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Buffy Season 7- spoilers


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07:49 / 29.05.02
Hey its the only way I can start threads that end up long

So it looks like season 7 will be the final season of Buffy, what would you like to happen? How should they finish it?

Reading the internet news it sounds possible that Britney is going to be the big bad, which in theory sounds perfect (for me) but I've got a feeling she would be very shit.

Also Joss Whedon has stated (in a jokey kind of way) that Buffy would become a real "vampire slayer" now I always thought it would be cool to turn Buffy into a vamp double her power and let her popup in Angel now and again....

Any thoughts?

And if possible can anyone in the states tell me if season 6 is any good without spoiling, a yes or a no will do
08:26 / 29.05.02
season 6 starts out slow and painful... picks up speed, becomes totally rad, continues to kick ace untill the last 5min of the season ender...
The Natural Way
08:26 / 29.05.02
Jesus, there's only one more episode left on Sky: we engleeesh have an opinion too. A lot of people are going to moan about it, but S6 fucking rocked - it's weird how much 'lithers grouch about it, when every Buffy fan I know IRL loves it to death (and, p'raps more importantly, it's grabbed the attention of a shit load of Buffy naysayers - suddenly, on the strength of 6, all my idiotic "Buffy's crap" mates have started to change their tune). I suspect that you'll like it Bear. A lot.

Do you really wanna know what peeps predict for S7? Do ya?


Dawn kills vampires. Think about it.

Spike gets soul.

(Not too sure about the next two, but who cares....)

Willow becomes Watcher.

Jonathan signs up for the Scooby Gang.

Britney's bollocks. They should bring back the Master for the "last" seiries.
Jack The Bodiless
11:24 / 29.05.02
Hmmm... Brighton Massive In 'Loving Buffy S6' Shock!

Everyone I know in Southampton hated most of S6. As in "Oh my GOD, I can't believe Buffy has actually been this bad..."

It's been so bad I've actually stopped watching it. And I own all of the Buffy/Angel box sets released to date. This is bad as in BORING. Buffy, the odd episode aside, has never been boring before. Yuch.

Not knowing how the season ends yet, I'd this season's 'Buffy deals with real life' shenanigans have put the kibosh on a Big Bad for next season. They still can't top Glory/Buffy's mum's death/Buffy's death for tension/drama, they can't bring over Angel for old-school charm, bringing back the Master after Darla's resurrection in Angel sounds like creative bankruptcy... sounds like more of the same tired crap, with Buffy whinging about her life AGAIN.

Christ, I used to love this programme.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:34 / 29.05.02
i want to see dawn train up to be bad ass, then eventually unlock her Key Power and use it to open a one way door to a hell dimension and eliminate evil for the 200 years that they say there has been no demonic activity in the Fray comic...
11:36 / 29.05.02
Season 6? It starts out crappy, but slowly builds up steam.

What I want out of season 7

Xander and Willow finally hook up. Think about it. You know they've got feelings for each other, but they can't get beyond that whole, "let's just be friends" bullcrap.

Dawn does something useful. Dawn's role in S6 was pretty much nonexistant. She was the whiny little sister. Come on, she was importatnt in S5, let her do something, anything.

Giles comes back. I don't care why or how. Just keep him in Sunnydale.

Spike and Buffy. I want to see this more than anything. I don't care about any of that Angel/Buffy bullcrap. That's in the past. She can't have him. Get over it. Anyway, Spike is far more attractive than Angel.

Oz comes back. I don't care why or how. Oz is damned cool. Bring him back, even if only for an episode or two.

Depending on the Spike with a soul thing, I'd like to see Buffy end in one of two ways. After some climactic battle, I want to see Spike and Buffy standing on a hill overlooking sunnydale as the sun rises on the horizon. No words are spoken because they aren't needed. Buffy's job is done. She has a successor in Dawn. With Spike's arm around her, she turns away from Sunnydale and begins walking. Roll credits.

If Spike with a soul doesn't happen the way I'd like it to happen, I want Buffy to die. Now, I don't want any of these comic book deaths where she can come back and all that. I want her dead. Burned up by some major demon and her ashes scatterd by the wind.
Tom Coates
11:36 / 29.05.02
It would make a lot of sense for Willow to become a Watcher - she would then presumably have recapitulated Giles' role, as he originally played with dark magics as a teenager and then became a more sober individual. Quite how they'd equate that with the fact that Watchers are as much chosen as Slayers are, I don't know. Perhaps the Watcher's Council would be forced to bring her into the fold.

Having said that it could be that they are 'chosen' in that it's kept down family lines, which could be an old tradition that should be being dismantled.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
13:35 / 29.05.02

ok, the demon says "ill make you the way tou were" not meaning a vamp-chip, but a human, at least thats how i see it.
Willow could be adopted by giles, since he has no kids we know about, and that would keep the familly line intact

Tom, it is very Lucas like to have the chars all following each others footsteps, but if it works for george...
05:37 / 30.05.02
I agree with Elijah: the series needs to go on the offensive. Sooner or later the characters have to finally, belatedly, after six damn seasons, realise that hanging around waiting for evil to attack has steadily been shafting them and their loved ones.

The character I want to see is Faith. Although her redemption was a major part of Angel's first season (and the nature of her character arguably is a better fit for that nastier series), she still has to make amends with the Sunnydale lot. If she does return as a recurring guest star I can't see her lasting beyond the final episode, though. Faith's just one of those character's who is fated to die.

Willow/Xander/Buffy - don't give a crap what happens to them. Season six killed off any interest. I'd love to see Giles more ths season, I'm kinda nervous about Spike's character arc (they've done similar stuff so many times before), and I'd like to see Dawn get some major attention and development. And I'll lend my voice to the Bring Back Oz campaign.

They also need to find a recurring role for Avery Brooks. He'd make any series a thousand times better
06:44 / 30.05.02
i was a Buffy Naysayer for the longest time... this season IS what turned it arround for me... sure i'd seen it off and on over the years, lived w/ a Buffy NUT for several months, never could get into it... hell even the first half of season six proved to me that i was right, it's not worth watchin... then BAM... i was suddenly hooked... and the last 2 episodes (the 1hr second to last and the 2hr finnally) had me all in a tizzy... so yeah... there you go... once again i say it was totally rad... and maybe all the Buffy fans that naysay the season that the naysayers actually got into over are just pissed cuz we're gate crashin' they're Buffy party late in to the morning while they've been there since the start and are bored w/ even the coolest stuff...
The Natural Way
08:28 / 30.05.02
Jack and expressionless in still moaning shock!

See. I told you. The naysayers (radjose). They love it.

I think what you expect from Buffy depends on when you got into it. I wasn't a season 1 man (joined round end of S3), so I really don't mind it going all septic. Things were jollier when they were starting out, but by 3, well....all the seething id stuff was starting to appear, so I really don't mind - in fact I really enjoyed - it boiling over for a season. SPOILER - WATCH OUT THOSE WHO HAVEN'T SEEN SEASON 6: The moment Willow got out her "bag of knives", Hindermate made up his mind that she was going to be the next season's big bad. It's nice to be on the money. They're all going to be much better people for this - wait and see. You want it all to go back to being lighthearted again? Well, let them have this series to sort their heads out. Let them have their catharsis, so they can get back to having a nice time next time around. And they will. By the end, it won't be half as fucked up.

TOM: "It would make a lot of sense for Willow to become a Watcher - she would then presumably have recapitulated Giles' role, as he originally played with dark magics as a teenager and then became a more sober individual."

My reasoning exactly. Giles has more than one pupil. And Willow, in so many ways, IS Giles. Not only that, but the big bad in Willow's life is responsibility. W/ great power and all that... She needs a channel - something to regulate all that huge magic and wisdom. And it's the standard magus narrative - descend into hell, return whole and mature. Willow's always been a teacher.

Oh, and Trij. Dawn. Kills. Vampires.

Yes, Buffy's that obvious.

And don't you worry none about the Buffster and Spike. Why d'you think he's gone to see those gypsy types? And why d'you think there's been no specific mention of exactly what Spike's after except vague allusions to being restored to his "former self", etc. Not once has he or that demon guy mentioned evil vampireness. We're just given a few grim sounding pointers and expected to assume crash positions.
11:05 / 30.05.02
Is there some way that Buffy could perhaps transfer her slayer powers to Dawn? I mean, sure Dawn held her own pretty damn well, but she's really little more than just a mortal now. If Dawn's gonna be the new slayer, she needs the powers to do it with.

So if Dawn is the Slayer, would Willow be her Watcher?
11:07 / 30.05.02
I love you guys

I still want to see Buffy as a vampire though...

How about a huge finish in a field, biggest big bad yet but everyone teams up to fight it all standing in a row - Buffy,Willow,Dawn,Xander,Spike,Angel, Oz (in cotrolled werewolf form) and Faith - yes please )
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
11:16 / 30.05.02
and the biggest bad of all, would of course be...Angel!

or not, maybe just another demon they make up over lunch...
11:31 / 30.05.02
I really want Angel to continue. Just because Buffy ends doesn't mean Angel has to end. It's become a self-contained show with very few ties to Buffy. There are still stories to tell. At least right now. If they can come up with a decent way to end it this next season; great. But otherwise, keep going.

The Master needs to come back for the final battle. It'd be coming full circle for Buffy. He was the first major big bad she battled and it would be appropriate if he was also the last before she handed the reins over to Dawn.
13:00 / 30.05.02
So, are you guys fine with Willow coming back as a good guy next season? After killing one man, trying to kill two others, attacking her own friends with deadly intent, and then trying very whole-heartedly to end the world?

If Faith had to go to jail, shouldn't Willow? Even if the police are unaware or unable, shouldn't Buffy and the rest of the Scooby gang do something to... at least restrain her if not punish her? Or do they all chalk it up to grief and Warren being a bad person, and go on as though nothing happened?

Since her maniacal evilness sort of just came out of the blue, maybe it will leave the same way....
The Natural Way
13:16 / 30.05.02
Yeah, I'm fine w/ it. Fuck IRL morality.
The Natural Way
13:21 / 30.05.02
Her "maniacal evilness" is, in no small part, a product of the kind of energies her rage is attracting. It's not just her - she's not in control. Notice the way she refers to herself in the 3rd person.
The Natural Way
13:25 / 30.05.02
...And it's quite possible she'll be taken into custody by the Watcher's council. Seems the sort of thing they might do - and Giles has just turned up on the scene..... See how all this neatly segues into my Willow as Watcher theory. Anyway, we'll have a better idea of how all this is gonna pan out by 9 tonight...
13:36 / 30.05.02
So Willow went crazy and got drunk on power, so what?

It could have happened to anybody.

The show wouldn't be the same without the Willow/Xander sexual tension.

Willow as a Watcher sounds great. But, for some strange reason when ever I hear or read the word watcher I start thinking of Highlander.
13:48 / 30.05.02
Maybe I'm missing something (I've not seen season 6 yet) but isn't Willow gay?
14:16 / 30.05.02
I'm thinking she's bi.

Sure, she slept with Tara for 2 or 3 seasons, but there was Oz before Tara.

Anyway, there can still be sexual tension between a homosexual and a heterosexual.

Don't you notice the tension between the two whenever they're left alone together?
The Sinister Haiku Bureau
15:13 / 30.05.02
Is there some way that Buffy could perhaps transfer her slayer powers to Dawn? I mean, sure Dawn held her own pretty damn well, but she's really little more than just a mortal now. If Dawn's gonna be the new slayer, she needs the powers to do it with.

Very much so. Buffy died. Therefore, a new slayer is created automatically, like the last time she died. All through series 6 I've been thinking, 'so where's the New Slayer, huh?' And in the final episode of season 6, Buffy finally lets dawn do a bit of Slaying, and she's pretty good at it. Do slayer powers come on suddenly, or do they fade in gradually?
15:20 / 30.05.02
There wasn't a new Slayer because Faith is still alive.

I think there could be some sort of ritual that lets Buffy transfer her strenth and so on to Dawn.

I think Slayer powers basically get tossed at you, but you don't realize you're the Slayer until some stodgy old British person comes up to you and offers a big leatherbound book and stake to you.
15:31 / 30.05.02
Joss has gone on record as saying that the Slayer line now goes through Faith, so Buffy can die all she wants, and it will not make another slayer. Only that first death at the hands of the Master created another slayer.

That said, Dawn probably is another slayer because she is made from Buffy. Whether that means soul, blood, or just DNA, I'm certain that she's going to become slayer material. (I think in that Fray comic, a boy became slayer, because his twin sister was the slayer, but that's just stuff I heard, so I'm not sure.)

Good point about the Watcher Council, Runce. I like the idea that they take her away presumably to punish her, and then she pops back up a few episodes later, trainined (or training) to control her powers and be a watcher.
17:47 / 30.05.02
That said, Dawn probably is another slayer because she is made from Buffy. Whether that means soul, blood, or just DNA, I'm certain that she's going to become slayer material.

The slayer powers are genetic. Which is why the connection the original "cave" slayer. I'm assuming they're all descended from her. And Dawn was made from Buffy's blood so technically she's got it in her.

(Note: Didn't Buffy's powers manifest when she was at the end of her freshman year? And she had to transfer to Sunnydale after she burned the gym during some sort of dance? Well, Dawn just finished her freshman year...)
17:58 / 30.05.02
Oh wow. Kristy Swanson/Luke Perry territory.

The dance was the prom. There were vamps. at the dance. Thus, the gym needed to be burned down. Simple, right? I think Buffy's first Watcher was also killed, it's been awhile since I saw the movie.

I suppose the Slayer powers could be like the whole X gene thing in X-men. You know, they come on during puberty. It would make sense.
21:16 / 30.05.02
Jack and expressionless in still moaning shock!

See. I told you. The naysayers (radjose). They love it.

Jack hasn't seen the last half of the season. I'm just that bit too die hard. I can't bring myself to write it off - through this whole season I kept thinking it would come back on track. Plus it's on right before Angel, so it makes a nice evening in front of the telly. It certainly hasn't done this season any favours, scheduling it as the warm up act for the best series since Buffy season three. By about two minutes into Angel I've forgotten the previous hour. For instance, this evening the Buffy finale was up against the episode where Connor comes back and the blue haired woman closes the rift. Since everyone's getting tired of hearing me diss Buffy, I'll adopt the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" attitude, and just talk about how much Angel rules

Got to admit though, I'm a bit nervous about Angel season four, what with Greenwalt's departure. I've heard the new guy's cut his teeth on Charmed and Freakylinks, which does not bode well in the slightest. It'd be such a shame to squander three seasons of blinding TV...
21:29 / 30.05.02
Hey, Charmed isn't that bad. That Rose McGowan chick is pretty hot.

As long as Gunn, Angel, and Fred don't start doing the whole, "We can't do shit alone, we need the power of three" thing, it should be OK.
The Natural Way
22:16 / 30.05.02
Holy heavy-gravity, inverted universes, expressionless! You prefer Angel to Buffy....? Wow. I've enjoyed Angel, but uhuh, no. You guys like the exact opposite of us weird, "other", Brightoners. Nothing in Angel compares to the sequence when, fr instance, Willow rotates Buffy, Dawn and herself from the library to the bookshop; or Xander's big love showdown w/ Will...that had real history informing it, man - loads of gravitas and all round, soul-matey rightness.

Phew! The finale was lovely...and all the loose, emotional, ends were cleared up (w/ the exception of Xander and Anya - tho', upoun hearing of Xand's "victory", her position appeared to shift the right direction): Xander got to save the world, Willow got to kick it and Buffy in the arse (and now she can get on w/ being an adult), Giles got to return to it and Buffy learned to love it. Again.

And then there's Dawn and Spike and a genteel round of applause for Frerelyboy - originator of the "Spike's getting his soul back" theory - and Hindermate - the first person (within my gang-a-twarts) to suss that Xander would save the day (figured it last week) and that Dawn. Kills. Vampires.


Wrong about the Watcher thing, but it WAS a stretch. The Watcher thing generally? We'll wait and see.
22:30 / 30.05.02
Willow can still be a Watcher. They can ship her off for a couple of episodes next season. She's going to need rehabilitation anyway. Why not toss some Watcher training in there as well?

I've seen a bunch of messages on Buffy message boards talking about the Jesus/Xander parallel. So Jesus was a carpenter and Xander's a carpenter, so what?

I like Angel better than Buffy, but that's because it reminds me of my favorite show; Forever Knight.
22:30 / 30.05.02
There's a lot I want out of season 7. A big part of me- the part that studied Greek tragedy for way too long- wants everybody dead. But at the moment, I will settle for no more stupid Buffy/Dawn resolution moments! Out of everything that's happened season six (spoilers?) this has pissed me off the most. Every three episodes, we have Dawn being a brat, Buffy being distant, and at the end of said episode, Buffy apologizes and swears that now she's going to be 'there' for Dawn, really there, and seriously, she means it this time. I think this stems from the fact that the writers are at a bit of a loss as to what to do with Dawn and Buffy.

Throughout season six, I found the character of Buffy to be kinda bland compared to previous seasons, mostly because they kept playing that same conflict over and over. I miss the pun-cracking Buffy, and if she's actually digging life again, then damn it, I wanna see some evidence of that beyond hugging Dawn.
23:41 / 30.05.02
I wonder what season six would have been like if Buffy was dead until the final two or so episodes. You know, keep most of the elements of season six; the spike/soul deal would have had to be reworked, but Willow ressurecting Buffy after going apeshit could have been part of her redemption.
02:23 / 31.05.02
A big part of me- the part that studied Greek tragedy for way too long- wants everybody dead.

Drinks on the house. There ain't no closing time.
But you gotta leave your stakes at the door
02:28 / 31.05.02
Everybody dead? That'd be a bit depressing.

How about everybody dies except Dawn? You know, there's a big explosion or something; toss in some mystical energies; make it big. Then the last shot could be of the sun going down and Dawn wandering around the debris. She finds a stake, picks it up, and stakes a vamp. that comes running towards her. Roll credits.

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