
19:02 / 26.09.02
anyone given anythought to those guys chasin' that girl down in Istanbul was all about yet?

Well, Buffy died again, so there should be a new slayer out there, right? Maybe these guys are hunting down the potential slayers.

I think the principal is going to be Buffy's new romantic interest. There was some strange subtext going on in their exchanges...
19:17 / 26.09.02
Buffy and principal guy? No way! It's Buffy and William/Spike. It's meant to be!

Carlos does seem to be a bit disposable. He doesn't seem too bright and in Sunnydale, if you aren't very bright; you're very dead.

Well, Buffy died again, so there should be a new slayer out there, right?

Actually, no. Faith is still alive. See, the first time Buffy died, Kendra was called. Kendra kicked the bucket. So Faith gets called in. Faith ain't dead. Thus, Buffy could die a thousand more times and you wouldn't see a new slayer. It's all about Faith. If Faith were to bite the big one, then yes, there would probably be a new slayer.
some guy
20:04 / 26.09.02
It's Buffy and William/Spike. It's meant to be!

Do people generally fall in love with their (attempted) rapists?

Well, Buffy died again, so there should be a new slayer out there, right?
Actually, no. Faith is still alive. See, the first time Buffy died, Kendra was called. Kendra kicked the bucket. So Faith gets called in. Faith ain't dead. Thus, Buffy could die a thousand more times and you wouldn't see a new slayer. It's all about Faith. If Faith were to bite the big one, then yes, there would probably be a new slayer.

But Buffy was alive when Kendra died. For Faith to replace Kendra demonstrates that the death of a slayer begets a new slayer, whether a second slayer is around or not. Therefore, Buffy's second death created a new slayer, regardless of Faith's status.

Unless they're rewriting continuity, which isn't out of the question...
Murray Hamhandler
20:22 / 26.09.02

I watched season 4 and the first of Angel waaay back in the day, for the brief period of time that I had cable. Now I'm watching the first two seasons on DVD like a fiend and I've changed, virtually overnight, into a raving and drooling Buffy-fanatic and I'm thirsting for more and still not having the cable people aren't helping! I'm fascinated w/what's currently going down, but I've got gaps the size of Neptune in my Buffy-verse knowledge and...and I really should not be reading any of this at all. I'll go now...
20:33 / 26.09.02
I'm sticking with the theory that the line of succession goes through Faith. I think after Buffy's first death, she was kind of knocked out of the slayer succession loop. I mean, in the episode "Faith, Hope, and Trick", it's explained that Faith shows up because Kendra dies. Hell, even Whedon says that the line of succession passes through Faith, although you have to take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt.
20:54 / 26.09.02
I'm pretty sure Joss & co declared that Buffy's had her slayer replacement, and she doesn't get another one. When I saw the principal, I also thought new love interest, but the way Buffy looked at Spike made me think otherwise.
20:57 / 26.09.02
I'm intrigued by the idea that the thing hanging out with Spike is The First Evil. Does anyone have any of the third season episodes on tape so that we can see what they said about it? It was the Christmas episode, I believe.

Here's a quote from the First Evil that I found on the net:

"You think you can fight me? I'm not a demon, little girl. I am something that you can’t even conceive. The First Evil. Beyond sin. Beyond death. I am the thing the darkness fears. You'll never see me, but I am everywhere. Every being, every thought, every drop of hate…"
some guy
21:56 / 26.09.02
So is Buffy no longer a slayer? Should we assume that slayer is a title, divorced from special powers? Faith and Kendra trained for years with their watchers before becoming slayers, after all.
22:52 / 26.09.02
Exactly and the girl from Istanbul was probably a potential slayer (which is why she got taken out so easily) and the evil monk people were probably just using her slayer blood to cook something up.

I was wondering about why the Shapeshifter turned into Buffy at the end... maybe it has something to do with what Dracula said. Her power is rooted in darkness.
23:50 / 26.09.02
Buffy Novel spoilers:

I think I recall seeing a novel about Spike, "Pretty Maids all in a Row", where Spike was being offered something to kill off all the potential slayers. Maybe they'll yank a plot from the books. Perhaps if Spike was offered to dump his soul and the chip if he killed off all the potential slayers, including Dawn. Angel nearly took the big dirtnap if he was being bothered by the same evil critter than Spike is now. This could be interesting...
00:08 / 27.09.02
Spike was being offered Freyja's Strand,a necklace that imbues the wearer with the ability to shape shift, to kill the slayers. I've got the book sitting in my "to read" pile.

Now why would Spike want to dump his soul? He went through all that trouble to get it back.
Spatula Clarke
00:39 / 27.09.02
Laurence> basically, what Mazarine said. Whedon's on record (somewhere) as saying that the Slayer lineage is Buffy>Kendra>Faith. Xander bringing Buffy back to life threw things off-kilter slightly in that the Powers (I presume it's the Powers from Angel trying to run the Good Guys side of the show in BtVS) had never had to face the possibility of the Slayer's death not being reversible. Buffy dying again won't bring about a new Slayer; when one dies, another rises to take her place and one's alreaady taken Ms Summers'.

Ways they could run with this: Buffy's either some kind of limbo Slayer or not actually a Slayer at all, but something... else. It opens up a few avenues for Cool Stuff, but you're probably all correct and the end of this season will see Buffy losing her powers and Dawn - or another character - inheriting them. Which would be screwing with continuity and a cop-out of mammoth proportions.

As for the Spike thing... maybe he wasn't planning on getting his soul back. The way I read his S6 quest first time I watched it was that he was aiming to get the chip removed and be returned to his vampire self, but it all went a bit wrong because of a subconscious desire either to be human again or simply to give Buffy something to love. It'd explain why he wants rid of it now.
some guy
00:43 / 27.09.02
Whedon's on record (somewhere) as saying that the Slayer lineage is Buffy>Kendra>Faith.

Yeah, but that's not the situation the show sets up. Not that every other genre show doesn't fuck up its internal logic...

So, are the slayer powers mythical, or do all the slayers-in-training actually wake up one morning with added power when the previous slayer dies? Because it doesn't seem to make much sense that all the potential slayers aren't running around, er, slaying.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
00:47 / 27.09.02
is the principal the guy who played mercutio in the gun toting Romeo and Juliet, thats been bothering me...

also, arent there more than one hellmouth out there, I recall giles on the phone saying that sunnydale was over A hellmouth...

Also, the principals office is where the library once stood, right on top of the hellmouth, so if new guy wrangled himself into the job as a good/bad guy, perhaps her wrangled for his "seat of power" to be on top of the hellmouth???

man, i gotta stop hanging out here

also, if you want the episodes on cd, send me a pm and ill see what i can find (just got ridiculously fast broadband and it gets wasted all day when i am at work)
Spatula Clarke
00:56 / 27.09.02
That's another area where we're given conflicting versions of events. Buffy's power seems to have just appeared overnight (at least, the very first time she hears about the Slayer and gets introduced to a Watcher she's told, in no uncertain terms, "You are the Slayer," as in 'the one and only') whereas both Kendra and Faith have Watchers assigned to them long before they're called up for duty as the One. They've also been told of Buffy during their training - training involves destroying vampires, so they've obviously got some form of Slayer power anyhoo. It's all a bit fucked. Further example:

I've seen one of the team Holtz assembles in Angel S3 described as a Slayer in a couple of places. It looks like, as time goes by, anyone short, young and female who manages to dust a vampire is automatically entitled to use the name.

Looking for logic here is only going to lead to sore heads.
01:17 / 27.09.02
As my baby pointed out, having a library sized office totally doesn't suck.
01:17 / 27.09.02
Baby as in sweetheart, not spawn.
04:21 / 27.09.02
it just took me entirely too long to read this whole thread. i should realy keep up.

i realy want spike to just go crazy. in a very human way. never bought him as a tough guy, thought he was much better as pathetic. that episode where reiley comes back married, and at the end buffy finds out spike was the bad, and he just looks so stupid and sad. yeah, that was good.
i think xander and anya are perfect for eachother, especially since he has no great powers. what would willow do for him, 'cept make him inadequate again?
i enjoy willow's new awareness, make some good fumbling possible. getting to kno her new role and screwing up a little. her becoming a watcher would be a bit heavy handed. just so long as it doesn't go drucilla-ish. i think willow and dawn should save the world. buffy can be a slayer without having to always save the world by herself. more like a coterie than simple hangers on.

but then i liked the last season. liked the more adult themes. and yup, i've been watching since the begining.

read an article in shiny gun about the buffy/sarah connection
04:31 / 27.09.02
afterthought: don't check that semi'link unless yer familliar with the show. it's full of spoilers about the past.
06:04 / 27.09.02
all i know is that the shapeshifter kept saying "the begining" and expounding on that... most religions say before anything there was "Chaos", something to think about....

the idea of knockin' off potential slayers! whoa! that's slick!

and the idea as Buffy bein' more than just a slayer... um wasn't that hinted on A BUNCH in S6 but never REALLY revealed... the fact that Spike could hurt her w/o his chip going off? and that shot in the graveyard onne episode where the angel wings from a grave frame her for quite a while... as if on purpose...
07:03 / 27.09.02
I'm loving all this Buffy talk but I really shouldn't be reading it! Noxon says the last 2 episodes are going to be the biggest ever and that they aren't going to have a "special" episode (you know like Hush or the musical) but there is going to be a flashback.

I think I've read far too many spoilers for this season.

I'm still hoping for the big battle with all the "goodies" lined up in a row in a big field somewhere, including Angel and Faith and Oz in werewolf form.

I read somewhere that someone is calling Dawns new gang the "Scrappy Gang" - How long before that sticks!
16:21 / 27.09.02
Wasn't there a whole thing on one ep of Angel, that before there were humans or vampires, the world was populated by demons? That could be the beginning....
01:20 / 28.09.02
And as I recall, there's the whole thing that demons, pure ones, dislike vampires a whole lot. Maybe that's the beginning, obliterating the humans and the vampires. With potential for humans and vampires allying (pretty big stretch, I know) and, if they succeed, the slayer just being a vampire slayer again.
Saint Keggers
01:15 / 29.09.02

(actually seeing as how spoilers is in the thread title and if you've read the thread so far...)

Ok, just saw the S.P for the first time. Wow. I wish I had it on tape so I could refer to it...(ok, I do have it one tape but im currently taping the agency). WTF is with Spykes hair. I have a soul...I must go with 5 year old fashion statement? Really enjoyed the slayer lessons at the begining. Remeinded me of Sylvester teaching that little cat in the W.B. cartoons. Cant wait till Giles gets back and freaks out over that. "You've been what..? With Dawn?..Dawn..A slayer? What were you thinking? Have you noticed who's name is on the marquee?".
The idea that someone had (sorry, too lazy to go back and check who it was)about the big Good Guys Vs Bad Guys was great...I got an flashback to the final image of the X-men Cartoon series intro with the X-men charging on one side and the B.O.E.M. on the other..cue music.
Loved the reaction Xander had when he first saw the hole in the bathroom. 8 out of 10.
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions
05:44 / 29.09.02
Spoiled for Season 6

I figure that if Buffy and Dawn were similar enough that Buffy could sacrifice her life instead of Dawn's; then Dawn could probably be a Slayer as well on the simple basis she's sort of a clone.
17:47 / 01.10.02
By the way, the soundtrack for Once More With Feeling is out. Joy!
00:14 / 02.10.02
Spoilers for Beneath You.

Well that was just... irritating. We started out with the budget Run Lola Run, went into Tremors, with a side order of Dune. Although I did like how Anya nearly outed Spike's soul before he did it himself. Dawn's working for me as Buffy-lite, but if they make Spike Angel-lite, well, that's just gonna be hard to swallow.
00:30 / 02.10.02
Spike as Angel-lite? Nah, see Angel was a self-recriminating little whiner. Spike? Spike's just mad. Completely and utterly off his rocker.

So does the chip work or does the soul cancel out the chip? I mean, Spike started screaming when he stabbed Ronnie, but I think it was more out of reflex than any actual pain.

Dawn's growing on me. I'm starting to like her. I think the writers finally know what to do with her.

I kept expecting the episode to end with Buffy opening the door and finding Willow on the doorstep. Maybe next episode?
01:10 / 02.10.02
I sure hope so. I miss Willow.
06:11 / 02.10.02
so was that german girl a potential slayer or someone who knew "too much" about the on coming evil... and it's good we got down to what's up w/ Spike being crazy like... at first i thought it was the shapeshifter thingy when he showed up at the house w/ the haircut and until Anya's outburst i still thought it was... anyone else find it odd w/ Spike and Anya goin' full on vamp & deamon in the middle of the Bronze? it didn't sit well w/ me... yeah and i can't wait till Willow gets back... and why'd they have to REALLY film in England, so far all i've seen reminds me of rural IL...

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